About Polytechnic English Club
Polytechnic English Club is a company, located at Jalan Prof Dr G A Siwabessy, Depok, West Java 16425, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Polytechnic English Club is a Student Organization in State Polytechic of Jakarta which engaged in the field of English Language Learning. This Organization which established since 1998 has been becoming the place in order to develop the skills to achieve achievements in English field for the students of State Polytechnic of Jakarta.There are 4 Divisions held, they are:1. Regular Practice.The division to learn and practice English from the very basic, start from Grammar Learning, Daily Conversations, 3S which contains of Storytelling, Spelling-Bee, and Scrabble (Fun Times), and many more. 2. SpeechThe division where you will learn about making Proper Speech and how to deliver it in the right way. The division that would embrace your skill of speaking and the confident side of yours!3. NewscastingThe division where you will learn about how to be a News Anchor at the very first place. But that's no the only thing you'll lear about in this division. Weather Information lovers? You'll learn about Weather Forecast, and be one of the Weather Forcaster! Improving yourself by speaking Live? We got you to learn about Live Report. Or wondering of how do interviewers do their jobs? You'll learn about Interviewing as well, and so on!4. DebateThe division for those who really want to learn how to do Debate in the right and proper way. The division where you could improve your speaking and thinking skills in the same time. Dare yourself for something extreme but fun here!5. Event FounderThe division that will be the place to learn how to organize events step by step, and also you'll learn how to do paper presentation which will be useful for any presentation you'll have in the future, and many more!polytechnicenglishclub@gmail.com