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About Pusat Konservasi Elang Kamojang

Pusat Konservasi Elang Kamojang is a park, located at Jl. Raya Kamojang, Sukakarya, Samarang, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat 44161, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-4077-2694 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 21

Dede Ciko

" Mantap "

28 March 2018

Irpan Survuz

" Sejuk dan adem "

12 March 2018

Fajar Gumilar

" Comfort for your holiday. "

09 February 2018

Opik Taufik

" Csr pertamina, free entry "

06 February 2018

Mukhlis Madjid

" Kamojang Eagle Conservation Center is a place where we can see various types of eagles up close and personal.

Investment for biodiversity sustainability consist of Eagle Conservation Center infrastructure enhancement, such as: Information Center, Working Place, Quarantine Cage, Observatory Cage, Rehabilitation Cage, Flight Training Cage, and Education Display Cage.

Since its first built in 2015, this conservation center has become an education facility of biodiversity, with more than 10 thousand visits, both for research and school visits.

As an educational tourist attraction, visitors can see eagles in a temporary rehabilitation cage, discover eagle’s origin, and enjoying the nature.

I srongly recommend you to visit this place, you can see some Eagles species are being threatened with Extinction.

Bring you family there !! "

17 January 2018

Rahadian Teja Mahesa

" Semua elangnya terawat dengan baik, lingkungannya bersih dan zoo keepernya sangat bersemangat dalam memberikan informasi tentang elang kepada pengunjung. "

28 November 2017

Febijanto Irhan

" good place for child education of falcon conservation "

10 September 2017

Shaniya Utami

" This is the perfect place for studying about eagles. Whether just for educating kids about eagles and conservation, or even for scientific reasearch. They're also open this place for whoever wants to volunteering or taking internships here. Great, humble, and kind staffs. Been volunteering here twice this year, and still think to come back again someday! "

22 July 2017

Alfi Bagus Prasetyo

" Extraordinary place who wants to be relaxing "

24 June 2017

Ruth Simanjuntak

" Great place which support the environment sustainability "

19 May 2017

Hubert August

" Good place to educate us about the Eagle "

17 May 2017

Graham Stone

" Beautiful area "

04 March 2017

Ginanjar I.S

" Yang ijo emang bikin fresh, keep clean & save you'r environment "

25 December 2016

Ivan Satriawan

" Excellent concept for Javanese eagles!! "

21 December 2016

Mas Maksum

" Pastikan wisata anda puas dengan spot-spot foto yang menawan.... "

04 November 2016

Wawan Purwanto

" Kekayaan Negeri Indah ini... "

16 September 2016

Lie Ming

" So many rare species. Hard to find place like this. "

16 August 2016

Rendra Hertiadhi

" If you love eagles then you should visit this place to understand more. Owned by the Ministry of Forestry and managed in co-operation with Pertamina, this place is a rehabilitation center for eagles previously captured by people. After rehabilitation the healthy eagles will be released back into their natural habitat. "

02 August 2016

Ahmad Sobur

" terima kasih bpk zaini rahman... "

30 June 2016

Little Acan

" Bagus sekali value dari konservasi ini. Yang memprakarsai adalah PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy. Masuk nya gratis. Prihatin lihat elang2 yang berhasil diselamatkan dari perdagangan hewan langka. Ada yang sayapnya patah, mata yang sakit bahkan sakit mental karena dari Kecil nya terbiasa dipelihara oleh manusia sehingga in sting hewan liarnya hilang... Semoga elang2 ini terus dapat diselamatkan dan kembali bebas ke alam liar. "

03 June 2016

Titi Sumarti

" Been visit it and it`s great. Good place for education.
even it`s free but the staff gives us a very clear and detail explanation.
i hope people would think twice before they shoot or whatever they do to the eagles or other bird type.

Because God gives the birds a wing to fly... not trap on a cage

#savetheeagle "

09 May 2016

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