About Hermina Galaxy Hospital
Hermina Galaxy Hospital is a hospital, located at Ruko Grand Galaxy City, Jalan Pulo Sirih Barat Raya, Jaka Setia, Bekasi Selatan, Pekayon Jaya, Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 17147, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 8222525, visit their website herminahospitalgroup.com for more detailed information.
Tessa Mira
" No one answered the call and too crowded but the dentist is good. "
21 May 2018Sandi Permana
" Ok "
21 May 2018Kadek Windy Hapsari
" Whats the point of writing your Call center number is no body will pick it up? Saya telpon berkali-kali ga ada yang angkat. "
09 February 2018Siwie Oke
" Nomor telpin susah sekali dihubungi...82225250 nelpon sampe 3 hari ga tersambung...googling2 malah daoet nomor telpin kamar operasi itupun karyawannya tidak membantu setiap diangkat malah dimatikan lagi..klo bukan karena sakit males banget lah pelayanannya kaya gini "
24 November 2017Yoshua A.M.
" Parking spot insufficient, hospital overcrowded and overcapacity. Bad higiene. "
21 October 2017Angga Yuwandi
" Wrong place. Pls update your map. "
01 August 2017Hendry Cahyadi
" Wrong location on map.. this existing location is government office. Please update your location on map "
23 July 2017Papah Firdaus
" Good hospital & one of the doctor is my friend :) "
01 July 2017Hendsy Mahatmha
" Some service decent enough. Most of it, probably required improvement. "
26 June 2017Ajeng Illastria Rosalina
" A good hospital with good doctor and convenient service "
14 May 2017Widarto Widarto
" maybe better you don't need to put your hotline number in your service..., no one care of the phone call. 2 days I try to call no one picked it up..,, disgusting "
03 April 2017Rus Tandi
" Bagus pelayanannya "
24 February 2017Triawan Bembi
" its so difficult to call hermina galaxy, the management should fix this problem. "
10 February 2017Rizal Maulana
" God lokasi "
01 February 2017Juwita Saptomo
" The service is good and fast. Some of the doctors are friendly and nice. "
19 January 2017Raden Rahmat
" Ok "
12 January 2017Nanang Nugraha
" Ok "
04 January 2017Khay Little
" Kursi tunggu di antrian poli mata & tht dikit banget, mhn ditambah kursinya, antrian berpuluh2 orang tp kursi cuma utk 12org, kasian ud sakit disuruh nunggu sambil berdiri pula :( "
27 September 2016Rie Kha
" Hermina Galaxy halooo tolong tlpnya diangkat dong, klo ada emergency ga bs ditlp gmn nih? "
14 April 2016Akbar Aji
" it's hard to call the hospital, it's like there are no one want to answer the phone. "
13 April 2016Theresia Yessi
" Pertama daftar lewat telepon nunggu lama baru diangkat. Sampai di lokasi langsung ditangani soalnya pendaftaran pasien baru. Pas nunggu giliran cek dokter, ngeliat2 perawatnya kok banyak yg memperlihatkan emosi & kata2 kurang pantas waktu bekerja, contoh "Ini berkas siapa? Kalo gini gue yg repot, kapan kerjaan beres kalo ngurus berkas aja ngga becus?".
08 March 2016Pas giliran dipanggil, untung dokternya ramah, walau agak irit ngomong.
Pas nunggu kwitansi resep di farmasi lama banget, padahal ga ada antrian, dicek 3x baru selesai kwitansinya.
Pas nunggu bayar di kasir juga lama, padahal kasirnya ada 2.
Overall sih lumayan ya, tapi masih perlu banyak pembenahan. "
Rivandi MV
" standar plyanannya, tp ruang VIP kok AC rusak, sama antrinya lambat banget, nunggu pembayaran dari antrian satu ke antrian selanjutnya asli lelet banget. parah ... "
18 December 2015Bayu Hernanto
" Istri sempat ikut program hamil disini bersama dr. Femmy Zulkarnaen, SpOg tapi antrinya sungguh menyesakkan dada.
31 October 2015Fasilitas lengkap & bagus. No problemo. "