PT. Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia
About PT. Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia
PT. Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia is a company, located at 10 Jalan Mengger, Bandung, West Java 40267, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
PT Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia has become a legal company after the persons in the company running the consultancy as self-employed for more than 7 years.PT Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia is the company that provide in Civil, Structure & Geotechnical consultancy services.The directors are the engineers from Singapore previously that has been back to Indonesia since 2013 and start as a self-employed engineers back then.Both Founders start their experiences in Singapore as Civil & Structure Engineer since 2007 after their experiences in consultancy in Indonesia since 2004.In this long period of time to build the company their motto is only to become:"The Right Partner for Your Business"Regards,PT Optimal EngineeringSupport Indonesia