Surabi Enhaii & Surabi Imut
About Surabi Enhaii & Surabi Imut
Surabi Enhaii & Surabi Imut is a restaurant, located at Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 186, Bandung. They can be contacted via phone at 0813-2095-7335 for more detailed information.
Danny Damar Swasonodjati
" Homy small traditional sundaneese resto with small grill pancake with sweet topping (bannana, cheese, and chocolate). It's delicious and Affordable price "
10 May 2018Nico Alexander
" Lama ga kesini dr jaman sma 😁😁😁 sangat beragam tempat lumayan bersih (dipinggiran jalan) harga sangat murah menurut saya range dr 2,5k sampe 15k 😁😁😁 disarankan kesini jgn pas weekend biar ga crowded,,hati2 kadang ada motor lewat..btw untuk toilet kayanya ini toilet umum jd ya kebersihan standart ga kaya di yg di coba surabi telor keju mayo, surabi pisang keju coklat, surabi telor daging mayo..minumnya susu coklat sm teh anget.. "
02 May 2018R. Leonardo
" Cheap @ cozy place "
21 April 2018Michelle Rusliana Herdian
" It has an extensive menu of surabi, recommended is any surabi with oncom, it tastes so good! Price is very affordable as well. It’s an open air setting with very airy ambience. "
18 April 2018EKA LIZAHARA
" Banyak pilihan topingnya, murah, enak "
10 April 2018Ardi Nugraha
" Ok "
26 February 2018Egi Marindra
" Are you a lone traveler and seeking for crowd at night? Visit this place. You'll be able to order warm surabi and crowds here. Lonely and starving no more~ "
21 February 2018Farouq Syah Rahman
" One piece enough 😂 "
03 February 2018Novia Intan
" This is madness. Very soft yet little bit chewy. Nice and delicious at its best. The sweet one or salty one both taste amazing. Highly reccomended "
05 January 2018Aran Wislon
" Delicious surabi, nice place, nice live music perform "
01 December 2017Lily Fitriyanti
" One off delicious street food in malang, good taste with cheap price. Strat 3k-6k you can eat a lot off varian off surabi "
08 November 2017Kresna Dwitomo
" Try mayo based soerabi and both the sweet and savory ones "
05 November 2017Muhamad Nova
" Moderate price, but it is worth with the rich tasty sweet soerabi. But, many food on the list is unavailable. "
18 October 2017Tiara Larasati Raharjo
" Right place for dessert. "
04 October 2017Alfiano Johanes Frans
" Love this place, one of the oldest Surabi cafe in this area, they make the best Durian flavour surabi. Recommended. "
01 October 2017Miko Irfanti
" not bad, just it takes long time to have our food hehe... "
13 September 2017Alfa Musika
" cheap street food, range 3-5k. taste fair. crowded place, not suitable for kids. no nonsmoking area. no ac, open lounge. "
27 August 2017Gede Teguh
" Nice to hangout with friends or someone special. Have multi variant for their surabi but still delicious. I am just dont like this place full of smoke cigarettes and their place closed 12 PM "
02 August 2017Olavia Frani
" Serabi with a variety of flavor choices. The one I like most is the Serabi with cheese, mayonnaise and sausage. The price is affordable for college student but the place and its service is very nice "
01 August 2017Sofa Gembira
" surabi nya enak dan lezat, harga bersahabat, tempat nyaman tapi sayang sekali toilet nya (lantai 2) kurang dirawat 😥😥 "
10 July 2017RMiew Darc
" Nice to hangout and cool place "
04 July 2017Entinn Entuun
" dr trakir sya k semut taun 2005 msh ttp oke dr rasa maupun hrga
01 July 2017mgkn dlu wkt itu utk tmpt cozy bgt krna sya masih abg (sma)
model tmpt nge-genk gt dg aura kursi tunggu d halte bis n pagar kawat diamond dlante 2
syg smpe skrg krg trakir puasa kmrn sya ksna tmpt gk bnyk brubah
skdr lesehan atau gmn yg ptg nyaman dg wifi atau musik2 minimal radio biar gk brisik lalu lalang bisingnya jalan "
Aditya Widhi Wicaksana
" pelayanan lambat, sudah tau malam minggu akan banyak pengunjung, alat bakarnya cuma nyala 3, saya pesan 6 serabi nunggunya 45 menit, itupun kondisi belum ramai, menyiapkan adonan juga seperti takut tidak habis jadi adonan selalu habis dan buat lagi, berulang2 seperti itu..jan klemar klemer "
22 May 2017Yhonathan Widy
" Not bad "
14 May 2017The Gabluk
" Murah nayamul enak..cocok buat mahasiswa "
11 May 2017Inna Zulfa
" Surabi's taste delicious and also the mangoo yoghurt. The price isnt expensive. It's start from 2k. "
29 April 2017Firman Pujiansyah
" enak buat kongkow "
23 April 2017Aris Mukti
" jajanan khas malang yg wajib didatangi , murah dan banyak bgt variasinya , cuma trmpatnya tidak terawat "
04 April 2017Rizki Ria Amalia
" Menu variatif, pilihan banyak, yogurt seger, harga terjangkau, cucoook 👍 "
31 March 2017Maylina Firafid
" Cute and complete "
28 March 2017Randy Chandra
" Taste Ok, but not easy to find parking. "
22 March 2017Budi Susanto
" Yummy pancakes "
05 March 2017Sri Ami
" Kuliner malang cocok untuk smua kalangan tua muda. "
03 March 2017Assaifi Fajarmass
" dengan berbagai varian surabi yg sama-sama enak.. harga sangat terjangkau. cocok buat hangout.. "
03 March 2017Dessy Anggraini
" Serabi keju susu telor sosisnya enak! "
12 February 2017Isnani Nasriani
" Good taste "
27 January 2017Ridwan Ashari
" Good "
14 December 2016Dwi Rustiadi Budjono
" Lumayan enak dan murah. cuman tempatnya agak tersembunyi. "
30 October 2016Mommy Eva
" Delicious, cheap and healthy food. But not good for the parking "
24 October 2016Mega Mutiara
" Delicious, cheap and have a lot of varian taste of Surabi. But the parking area is not so big. Some times it's took so long for us to wait our order. "
01 August 2016Hanna Hanifa Varda
" Rasa surabinya biasa aja. kurang wangi surabi "
27 July 2016Soft Drink
" Tempat yang enak untuk menikmati surabi.. "
29 June 2016Cahyo Khoirul
" Nagih "
10 June 2016Septie Sahreza
" Enak "
16 January 2016Yudi Ahmad
" Ok "
06 January 2016Vnyel Niel
" Try by your self "
18 August 2013A Google User
" Mangga cobian
14 October 2011Dijamin mau lagi mau lagi
Hhha "