About Studio Musik Panetha
Studio Musik Panetha is an electronics store, located at Jl. Raya Pajajaran No.1, Sukasari, Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16142, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 8319459, visit their website studiomusikpanetha.business.site for more detailed information.
Robin Yustan
" Good "
01 June 2020Chris Bondar
" Good place. "
22 November 2019Bambang Sumiharjo
" Nice "
07 July 2019Maulana T
" Mantaapp! Recomended!! "
13 April 2019Yuanita Gultom
" Best price, best quality... thank you panetha "
16 February 2019Yuanita Gultom
" Best price, best quality... thank you panetha "
16 February 2019Rhesdyan Suherman
" the amp was pretty good but the drums is really sucks. the ac is not good too. "
03 September 2018Amandara Shanti
" Acoustics sound sounded really nice.
28 May 2018Good for rehearsing. "
Rafi Fachriyazi
" Studio musik panetha, itu untuk rekaman musik atau bisa buat nge-band juga?? Saya mau nge-band sama temen temen, apakah bisa? "
24 May 2018Lilsync
" good place for jamming "
18 April 2018Bella Persada
" Mantap studionya, pokoknya tidak mengecewakan. Orang orangnya ramah....... sangat recommended..... "
05 February 2018Herman Hutasoit
" hyy studio musik panetha,saya mau nanya kalau untuk mainnya perjam berapa yah.
12 July 2017saya pengen latihan drum lgi soalnya sudah lama gk pernah main drum lgi,saya cuman satu orang saja dan gk punya grup band,saya mohon dukungannya dari studio musik panetha krna saya masih belajar dan blom tau banget tentang drum.
terimakasih.sukses selalu buat studio panetha "
Stievan K.
" Shady AF. Was unconvinced at first. However, after seeing the studio, I was impressed. the room's a bit small, but clean.
27 March 2017A bit of cigarettes smell, slightly out of tunes guitars, with wobbly mic stand. Nothing I can really complain though, we did have fun there. Go Panetha! "