RSIA. BUNDA SURYATNI is a hospital, located at Jalan Raya KH. Soleh Iskandar No.21, Cibadak, Tanah Sareal, Cibadak, Tanah Sereal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16166, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 7543892, visit their website www.rsiabundasuryatni.com for more detailed information.
Karuma Barza
" Nice "
05 June 2019Keluarga Gaul
" This fake hospital.
15 July 2018Not recommended. "
Sri Wahyuni
" A considerably small and less crowded RSIA, with good service and experienced doctors, SpOG and SPA in particular. a note, the hospital has limited parking space "
06 July 2018Nirwan Syah
" This hospital actually giving service not as fast as u think,even he gets fever make he hard to breathing and the doctor not response immediately, how could it be the hospital not give a full service to patient. I hope this hospital make more care with patient, its true!! "
04 June 2018Betox Yanto
" Alhamdulillah sekarang bisa pake BPJS pemerintah.
12 April 2018Pelayanannya ramah dan tempat nya bersih,
Mantap terima kasih. "
Iwan Pinip
" baik pelayanan nya "
02 March 2018Rahayu Furniture
" Ok "
21 December 2017Rizal Akbar
" Ok "
21 December 2017Rahmatullah Rahmatullah
" Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Suryatni is a mother and children hospital, their main services are medical care for pregnant and delivery women, and medical care for children. The hospital is quite small, but the staffs are very polite, kind and helpful. The gynecologist here are good and professional. Actually the hospital is opened by gynecologist from Hermina hospital, so the quality and professionalism of the doctors are undoubted. The price (if you do not have/do not want to use medical insurance) is considerably lower than Hermina hospital, but, as this is a private hospital, the price is still higher than public hospital. "
12 December 2017Betox Yanto
" Alhamdulillah sekarang bisa pake BPJS pemerintah.
26 October 2017Pelayanannya ramah dan tempat nya bersih,
Mantap terima kasih. "
Yuzz Yuzz
" Bersih, nyaman, pelayanan ramah & humble mulai dari sekuriti sampai dokter (special thanks for dr. Al, dr. Admil, operating room crew & nurse team for their remarkable help), peralatan persalinan lengkap, situasi nggak terlalu ramai jadi nggak berisik, parkiran kurang luas tapi bisa nebeng parkir di Universitas Nusa Bangsa tepat disebrang jalan. RSIA diatas rata2, saya dari Ciawi sampai bela2in ke RSBS. Harga agak mahal, tapi ada harga ada rupa kan? Overall recommended. Skor 91/100. "
08 October 2017Azer Aja
" Rsia bunda suryatni adanya di sebelah gerbang masuk bogor raya permai. Dipinggir jalan. Bukan di gg walet kukupu! "
21 September 2017Devi Setia Kusuma
" Lokasi strategis, pelayanan ramah, periksa pake bpjs? Bisa banget. "
14 September 2017Abdul Aziz Nurussadad
" Helpfull Nurse and Doctor, very caring to patient. "
03 August 2017Gb Jkt
" Ni baru tepat "
12 July 2017Adi Suwardi
" Rs bunda suryatni itu adanya sebelah dari jalan masuk bogor country/bogor raya permai. "
07 July 2017Dodi Rosdiana
" Bagus strategis.. "
06 July 2017Gb Jkt
" Tempat ny strategis "
08 March 2017Joko Way69
" Bagus pelayanannya "
19 February 2017Babi Air
" Bagi yang ingin dicapai dengan kelengkapan barang nya bagus mbak ntar kalau ada yang pacaran di depan gang cupang "
15 February 2017Fahmi Maulana
" Pelayanan bagus, tapi mushollanya tolong dirawat lagi, dicuci semua sajadahnya dipakein anti serangga, biar wangi harum, sama BPJS diberlakukan dong. "
10 February 2017Nasrudin Nas
" Tempatnya bagus, lokasi strategis mudah di tuju "
09 January 2017Alexander Aziria
" More hospitals in Bogor area near by Bogor outer ring road at the junction of Yasmin and Salabenda. "
06 October 2016Yosep Toyota
" rs baru untuk ibu dan anak di pertigaan yasmin bogor "
05 July 2016