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About Shine BnB Cianjur

Shine BnB Cianjur is a company, located at Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. Visit their website, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Shine BnB offers unique themed rooms that you deserve to choose as acommodation. Around 5 minutes by walk from Alun-Alun Cianjur, Shine BnB is suitable for those of you who are looking for a quiet and comfortable stay. Each room is equipped with various facilities such as Air Conditioning, TV, mineral water, desk and shower. And also has public facilities such as parking area, café, restaurant, room service and free Wi-Fi access in public area.



Item Reviews - 19

Martono Yang

" Nice and unique design "

06 May 2018

Lusiconan W

" comfortable and friendly hotel..has a lot of modern and trendy design art. close to town and eating places. "

05 May 2018

Alex Gerhardt-Bourke

" Really nice new hotel, only recently opened
Very decent for the price but they are still ironing out some issues as it is new (door locks, key cards, kitchen not open yet). Design of the hotel is very hipster and works well with the whole construction. "

05 May 2018

Ahmad Yusuf

" Propertynya bagus bgt berasa kaya di jkt nih tempatnya..klopun masuk gang lewatin rumah warga (bkn di pinggir jalan raya)...
Karyawannya sopan & ramah tamah...
Minusnya cm gak ada cafe resto bwt nongkrong2 biar gak usah kemana2 nyari kopi & makanan (mungkin karna renovasi)...
Fasilitas lengkap bgt lah pokoknya (tp ac nya kurang dingin pdhal udah 16°C yg paling dingin)...
Dari harga jg terjangkau bgt & klo bisa ada promo2nya gitu biar makin rame tamunya...
Sukses selalu deh pokoknya utk Shine BnB... "

25 April 2018

Dede Ari

" Tempat nyaman ..
Pegawai nya ramah tamah..
Bagi saya kebersihan nya ..(is the best)
Mata memandang semua nya bersih ...
Mkc shine hidup serasa jadi raja... "

24 April 2018

Budhi Nur

" good job 👍 "

24 April 2018

Abdillah Al Fatih

" Lokasi yg strategis dipusat kota cianjur "

16 April 2018

Rizal Muhammad Al Fatih

" Shine BnB Cianjur
pertama hadir dikota cianjur yang menawarkan akomodasi bersuasana senyaman rumah dengan akses WiFi gratis di seluruh areanya.

Akomodasi ini juga memiliki harga terbaik di Cianjur!
Tamu mendapatkan fasilitas lebih banyak untuk uang yang mereka keluarkan dibandingkan akomodasi lain di kota ini. "

06 April 2018

Amanda Hillpad

" Shine B&B
Unik, nyaman Dan sangat aman.
Pelayanannya ramah ramah
Betah banget deh "

31 March 2018

Martono Yang

" Nice and unique design "

26 March 2018

Kang Ims

" Bed and Breakfast pertama di cianjur
Dengan konsep penginapan tematik rustik industrial "

11 February 2018

Haura Dzakira

" Cocok buat tempat nongkrong dan karaoke bareng teman2! "

05 August 2017

Tamara Oktivani

" Mahal :( "

07 June 2017

Arif Hakim

" Trmpatnya nyaman, harganya bersahabat. Private sekali "

25 May 2017

Chairon Satrio

" Low price and comfort place "

01 March 2017

Rizqi Awal

" Tempat nyaman dan enak untuk makan d jatinangor "

31 July 2016

Awani Studento

" Awani cafe tempat kongkow anak muda jatinangor yang seru "

29 July 2016

City Edge

" saya sangat senang ada awani cafe dan resto di sini jadi semakin cinta deh "

29 July 2016

Kang Ims

" Cafe anak muda yang sedang hits di jatinangor | cafe | Guest house | fitnes | karoke

Awani cafe jatinangor mantap "

29 July 2016

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