Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia (STIMLOG)
About Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia (STIMLOG)
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia (STIMLOG) is a company, located at 54 Jalan Sari Asih, Bandung, West Java 40151, Indonesia. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia (STIMLOG) is the first Logistic's university in Indonesia with graduates output is S.Log (Sarjana Logistik). STIMLOG helps Indonesia to improve Logistics Index of Indonesia from Human Resource with concern in Transportation,Logistics, and Supply Chain Management. STIMLOG has 2 study program, there are Transportation Logistics Management, and Logistics Management, these study program will produce results The First S.Log in Indonesia. Starting from a strategic thought that an effective and efficient National Logistics System is believed to be able to integrate land and sea into a whole and sovereign entity. Hope to make Indonesia a "supply side" that can supply the world with the wealth of natural resources owned and the results of its processed industry, as well as being a large market or "demand side" in the global supply chain because of its large population.Based on concern for the above conditions, President Director of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Dr. I Ketut Mardjana, who is the Trustee of the Bhakti Pos Indonesia Education Foundation (YPBPI), asked the YPBPI board consisting of Roosdar Dewi, Dra.Psi., MM. (Chairman); Djoko Setia Budiantoro, SE., Ak., MM (Secretary); Husen, SE. which was later replaced by Hasanuddin, SE., Ak. (Treasurer), to establish a Logistics University named by Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia.At the study, student prepared by program for become to practition in logistics and transportation field which many obstacle and many proble. At the courses, student are taught to make a decision to problem solving with theory and application to make easier many various activity.STIMLOGFAST FOCUS DYNAMICThe First S.Log in Indonesia