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RS Hermina Depok - Poli anak dr. Sri Saparni


About RS Hermina Depok - Poli anak dr. Sri Saparni

RS Hermina Depok - Poli anak dr. Sri Saparni is a hospital, located at Jl Raya Siliwangi no.50, Depok, Indonesia 16436. They can be contacted via phone at +622177202525 for more detailed information.


Item Reviews - 29


" Very bad service!
Took arround 30 minutes just for paying at cashier whilst cashier person is not in her desk. "

27 March 2018

Caax Abrar

" Queuing management at poli obsgyn is suck ... get in the line from 16:00 ... and till now 20:30 the nurse say "ooo nama anda masih lama dipanggilnya" ... whaaattt?? And the doctor out for 30 minutes (she said) for C-section .... "

20 January 2018

Mahatta Dinata

" Phone number on this page is use less. You"ll only burn up your phone balance for nothing give them a phone call. "

25 December 2017

Maikel Daniel

" I seriously have many bad experience with this hospital. Slow response, bad ER (IGD), bad service. IMHO. "

09 November 2017

Koh Yansen

" Bad. Call center not answer phone all day long. Then when we register on the spot, full queue. "

23 October 2017

Wanty Wanty

" Been trying to call the operator for 3 days. but never success... now am worried if they will give best service to their client "

28 September 2017

Aditya Rizqi Ramadhan

" i think for the service is quite okay but i cannot reach CS or anyone else is hospital by the phone, its always busy. imagine if its emergency call. "

18 September 2017

Adhi Purnomo

" Good place my wife and my baby, "

01 September 2017

Milla Sari Soetomo

" Not recommended hospital for general insurance and personal. Dirty room and dirty closet in children room class 2. Even I use personal not government insurance. N really disappointed for the services except dr. Huda. She is gorgeous. N Mitra Keluarga hospital will be the best choice at all.. "

31 August 2017

Ian Rockez

" Kasirnya lambat, beda dengan Hermina Tangerang dan Daan Mogot "

15 July 2017

Anas Zakariyah

" The environment is good. Clean and neat. Generally I think the overall available service is good.

Unfortunately, the listed call line did not work, so you can't check doctor availability unless you go to the hospital directly. "

05 June 2017

Parlin Pakpahan

" Hermina Hospital Depok

The hospital is located on Jln Siliwangi No. 50, Pancoran Mas, old Depok, west Java 16436.

Lies in the old Depok not far from downtown Margonda Raya, making this hospital easy to reach from all direction.

Hermina hospital is a private hospital, so it's not surprising if the cost of treatment for the public is relatively expensive. On government policy, this hospital also receives health insurance patients. But because of the limitations that exist then the services for health insurance can not be maximized.

Which many complained of is the telephone service, although hunting but many phone connections that can not also connect. In addition to the parking lot for motorcycles two wheel less widespread and also costly count.

The main services in this hospital is for the mother and child, while the other is secondary, the complaints for the sake of complaints from visitors Hermina hospitals never broken, ranging from the question of the queue of doctors who are'nt on time, as well as queuing drugs long enough and enough long wait to be served.

Therefore I was forced to give a 3 star to this hospital because of the limitations mentioned above. "

02 May 2017

Galuh Prabandari

" The call center number are not reliable. Noone pick up my call after tried 5 times. Can u imagine if this is an emergency situation? Goverment should take action for this. "

09 April 2017

Ferdi Yunanto

" It always very difficult to reach the customer service over the phone. The hospital have to upgrade the CS service, yet I heard from many people this hospital is the best in town. "

27 March 2017

Nia Yosephine

" Bad service! Telephone always could not be reached! "

10 March 2017

Raynaldi Lazuardi

" Ok "

22 February 2017

Dyta Anggraini

" bad service !!! "

10 February 2017

Windi Primiadhi

" Not recommended at all especially if you're had BPJS !!! "

07 February 2017

Shinta Mariati

" so bad service !!! "

27 December 2016

Aji Nursyamsi

" good enough "

24 December 2016

Steam BlueFroster

" The inside is clean and tidy "

29 October 2016

Ahmad Fauzi

" So far sih pelayanannya masih bagus, anak pertama lahir dsini, cuman emang agak mahal biayanya xoxoxo "

02 August 2016

Rahmi Kasri

" Antrinya gak kuat. Yg klinik eksektutif lebih mending tapi obatnya lebih mahal.. "

31 July 2016

Cut Sartika

" Pendaftaran via telp sangat sulit sekali! "

19 July 2016

Frengky Hutasoit

" Pelayanannya bagus tp nebus resep obat yg antrian lama... "

06 June 2016

Chay Shemi

" Pernah bbrp kali ke sini. "

30 May 2016

Cahyanto Cay

" Ok "

15 May 2016

Nurul Sugiharto

" Perjuangan yg panjang membantu Titow melepas benang jahitan di dagu dan bibirnya. Selesai jg akhirnya. Alhamdulillah "

09 April 2013

Joko Haryono

" Good hospital with clean environment "

11 February 2013

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