Sate Maranggi Ramayana Cianjur
About Sate Maranggi Ramayana Cianjur
Sate Maranggi Ramayana Cianjur is a restaurant, located at Muka, Cianjur, Cianjur Regency, West Java 43215, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Astonmartin550 Astonmartin
" Parkir feels a bit weird on the street. Old school shopping mall and outside very rudimentary and not so well maintained. Inside clean and decent local prices. "
31 January 2020Wino Ferdiand
" Legend market traditional "
29 January 2020YUDHI BILLY
" Clothing stores and traditional market "
13 December 2019Deri Fauzi
" The one and only old supermarket at Cianjur "
23 October 2019Lan Kusumo
" Ok "
16 September 2019M Rachmat Sopiandi
" Top, Recomend "
26 August 2019Silah Tjahjadi
" Good clothing so many options and best price. "
13 June 2019Sutandi Afandi
" One of crowed place in cianjur west java "
07 June 2019DIZAMI SYILA
" One of shoping centre in town.. there is a supermarket at 2nd floor and 24 hour traditional market at ground floor.. we can find a lot of stuff here... "
17 December 2018Alang Alamsyah
" First step to my biggest surprise. 😘 "
23 September 2018Riki Saputro
" Good lah "
31 July 2018Rindi Putra
" The first shopping mall in town. have a long history with the city. thought it's not the best but it still have an important role to small business around. "
12 June 2018Sidikinner Channel
" it is departement store with 24 hour traditional market in basement "
31 May 2018Noel Dany
" Murah meriah "
30 May 2018Khairiya Snpr
" Good quality and A lot of discount "
29 May 2018Tovan Yudhatama
" Warung sate maranggi yang ada dipinggir jalan raya banget jadi sangat mudah dijangkau dan di cari mampir kesini kalao mau pulang ke bdg dr cipanas kan kelewatan hehehe. Mau makan sate nya juga bisa sepuasnya karna sudah tersedia diatas meja tinggal ambil aja tapi jangan lupa bayar sesuai yang dimakan ya. Nasi nya banyak jadi bikin kenyang. Pelayanannya ramah-ramah. Harga terjangkau juga. "
22 May 2018Ayi Hasanah Latifah
" Is ok "
21 May 2018Ido Yudha
" Not bad at all "
08 May 2018Adi Saputra Rahma
" Ok "
22 April 2018Januar Kristianto
" Traditional market for 24hr and plaza at noon.. Not too bad.. Better than nothing "
01 April 2018Suci Adjiasa
" Nice place "
18 March 2018Dindi Hidayat
" Best market store "
29 January 2018Ayi Mustofa Ayi
" Warung sate maranggi yg sederhana tpi rasa nya muantap wa di jamin lidah bergoyang "
24 December 2017Anton MD
" Need more deep cleaning ...... 😊😊 "
03 December 2017Dery Supriady
" Good "
07 November 2017Deni Suhendar
" Tempat bapak saya jual dan kk saya "
02 September 2017Bernandus Gregorius Dianto
" Ok "
21 August 2017Ihsan Elnawan
" bored 😕 "
22 July 2017Imam Sunarko
" Enjoy the dishes (satay maranggi with rice ) the taste was wonderful , I really enjoy in every single eat . But the problem is , tiny place, didn't have parking lot, and no many space for sit . "
15 July 2017Desendra Singh
" Good "
26 June 2017Dandi Bahtiar
" Good "
21 June 2017Sreekanth Bainaboina
" You can get the cloths ,grocers, meat , chicken and vegetable this is the best place for all of this "
16 June 2017Friesia Alfera
" Hard to find parking. Dirty aisle. "
10 June 2017Indra Riswandi
" Kumuh. "
03 May 2017HERU SUKUR
" Top "
21 March 2017Rifqi S2K
" Good "
28 February 2017Herwindo Pratama
" Ok "
02 February 2017Sandi Fardéan
" Enaaaaaaak marangginya... "
30 December 2016Isni Shelawati Isni
" Sebelum jadi ramayana dulu pasar tempAt juwalan kontong pelastik watuk sy kecil tedur pasar ini seblah jaman dulu termenal bis "
25 December 2016Iyan Sabeer Chiroyli Alamsyah
" Great "
11 November 2016Alam Kojay
" Parkiran sempit "
16 September 2016Jenal Aroki Wijaya
" nikmati nasi kuning dengan sate maranggi sapi azib nyesel klu ke cianjur gak makan disini "
03 September 2016Nuron ID
" Mentegeg teh, ketika ngajaran calana nomer sekian nu dikantongan nomer sakieu. aweuu "
31 May 2016Deviita Sttrong
" Kenangan taman ramayana kumpul bareng ank".somplak "
11 February 2016Frendy Pratama
" Sip "
02 January 2016Samuel Liputra
" Harga murah "
09 December 2015Vanessa Christiane
" barang lumayan lengkap dan harga murah "
17 September 2015Nadiim Ahmed
" Ramayama cianjur "
24 September 2013