About Pusdiklat Indofood
Pusdiklat Indofood is a lodging, located at Jalan Kebun Raya KM 2, Cimacan, Cianjur, Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43253, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 263 511505, visit their website www.pusdiklatindofood.com for more detailed information.
Dianto H
" Very nice, clean and worthed. "
10 May 2018Jaka Pradhita
" Recomended Place 🙏 "
09 May 2018Davy Nathanael
" Nice and comfortable place to enjoy holiday with big family "
12 April 2018Bayu D. Swadono
" Nice and quietly place to rest and relax "
14 March 2018Imam Santoso
" Perfect place for training, team building, outing,family/office gathering etc "
11 January 2018Dinny Winda
" Adequate, but the entrance is too narrow, and far from the main road. They did not provide full amenities (no toothpaste & toothbrush) so better be prepared. Stained towel. Usually unavailable on weekdays because the facility is being used by the company for internal events "
18 October 2017Suseno Arianto
" Great place, and relax "
09 October 2017Waldemar Husada
" Good place to stay "
13 August 2017Sekut Aj
" ok "
19 July 2017Alfanso Ronald
" It have everything what family need during holiday, and can enjoy a lot of sports "
13 July 2017Fahrudin
" Nice place for training and gathering, fresh air, and very cold. "
04 July 2017Tinto Yogyasworo
" Good Placa 4 Vacation "
01 July 2017Putera Lengkong
" Nice environment "
16 June 2017Melly Metriana
" The best.. "
13 February 2017Dwiika Rahmawati
" #hi "
07 February 2017Rachima Sofiani
" Kamarnya nyaman "
22 January 2017Zahra Zhune
" Awesome place, kaya hotel berbintang nyaman untuk keluarga dan kumpul sama sahabat. SUKA BANGET!!!💖💖💖 "
16 November 2016Reny Bianca
" Tempatnya nyaman... Pelayanannya ok dn ramah, tpi ga ada supermarket kaya alfa or indomart. Jdi harus ke warung. But over all. Kerennnn....... Rekomended banget "
10 September 2016Ahmad Solehan
" Overall tempatnya nyaman banget , bersih dan enak deh... "
06 August 2016Rangga Rafri
" Kamarnya besar dan bersih dan pelayanan nya jg bagus "
12 July 2016Ummu Atiyyah
" Villa berfasilitas hotel ini sangat direkomendasikan bagi mereka yang ini bersantai dengan elegan. Fasilitas oke harga terjangkau. Love this place so much!!! "
19 May 2016Ambiya Ikrami Adji
" Pusdiklat Indofood merupakan villa atau bisa disebut juga dengan hotel. Fasilitas yg ada bermacam2 dari mulai aula, kamar hotel, kolam renang dsb. Tempatnya recomended bgt utk liburan! "
22 January 2016