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About Rumah Makan Khas Sunda Cibiuk

Rumah Makan Khas Sunda Cibiuk is a restaurant, located at Jl. Limbangan Nagrek KM.6, Cigagade, Blubur Limbangan, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat 40215, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-1791-0508, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 139

Jahya Tan

" The food are great. The restaurant use open air concept, so we can enjoy Garut's cool air. Our waiters Yogi is very nice and helpful.
Unfortunately, when the restaurant is very crowded, some request will take a while.
They also have a children playground. Which is good for families with kids. "

17 August 2020

Shofia MM

" Unique concept with traditional gazebos and boats as eating spaces. The foods served are really delicious. They provide traditonal typical sundanese menu such as gurami cooked in different seasonings, nasi liwet in castrol, signature sambal (sambal cibiuk), peda, jambal roti, chicken, and many more. The price quite affordable when compared to similar restaurants. One thing I don't really like is they let some salesmen from another food company offer their products while we eat. That's quite disturbing. "

11 July 2020

Irfan Ihsanul Amal

" My family order a Gurami Menu Set. It includes Sour and Sweet Gurami, Peda Fish, Fried Tofu, Fried Tempe, Cibiuk Sambal, and Liwet Rice. I eat the gurami, tofu, and tempe. It is so tasty. The place is very cozy. "

11 July 2020

Reza Pratama


Their speciality is of course sundanese food!!!
from little piece 'lauk asin jambal roti' to the enormous 'lauk gurame' they have them.

I've tried Timbel komplit, tempe mendoan and roasted duck.. Hmmm i even still can imagine their taste in my mouth.

Supported by well trained and very pleasant workers, make us really feel like home.

And the place is also the main menu, they have a lot of fish ponds and synthetic grass field. They also have some kind of gift shops near the cashier, serving clothes, local food and generic food.

Please come here if you are in Garut "

20 February 2020

Benny Sudaryanto

" medium price level, with very very diverse food choices. great taste and friendly service, with good knowledge when ordering. location is quite far from the city center. very large parking area. they have so many tables with outdoor seating. clean and well-maintained restroom. please notes, everyone has different tastes and will not have the same experience. "

27 December 2019

Dede Dipamenggala

" Is a nice place and nice meal, after wait 15-20 minutes foods arrives and we just wondering why the soup is not hot, the kerupuk and emping is not fresh, the fried chicken is not hot...just wondering "

17 December 2019

Tig Julianto

" Tasty Sundanese food restaurant "

17 November 2019

Taufieq Adi Negara

" Great place to eat with your family or friends. They have lots of hut or saung in here for more Sundanese atmosphere. The foods are all delicious too. "

22 September 2019

Diana Hemas Sari

" Good place for ngariung (gather) with your family. The taste is good, the place is so comfy to hangout for ifthar with fams "

03 June 2019

Mohammad Rimba Putra

" Located in Garut Kota. Rumah makan cibiuk is well known with the signature sambal cibiuk. For sambel lover this is highly recommended.

The nuance of restaurant is very sundanese with pool (Balong) near the table. Also for moslem they open galeri mekah madinah that have some information on our prophet and two holy cities history. As well as kabah miniature. "

04 January 2019

Oktavianus T Putra

" Good places but not good services... long time to eat meal... "

28 December 2018

Nawa Sam A.

" Nice n good food for lunch and/dinner, specialist sundaness food with cozy place.. "

24 October 2018

Alginugraha Valentino

" Ayam gorengnya yang enak langsung dimaksak dan ada kriuk kriuknya apalagi sambal nya ada ikan terinya itu "

22 May 2018

Siti Maelani

" Rumah makan yang cocok untuk acara kumpul keluarga ataupun bersama teman teman. Dan bagi penikmat sambal, diaini ada beberapa jenis sambal dengan sambal khas sesuai nama rumah makan ini, sambal cibiuk. "

21 May 2018

Maulana Kamiludin

" Ada daftar menu ya ga? "

18 May 2018

Ari Krisna

" Ok "

17 May 2018

Aditya Pratama

" Good place to have lunch or dinner with mountain view "

15 May 2018

Tika Kartikasari

" Serving a Sundanese menu such as gurame bakar and so on. It also popular with its sambal, made of raw tomato, chilli, onion and a bit shrimp paste/terasi. "

15 May 2018

Alexander Andri

" Not recomended.. bad service.. order not like request.. bad communication.. "

13 May 2018

Bayu Akbar

" place is comfort enough to eat, the taste of food are good enough. "

02 May 2018

Danny Chen

" nice place n great food "

29 April 2018

Agustina Chandra Juwita

" Ok "

27 April 2018

Dome Sherpa

" Very yummy...delicious, with sundaneese menu.., cozy place..its recommended..(pisan) "

