" Cozy place to hang out or have a casual or semi-formal meeting/discussion "
02 June 2018
Gatot Wiharto
" Good place for relax "
29 April 2018
Antonius Adhi
" Ok "
14 April 2018
Abdi Kusuma
" good "
12 March 2018
Dyah Ayuningrum
" Almost here everyday, lol, 'cause I really love the coffee and the foods. It's a really great place to hangout with friends, colleagues, or even when you're alone with laptop or gadgets. "
11 January 2018
Didi Supriadi
" Favorite place to drink coffee and more... "
06 January 2018
Karelika Sandy Niman
" ...Its always green & white longhair with star crown on her head... #starbucks #since1971 "
01 December 2017
Daniel Yustianto
" Ok "
21 September 2017
Ivan Gunawan
" Kind of peace "
25 August 2017
Agung Arif Saputra
" Tempatnya Cozy banget buat yang ngisi kesibukan kantor, nongkrong bareng tmn, diskusi berngnrekan kerja, sambil minim kopi dengan berbagai rasa yang varian. Hmmm dijamin enjoyable deh....!! "
20 August 2017
Agus Purwanto
" Kopi... "
15 April 2017
Suryadi Hertanto
" The first Starbuck coffee outlet at West Karawang area. "
Leonardus Kolong
" Cozy place to hang out or have a casual or semi-formal meeting/discussion "
02 June 2018Gatot Wiharto
" Good place for relax "
29 April 2018Antonius Adhi
" Ok "
14 April 2018Abdi Kusuma
" good "
12 March 2018Dyah Ayuningrum
" Almost here everyday, lol, 'cause I really love the coffee and the foods. It's a really great place to hangout with friends, colleagues, or even when you're alone with laptop or gadgets. "
11 January 2018Didi Supriadi
" Favorite place to drink coffee and more... "
06 January 2018Karelika Sandy Niman
" ...Its always green & white longhair with star crown on her head... #starbucks #since1971 "
01 December 2017Daniel Yustianto
" Ok "
21 September 2017Ivan Gunawan
" Kind of peace "
25 August 2017Agung Arif Saputra
" Tempatnya Cozy banget buat yang ngisi kesibukan kantor, nongkrong bareng tmn, diskusi berngnrekan kerja, sambil minim kopi dengan berbagai rasa yang varian. Hmmm dijamin enjoyable deh....!! "
20 August 2017Agus Purwanto
" Kopi... "
15 April 2017Suryadi Hertanto
" The first Starbuck coffee outlet at West Karawang area. "
28 March 2017