About PT. Unilever HPC
PT. Unilever HPC is located at Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Jalan Jababeka IX A Blok P No.2, Wangunharja, Cikarang Utara, Wangunharja, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 8934886 for more detailed information.
Salsabila Nadhifah
" World class manufacturing "
06 August 2020Ahmadi Fairuzi
" Safety firts "
12 March 2020A Andri
" Good factory "
03 March 2020Sukanta Roy
" It's a huge office with all the modern facilities... Great architecture..it was an amazing experience to be there .... "
07 January 2020Kanal Otodidak
" Top "
28 August 2019Moh Ari Novan
" Nice place to work, safety policy is best "
04 May 2019Rudi Ramdani
" A place that gave me a great experience "
28 December 2018Teh Botol
" Perusahaan besar Internasional, tapi security sini kaya sempak. Kirim barang dimintain duit. Kalo ga ngasih dipersulit. Komandan security sempak anak buah nya sok galak. Tolong dong dibenahi buat security nya. Masa hampir tiap sopir yg kirim barang ke sini dipintain duit. Gak bener tuh. "
20 November 2018Eko Wahyudi Apriantoro
" My daily routinity "
05 November 2018Try Petruk
" haha I think I am going through to be through to be through the cracks in and I have a nice dream yak with a girl who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a 2 and a new half job one and day to meet with me and I my best to get a job in the US future "
28 September 2018Agus Rudianto
" world class manufactur "
09 June 2018Veera Pandi
" Well maintenance. Tight security. Lot of trees inside the factory which is really awesome, especially mango trees. You can hear the birds sounds nice atmosphere. "
15 May 2018Sur Sur Yanto
" Area PT. UNILEVER home production care "
30 March 2018D Syaefulloh
" Home personal care factory "
28 October 2017Yuda Die Wollfi
" Ok "
05 October 2017Tiuz Harman
" Nice factory "
24 September 2017Vitix Childs Vione
" Ok "
09 September 2017Purwoko Arie
" One of Unilever Indonesia factory located in Jababeka Industrial Estate about 30 km east of Jakarta, this factory produces such hand wash, detergent, liquid cleaners and many more "
23 July 2017Muhamad Sahriady
" ok 👌 "
06 July 2017Arief Hidayat
" My beloved office💪 "
05 June 2017Pipit Iswanto
" Unilever is The best "
29 May 2017Matheus Haryanto
" Pusat bisnis "
07 April 2017Dhazzz Hartt
" Assalamualaikum ada lowongan gk bapak ibu kalau ada saya mau kerja di situ "
05 April 2017Ronald Abram
" Ok "
20 October 2016Jaenudin Saja
" Ok "
09 September 2016Sella Rahmafiandi
" Ok "
22 July 2015A Google User
" Ada lowongan krja buat cowo gak???
04 March 2012Kalo ada ngelamarnya lewat pos apa langsung. "