26 April 2018

Umar Rusmawan

" This is an ordinary sundanese restaurant, delicious taste, and a lot of choice sundanese menu. "

19 April 2018

Rahmatabdul Latif

" Rumah makan cibiuk terletak di jalan indihiang ini buka sampai jam 10 malam. "

18 April 2018

Adhi Gregorius

" Enak, murah & tempat nya nyaman untuk makan2 bersama keluarga... "

09 April 2018

Ridwan Satria

" Good taste "

08 April 2018

Kang Helmy

" Try es duren khas cibiuk. "

07 April 2018

Zet Tatambihe

" Tempatnya nyaman.. makanannya enak "

04 April 2018

David Pinondang

" The place is clean and tidy. Many variant of foods. IWe did ordered nasi timbel with chicken and the taste was delicious. Parkind area enough for many cars. There are options for sitting.
The services also very friendly.
I would rate this place at my 1st visit for 4 star. "

29 March 2018

Ridwan Firdaus

" Delicious food with its original sauce, reasonable price.. Great for family dinner "

22 March 2018

Narkita SoF

" The plce has a very quiet ecosystem, easy to relax and enjoy the food "

21 March 2018

Tung Sen Tjong

" Enak rasa makanannya, harga relatif murah "

21 March 2018

Asep Hidayat

" Ikan gurame sama sambelnya top markotop "

17 March 2018

Tineke Marce Kimbal

" Great taste and affordable price "

12 March 2018

Suju Vlog

" Near from the street, spicy Cibiuk sauce but fresh and have a good taste. "

11 March 2018


" Tempat nya nyaman karena ada lesehan jadi bisa tiduran tempatnya lumayan banyak dan tempat parkir lumayan luas enak jadi santai aman disini makannya bervariasi dan lumayan banyak cocok bagi keluarga yang ingin makan bersama atau makan siang ,makan malam disini enak suasananya gaya Sunda cocok bagi yg menginginkan suasana ke sundaan "

11 March 2018

Agus Supriatna

" Lesehan duyuuu! #maksi "

10 March 2018

Venson Barberstuffs

" Pemilik nya baikk "

08 March 2018

Edricfinn Leonardi

" The foods are fine. Mostly just sundanese cuisines "

23 February 2018

Ekynaldi Eky

" For a big restaurant like this i think the quality of food is nearly below the standard, the fish seems like not fresh. But the other foods is okay. "

21 February 2018

Muhadi Depok

" Udah lama ga ngebubur.. Alhamdulillah, ada burcangjo, tan-tem, buryam.. hemm "

17 February 2018

Cecep Sihabudin

" Good place spacious and Great layout sundanesse cultural atmosphere Great taste "

13 February 2018

Cecep Sihabudin

" Nice sundanesse cuisine "

10 February 2018

Abby Kamal 34017

" Saya sangat merasa puas singgah makan dan minum disini karena pelayanan nya sangat luar biasa
... "

27 January 2018

Acep Kholid

" Best sundanesse restaurants besides Asep strawberey "

08 January 2018

Xnm Berehel

" Top cibiuk, tempat makan recommended di jajaran bypass cianjur "

08 January 2018

Moch. Facthur Rohman

" I'm go lounge here "

04 January 2018

Topay Nchun

" Nyaman tempat nya.. menu nya komplit.. bikin deudeuiyeun he he "

29 December 2017

Mpopp Cantik

" Standar lah ya "

28 December 2017

Yayat Hidayat

" Excellent "

26 December 2017

Yayat Hidayat

" Good "

26 December 2017

Dharmanadi S

" Good atmhospere, food is ok with local chilli. with reasonable price but they must improved cleanliness of the restaurant "

26 December 2017

Erni Nuraini

" Cozy place to have dinner with sundanese food. There is sambal cibiuk as signature dish. Nice to have dinner with lesehan style.
Clean mushola.
Spacious parking space.
The price is little bit expensive but it's worth it.
Recommended sundanese restaurant in Garut. "

25 December 2017

Iwin Iwin

" Nyaman& enjoy.... "

07 November 2017

Ade Iskandar

" Cheap and delicious "

03 November 2017

Heri Hendrayana

" Mantap pisan euy "

03 November 2017

Ki Panjawi

" Goood "

29 October 2017

Anto Ochanto

" Adem banget enak juga sama.keluarga "

16 October 2017

Didit Oktaviani

" Luar biasa mantv "

14 October 2017

Nobita Galileo

" Ikan bakar recomend "

12 October 2017

Agung Prihanggoro

" Makanan enak, sambal cibiuknya segar, porsi nasi liwet ber-4nya banyak. Cuman sayang parkir rada susah, mungkin karena malam minggu "

07 October 2017

Bayu Temo

" The price is wow.. "

06 October 2017

Kusrian Andriyanto

" Not bad "

