About Ranca Upas Smart Camp Adventure
Ranca Upas Smart Camp Adventure is a campground, located at Jalan Ciwidey-Patengan Km. 11, Patengan, Rancabali, Patengan, Rancabali, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40973, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-2345-6911, visit their website www.westjavaecotourism.com for more detailed information.
Tri Octaviani
" Camping area with beautiful view. Good for quality time with family or friends "
25 April 2018Umaxm3
" white guy ussualy identically the camp tourism with summer, this time you have to try camping at spring, with average temperature 18 celcius degrees at day and 10 celcius degrees at night, you MUST collect your wood to make a furnish instead to get cold "
20 April 2018Rachmat Januar
" If you want to visit this place we suggest in the summer, although in the summer the air is cooler, but you will be able to camp more comfortable and of course you can enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery. "
12 April 2018Hanna Agustina
" A usual camping ground located in Ciwidey, West Java. About 3 hours long from Bandung. The view was nice but they still need to fix some fasilities. They got hot water swimming pool, outbound facilities and other. Public toilets available in some corner but cleanliness should be improved. The location also easy to notice from the main road, a great place for easy camping. "
11 April 2018Annisa Ayuningtyas
" We went there specifically to meet & feed the deer. It was wonderful!
24 March 2018The deer are tame, in very healthy and good condition.
There were more than 20 deer living in nature that you can play with, not forget to mention, scenic background for your eyes to enjoy.
We paid IDR 38,000 (for 2 pax entrance fee // domestic & car parking).
There is archery range, camping ground and hot spring pool in the area.
Worth to visit when you are in Ciwidey. "
Wiwit Mulyaningsih
" It would be great if you visit this place when it's not rainy, you can get close to deers and gave them carrots "
17 February 2018Saefudin Sardi
" Many young generations from years to years were trained here, Rancaupas then has a special impression to the people in Bandung. The view is very good with beautiful forest and mountain surround it. "
31 January 2018Anif Fatmawati
" Entrance fee is affordable, comfort place to take camping. there are beatifull view of forest, deers, small lake, and you can do tracking there. However, you have to pay fee to entrance the swimmingpool "
27 January 2018D Suryadi
" Not too beautiful place as the internet, but it is unforgetable moment. The weather is so cool, the deers are very nice and funny.. they really like a grass and carrot so much. "
21 January 2018Moch Husni Mubarok
" Very Beautyfull, i like this places but when i would visit this place,i want campign gathering "
27 October 2017Triyoga AP.
" There is camping ground, hot water pool, nice weather. Perfect for holiday. :) "
18 August 2017Reza Nurhakim
" Great place for nature refreshing. Weekday are greater. Tickets idr 5k per person. Cars 10k. Motor cycle 5k per night "
14 August 2017Aris Aditya Eka Pradana
" Good Place for camp. Beautifull place. Nature place. Minim polution. "
18 July 2017Ibrahim F Burhan
" Good place for camping with family. Need improvement for public facilities. "
07 June 2017Khaerul Fazri
" A great place to camp with family or friends, but still a little less attention from the government for development "
26 May 2017Fauzan Gunawan
" Love the captive deer, bit cold in the morning. Good scenery. And this place is good for camping. "
01 May 2017Aqila Batrisya
" Farewall trip with nathan and alexis "
27 April 2017Henry Erik Estrada
" Good place for camping. All camping equipment can be rent on the spot. Too bad the price is a little bit overprice. For activities beside camping, you also can feed deer or swim as the place has swimming pool. "
26 April 2017Andrew Wibawa
" The view is not that great and the fee for renting tent is too expensive. You should bring your own tent "
21 April 2017Ali Mulyanto
" Pelepas penat "
15 April 2017Freditama
" If you looking for a place to exit from your routine activity, try to visit this place. Peaceful, suitable for a reunion or gathering. There is a water pool available, but open only on certain days. The Outbound ground have same conditions as water pool, depending on visitors. Campsite available, nice place for camping. Last, javanese deer captivity that you can interact with many of them. "
19 January 2017Galih Dwi Putranto
" View was great, the crowdedness during holiday what makes it less enjoyable. "
28 December 2016Ariel Sumoro
" Nice view, swimming pool and deer captivity. Overpriced food and drinks. 10k for big bottle of mineral water. The management need more planning with place bc after I built a tent, some people came to me to ask me to move away for their somekind of annoying community activities using loud speakers. "
12 December 2016Jerry Marthin
" Great place to teach your children camping.
23 October 2016It provide 24 hours canteens, that provide coffees, instant noodles menu, and also several snacks.
To rent a tent also very cheap, 150 K rupiahs (around USD $12), you will get a tent for 5 person per night. additional sleeping bag will cost you USD 5 dollars (60 K rupiahs) though.
In the location you can find deer farm and also spring water (hot or warm water) swimming pools. The water is very clean and you can also enjoy the warm water on the cold temperature (around 15 degrees Celsius) "
Rangga Tanesa S
" Cool place for stay and enjoying natur "
05 September 2016Rendra Hertiadhi
" The place is great for camping, but the toilets is sooo dirty and lack of maintenance "
02 September 2016Rizal Kurnia Rohman
" Kalau hujan kondisinya sangat tidak nyaman.. asri sih iya.. tp rasanya utk menemukan view seperti di foto yg di dunia maya rada susah sih. Just opinion. "
27 August 2016Dudu Matic
" sejuk dan segar "
20 August 2016Agus Prianto
" It's good for family or a simple casual camping. Besides they also have paint ball, outbound, etc. I camped here for 4 days 3 nights. Mostly crowded but don't worry they have a lot of space for camping. "
08 July 2016Tommy Pratomo
" Very natural place where you can feel fresh air, very clean water and also hot spring water. Very cold from afternoon until midnight. Surrounding by green and high trees. "
03 July 2016Arie Cendana
" Lokasi yang bagus dengan lahan terbuka yang luas. Sangat cocok digunakan untuk camping ceria bersama keluarga maupun untuk komunitas, karena lahan parkir yang cukup luas dengan fasilitas mck yang bagus disertai dengan terdapatnya kios kios penjual makanan minuman, jika waktunya pas maka kita bisa melihat bintang dilangit dengan sangat jelas. "
21 June 2016Rifqi Rahmani
" Nice place fr family "
05 June 2016Ismed Iqbal
" Nice place for family camp. Clean rest room, hot water park, very recomended. "
04 June 2016Diaz Travelindo
" Love the nature ;) "
20 May 2016Dhani Dezig
" nice place for camping "
09 February 2016