About Setiajaya Mobilindo - Cibubur
Setiajaya Mobilindo - Cibubur is a car dealer, located at Jl. Raya Alternatif Cibubur, Perum. Taman Laguna No. 42, Jatikarya, Jatisampurna, Bekasi City, West Java 17435, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 84592727, visit their website www.toyota.astra.co.id for more detailed information.
Bambang Budi Handayanto
" So top "
19 May 2018Bff Cantik
" SAYA SANGAT KECEWA service di Setaijaya Mobilindo Bogor karena kerja Mekaniknya tidak benar, analisanya ngawur dan merugikan konsumen.
06 April 2018Tanggal 31 Maret 2018 saya service mobil Avanza dengan plat nomor F 1819 LH. Setelah diperiksa oleh mekanik yg katanya dengan alat yang canggih, kesimpulannya Shock Breaker mobil saya bagian kiri depan sudah mati & harus diganti dengan biaya sekitar Rp 1 jt + jasa service Rp. 165 rb. Ok saya setuju, eh..eh.. ternyata stock Shock Breakernya tidak ada (kok bisa ya.. katanya bengkel resmi Toyota) & saya harus indent sampai tanggal 04 April 2018. Saya tidak mau krn mobil saya butuhkan setiap hari. Setelah saya bayar jasa service Rp. 165.000, saya cabut cari bengkel lain.
Saya ketemu bengkel Sumber Motor di Tlajung Udik, Gn. Putri (Dekat rumah saya). Di bengkel ini ada stock Shock Breaker (Padahal bukan bengkel resmi???). Setelah diperiksa sama mekaniknya ternyata eh ternyata yang rusak adalah STABILIZER LINK & KARET STABILIZER SHAFT, bukan Shock Breaker. Lalu saya ganti sesuai saran mekanik bengkel ini dengan total cuma Rp. 565.000. Ternyata benar, sekarang mobil saya sudah nyaman jalannya.
Kesimpulan :
Setiajaya Mobilindo Bogor, kalau Shock Breaker (yg belum rusak) diganti, berarti mobil saya masih error krn masalahnya bukan di Shock Breaker. Selanjutnya STABILIZER LINK & KARET SABILIZER SHAFT juga harus diganti dong, krn masalahnya disini. Total biaya = Jasa Rp. 165.000 + Shock Breaker Rp 1.000.000 + Stabilizer Link Rp 565.000 = Rp. 1.730.000 ( Wowwwww bandingkan dengan cuma Rp. 565.000 dibengkel lain )
Cuma bermodalkan tempat yang bagus & nyaman tp konsumen diperas dengan Spare part.
Saya sudah buat keluhan/pengaduan via website Setiajaya Mobilindo & telpon ke customer service. Tapi sampai sekarang tidak ada tanggapan.
Saya bertanggung jawab dengan tulisan ini, bisa di cross check oleh pihak Setiajaya Mobilindo Bogor. Plat No. Mobil saya F 1819 LH. "
Holikul Muttaqin
" Ramah "
06 April 2018Norman K
" their spare parts collection are not complete, so you might have to order it first, waiting for weeks, before you can service your car. for slow moving spare part, they suggest you to find it at Auto2000 for faster solution. if you don't mind waiting, they still serve you too. routines services here is good, standard of all toyota dealer. before you leave, they always explain what to do, and give you estimation cost. you'll get coupon that can exchange it with coffee and snack in waiting room. free wifi available. waiting room is comfy, there are soft sofa and iron chairs, all with desks so you can put whatever things you have there. their BCA debit card machine is kind of error on the button, so you need to press the button harder. all services cars will get free car wash, just outside, not inside. they also partner of car insurance service. you can bring your car that need body repair service (painting, crushed, etc) here with insurance letter, they will handle the rest. It might takes 2-3 weeks before you get your car back in perfect new like condition. if you wanna buy new car, do it at the end of year like december, usually they will give big discount to pursuing closing their accounting and sales target. all sales girls here are so hot and sexy with mini skirt. don't get distract with that and keep focusing on big discount ... LOL. conclusion, it's a good toyota service center. "
25 March 2018As Sonjaya
" The best place at bogor to buy and service Toyota car. "
18 January 2018FERRY FARIED
" The best Toyota services in Bogor "
27 December 2017Dimas Febriyan
" Pros:
22 October 20171. Professional
2. Cozy
3. Friendly
1. No shelter lobby parking area
2. Need more space for service bay access
3. Large building but a bit concealed/blocked by trees in front
They even let you enter their "kitchen". "
Habib Daud
" Good place good services "
26 August 2017Emma Sri Kuncari
" easy to acces "
12 August 2017Gary Jurgen
" Good and experienced Toyota dealer "
25 July 2017Dimas DFNY
" Pros:
17 May 20171. Very friendly
2. Cozy
3. Professional
1. Have to book at least a day earlier for servicing, otherwise would get on a long queue
2. Should be a double stories show room already
3. Should have a double entrance-exit lanes already "
Aldy Imatuhu
" Good service "
25 April 2017Gojek Driver
" Mantap "
28 February 2017Joko Way69
" Avanza ku beli d sini harga brani adu dgn yg lain "
03 February 2017Bhien Pds
" Good service "
25 January 2017Alfa Agustino
" They have a good service "
09 October 2016Epi Priatna
" Mobil baru Toyota "
20 August 2016DC-Zacky Basagil
" Tempat service mobil toyota yg baik dan memuaskan di Bogot "
04 July 2016Faisal Riza
" Mantaaaaaaaapppppp "
19 June 2016Andy Alatas
" Yes yes "
05 June 2016Reza Setiadi
" Tempat gue PL nih "
22 August 2014