05 October 2017

Ai Sopiah

" Rumah makan sejarah ๐Ÿ˜Š
Tempatnya bersih, hidangannya enak, pelayannya ramah2, pokoknya sunda pisan ๐Ÿ˜‰
Oh iya satu lagi, sambalnya itu lho .... Bikin kangen terus ... gak bikin bosan๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ "

08 September 2017

RK Channel

" Wooow "

04 September 2017

Yopi Yopi

" Unique lunch experience with "ngariung sundanese meals" you must try it... "

30 August 2017

Maguro Sama

" Lovely place to visit with anybody :)) good food, desert and beverages "

28 August 2017

Untumblrsha 1234

" Makanannya enak" & murah..
Tempatnya juga bagus & ada tempat bermain buat anak",,,,, "

27 August 2017

Arie Purnama

" Mantal "

23 August 2017

Jatmika Eka Chandra

" Nice place "

22 August 2017

Siswana Purwadi

" Tempat nyaman, ber AC, pelayanan bagus, ciri khas sambelnya yang pedas dan menyegarkan "

16 August 2017

Tommy Pratomo

" RM Sunda dgn menu ayam yg khas dan lezat. Tempat agak Kotor, panas, pelayanan lambat dan harga mengagetkan. "

13 August 2017

Sweet Reaper๋‹ฌ์ฝค์‚ฌ์‹ 

" They offer a wonderful variety of West Java Food. But If you can't handle the spice, I do not recommend you to eat the chilli. But they offer many kinds of not spicy food "

01 August 2017

Max Fadil

" The good Resto Sundanesse who to like a very hottest Sambal in Jatinangor. "

26 July 2017

Mas Dany

" Biasa banget "

19 July 2017

Agung Gumilar

" Alternatif acara makan bersama keluarga atau kerabat "

18 July 2017

Shofiata Auliya

" Wah gak bakalan nyesel dah klo udh k cibiuk mh, selain pelayannanny ramah, makannya juga enak".. Anak ku juga suka pudingnya enak ktanya... Sllu maju yaa... "

15 July 2017

Nini Asriany

" Makanannya lezat dan memuaskan, bumbu ikan bakar sungguh memuaskan, dan owner sangat ramah kepada semua pelanggan, sukses selalu ya "

01 July 2017

Super Mad

" Makanan enak dan harga terjangkau "

30 June 2017

Yuli Sumantri

" Cukup nyaman "

29 June 2017

Liry April

" Lmyan enak. Cuma lama banget "

29 June 2017

Siti Kurnia Hidayat

" Ayamnya enak..sambelnya kurang banyak "

29 June 2017

Prasetyo Nurramdhan

" Worth to visit if you driving to Garut. I went there while got stuck in traffic. Has a large parking lot and clean mushola in the area. Fast and satisfactory service. Food is delicious with typical Sundanese taste. "

28 June 2017

Edy Chandra

" Khas sambel canjur "

27 June 2017

Heri Cahyadi

" The place was nice. Good location. They offer very spicy chilly "

08 June 2017

Budi Cahyadi

" Nice place, good food, clean and friendly staff "

07 June 2017

Taqiyuddin Rahman

" The place is cozy, service are fast enough, the taste is delicious. "

05 June 2017

Risman Hilmansyah

" Seperti rumah makan Sunda umum nya, tak pernah mengecewakan. Menu variatif, rasa enak dan harga cukup terjangkau ๐Ÿ‘ "

29 May 2017

Izas Tians

" Hidangan cukup lumayan enak, penyajian cepat lahan parkir luas berada di jalur by pass "

27 May 2017

Moch Lutfiana

" Nice Place.... "

09 May 2017

Diny Nataamadja

" I love the place , the view is mountain and green arround . Inside the restaurant there is a lot of fishpond and it's so relaxing .
The food taste also good and the service are good too "

02 May 2017

Cecep Sihabudin

" The place so Amazing , surounded by lots of small lake with fish make The athmosphere around saung or place to eat Inside restaurant A life and excited. The taste of food so deliciuous with The very famous sambal cibiuk . I encouraged anybody WHO enjoyed sundanesse food to come here. "

01 May 2017

Maulana Izaki

" Suasana khas Sunda ramah enak dan nyaman tempatnya "

29 April 2017

Tragedi Yanuar

" Sambalnya enak "

26 April 2017

Fendy Endiarta

" Masakan khas Sunda, parkir luas, mushola nyaman, sangat rekomen untuk makan bersama keluarga. "

23 April 2017

Budiman Kartawidjaja

" Makanan timbel komplit siap bungkus bawa pulang..., oh ya Kasirnya yg jaga luthu barusan. "

22 April 2017

Bima Aryasatya

" Karena makanannya khas sunda dan enak-enak "

