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About Hermina Hospital Bekasi

Hermina Hospital Bekasi is a hospital, located at Jl. Kemakmuran No.39, RT.004/RW.003, Marga Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17141, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 8842121, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 31

Pungki Alexander Widodo

" Not recommend if you need fast reponse. Too much time need for waiting. Waiting for doctor,waiting for receipt. My wife eed two and half hours just for normal check up. "

16 April 2018

Dhanis Maharani

" So crowded. I stay in executive class for my kid and it didn't feel like executive at all. Everything is so old just like one from 5 years ago but the hospital was just opened and I had my baby delivery. Far declining "

29 March 2018

Glen Caleb

" Very crowded hospital, about more than two thousand peoples in this small hospital, the service is well, not bad as anyone thinks, the doctor is very helpful, but the waiting time of taking our medicines from the doctor’ suggestion is very long, the pharmacist is very slow at working, the canteen is great but it the tables must be added now. "

16 March 2018

Nabilla Ananda

" I cannot say anothing else than most of all the receptionists have a very poor attitude/customer service. They were unreasonably unfriendly and not helpful at all (especially the lady who was incharged on level 4 on Monday, January 8th, 2018 evening). Thank God, Dr. Ronny Corputty and the nurse were very professional and attentive. Very dissapointed! "

08 January 2018

Muhammad Fadhil Amin

" Nice hospital with good hospitality. Quite expensive here. The parking area is small "

15 December 2017

Berlin Victor

" Actually they provide good quality services especially for mom and baby care. However, they need to enhance parking management system "

03 December 2017

Tikkhavedo Tunky

" Disetiap cabang Hermina Hospital pasti selalu tersedia staff (baik suster/perawat/dokter) yang semuanya sudah terlatih dengan baik sehingga mampu memberikan pelayanan yang tidak asal-asalan kepada semua pasiennya dan dilakukan tindakan yang cepat untuk pasien darurat "

24 November 2017

Moch Farhein Ferdinal

" i'm almost die because of this hospital in july 2001 "

20 October 2017

Sugeng Sudjatmiko

" Good services and prices, receive BPJS patient, but got one bad experience due Jan 2017, VIP room had a worsted toilet (stinks). "

08 October 2017

Muhdi Anto

" Helpfull, nice people. Good staff and service. "

27 September 2017

Umar Azwir

" Pelayanan kurang....
Terlebih untuk pengguna BPJS, alur yang rumit buat banyak pasien mengeluh karena administrasi yang berbelit... "

13 September 2017

Muhammad Muhayat

" good place to deal with health problem, clean, helpfull staff and good service... "

06 August 2017

Yogie Ariyadi Supriyatman

" ok "

22 June 2017

Oman Oman

" place where my 2 childrens born "

11 May 2017

Fuad Jamil

" pelayanan suster lumayan bagus tapi untuk urusan administrasinya sangat mengecewakan dan untuk ruangan tunggu sangat tidak nyaman "

04 May 2017

Lenny Suryani

" Lumayan... Tp pas terakhir ke sini, sistem pendaftarannya agak ga jelas. Ga pake nomor antrian.. gatau kalo sekarang "

02 May 2017

Purnama 9000

" Nice experience to have a healthy check here. "

11 April 2017

Supriyono Soekarno

" Phone number is always busy. So bad! "

08 April 2017

Ren Gan

" FATAL MISTAKE.. Salah ambil darah. Dokter bilang tidak suruh cek item darah tsb dan seharusnya pasien diinfo untuk puasa. Akhirnya disuruh datang lagi untuk ambil darah ulang. Akhirnya antar suster saling menyalahkan. Mau ambil darah di Lab harus menunggu dari jam 13.00 s/d 16.30, alasannya menunggu suster PIC. Laporan Pengaduan sudah kami sampaikan namun tidak mendapat respon dari RS. Kami pasien Tunai Executive, sedang di-prospek untuk Program bayi Tabung Edelweiss. Tapi kalau lihat begini, serem. Saya pindah RS lain saja, "

03 March 2017

Budi Priyatno

" Ok "

26 February 2017

Mochamad Hendra

" Ok "

31 January 2017

Muhdi Anto

" Helpfull, nice people .. "

26 December 2016

Rio Rinaldo

" Service of the hospital is better than the last time I went here. They receive BPJS patients. The development of new buildings are not really integrated with the old one, facilities are scaterred without clear logic. Parking is hell and confusing. "

23 August 2016

Patriotika Ismail

" Janjian lwt tlpn utk daftar pas dtng ngk didaftarin dn ngk bs kontrol. Payah deh mending ngk ush bkn pendaftaran secara online/tlpn. Padahal br pertama kali dtng langsng dibikin kecewa. Dan perawat pendaftaran jutek dan tidak bersahaja, pengennya cpt2aja tanpa mikirin kt udah jalan macet2. Malah seperti itu kecewa. Pdhl poli eksekutif..!! "

06 August 2016

Vrman Syah

" Kamar kelas 1 kecil. Ac di ruangan rata2 bocor. Kurg sesuai dgn harga rawat inap yg lmyan mahak "

05 August 2016

Jay Anggono

" Semenjak berubah jadi RSU, nyari parkir semakin susah, cmn itu aja sih. Kl masalah pelayanan udah pasti OK ! "

04 August 2016

Ahmad Choir

" kelebihannya: dokternya rata2 berpengalaman dan profesional, rumah sakit kelas B dengan alat yang lengkap, menerima asuransi dengan budget yang agak rendah, bpjs diterima hanya jika dapat ref dari rs kelas C. kekurangannya: proses apotik lama, kalau telpon jarang/ lama di angkat, "

03 July 2016

Helon Sitepu

" Lab tercepat keluar hasil nya "

20 June 2016

Kurniawan Santoso

" Decent service, value for money "

02 June 2016

Mochamad Iqbal Hassarief Putra

" Excellent service "

16 December 2015

Adam Sundana

" pelayanan memuaskan, keep up the good works "

09 October 2015

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