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PT FAST is a company, located at Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Due to technological advancements and the demands of today's healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to modernize medicinal preparations with Natural Medicines (Obat Bahan Alam). PT Fathonah Amanah Shidiq Tabligh (PT FAST) tries to respond to technological developments and changing lifestyles by producing Scientific-based Herbal Medicine (Obat Herbal Terstandarisasi).As a result of this realization, PT FAST has created herbal medicine in the form of an oral powder with a flavour and aroma while still preserving its qualities and benefits. As a Traditional Medicine Industry (Industri Obat Tradisional) scale company, PT FAST is also dedicated to creating a micro-economy and welfare for Indonesian society by developing herbal medicines that promote a healthy lifestyle for the global community.



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