18 April 2017

Rizky Nurhamzah

" Comfy place, tasty food...very recommended ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ "

17 April 2017

Bayu Ubey

" Sambalnya mantap "

07 April 2017

Miftah Faried

" Makanan khas sunda... enak, banyak pilihan. D pusat kota Garut, parkir luas, mushala nyaman... klo pas buka puasa pasti penuh... "

29 March 2017

Nopianti Dewi

" ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ "

28 March 2017

Manunggal Lukman

" the Sundanese food special with "sambal" unfortunately parking area is limited.
alternatif resto of Sundanese resto. "

28 March 2017

Rizki Rahmania

" They have small parking. The food is fresh and delicious. Ill come to visit this place again. "

20 March 2017

Billy Billy

" ada sambal yg lumayan harga agak mahal "

07 March 2017

Devi Indriawati

" The fried fish is interesting served on plating, but not crunchy, we went there with a big group and booked before, so they have prepared our meals, but the meals are cold and we have to wait for lalapan and sambals coz they run out of them. Anyway, sambal mangga is worthy to wait for "

01 March 2017

Diswanto Sukma

" Tempat nyaman,luas, makanan enak,mushola luas "

22 February 2017

Antari Irna

" Nice place great food. Have many selection of sundanese food. "

20 February 2017

Bobby Mizutani

" Very original Sundanese food. Their Nasi Liwet is very good and nice. The atmosphere is very natural, close to nature with paddy field and river. "

16 February 2017

Hamdanah Dewi

" Sambalnya itu lhoo, harus nyoba! Pasti ketagihan.. "

31 January 2017

Edi Prabowo

" Cozy place for family dinning
. "

29 January 2017

Gusti Marthin

" Restoran kebanggaan masyarakat garut.... sambal cibiuknya luar biasa ..... mantap pedasnya.... top deh menu2nya.... kalau jalan liburan ke garut... jangan lupa mampir ke resto yg satu ini... "

21 January 2017

Dwi Susilo

" Sambele maknyussss "

21 December 2016

Irvan Taufik

" makanan khas sunda beragam, tempat strategis, parkiran gede..
makanannya enak dan harga pas dikantong lah.. cuman kalau lagi penuh lumayan rada lama makanan datengnya "

08 October 2016

Fahmi Amrullah

" Beragam menu makan & minuman.
Tempat juga sejuk.
Mantab abis.. "

08 October 2016

Darwis Seven

" Nice restaurant with nature view
Recommended menu : Es duren "

20 September 2016

Putra Galuh

" Juara .. Enak harga terjangkau, pavorit tutug oncom dong .. "

15 September 2016


" Mengecewakan sekali. Lebih dari 30 mnt pesan makanan tak kunjung datang. Eh pas datang makanan sudah dingin. Managernya dipanggil juga gak muncul.
Sebaiknya anda jangan ke sini, karena management nya kacau. Pelayannya sih ramah "

11 September 2016

Yandi AF

" Lumayan... "

05 September 2016

Anjar Karta Putra

" Yummu sih "

25 August 2016

Yaya Muhidin

" Cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga "

23 August 2016

Kazakimaru Kaisha

" Lumayan mahal "

20 August 2016

Jamaluddin Omar

" Awesome sunda food here..try the bebek bumbu pedas.. and nasik liwet..the view is nice too! "

16 August 2016

Agung Alegra

" this restaurant has a lot of Sundamenus, waiters were friendly, huge parking area . The drawback, very limited toilet and a small mosque. U must be patient cause it will take a long time to presentation of the food "

02 August 2016

Mordiana Purple

" Good taste cyiinnnn "

13 July 2016

Mang Coy

" Traditional "

04 July 2016

Argya Fauzi

" Sambelnya favorit ini khas cibiuk "

29 June 2016

Yuzzie Maharto

" Ok "

28 June 2016

Rinnie Soetarto

" Makanannya enak "

21 June 2016

Idah Darliah

" Sambal nya mantap "

07 May 2016

Komarudin Gumilar

" mantep sambel euy "

08 April 2016

Wira Kusumah

" Rehat sejenak.... "

26 March 2016

Erio Gogau

" Lumayan sih "

23 September 2015

Jeni.indrawan Sprite

" Pavlova nya enak..nasik goreng kambing terbaik!!!! Pisang keju!!! Sambal josssss!!! "

27 August 2015

Wildan Sucipto

" Sangatt bagusss !!! "

21 June 2015

Agus Ainn

" Sampe ceurikkkk "

03 December 2014

Bebbz Cullen

" Delicious "

22 June 2014

Tommy Sutomo

" Good and very cheap "

10 August 2013

Mohammad Sobar

" Nyunda pisan... "

28 April 2013

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Friday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 6:00 AM โ€“ 10:00 PM