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About Redbox Barbershop

Redbox Barbershop is a hair care, located at Jl. Jenderal A. Yani No.88, Pegambiran, Lemahwungkuk, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45113, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 818-202-569, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 27

Agung Suryanugraha

" Sy dengan pemilik store Speedtuner, kalau memang ada masalah bisa dibicarakan lgsg ke sy, bukannya lgsg memberi bintang 1 ke review toko sy (speedtuner) tanpa dasar. masalah parkir? taukah anda brapa banyak customer anda yg parkir didpan store sy dengan alasan krn ada kanopinya? Sy beri bintang 1 balik jg mungkin tidak ada dampaknya krn usaha anda sudah tutup. Hanya heran knapa ada orang yg kalau merasa punya masalah tidak ngomong lgsg, padahal tetangga, malah ngejatuhin review via internet, tapi tidak masalah, krn pasar sy jg bukan golongan seperti anda. trims "

15 May 2018

Agus Surahman

" Barber shop favorite "

15 April 2018

Hadi Udyth

" Best hair cut "

15 April 2018

Rio Silvano

" KEREN... aku pangkas rambut di Rekomendasiin sama temen, dan hasilnya sangat memuaskan. dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau dengan hasil yang memuaskan rasanya tidak mengecewakan .udah gitu dikeramasin dan di pijat "

12 April 2018

Gio Didot Sumioto

" The Best Damn Barbershop In Town "

14 March 2018

Neny Pujihastuti

" Tutup, udah enggak buka lagi. "

28 February 2018

Ervim Kurniawan

" Good barber shop in this town "

17 February 2018

Hana Cynthia Novica

" Murah dan bagus "

11 January 2018

Setiawan Panzerfaust

" Cukup komplit "

09 November 2017

Lukas Ade

" fast service. clean place "

08 November 2017

Wachyu Hidayah

" Good place for men's haircut "

14 October 2017

Aditya Sudanta Prabhaswara

" Tempat persewaan cd film yg memiliki room untuk menonton. Film cukup lengkap, namun ada beberapa film lama yg memang tidak mereka miliki. "

26 September 2017

Glen Ardi

" It can get pretty crowded at office hours, the place are considered cozy, the pricing are ok, lots of eye-catching things, the barber are experienced, they know what you want. Recommended. "

07 September 2017

JH Benedict

" Gg "

05 July 2017

Robi Kostiawan

" Joss "

29 June 2017

Cornelius Kurniawan

" Tempat bersih, akses jalan mudah, dilalui angkutan umum. Pelayanannya sopan, ramah, rapi. Kualitas tampilan layar jernih. Sofa lebar. Ruangan harum. Ruang parkir mobil terbatas (2 unit saja). "

18 May 2017

Ignatius Hans

" I have been going here since its first open at 2014. So far it's the best barber shop in town. Comfortable is not enough to describe this place. Cirebon is a port town, so during the day it can get super hot. Air-conditioning in here is great it's really cooling. WiFi is available for customers to access.

The music playing in the background is great, uses Harman Kardon speaker . great comfortable sofa for us to sit , it's not the cheap sofa where you can feel the metal spring inside it. There is a snack bar that we can order. Charging port is available too.

Facilities wise is super great. The Capster or barber are great too. If you are considering a change in haircut but still confused on what suits you the best, discuss it with them. They are able to guide and help you. Their standard of knowledge in haircut is excellent.

Overalls. Redbox is an excellent barber in Cirebon. I can see the little details that the owner has invested in it. From the facilities to the barber amenities, he doesn't use some cheap stuff. That's what makes it the no 1 barber in Cirebon based on my personal experience. "

21 March 2017

Vinsen Senjaya

" Potongannya rapih Service oke. Lebih baik telepon dulu karena ramai terus jadi tidak perlu antri Lama "

15 March 2017

Adam Priatna

" Nice Service "

21 January 2017

Andi Rezki Mutmainnah

" Udah ganti tokonya :( "

02 January 2017

Haris Streetouzcka

" Top "

25 December 2016

Habibie Hadikusuma

" Very comfort place "

06 December 2016

Eka Kurniawan

" Tempat cukur yang ok di cirebon.
Tempatnya nyaman dan cozy. "

06 November 2016

Megi Tristisan

" Bagus potong rambut disini. "

26 October 2016

Dwija Putra

" Hair stylistnya profesional, rame dan antre. Kalo lama antre ada coffe dan snack. Dilantai 2 ada studio tattoo "

23 October 2016

Sufyan Pratama

" minta pin bb nyh.. "

06 February 2016

Iyank Giri

" cukur di red box berapa "

18 July 2015

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM