Pizza Hut Delivery PHD Indonesia
About Pizza Hut Delivery PHD Indonesia
Pizza Hut Delivery PHD Indonesia is a meal delivery, located at Jl. Raya Bojongsoang No.:169, Lengkong, Bojongsoang, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40287, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 1 500 600, visit their website for more detailed information.
Redi Setiadi
" Recommended. "
22 November 2020Realistyo Elang
" Good service "
18 November 2020Aart Dsilence
" Recomend "
17 November 2020Shera Zhafira Shofbriaz
" Good "
15 November 2020Mahmud Alhushori
" Nice and delicious pizza in town. "
11 November 2020Ibhien Keliat
" Best place for eat pizza. Because it nearest to Binjai city. "
05 November 2020Hana N
" The pizza's taste is good enough. Affordable. But the place is quite small. "
01 November 2020Axl Smile
" ok "
27 October 2020Edwin Kurniawan
" The Best PHD at Magelang & Yogyakarta area.
24 October 2020Trust me the taste PHD Magelang is more better then all PHD in Yogyakarta Area.
* Nomero Uno PHD Magelang * "
Aris Gunawan
" Ok "
21 October 2020Ujang Oo
" ok
18 October 2020b "
Rajib Rahman
" Top "
18 October 2020Sampoerno Mild
" Ok "
10 October 2020Iwan Syaifulanwar
" Ok "
06 October 2020Helly Fahreza Fathurillah
" It's fast and good "
06 October 2020Novan Hastry Alea
" excellence staff.. humble.. "
25 September 2020Yudi Utomo
" Good "
21 September 2020Dudi Ruswandi
" Ok "
20 September 2020Dinar Pamungkas
" Not bad for an take out outlet.. spacious parking lot, but a little bit hot since it narrow and near the oven/ kitchen "
19 September 2020Kochu Hasibuan
" Normal "
18 September 2020Donoem
" good service, bug parking lot, easy to notice "
14 September 2020Djdee Liem Sumardi
" Nice???? "
10 September 2020Prima Anggra Hardianti
" Small place with cozy interior. Is not to widely but it's comfort to wait until lovely pizza is ready to take away. The waiter is helpfully and don not mind to asking anything we need. Nice! "
09 September 2020Abyan S
" Fast service. You may dine-in but its not comfy enough since its mainly to accept food delivery "
08 September 2020Harum Wijayakusuma
" Clean. Fast. Enak "
06 September 2020Maman Suherman
" Ok "
06 September 2020Keinan Official Medina
" Nice pizza "
05 September 2020Imam Kudori
" Fast food "
05 September 2020Yachya Supriadi
" Good "
04 September 2020Rudhy Hartawan
" Food was good "
03 September 2020Saiful Saiful
" Ok "
02 September 2020Fina Mufida
" Delicious "
31 August 2020Robby Ferdinand
" Social distancing victim "
30 August 2020Gusti Leo
" Good "
30 August 2020Aji Wijayanto
" Nice "
29 August 2020Ardians82 Ch
" Simple "
29 August 2020Rangga Behemoth
" Lovely place, very humble for all people who work in there...???????? "
29 August 2020Tuan Takuy
" ???????? "
29 August 2020Salwa Nafisah
" What a bargain! I bought pizza package when there's a discount and it was good! "
24 August 2020Rayendra Putra
" Cozy and delecious food! "
21 August 2020Andreas Johannes
" Easy tonspot from the street, standard phd joint. Service is relatively fast. Staff was helpful also "
20 August 2020Indra Kusumah
" great and deliciuos taste.... "
19 August 2020Habib Tito
" Neat, cozy place "
18 August 2020Himawan Jr
" Not Bad "
16 August 2020Arief Mulyanto
" Good "
16 August 2020Luigi Hidayat
" Nice "
12 August 2020Hardono Yudi
" Good pizza .. "
11 August 2020Calvin Liu
" Easy order, just took 15mins - 20mins "
10 August 2020Bromoindonesia Fatoni
" In order someone change his mind from this place than me moving to Bromo TOEFL 085234041417 "
09 August 2020Triple S
" Nice place, very clean and comfortable
31 July 2020The employee were nice and friendly ???? "
Ardi Arifin
" neat & quick service "
31 July 2020Stephen Ferdinandus
" Fast serve?????????????? "
30 July 2020Sulaeman Sulai
" Good place good service "
30 July 2020Cecep Rudy Irawan
" Nice food "
28 July 2020Mul Yadi
" Ok "
26 July 2020Agus Balbo
" the best "
" Best pizza on city "
24 July 2020Dewinda
" Cool, but when you park your car here around 10 am to 2 pm, it is very very hot that it will make you sweat a lot if you are stayong inside the car. "
17 July 2020Muhamad Nurhakim
" The service is very good
13 July 2020The place is clean and so comfort
Keep it up and good luck "
Auladi Februarrahman
" Good pizza, not suitable hangout. Parking lot not representative for car. The only one Pizza Hut outlet in Magelang. "
13 July 2020Ahmad Heru
" Ok n fast.. "
12 July 2020Eben Haezer
" Good food and place "
02 July 2020Amir Rostam Dokht
" Everything is good in here, food, clerks, &... But the bad thing is just the parking lot "
30 June 2020Adidkh
" Great pizza worth every penny "
29 June 2020Rudy James
" Ok "
28 June 2020Bawono Dwiradityo
" Ok "
28 June 2020Lilis Budi
" Nice "
25 June 2020Yendri Wirawan
" Fast and customer satisfaction "
21 June 2020Abdurrahman Hakim
" what a nice pizza restaurant "
21 June 2020Tahir Setiawan O
" yummy "
20 June 2020Dani Kresna
" Just order via your apps then pick up by your own, saving more time "
20 June 2020Edwin Bahtiar
" Nice n cozy place, I found discount 50% for delicious pizza. Thanks that's make my kiddo's smile "
19 June 2020Tyo Setianto
" nice place to eat and take away "
14 June 2020Dini Failasufa
" The service is great, taste? Dont ask. Absolutely ????. "
13 June 2020Mas Miki
" Big box terdabest "
12 June 2020Kocak Gaming
" Nice. Social distancing applied very well "
08 June 2020Nurja Nurja
" Ok "
05 June 2020Sunairi Andri
" good and cozy place, in front of an "old" giant. limited place for car parking "
04 June 2020Teguh Andi Raharjo
" Good service overall "
03 June 2020Mon AmiMon Ami Red Doors Sebastian
" I wonder PHD available in Pekalongan small batik city that about 400km east away from Jakarta. My family antusiash..... "
03 June 2020Redy Hartono
" Small space and long line customer wait for order "
02 June 2020Harry Adhi Nugroho
" Meat Lover Jumbo... "
01 June 2020??????? ?? ?????????
" the pizza not same in another branch "
28 May 2020Lya Febri
" The service is good, and the place is comfy and clean. "
28 May 2020Yepril Salim
" Grest pizza, lots of choice "
26 May 2020Ni Putu Astri Indah Pratiwi
" simple and takeaway! yeay "
25 May 2020Ilham Ich
" Taste really good "
23 May 2020Setiya Nugroho
" Ok "
23 May 2020Bintang Terang
" Ok "
21 May 2020Ahmad Razif
" 21 May 2020, I ordered a Super Supreme Jumbo Pizza. Meat toppings stated in pizza are " Daging sapi Cincang" & " Daging Sapi Burger". I expected to have a fresh real minced Beef & Beef with burger flavour. However what I got is Tasteless beef sausage, and very poorly made pizza. "
21 May 2020Arie R
" Ok "
21 May 2020Fahmi Arief Hakim
" Limited car parking space to pick up order "
15 May 2020Tri Joko Suseno
" Ok "
13 May 2020Gizza Ernissa
" Ok "
13 May 2020Tony Soebijono
" good and fast service for pizzas "
09 May 2020Firman Panjaitan
" Ok "
08 May 2020Orang Tuaku
" Ok "
24 April 2020Agus Sutijono
" Ok "
24 April 2020Koko Jrp
" Always have promo???? "
21 April 2020Cecilia Fenny
" Tasty. Nice and fast service "
07 April 2020Yayan Mulyana
" Ok "
05 April 2020Ahmad Fauzi
" Ok "
02 April 2020Andi Eka
" Godd jooob "
01 April 2020Fadilah Ahmad
" Ok "
01 April 2020Mu Nuhu
" phd "
20 March 2020Zatun Chaerul
" Good pizza for family "
19 March 2020Ika Mustika
" Italiano..... Yummy "
11 March 2020FORMI JABAR
" Good friend great pizza "
05 March 2020Andri Mardiana
" ???? "
03 March 2020Esa Yuandana
" Express pizza for take away "
03 March 2020Ari Mirdza
" Good "
03 March 2020Gabby Silalahi
" Good services "
02 March 2020Ali Benny
" Need more cleanliness..i see cockroach and fly.. "
01 March 2020Tono Priantono
" Good service "
01 March 2020Aryo Prastowo
" Need more space to hang out. "
01 March 2020Ega Shazuka_Sew
" Good Quality, Good service. "
01 March 2020Muhammad Arifuddin Aljufri
" You get what you pay, still worth it "
28 February 2020Suprianto Anto
" Ok "
28 February 2020Burn Asw
" Good and deliciois "
25 February 2020Deni Jango
" ok "
24 February 2020Yudhistira Dito
" Bigger place with sofa as well. Wide parking area "
23 February 2020Deni Hendrawan
" Nice place "
22 February 2020Irwan Stiawan
" The taste is good and good service with an affordable price. "
22 February 2020Sahila Pramesthi
" Should add more space so it doesnt have to br taken away or delivered. The pizza taste better when it's fresh too... "
22 February 2020Krisno Dwi Raharjo
" Delicious pizza "
21 February 2020Merry Gabriella GM
" Great delivery service and effort when I was still in Makassar "
21 February 2020Hermanto Wweo
" Good food.. good mood.. "
20 February 2020Luthfi8c Fahreza
" Good "
19 February 2020Indah Kumala
" The best pizza in Probolinggo City "
17 February 2020Adimas Bagus Hariansyah Putra
" fast service "
16 February 2020Fery Winata
" Ok "
15 February 2020Dadang Ramadhan
" This place offers you a tasty pizza until you can't stop eating ???? "
15 February 2020Supri Ganteng
" Ok "
07 February 2020Muhtar Imam
" Good place "
06 February 2020Masiko Haku
" good pizza "
06 February 2020Erwin Wijaya
" Ok "
02 February 2020Bogel Tigreal
" Great service and prices "
01 February 2020Arwinda Agnestriawan
" Love this much "
31 January 2020BRYAN MATTHEW W
" Nice food quite difficult to park your car "
29 January 2020Ali Imron Novianto
" Good "
29 January 2020Brilliant Putra
" Nice place "
23 January 2020Dian Eko
" Easy menu's. Much delicious.. "
23 January 2020Fakhri Winata
" nice food "
22 January 2020KPW
" Fast and fresh suit for you who want pizza fast to fulfill your stomach "
22 January 2020Aditdas Yudistira
" Ok "
19 January 2020Aqni Hanifa
" the menu is not as complete as the pizza hut "
18 January 2020Rieke Hendrayani
" The best pizza in indonesia "
16 January 2020Rq HM
" ok "
15 January 2020Bambang Priambada
" Ok "
11 January 2020Aryanto Habibie
" Good services "
08 January 2020Indi Wibi
" Just wait at home and lets the pizza man comes to you "
06 January 2020Misbahul Munir
" Come come come,, a happiness can't be changed by money,,, 🐵 "
05 January 2020Ancah Anc
" Pizza to take out with a fair price but it comes with many combination and various taste and topping, some times promo are held via online. The place not recommended for dine in only take away. "
04 January 2020Sovenny Maria
" 👍 "
03 January 2020Yolan Bima Wardana
" nice place and good service "
02 January 2020Ade Noerwenda
" For those who reside in Jl. Kaliurang, this shop will help to deliver quicker. Quality of food is as per standard too. "
30 December 2019Gadang Naufal
" Mediocre place to get pizza "
30 December 2019Saepul Anwar
" Nice place.. "
29 December 2019Pak Darmadi
" Their place so clean...
29 December 2019With excellent services from those warm and charming waiters & waitresses.....
The pizza taste good, delicious....
If they add more cheese for should be perfect. "
Ferry Irawan
" Good "
26 December 2019Machfur Hary
" ???? "
23 December 2019Fahri Luthfi
" Good "
22 December 2019Gus Busan Ruqyah JRA
" Ok "
21 December 2019Andrea
" Good only if you not find another pizzeria around.. "
21 December 2019PUTRA SALSABILA
" Ok "
20 December 2019Yohanes Suryadi
" Simple palce to buy pizza "
17 December 2019Jul Izar
" Fresh from oven "
15 December 2019Agus Suariadi
" Good as always, quick service too.. "
04 December 2019Gerri Fawwaz
" Very recomended "
03 December 2019Yani Utama
" The staff friendly, full wifi and good place..😁😁 "
30 November 2019Arsen Rafi
" They really done it with the aesthetics "
28 November 2019Warih Prajoko
" The best pizza resto "
26 November 2019Djayanto Utomo
" Benar2 handmade n fresh "
25 November 2019Chef Tasneem Jamjoom
" Clean, friendly staff, perfect prices, good offers like the "Big Box" we ordered. The only thing is that the restaurant is small and not more than 4 tables to sit down on. "
24 November 2019Dandy Setyohadi
" Ok "
22 November 2019Sri Gada Yuwana Yuwana
" Josssss muantap pollllll "
21 November 2019Achmad Firmansyah
" Ok "
20 November 2019Fajar Fauzi
" Ok "
19 November 2019Fadhel Maulana
" I ordered through Gojek the HEBOH BER2 that contains Small Pizza and Cheese Fusili. But i got Random Spaghetti and there's no Fork or Spoon! It was horrible. This is the worst order that i've done from PHD and i am so disappointed! "
18 November 2019Susi Yanto
" Good "
18 November 2019Dewi
" Good place for hang out, dine in or just for stopping by to get a box of your favourite Pizza Hut. Usually there is like a long queue mostly at the evening but overall the staffs take everything quite fast. "
17 November 2019Novi Noph
" Love pizzanya "
16 November 2019Novie Candra
" Nice pizza with friendly staff "
13 November 2019Nonik Bilandri
" Pizza favourite for my lovely boy "
10 November 2019Mohammad Azmir
" Good place "
10 November 2019Agung Sofyan Efendi
" Best indonesian pizza "
10 November 2019Anthony Kim
" Much different and not good taste from other PHD and Pizza hut. No have soft drink which most of guest want to drink such as coca cola and sprite. They prepared only juices. "
08 November 2019Addin Azra Maulana
" Ok "
06 November 2019Aditya Ivan
" we already paid at cashier and were taken a few minutes later. But the cashier keep collecting more. Please respond to PHD Dharmahusada who provides a disappointing cashier service. "
05 November 2019M Alif Arifin
" It's open until 2 AM, not like other franchise in Bandung. "
03 November 2019First Son
" Good pizza good fast food "
28 October 2019Aqdam Ziemsi
" Jooosss "
28 October 2019Shane Shoemaker
" We have Pizza Hut in USA. The pizza at this location is far superior to pizza Hut USA, Also you have Larger selection. Will be coming back for more. "
26 October 2019Sumair Mumtaz
" Amazing pizza i had never been before!! 😋 "
20 October 2019Xiao Fang
" yummmy....😍🥰 "
20 October 2019Laksono Nugroho
" The seevice is good and quick "
18 October 2019Nasila Cluzel
" Good service,good place "
13 October 2019Yudo Berlian
" so much good many visit for high school "
12 October 2019Silvia Hendriks
" Ok "
12 October 2019Abdul Rohman
" Ok "
10 October 2019Agoes Asgar
" Nice place & cheaper price "
09 October 2019Muhammad Sulthon Novera Rega
" The only PHD in Pekalongan. Good service, but it could be better if when there is a promo or bonus with minimum purchase, it's better to inform it to the customer. Well, my friends and I saw a purchase bonus in the banner right after bought some pizzas, but the bonus was not given until we went back to the cashier and notified them. It already happened twice. Personally, it's not a big deal for me. But, I'm not sure if it applies to others. Overall is good. "
07 October 2019Adhe Harianto
" Good "
04 October 2019Catherine Henry
" for family package 👍 "
03 October 2019Asep Sopiansyah
" feelin' Great "
02 October 2019Icha Dinda
" Speed and produk quality good performance "
02 October 2019Sisca Agustine
" Near with my living area hehe. You can place your order at 10.45PM. Just wait around 15 minutes and you can bring your pizza. "
01 October 2019Dino Ariandi
" Good Service "
26 September 2019Listiawati Hindarto
" Cozzy place nice decoration, like It.👍 "
23 September 2019Kevin Librata
" good and fast service. Pretty clean. Well you just can only order and take away. Lately went there with my friend. "
18 September 2019Nicolas Ivan
" Comfy, and now they are have OVO as payment method. make the payment easier. "
15 September 2019Putu Sangging
" Good service, good food as usual..bur sometimes finds it hard to adjust the standard portion on this branch. "
15 September 2019Steve Austin
" Best pizza, best service "
12 September 2019Pemen Briz
" Cozy place,nice service & clean "
11 September 2019Slamet Riyadi
" Top "
09 September 2019Cahya Fitri Andriyani
" Ok "
07 September 2019Acev Gendoet
" Nice place, nice service... Good job "
01 September 2019Wayne Wade
" Great pizza and service. Not many western options near here. "
01 September 2019Monica Taurisia
" Good place to hang out to . There's no disturbing music . Good service, good food . The pizza is well baked. Very nice "
24 August 2019Ilham Cahyahadi Pamungkas
" Cozy vibes, but this place is quite small for hanging out with group "
21 August 2019Ilham Cahyahadi Pamungkas
" Cozy vibes, but this place is quite small for hanging out with group "
21 August 2019Natalie Shieh
" Nice place for enjoying pizza and other dishes "
19 August 2019Raidah Intizar
" 2nd time ordering take away from this branch, and never succeeded, both because of server condition. Got to wait a long time, because the cashier told us, the order might be on its way. But it a waste of time. Other branch is fine though when ordering to take away via app. So I wonder if the net on this particular branch is ok. "
18 August 2019Luky Puspitasari Rizal
" Quick and yummy savior. Especially when you have many guests all of sudden but you have nothing on the kitchen (...and table).
16 August 2019Furthermore if you feel hungry and crave for supper but don't wanna do dishwshing, you can go here and dine in as well.....but remember for not bringing large group of people. It's PHD. Not the restaurant 🤭 "
Luky Puspitasari Rizal
" Quick and yummy savior. Especially when you have many guests all of sudden but you have nothing on the kitchen (...and table).
16 August 2019Furthermore if you feel hungry and crave for supper but don't wanna do dishwshing, you can go here and dine in as well.....but remember for not bringing large group of people. It's PHD. Not the restaurant 🤭 "
Lilik Fff
" I love it PhD "
16 August 2019Iwan Cobain
" Nice 👍 "
13 August 2019Beatf1 110
" ok "
11 August 2019Henri Kurniawan
" Yummmy "
11 August 2019Arif Rahman
" Nice "
09 August 2019Yodi Anugraha
" Good job "
09 August 2019Abdullah Mazeed
" Who doesn't like PHD all of us know this one of the best pizza store ever "
08 August 2019Abdullah Mazeed
" Who doesn't like PHD all of us know this one of the best pizza store ever "
08 August 2019Evan Triyanto
" Alot promotion "
07 August 2019Youd Oud
" The best "
07 August 2019Rani Martini
" Quick response and good service, these place are also neat and cozy for little chit chat. "
07 August 2019Rani Martini
" Quick response and good service, these place are also neat and cozy for little chit chat. "
07 August 2019Alex D.
" The best) "
04 August 2019Hadmo Saksono
" Delicious pizza and friendly crew "
03 August 2019Febra Nugraha
" The foods are good as usual, but, they need to practice how to smile to the customer, especially for the woman at the cashier. "
03 August 2019Febra Nugraha
" The foods are good as usual, but, they need to practice how to smile to the customer, especially for the woman at the cashier. "
03 August 2019Vikara .
" Its nice place to get quick pizza hut. Strategic place cause its on the side of Jalan Kaliurang (main road). Unlucky the staff (cashier) didnt know their promotion very well. I’ve checked promo from their app PHD, and i requested for that promo, but the staff didnt get it and said they didnt have that one. So, I decided just order from their app with pick up option (i have to go and get the pizza by myself ) . But overall its good. "
01 August 2019Vikara
" Its nice place to get quick pizza hut. Strategic place cause its on the side of Jalan Kaliurang (main road). Unlucky the staff (cashier) didnt know their promotion very well. I’ve checked promo from their app PHD, and i requested for that promo, but the staff didnt get it and said they didnt have that one. So, I decided just order from their app with pick up option (i have to go and get the pizza by myself ) . But overall its good. "
01 August 2019Krishna Soejitno
" Unique in small town "
26 July 2019Achmad Rifai
" recomend "
26 July 2019Ari Setiyo Sidik
" h.mmmm "
25 July 2019Deni Saputra
" Ok "
24 July 2019Taufan Dp
" Various pizza toppings selectoon and quite popular "
22 July 2019Taufan Dp
" Various pizza toppings selectoon and quite popular "
22 July 2019Galih Rakhmadi
" order and takeout won't take forever, but it really is just not at the most convenient place. luckily the exit is quiet okay, which you can really take another route if the other side was too crowded during rush hours. "
22 July 2019Fadriani Fariawan
" Much more topping than my hometown PHD. "
21 July 2019Do You
" friendly service and quick order. "
18 July 2019Dwi Oktora
" Ok "
16 July 2019Kukuh Suryana
" Nice, fast response "
15 July 2019Andi Syahrianto
" Ok "
15 July 2019Mega Resky
" Very nice "
10 July 2019Mary Regina
" Love this place so much! "
10 July 2019Able Mindkiller
" fast PHD.. "
10 July 2019Kurniawan Santoso
" Top "
10 July 2019Putri Indrani
" Don't need to go outside if you can't. Just place your order to the application, and voila, the package will arrive soon. Love it! "
07 July 2019Putri Indrani
" Don't need to go outside if you can't. Just place your order to the application, and voila, the package will arrive soon. Love it! "
07 July 2019Kelik Kpr
" Prefer order by phones rather than wait at the outlet :) "
07 July 2019Engkos Koswara
" Ok "
06 July 2019Irvan Hadi Danukusumah
" Good services, fast and kind employeee "
05 July 2019Igede Bima
" I don't need to go back to denpasar to buy pizzas since there was a Pizza Hut Delivery in tabanan 👍 "
03 July 2019Yanizeplin Situmorang
" Good "
02 July 2019Yanizeplin Situmorang
" Good "
02 July 2019DEDY JUANDA
" Yami "
30 June 2019Mochamad Ali Sidiq
" Quick service for delivery "
30 June 2019Akbar Aguston
" Very nice
29 June 2019I love u full "
Safira Herlambang
" Great taste, medium price. "
29 June 2019Ninik W Yuliana
" My favourite place to buy pizza "
27 June 2019Arifan Pratama
" Tempat nyempil di pojokan, tempat bersih, pelayanan cepat, pelayanan ramah, menu bervariasi, semuanya ada, bisa pesan apa saja yang di menu, hanya saja untuk tempat parkir agak sulit, karena bersebelahan dengan ruko ruko lainnya, tempat terlihat jelas dari jalan utama. "
27 June 2019Joko Handoyo
" Ok "
25 June 2019Marlian Marliany
" Since its for takeaway purpose, so the place is so small & inconvenient "
25 June 2019Bayu Suseno
" Good pizza, good delivery "
24 June 2019Rizal Efendi
" Fast food fast respond fast delivery..good servise "
23 June 2019Nurul Hidayati
" Italian food "
22 June 2019Flimanhadi .
" Simple yet cozy place to hang out with friends. Its simple pizzeria concept is really casual. Pizza is served on it's box and you can have it there while sitting on a dining table or at the high stool facing the street (no cutleries).
21 June 2019Pizza tastes great!!
Just wish this place opens 24hrs :) "
" Good "
21 June 2019Wong Karanganyar
" Good "
19 June 2019Dwi Wida
" So delicious "
18 June 2019Yuli Sudarwantiok7x2 R Qdvkvu
" Ok "
16 June 2019Yuli Sudarwantiok7x2 R Qdvkvu
" Ok "
16 June 2019Moro Taat
" Fast and popping "
15 June 2019Ignatius Danang
" Quick serve, best price, clean place "
14 June 2019Ignatius Danang
" Quick serve, best price, clean place "
14 June 2019Agustinik46
" Nice place hmm.. "
14 June 2019Tegnal
" Nice pizza's as it should be "
12 June 2019Sugiarto Ojol
" Ok "
11 June 2019Nandy Aryo
" Have many promo and the time delivery is fast enough "
10 June 2019Sienny Irawati
" Quick service and easy go to meal. "
10 June 2019Olivia Corda
" All time favorite meals "
10 June 2019Bona Mana
" Fast serving pizza hut "
09 June 2019Bona Mana
" Fast serving pizza hut "
09 June 2019Lukas Dedi
" The only one and best pizza resto in town "
08 June 2019Fuji Pebri
" Nice place for hungry traveler when ready at home "
07 June 2019Fuji Pebri
" Nice place for hungry traveler when ready at home "
07 June 2019Ken Kinanti
" Nice service.
02 June 2019Great Hospitality. "
Ricky Herliyanto
" Available in & outdoor seat for dine in
31 May 2019Cozy place "
Marchelina Cindy Kumala Hayati
" Taste good, fast & efficient service. Provide enough space to sit and wait. I think they can improve the service by optimally using their order status monitor (which already been provided) by giving the customer status updates of their orders in a more descriptive way (like, "in the making", "in the oven", "packaging", etc) not just "waiting" and "ready" (which btw surprisingly is not always means "ready" too). "
30 May 2019Marchelina Cindy Kumala Hayati
" Taste good, fast & efficient service. Provide enough space to sit and wait. I think they can improve the service by optimally using their order status monitor (which already been provided) by giving the customer status updates of their orders in a more descriptive way (like, "in the making", "in the oven", "packaging", etc) not just "waiting" and "ready" (which btw surprisingly is not always means "ready" too). "
30 May 2019Martinus Jody
" Nice place for family and friend "
30 May 2019Faizal A
" It is good. The services is like PHD in general and the pizza tasted like pizza hut "
30 May 2019Faizal A
" It is good. The services is like PHD in general and the pizza tasted like pizza hut "
30 May 2019Denata Sport
" Manttaaaappzzz... "
29 May 2019John Black
" good services "
29 May 2019Rezina Hazairin
" Nice place. Good taste "
26 May 2019Rezina Hazairin
" Nice place. Good taste "
26 May 2019Sabda Kawedhar
" great food, fresh ingredients, good service, reasonable price, clean place.. very recommended 👍👍👍 "
26 May 2019Alfarina Setyorini
" Nice place... "
25 May 2019Isa Maulana
" Pizza hut is well known, same place every branch "
24 May 2019Ankit Lodha
" Nice, Clean, New and Big Size place for food,. Amazing that with Vegetarian option and good promos.. "
22 May 2019Putri Yanuar
" Cozy place for friends and family "
21 May 2019Mang Odoy
" Ok "
20 May 2019Mang Odoy
" Ok "
20 May 2019Andinata 47
" A good place, large enough space for family or just a table for 2-4 pax. Good services "
18 May 2019Andinata 47
" A good place, large enough space for family or just a table for 2-4 pax. Good services "
18 May 2019Roby Dj
" Cause i'm a pizza lovers... I like it "
17 May 2019Indra Kusnawan
" Ok "
16 May 2019Pepperidge Farm
" Shameful service.
15 May 2019Im pretty hungry at 8:30 so i order phd as i know this reputable company for fast food delivery however..
1. I waited for almost 1 hour (delivery promise 30 minutes)
2. No spoon, no sauce, no tissue .. just food. How do i supposed to eat with ?
3. The food spoiled, oil leaked out from the paxkaging "
Zaidan Hanif
" Good place but the parking place is small "
15 May 2019Zaidan Hanif
" Good place but the parking place is small "
15 May 2019Gacha Yoongi
" Nice place, delicious food, you should come to the restorant "
15 May 2019Dixcy Rahardjani
" Easy and delicious "
14 May 2019Katalin Hoffman
" Pizza, by far, was the best I've had in Indonesia so far. "
11 May 2019Rendra Wijaya
" Fast, good condition, fresh food, and also delicious. "
08 May 2019Febi Prasetyo
" Fresh from the oven... makyus "
05 May 2019Febi
" It is very easy to reach from homw. There's no parking area means no need money to spent for parking man :D "
04 May 2019Adyhiday 999
" nice "
01 May 2019Maulana Ibrahim
" The Pizza here is very Delicious. "
30 April 2019Dhimas MYNZ
" Nice .. "
29 April 2019_ Egoiste
" sippp "
22 April 2019Sandy Aru
" They've good foods "
19 April 2019Liauwnad Steven
" Good place and fast serve "
11 April 2019Dian Radiata
" Best service and fast response "
07 April 2019Sona Sanjaya
" I paid more for the topping but, it's still the same.. "
07 April 2019Didi Irfandi
" Fast respon🔥🔥 "
05 April 2019Didi Irfandi
" Fast respon🔥🔥 "
05 April 2019Kaka Rizqa
" Nice place for dine in or take away ~ "
03 April 2019Kaka Rizqa
" Nice place for dine in or take away ~ "
03 April 2019Henri Krisnamurti
" Good service. Common price. Affordable place "
03 April 2019Henri Krisnamurti
" Good service. Common price. Affordable place "
03 April 2019Ibrahim F Burhan
" PHD outlet where you can come and make an order. The order process is standard and in time. "
01 April 2019Ibrahim F Burhan
" PHD outlet where you can come and make an order. The order process is standard and in time. "
01 April 2019Kenken Effendy
" Hmmm.....always pizza favorit "
29 March 2019Afumato Sorihin
" Most delicious puzza in town "
29 March 2019Fidelia BCA
" Great service "
28 March 2019Fidelia BCA
" Great service "
28 March 2019Evan Ericssen
" It is nice place. They have almost every Pizza Hut menus, but they lack of taste and textures. Their pizza was too weak instead of firm, and the taste wasn't so good compare to Pizza Hut itself.
28 March 2019The parking lot also small, but still enough for motorcycles. It is better to take away instead of dine in. I hope they can improve and fix their taste and texture in the future. "
Curcolnya Roni
" Love the place. The service is great, the food is great. "
25 March 2019Syah Real
" Ok "
21 March 2019Weni Sitompul
" Ok "
20 March 2019Reizza Rizki
" Have a good pizza and have good delivery order time "
17 March 2019Reizza Rizki
" Have a good pizza and have good delivery order time "
17 March 2019Syahida Windi Tv
" Delicious food , recommended "
14 March 2019Syahida Windi Tv
" Delicious food , recommended "
14 March 2019Tanahjual Tanah Dijual - Cari Tanah Jual Murah
" Good place to get Pizza "
11 March 2019Faturohman Dede
" Decebt pizza store, good services "
11 March 2019Yenny Tjahjadi
" Delicious pizza I like it very much "
11 March 2019Lambonang Farell
" A place that easy to find, its on the cikini main Street, its little bit hard to get park for the car, but you can park on Street. Its not a big place because as they named it they delivered the magnificent pizza to you, unless you want to come, they will serve for you either take away or dine in. "
10 March 2019Lambonang Farell
" A place that easy to find, its on the cikini main Street, its little bit hard to get park for the car, but you can park on Street. Its not a big place because as they named it they delivered the magnificent pizza to you, unless you want to come, they will serve for you either take away or dine in. "
10 March 2019Winathra Nugraha
" Nice place, good for wait a pizza and you can eat the pizza in that place "
09 March 2019Winathra Nugraha
" Nice place, good for wait a pizza and you can eat the pizza in that place "
09 March 2019Elvade Ristiono
" Cozy space, but limited parking lot. "
08 March 2019Navila Roslidah
" There's seating here if you want to eat your pizza right away (without plate and cutlery of course since it only provides delivery service). The place is easy to find yet you need to be careful because it is quite close with the traffic light. "
06 March 2019Muhammad Khusban Nurmansyah
" Good place to get some pizza, cheesy mayo recomended one "
05 March 2019Dias Suratman
" Nice place but you only can order and take away here "
28 February 2019Andi Handoko
" good services, good quality "
27 February 2019Louis
" Always the best. Quick serve, delicious pizza. Yummy "
26 February 2019Louis
" Always the best. Quick serve, delicious pizza. Yummy "
26 February 2019Adilla Wiguna
" Fast service. The taste is different compare to regular pizza hut. Regular puzza hut better "
25 February 2019Nafan Ernesto
" PHD.. easy way to eat pizza... "
21 February 2019RIDWAN SYAHBUDIN
" Ok "
19 February 2019Hanna
" Nice staffs.
12 February 2019Good service. "
" Bundoooooooooooo "
08 February 2019Mang Aceng
" Bundoooooooooooo "
08 February 2019Yesaya Galatia
" They provide a fast services, their pizza quality is almost the same like the Pizza Hut Restaurant (non PHD). Unfortunately, Sometimes the pizza here are quite soggy compared to Pizza Hut Restaurant pizza. But if you need a quick or fast services, this could be a great option. "
06 February 2019Yesaya Galatia
" They provide a fast services, their pizza quality is almost the same like the Pizza Hut Restaurant (non PHD). Unfortunately, Sometimes the pizza here are quite soggy compared to Pizza Hut Restaurant pizza. But if you need a quick or fast services, this could be a great option. "
06 February 2019Dion Christian
" A good place to order pizza. "
05 February 2019Merlin's Beard
" A better deal for ph lovers.. go buy at phd rather than pizza hut restaurants if you can "
04 February 2019Gaurav Khanna
" Dilya was very kind and helpful. Well baked pizza. "
03 February 2019Agung Dharmawan
" Good Italian food and good service "
02 February 2019Nurmazidah Banser
" Serve tasty pizza relatively quick. But there aren't many tables to dine in "
02 February 2019Jusy_ Sysy
" Good service, the worker is very nice. "
30 January 2019Insaan Khairan
" Really enjoy family time in this place. Family friendly "
25 January 2019FirmanKhate
" Phd pressss "
22 January 2019Firmansyah Khate
" Phd pressss "
22 January 2019Erich Saufi
" Delicious pizza, full AC, cozy waiting room "
18 January 2019Herry Wisata
" Quicky express "
18 January 2019Muhamad Heri
" Ok siiipp "
18 January 2019Arista Hambarsika
" The service is friendly and good as in Pizza hut in generaly. The process of making pizzas is also pretty fast and the taste is same as in a Pizza Hut restaurant. The seat for waiting is little. Standard prices and often lots of promos. Hopefully Pizza Hut restaurants can also open in Tabanan. "
17 January 2019Wulan Pratama
" Pizza Hut Delivery "
17 January 2019Stéphane Brunel
" Pizza hut like others. Staff speak good English and you can have you pizza being delivered yo your hotel if you desire. Room upstair have AC and there is a balcony ad well "
09 January 2019Stéphane Brunel
" Pizza hut like others. Staff speak good English and you can have you pizza being delivered yo your hotel if you desire. Room upstair have AC and there is a balcony ad well "
09 January 2019Dayu Widy
" PHD Tabanan
09 January 2019I passed by the street and stooped by in PHD, place was good, only few seating considering for delivery service. Pizza was great as usual. The jelly cappuccino was too sweet.
The problem is when I finished order and waiting, women staff was suddenly singing out loud, following the background song. It’s not polite when there is customer in front waiting for the order!
I think is not a good choice to come directly here, better via phone. "
Muh Hamim
" I've ever been here. This pizza is delicious when you get it warm. This is very expensive for midle economy. "
05 January 2019Mutia Suri
" Easy and faster way to order your warm delicious pizza "
05 January 2019Brad T
" not real pizza .the toppings taste fake .thw crust was not crispy .cheese is only ok ..basically taste like a super cheap pizza "
02 January 2019Dewi Rahmah
" The most fav.. Cheeeeeze world 😘😘😘 "
31 December 2018Dewi Rahmah
" The most fav.. Cheeeeeze world 😘😘😘 "
31 December 2018Putri Po
" so guuuud 👏 purchased via gofood "
31 December 2018Vincencia Chrysantika
" The staffs are friendly, they really helpful in offering and explaining the menu, I don't have to wait for ages, it is pretty fast but I don't like the parking man, he is like genie always show up when we already finished! "
30 December 2018Mila Mutia
" Well for pizza lover this is the best spot for you 😜 "
29 December 2018Anggie Aziz
" The service is good, waiting time is average for most of PHD. Parking has no issue, and located in a strategic place, overall it's good. "
29 December 2018Andrew Santoso
" Good service, fast, price good
29 December 2018My box 38rb
Every 9 PM salad discount 50% "
Andrew Santoso
" Fresh salad and good taste pizza. Service is so nice.
28 December 2018Pizza is different with pizza hut. The pizza more thin but more crispy "
Budhi Hermawan
" Nice place and kinds person "
28 December 2018Eka Evia R. Agustina
" Fast response.. "
28 December 2018Royce A.V
" They have outdoor tables @ 2nd floor accomodating people who are smoking... "
28 December 2018Afif Saifi Hirzan
" Here, we can see how to make Pizza because the open kitchen. I was impressed with the time needed to make a delicious pizza, only 15 to 20 minutes! They have set menu with cheaper price too. And for delivery time, they guarantee in 30 minutes or customer will get free pizza. "
27 December 2018Afif Saifi Hirzan
" Here, we can see how to make Pizza because the open kitchen. I was impressed with the time needed to make a delicious pizza, only 15 to 20 minutes! They have set menu with cheaper price too. And for delivery time, they guarantee in 30 minutes or customer will get free pizza. "
27 December 2018Budi Kurniawan
" Never had a problem with PHD, Baik take away maupun delivery, pelayanan topnotch 👍 "
25 December 2018Purbayu Budi Santoso
" Good place in Ciomas. Good to take a rest from traffic jam. "
25 December 2018Zain Rori
" No "
24 December 2018Ainun Najib
" Top "
24 December 2018Christopher Setiawan
" Services are great and helpful "
17 December 2018Naufal Zhalifunas Hadaya
" This a recomended place with comfortable sit and nice food.
16 December 2018There are many variant of food with deliveriable to your place wherever you have... "
Naufal Zhalifunas Hadaya
" This a recomended place with comfortable sit and nice food.
16 December 2018There are many variant of food with deliveriable to your place wherever you have... "
Mohammad Irwan Trimulyono
" *Located on the main road of Purwakarta
14 December 2018*Cleanliness : 5/5
*Parking zone : 5/5
*Service : 5/5 fast
*Air conditioning : 2/5 little bit hot because no separator between kitchen and waiting zone "
Robby Sanjaya
" Ok "
14 December 2018Hangger Putro Pangarso
" Nice service. Fast. "
13 December 2018Andi M Putra
" Good service and hospitality. Nice open kitchen to experience pizza making. Good overall for its franchise standard. "
12 December 2018Robin Ismail
" Fast respon for order pizza. "
08 December 2018Lita Puspasari
" Good pizza, clean and nice place to wait (because basically take away restaurant). No long queue also fast response from the team. They still keep doing well until night.
08 December 2018Double large American Favorite and Meat Lovers take away
Price: 261 kIDR
American Favourite: 4/5
Meat Lovers: 5/5
Services: 4/5
Place: 4/5 "
Kholiful Hasbi
" Banyak promo dengan biaya pengiriman Rp 16.000
07 December 2018Buka sampai malamhari dan buka sejak pagi.
Pelayanan ramah dan cepat yang memang seharusnya begitu.
Menu lengkap dan cocok untuk pesan bungkus.
Parkir memadai namun kurang teduh.
Bisa di order melalui gofood.
Harga brosur sudah termasuk pajak, bisa untuk estimasi pelanggan yang dana pas-pasan. "
Dian Puspita Anggraeni
" Menikmati pizza dengan harga ekonomis dan praktis, bisa delivery order juga lho... jika beruntung bisa dapat coupon pembelian pizza Buy 1 Get 1 melalui aplikasi PHD masyaa Alloh... "
03 December 2018Yonas S
" 5 meja di indoor. 6meja di outdoor. Small place. But its pizza Hut ???? "
03 December 2018A Google User
" Aku bakalan share tentang pengalaman dapet pizza gratis dari pizza hut Indonesia sebagai kompensasi keterlambatan 30menit atas service deliverynya. Sebuah pelayanan yang ditawarkan PHD ke konsumennya. Tentunya hanya beberapa area yang terjangkau oleh PHD saja ya. Jika ingin mengetahui jangkauan area bisa langsung kunjungi website PHD IndonesiaBerbentuk voucher sebagai bukti dapat 1 pizza gratis yang bisa ditukarkan dengan S&K berlaku. Pelayanan yang menurut aku oke , Penasaran gimana aku bisa dapet voucher dan menukarkannya jadi pizza gratis? simak cerita berikut hehehe "
02 December 2018A Google User
" Pelayanannya ramah "
02 December 2018Peter John
" Fast service "
30 November 2018Audie Christopher
" Dine in is on the second floor, it is most of the time empty, and it has this bluetooth speaker that you can connect to and play your jams. Service was decent, however wifi didn't work (no connection) "
22 November 2018Dicky Arghabi
" Good place to buy pizza. Need more entertainment facility so people waiting do not get bored "
20 November 2018Berny Riberu
" fast service 👍 "
17 November 2018Rachmat Ferdiansyah
" Nice place to have quick pizza , has some table to dine in "
10 November 2018Wim Saputra
" Paket fav my box "
06 November 2018Rizky Nur Hakimah
" Menyenangkan! Bahkan saya datang dgn baju tidur pun dilayani dengan ramah :) "
04 November 2018Riri
" The service was wonderful! They were really nice and helpful. The process was quick, and most importantly, the pizza was delicious!
03 November 2018Thank you for the amazing service! And the pizza! "
Dwiky Mlyti
" Gooooood "
01 November 2018Ridhwan Hadiyan
" Fast & Good Service "
21 October 2018Erika Dwi Cahyani
" Mayan lah, enak "
20 October 2018Budi Tjahyono
" Tempat buat order pizza ketika lapar melanda, pelayanan cepat dan ramah sip👍 "
18 October 2018Gaurav Naidu
" It's an awesome place and also excellent offers and service.. Great job "
18 October 2018Damar Gustusanto
" While i was waiting, i saw a cocroach crawling in front of my shoes, but the pizza is good... "
18 October 2018Andra Kuswara
" Top "
12 October 2018Daman Huri
" Cozy and quick service "
12 October 2018Eko Nursanty
" Small place just for emergency ????. You can eat here if you really hungry..... "
08 October 2018Arvin D
" Simple place to order pizza, its quick and efficient, the pizza is fresh and you can see the process here "
04 October 2018Dicky Sadikin
" fun, and quickly presents orders "
02 October 2018Lany Andhari Leader Paytren 0856-3600-031
" Hobby daaahhh.. "
30 September 2018Denise Korompis
" Pretty fast service but food is quite pricey. "
29 September 2018Siswanto Joyo Binangun
" Pisan pisan yo mangan pizza, ora mung pohong wae... "
29 September 2018Hot Maringan Samosir
" Good place for craving sudden pizza hut. Having express delivery around Binjai area. "
29 September 2018Adisti Winarti Nainggolan
" Kesukaan semua "
29 September 2018Aldo Defri Herdiansyah
" Be nice and enjoy with pizza from PHD "
28 September 2018Raisya Aprillia
" good food with cozy place
23 September 2018and i love their delivery service "
Xreme Driver
" Ok "
21 September 2018Hani Putri
" Pizza hut is an american restaurant. in there many pizza with various kinds of toppings. Beside many other food pizza such as potato wedges, spaghetti, french fries and etc. "
20 September 2018Pramudiyanto Wadjidi
" The nearest PHD to get your favorite pizza "
17 September 2018Teryn Rengganis
" Delicius "
17 September 2018FIRDAUS Choir
" Good Services...thanks "
15 September 2018Rheza Febrisono
" Good service (y) "
15 September 2018Deni Syahrizal
" Mau pizza tgl TLP aza.. "
12 September 2018Erdy Victor
" gak bisa delivery ke Komplek Citra Damai II "
12 September 2018Agnes Veronika
" There are many mosquitos inside. The order service can be better "
12 September 2018Faiz Sahal
" Nice place to re
05 September 2018lax "
Bela Sulistyaguna
" Good but i dont like the parkir area "
05 September 2018Maysrh Abu Jubarh
" Yami yami "
03 September 2018I G E
" Large enough space parking, friendly customer service, clean and neat place.. Havent test about the wifi yet "
02 September 2018Raysa Amelia
" Lokasi stategis, hati hati jalur macet hhi. Penyelamat bgt sih saat lapar :') love u soo PHD "
29 August 2018Yudhi Juliyanto
" Fasterrrr "
29 August 2018Ferdy Piay
" Good for delivery and close to home "
16 August 2018Kakarizka Nugrahani
" good pizza with various topping and dough you can choose. quick preparations. good server. there some tables you can use for quick dining "
13 August 2018Yacinta Dinda
" Always be my favorite💕 "
12 August 2018Nurhasanah Shi
" Good place... "
11 August 2018Rifqi Achmadi
" one stop pizza place to fulfill ur hungry stomach "
11 August 2018Siska Primadani
" Tempatnya cozy tapi ga seberapa besar. Cukup bersih. Pelayanannya juga ramah. "
10 August 2018Rizky Marsetioko
" Good place for photo shot with background. Nice interior and modern design "
09 August 2018Muritama Kazuto
" Nice restaurant "
09 August 2018Raditiya Putera
" A good place to fast order pizza "
08 August 2018M Thosim
" Sayang abak beli spaghetti "
07 August 2018Badiatul Mardliyah
" I didnt know that we can not dine in PHD. I suck. "
07 August 2018Ning Chantik
" Ok "
07 August 2018Riesto Aggel
" Pengin makan pitza yang enak di solo, dengan tempatnya yang sangat cozy, nyaman, pelayanan cepat. Ini nih bisa menjadi salah satu pilihan buat Anda. Bisa makan ditempat ataupun delivery order. Jangan lewatkan kadang juga ada promo yang menarik loh. Hehehee... "
05 August 2018Dominicus Regi Suryo Wibowo Jati
" Good food, but the service when you dine in is not as good as the one located in jalan galunggung. "
31 July 2018Leonardo Siregar
" Fast and serve well "
31 July 2018Robby Andre
" Excellence service and good food "
30 July 2018Lukito Lukito
" Good place. Fast service "
30 July 2018Ganda Sinbad
" Ok "
29 July 2018Yopianus Linga
" I don't have to go to mall just to grab a slice. "
26 July 2018Puasanta Bernard
" Cozy nice place👍 "
25 July 2018Adityo Putro Pratomo
" Excellent services; it takes less than 10 minute waiting for order. "
23 July 2018Dikro Angga
" Nice place to eat "
22 July 2018Zulfikar Irfan
20 July 2018Sang Mu Nim
" Tidak Akan order kesini,pengendara motor pada tanggal 18 Juli 2018,didepan pom Benson baru,dia arah ke Hyundai,sekitar jam 16:30 ugal ugalan..pecat saja kalau bisa ditrace back.. "
18 July 2018David Sonnet
" Rather disappointing if compared with other franchises in the rest of the world. Pizza crust was not cooked enough, the topping were rather tasteless and the global presentation was not really appetizing. Other dishes were also so-so (like the spaghettis). The only really tasty dish was the fried chicken. "
18 July 2018Muhammad Hanif
" Pizza nya jauh bedah rasanya dengan PHD jalan pahlawan apa lagi Pizzahut suncity.....
16 July 2018Di bimbing lagi ya pekerjanya agar kualitas dan rasa tidak terlampau jauh dengan yang lain...
Untuk kasir sangat rama cuma di sisi makananya yang kurang baik... "
Irwin Sulaiman
" Fast service and affordable "
16 July 2018Nadya Putri Salsabila
" My favorite fast food everytime💖💖💖 "
14 July 2018Kiamoul Haque Sam
" A bit pricy. Of all the good food available i dont know why one should go there. "
13 July 2018Dedik Purwanto
" Nice & quick respond service. "
12 July 2018Suryawan Arief
" In the event of crmbogo promo. Online order confirmed, but at pickup time they run out of materials.. "
08 July 2018Akbar Kharisma
" There're promo buy1get1 take away , but they can prepare it well. The system often being error.
07 July 2018When i came to the place(6 july 2018) , they said that the oven/machine malfunction. And they didn't even confirm me by call. Then they give conclusion they will delivery the pizza(free delivery fee) waiting till 11pm, they were called and tell that they will send the pizza.
I said that i'll pending my order for tomorrow 7 july 2018, and now 7 july 15.58 i still must be waiting for the pizza being cook 👌🏻👍🏻❤️ "
Rosalina Anggraeni
" Very cozy place to chill with your family or friends, great hospitality, and great services :) "
07 July 2018Reizy Narhan
" saya mesen dari jam set 6 sore buat ambil jam 10 dan sampai 22.43 status pesanan saya belum dalam proses pembuatan. "
06 July 2018ZUL KIFLI
05 July 2018Yosi Christian
" Best pizza take away or delivery . "
05 July 2018Achmad Saputra
" need improvement on customer queuing management "
02 July 2018Riyan Agung
" Best "
30 June 2018Adam R Ganjara
" Buy the pizza and got the iflix for free!
29 June 2018What a wonderful bonus! Thanks Pizza Hut & near from home "
Vitri Vitaloka
" Meet up excellence services,fast n precise "
24 June 2018Exo Trip
" Enak paket big box nya "
21 June 2018Adhy Tambunan
" Pizza Hut delivery -ph "
21 June 2018Gibran Hawwari
" Excellent service, friendly staff, somewhat comfortable place for waiting your order, and has a lot of promos so you may get lower prices if you buy "combo" package. Make sure to know their promos by getting their pamphlets, so you will get best deals from them. "
20 June 2018Jonatan Andre
" Nice pizza "
18 June 2018Dwi Husba
" Professional "
18 June 2018A Google User
" Good service "
18 June 2018Evy Farida
" Excellent place.. "
17 June 2018Andray Alrasyid
" Tempatnya adem, pelayanan oke. Sayangnya jarak pengantaran maksimal 3 km. Hiks yg rumahnya jauh dari kota paling pakai gojek gofood ya atau datang langsung ke sini. Lokasi di pusat kota, di jalur searah jalan gudang, dekat RS Rido galih dan bubur bunut. Parkiran muat kurang lebih 4 mobil. Supaya nggak bingung waktu mesen, baiknya lihat-lihat dulu menunya di mbah google. Lebih cepet lagi, kalau mau fiambil langsung, pesan dulu via web atau aplikasi, jadi saat datang ke outlet tinggal dibawa tanpa nunggu. "
13 June 2018Imam Sunarko
" Location was easy to find , space room was big enough . There are indoor and outdoor also. Time service was quick enough, and the parking lot too small . "
11 June 2018Rhafian Prabarinandar
" Hungry slayer "
11 June 2018Sapto Mcsapi7
" Pelayanan standar seperti PHD pada umumnya, hanya saja kekurangannya lahan parkir terbatas dan posisi di tepi jalan antar kota (ramai) sehingga bagi yang membawa mobil akan kesulitan parkir, kalau bawa motor tidak masalah. Iya tuh tarif parkir mobilnya gak masuk akal 5.000 (udah kaya masuk mall aja) padahal cm parkir pinggir jalan, bandingkan dgn PHD sidoarjo satunya parkir mobil cm 2.000 posisi parkirnya pun lbh nyaman, ini perlu tindak lanjut segera dari manajemen nih, klo gini terus orang pasti pada males datang k PHD yang baru ini (klo kepepet aja kesini), enakan k PHD jl. Pahlawan. "
10 June 2018ZuL KifLi
08 June 2018Teddy Sea
" Good pizza and delicious "
07 June 2018Devy Oktavia
" order by gojek. jelek banget pizza nya, banyak semut nya gk bisa dimakan, di tlp gk diangkat2. "
06 June 2018Lutfi Budi Ilmawan
" Pelayanan ok "
05 June 2018Denny Krisnawan
" Outlet is not too big but is in strategic location. Friendly and fast service. The lounge area is too small and the parking area is not too wide. But it is in accordance with the concept that this outlet only serve delivery order or take it home. With a famous pizza brand then the taste of pizza is definitely good. The right choice if by chance passes through this area and wants to bring home a pizza. "
03 June 2018Amy Amo
" Cozy place to eat pizza "
03 June 2018Hafid Arfan
" Mantaps dan nyaman suasanya "
03 June 2018Bambang Nuraji
" Good place and good taste "
03 June 2018Akmal Eky
" The place could have been more comfortable "
03 June 2018Rendra Kurniawan
" Surga fast-food di tempat yg kecil "
02 June 2018Ade Hendrayana Taslim
" Sangat tidak rekom bingit karena parkir liar bayar 5000 dan kalau ada apa apa dgn kendaraan kita mereka pasti tidak bertanggung jawab.
01 June 2018Pihak manager phd sebagai pengelolah tidak bisa apa apa padahal area sidoarjo PARKIR GRATIS sudah masuk dalam pembayaran iuran STNK. "
Imam Sugiarto
" Karena memang konsepnya take away, apa salahnya untuk menambah bangku bila ada orang yang mau makan ditempat.. memang tempatnya ramai di sawojajar tapi tidak salahnya untuk ada penambahan tempat makan "
01 June 2018Angie Ayu Mujahida
" Pizza is good. Service is good "
01 June 2018Rian J
" ok "
01 June 2018Novia Rizky
" Tempat yg bersih,crew yg ramah,produk berkualitas dan terjangkau. "
31 May 2018Tia Palevi
" so far so good "
31 May 2018Sulaiman Phan
" Slow response employees, dirty workplace, some flies in the waiting area "
31 May 2018Irzal Fajrin
" This place is very good.. you must try. "
31 May 2018Lobster Air Tawar
" nice place "
31 May 2018Mohammad Irwan Trimulyono
" *Located on the main road of Purwakarta
31 May 2018*Cleanliness : 5/5
*Parking zone : 5/5
*Service : 5/5 fast
*Air conditioning : 2/5 little bit hot because no separator between kitchen and waiting zone "
J Kendil
" Thank "
31 May 2018RHMN ID
" Ok "
31 May 2018Tangguh SOFYAN
" Sajian sehat dan t4 nunggu yh nyaman "
30 May 2018Yudhi Mp
" Nice place "
30 May 2018Bambang Irawan
" Nice food "
29 May 2018Benny Indrajaya
" Nice service good taste, recommend pizza "
29 May 2018Ridwan Iwan
" Nice place "
29 May 2018Agus Ciptosantoso
" Tempat menunggunya yg kurang nyaman, pizzanya standar pizza hut 👍 "
29 May 2018Ratih Indah
" Nice place to come "
28 May 2018Willy Ahmad
" Perfect taste "
27 May 2018Nana Nana
" Good "
26 May 2018Farahsyinta Fardiana
" Good food good service "
25 May 2018Alfrecia Latumahina
" Great service, very quick (i feel sorry for the delivery guys, gotta go through all those traffic jam) "
25 May 2018Veronica Melanesia
" After 10am very slow "
25 May 2018Hendri Wijaya
" nice service "
25 May 2018William Sirappun
" PHD yang pertama di perintis selain Pizza Hut Di M'TOS . Yuk buruan beli pizza disini aja. Delivery nya sangat cepat dan pelayan sangat ramah. Menyediakan banyak menu variasi pizza, banyak juga promonya loh. Sudah bisa dipesan juga lewat Go-Food, jadi semuanya lebih gampang. Yuk Aja temanmu pesan Pizza Hut disini aja. "
25 May 2018Ridha Arfiani
" Amazing "
24 May 2018Arif Abud
" phd yg deket "
24 May 2018Wirosableng Fighter
" Jozzz phd.. "
24 May 2018Fuad Rokhman
" Nice place to order great pizza "
24 May 2018Mohamad Subekti
" Not the nice place to eat. The traffic also crowded, connected street between Parung and Depok. Very close to Kubah Mas Masque though. "
24 May 2018Abdul Wachid
" Yang sering2 kasih promo donk....
23 May 2018biar kita2 nya tambah demen........ "
Awaluddin Sh
" E N A K "
23 May 2018Anton Laksmana
" I don't really like pizza but this is okay "
23 May 2018Marius Agung Sasmita Jati
" Good n delicious "
23 May 2018Bayu Sejati
" Suasananya nyaman, bersih dan pelayanannya ramah "
23 May 2018Danang Subagio
" Good "
22 May 2018Muhammad Hadi
" Nice "
21 May 2018Hamzah La Ode
" 15 minutes a your pizza is ready "
21 May 2018Adhy Perdana
" On time delivery mantap "
21 May 2018Bustomi Abdullah
" Cepet cuman 10 mnit "
21 May 2018Evi Dharma
" I ordered for an extra cheese they give me just a reguler one. Wth!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!???? "
21 May 2018Tito Maulana
" Got a late rider for more than 30 mins, been waiting from dusk til dawn starving like crazy, said there was a heavy traffic jam. Didn't complaint, but I got a free pizza voucher to redeem. Yeay. Thanks my man you're my savior. My five stars goes to you. So what do I do now? Redeem the voucher and hope the driver would late again so I could have a free pizza again and again and again. "
20 May 2018De Haus
" Fast "
20 May 2018Rahmad Agus Koto
" Okay "
20 May 2018I Putu Oka Wisnawa
" This place is quite small, but not crowded. You can make order by phone then take them in few minutes. It has parking area and not crowded too. I prepare for take away order than eat on the spot. Their staff is humble. "
20 May 2018Nisa Amalia
" So fast "
20 May 2018Yohanes Mahendra
" Thnx for delivery pizza "
20 May 2018ChAng's Chandra
" No more hunger "
19 May 2018Rony Koesnaedy
" Nice "
19 May 2018Maya Susanti
" Enak "
18 May 2018VRTour 360
" Taste as not good as pizza hut, i wonder why... "
18 May 2018Amanda Chandra
" Baru tau klo ada PHD di kenten.. 😊😊 "
18 May 2018Eva Nurcahya Sari
" Ok "
17 May 2018Rizki Susetiadi
" The only pizza in kudus hahaha "
17 May 2018Wongswifties
" Best service with best food "
17 May 2018PUJI RAHAYU
" Love it.... The best pizza in indonesia "
17 May 2018Don Kaka
" good "
16 May 2018Agung Mahendra
" almost 2 hour delivery ? "
16 May 2018Hatta Fahamsyah
" Good for a quick meal "
16 May 2018Jimmi Oscar
" Layanan nya cepat di sini "
15 May 2018Fajar Iskandar
" Cool "
15 May 2018Dik Doank
" PHD krampung , untuk rasa sudah gk mungkin diragukan lagi walau'pun antri nya lumayan lama tp gk apa karena tempatnya nyaman dan bersih .... seandainya ada free wifi malah betah deh pengunjung bwt makan disana??
15 May 2018Minusnya tempat parkir kurang memadai, apalagi klo bawa mobil dijamin ribet banget... "
Ng Andre
" Not suitable for eating inside, even they prepared a table 😋.
14 May 2018Too hot inside, room without AC or exhaust "
Nur Hadianto
" Good.. "
14 May 2018Bima Nanta
" I ordered my food at their official apps and they said my food be ready for about 45 minutes. But when i'm at the store to pick up, they haven't cooked my food. But over all the foods are awesome "
13 May 2018Acs Acah
" Crave for meatlover pizza "
13 May 2018Diego Anggoro
" Nice place, good pizza "
12 May 2018Riki Sihotang
" Nice "
12 May 2018Ashiani Kresa
" Nice place to get pizzas "
12 May 2018Kara Kartika
" Professional service banget! Awalnya saya sempat kecewa karena ketika saya pesan via Go -Food, ada pesanan yang tertinggal. Yang pertama saya maklumi. Yang kedua terjadi lagi dan staff PHD bertanggung jawab, pesanan saya yang tertinggal cuma 1 botol minuman tapi diantar lagi langsung ke tempat saya (padahal jarak 13 km!) Dan dapat bonus 2 pasta 😄 Terimakasih, semoga kedepan jangan lalai lagi. Semoga makin sukses 👍 "
11 May 2018Kusnedi Nedi
" Ok "
11 May 2018Agus Saptana
" Delivery order cepat..delicious pizza "
10 May 2018Frans Nico
" Not bad.. "
10 May 2018Andika Putra Pratama
" Ok "
10 May 2018Emilia Sekti Ariyanti
" Warm and helpful staffs "
10 May 2018Bayu Akbar
" pizza are tasty here... "
10 May 2018Nanang Kuswana
" Enak "
10 May 2018Derocklee Changkho
" Ok "
09 May 2018Abdillah Asseggaf
" Bad services..i had waiting so long and my order was i'm recomend to yours about PHD in purwakarta.... "
09 May 2018Yossy Prasetya
" Akhirnya ada jg yg deket dari rumah dan ga pake MaceT. . "
09 May 2018Syihabuddien Heksano
" I love pizza "
09 May 2018Olek Sholekhudin
" Phd "
09 May 2018Luthfi Naufal
" Fast service. Medium prices. "
08 May 2018Setijo Agus
" Mirip layanan PHD lainnya.
08 May 2018Cepat... lengkap... ruang tunggu berAC
Kalau mau merokok bisa diluar 😀 "
Galan Setiawan
" Untuk pelayanan sudah baik, namun sayang tempatnya sempit dan terbatas sehingga apabila hendak makan ditempat dengan jumlah 4-6 orang kurang cocok, tetapi masih bisa diluar. Namun lebih baik take away "
08 May 2018Roudya Madinatus
" Their new menu was great. Those black pizza its my fav :) "
08 May 2018Dwi Triwarno Tunggal
" Ok "
07 May 2018Chorul Saktiawan
" Nice "
07 May 2018Sekar Jevera
" Love their pizza, and the interior design is cute, just like the other pizza hut has. And if you're lucky you can find some discount maybe, or a promo. "
06 May 2018Dintcthatcomin Zara Lucu Banget
" nice PHD, Bix Box is worthed value for money 👍 "
06 May 2018Emma Wahyuningtyas
" Malem" tiba" laper dan mls bgt keluar, akhirnya gofood phd didket situ untungnya buka smpe jam 11 dan ordernya mepet bgt tpi masih dilayani👌 trs si abang gojeknya tlp dan yg lgsg bicara mba kasirnya, dia ngulang pesenan kita soalnya klo ga slah kita milih my box chicken sma chicken sticks, sdgkan didlm my box chicken itu udah tersedia chicken sticks gtu, akhirnya mbanya nawarin yg didlm my box chicken diganti sosis😁👌👌mantaab "
06 May 2018Amar Rizqi Yanuar
" High place favourite ppl "
06 May 2018Andrian Azwar
" Tempatnya kecil... Meja outdoor cuma 1...tapi pelayanan nya cepat... Dan keliatan dr luar komplek ruko "
06 May 2018Fendy Hong
" What? No prawn bruschetta here? "
06 May 2018Agung Majid
" Good job "
06 May 2018Sr. Paulista OP
" Ramai pengunjung, banyak pilihan, cukup bersih, berada di tengah kota. Jika menyukai tempat dg ciri2 demikian, akan cocok bt anda/komunitas. "
06 May 2018Sopyan. R
" Sajian menu yang lebih cepat, tanpa menunggu terlalu lama "
05 May 2018Ray Raditya
" Quick and simple service, affordable price and taste good... "
05 May 2018Ina Lestari
" Fast service.... "
05 May 2018Rony Mccoy
" Gud Pizza "
04 May 2018Zulfikar Aditya
" Ok "
04 May 2018Lyl Bungsu
" For take away and delivery only "
04 May 2018Adithya El
" Ooke Baik "
04 May 2018Risal Nasrum
" Pelayanannya sangat bagus, tempatnya juga nyaman dan tidak ramai. Yg jelas kalo ingin cari tempat nongkrong bersama teman2 atau keluarga dengan suasana agak sunyi, tempat ini sangat cocok. "
04 May 2018Tejo Winarno
" Dapet food sekli. "
03 May 2018Fery Yulianto
" Fast respon👍 "
03 May 2018Kenn Lazuardhi Syarnubi
" Mantep. Tempat makan ny luas "
" Strategis.
03 May 2018Tapi karena untuk pelayanan delivery, tempat duduknya hanya untuk beberapa org saja. "
Hilman Gunawan
" Good "
03 May 2018Adnan Jourdan
" Execellent "
03 May 2018Puput Tyas
" Good food and fast service. Always love to be back again. "
03 May 2018Rony Suleman
" The right place to order Delicious Pizza, because Pizza Hut is one of the many restaurants that have long sold this culinary. The place is rather narrow and somewhat "Hidden", located just below the BCA and Bank Mandiri, parking around it is also crowded. Service and Pizza's delivery quite fast, But the overall still worth to try. "
03 May 2018Rofi Triansyah
" Just an ordinary PhD, with several cozy dining tables "
03 May 2018Aris Susanto
" Bersih dan rapi "
03 May 2018Icha Sinaga
" The service is quite fast and it has promotion because it is just opened 5 days ago. You buy signature pizza "prawn okoyaki", you will get free meaty 🍕. It's better you choose take away the pizza coz if you choose delivery , you will need to pay more😂
02 May 2018However the parking space is small. So, don't bring car. Just bike or using motor cycle, it will be more convenient coz you dont need to be hussle with the parking lot😊 "
Asus Asus
" Pelayanan bagus,kebersihan terjamin,makanan sangat enak "
02 May 2018T Mulyana Hardi S
" Ok "
02 May 2018Denny Krisnawan
" Outlet is not too big but is in strategic location. Friendly and fast service. The lounge area is too small and the parking area is not too wide. But it is in accordance with the concept that this outlet only serve delivery order or take it home. With a famous pizza brand then the taste of pizza is definitely good. The right choice if by chance passes through this area and wants to bring home a pizza. "
02 May 2018Elviano Bagus
" Cool place to hangout "
02 May 2018Eva Nurcahya
" Ok "
02 May 2018Raspberry374
" Good food, but not for dine in "
02 May 2018Mehdi M
" Not recommended. Try to find any other place to get pizza. "
01 May 2018Nikman H. Djauhari
" PHD Store in Bandung recently open since April 2018. Good services. They have a promotion, buy 1 black pizza get 1 meaty pizza free. "
01 May 2018Gema Mahendra
" Best pizza "
01 May 2018Anom Suhandoro Purnomo
" Semakin dekat dengan tempat tinggal... "
01 May 2018Damar Wiguno
" Fast... "
01 May 2018Erika Sari
" Not too big, but its fast to serve mine. And the staff is so kind, i love it. You can see how your pizza made. The taste is really good. I really love the hawaiian chicken with stuffed crusted, the pineapple taste really fresh and the chicken really crispy. Omg definitely i will go there again. "
01 May 2018Jody Nugraha
" Ok "
01 May 2018Haris STD
" Ok "
30 April 2018Budi Satyanto
" Ok "
30 April 2018Samsul Alam
" Nice Place, nice service. Recomended "
30 April 2018Putri Alifah
" Good "
30 April 2018Antok Frans
" ...standarized PH Delivery outlet, NOT for dine in, but only for takeaway. Limited delivery area?!? Deliver to Tegal Mlati is out of area, (previously I ordered to Kemetiran, and it's OK, # 894702), but then re-order to Tegal Mlati, (#894916), but asked to "takeaway", then order proceed to PHD Kaliurang. Confirmation to 1500-600 also confirmed to Kaliurang. PHD Kaliurang also confirmed that Tegal Mlati is out of reach!! and just reach Indolux!!! What the damn.., need to expand coverage!! "
30 April 2018Antok Frans
" ...standarized PH Delivery outlet, NOT for dine in, but only for takeaway... "
29 April 2018Antok Frans
" ...standarized PH Delivery outlet, not for dine in, but only for takeaway... "
29 April 2018Hanif Kurniawan
" This is new in my hometown,, and I excited "
29 April 2018Endang Supriyatna
" Great pizza "
29 April 2018Rawageni Channel
" Ok "
29 April 2018Acepaan Rohiman
" Goodplace for spending time but there is not mushola "
28 April 2018Dwi Wahyudi
" Good place to eat "
28 April 2018Bayu Heryo.yudanto
" Pizza ok. Pelayanan BIASA alias kurang Standart.
28 April 2018Cuman....
Tukang parkir somplak.
Males bikin kesel, bis ambil duit lsg duduk lagi.
Laen kali kalau mau nyebrang jangan di bayar dulu.
Soak tu orang nyebelin banget.
Sekalian pake secure park aja lah ....
Ntar motor ilang juga dia ga bakal sanggup ganti.
Sukses selalu PHD nya
Btw ... tau dari mana nomer saya ini?
Dan ini juga bukan nomer saya?
Kalau di tanya , saya ndak keberatan jawab kok mbak.
Masalah nya mbak e nanya apa endak? "
Syahrul Rachman
" Ok josss "
28 April 2018Slamet Raharjo
" Ok "
28 April 2018Nicorobin Monkey
" hmmm...tasty "
28 April 2018Ilham Hamizan
" ok "
27 April 2018Vivi Rovikoh
" Ok "
27 April 2018Sobirin Isco
" phd "
27 April 2018Nabila Riko
" Nice place, fast repsonse, great meal "
27 April 2018Arry Kurniawan
" Enak... pelayanannya ramah "
27 April 2018Esto Bayu Suhentaka
" nice cozy place "
27 April 2018Ami Setiawan
" Easy to buy when you hunger at night "
26 April 2018Zaki Fuadi
" PHD Sukatani Kenten Palembang
26 April 2018Opening sejak 9- April -2018
Pengalaman kunjungan yang sangat Luar Biasa
merasa jadi customer Spesial.
Pelayanan Sangat Ramah,
Kebersihan sangat terjaga,
Pelayanan sangat Cepat,
Pesanan selalu tepat,
dan Pastinya Produk nya sangat Memuaskan
menu variatif mulai dari paket yang super lengkap sampai ada juga paket yang low budget. (pas banget buat anak kosan)
Pizza Hut Delivery memang sangat mengerti kita.
terima kasih PHD - Pizza Hut Delivery "
Zaki Fuadi
" PHD Bypass Soekarno Tabanan
26 April 2018tepat hari ini 26 April 2018
Pengalaman saya yang sangat Luar Biasa atas kunjungan ke PHD
Pelayanan Sangat Ramah,
Kebersihan sangat terjaga,
Pelayanan sangat Cepat,
Pesanan selalu tepat,
dan Pastinya Produk nya sangat Memuaskan
menu variatif mulai dari paket yang super lengkap sampai ada juga paket yang low budget. (pas banget di tanggal tua tetap bisa makan Pizza)
Pizza Hut Delivery memang sangat mengerti kita.
terima kasih PHD - Pizza Hut Delivery "
Yunaz Sabarien
" Nice service "
26 April 2018Agung Muliawan
" Like a heaven "
26 April 2018Abdul Malik
" Good "
25 April 2018Peters Ricky
" Take away not as fast as delivery "
25 April 2018Kartika Lestari
" Sekarang pesan pizza gak perlu jauh dan nunggu lama lagi. "
24 April 2018Fernanda Fakhrudina
" Nicee "
24 April 2018Lidia Lidia
" nyaman dan bersih "
24 April 2018Junior Ashari30
" Good "
23 April 2018Badlan Bamon
" Best place for buy pizza "
23 April 2018Arief Juliansyah
" Good 🍕 "
23 April 2018Flash Light
" Ok "
22 April 2018Deni Wardani
" Temapatnya memang enak,nggak terletak di sebuah mal.Tapi di sebuah tempat perbelanjaan biasa.Tapi sayang pengelolaan nya cukup buruk menurut saya.AC tidak dingin,toilet kotor.....kotor sekali menurut saya.Saya sampai risih.Dr 5 toilet perempuan yg disediakan,yg 2 rusak dan yg 3 kotor.Dan tempat karaokenya seperti tidak terawat. "
22 April 2018Muhammad Alif
" fast "
22 April 2018Edward Aritonang
" Top "
22 April 2018Nina Marni
" Ok "
22 April 2018Arii Ansyah
" Baik "
22 April 2018Panji Ismail Akbar
" AC doesn't work properly. Store so hot and small. But you can order fast here. "
21 April 2018Guntarto Driver
" Ok "
21 April 2018Irwan Wawan
" Ok "
21 April 2018Indah Alverno
" Easy reacheble place "
21 April 2018Azhar Maulana Maghribi Sidiq
" I got bad service "
21 April 2018Yantra Aji
" A very good place for order pizza, especially when you want to take away. Fast response and nice service too. But, BEC building itself makes parking spot become complicated if you want to dine in. "
21 April 2018Dedi Septiawan
" Selalu tepat waktu "
20 April 2018Ardiansyah Hana
" Small shop for waiting take away pizza. "
20 April 2018Fenty Arianggi
" Nyaman banget "
19 April 2018Naning Setya
" Please coming for take a yummy pizza "
19 April 2018Rindang Gici
" Good place for hangout "
19 April 2018Ekho New Edition
" Pizz pizz pizza time "
19 April 2018Neva Stella
" good food, fresh, fast, good maner :) "
19 April 2018Muhammad Syaiful Rohman
" Ada yang rasa lokal nggak? Coba bikin pizza dari talas gitu kan lebih asyik. "
18 April 2018Rizky PS
" Fantastic "
18 April 2018DEDI JUNAEDI
" Makanannya lumayan murah bagi kelas Daerah Istimewa, wifinya juga kencang. "
17 April 2018Andyana Susanti
" Quick and good service,👍 "
17 April 2018Akun Darurat
" Pizza ala italy yang ada ki kota magelang, lokasi dekat dengan pusat kota. Akses mudah dan cepat parkir luas. Tempat nyaman dan enak untuk kumpul bersama keluarga. "
17 April 2018Zaki Fuadi
" yeeaayy Pizza Hut Delivery buka hari ini 17 April 2017
17 April 2018semakin dekat dengan kita, dan makin asyiikk "
Sony Ganadhi
" Its oke lah.. "
16 April 2018Siget Wibisono
" Nice and cozy "
16 April 2018Richard Chandra
" For 24 hr hungry fullfillment "
16 April 2018Dandun W
" A PHD outlet in Kelapa Gading, closed at 2 AM. "
15 April 2018Eric Halim
" Good pizza but mostly will call and delivery instead eating in here. "
15 April 2018Soko Marhendi
" Nice place "
15 April 2018Firman Ferdian
" Nice place "
15 April 2018Miftha Aulia
" Different name's menu but the taste same (delicious) "
15 April 2018Irfan Effendi
" Ok. Good place "
15 April 2018Nugraheni Vita Rachma
" Sebaiknya order via telepon 30 menit sebelum datang. Tempatnya kecil. Lokasi dengan lalu lintas cukup padat lancar. "
15 April 2018Irmansyah Basir
" Nice "
14 April 2018Andrie Grek
" Fast & delicious. "
14 April 2018R.M Isa
" Biar pun PHD tapi masih bisa makan di tempat kok, meja dan kursinya lumayan banyak. Sayang menunya tidak sebanyak restoran pizza Hut biasa. Pelayannya kurang cekatan, mungkin karena ini baru buka dan pelayannya baru selesai training. Pesan lasagna tapi seperti kurang matang. Buka sampai jam 11 malam, bisa jadi pilihan buat nyari makan malam yang agak telat. "
14 April 2018Fery Yulianto
" Deket sama rumah "
14 April 2018Heru Safrudin
" Ok "
14 April 2018Yefta Octavianus
" Favorit cheesy mayo yg 35rb an 😋 "
14 April 2018Ardhy Rennaish
" PHD tabanan opening tanggal 26 april, saya pegawai disini. Yang mau order hubungi 1500600 kami siap mengirimkan pesanan anda. "
14 April 2018Saraswati Devi
" Enaaaaakk "
14 April 2018Romi Hermawan
" Well, everyone knows Pizza Hut... One of the best Pizza "
14 April 2018Prahatiza Wiena
" Ok "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" delivery order "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" delivery order "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" delivery order "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" delivery order "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" delivery order "
13 April 2018AAn CadAz_
" mantaaaappp nih "
13 April 2018Abdi Fauzi
" fun "
13 April 2018Wisnu Anang Wardoyo
" Delivery order... Fast service... NICE.. "
13 April 2018Aden FeuruMi
" Ok "
13 April 2018Abdul Wachid
" Mantap jiwaaaa "
12 April 2018Aminah Abbad
" Really satisfied "
12 April 2018Hendrik Gunawan
" Ok "
12 April 2018Albert Susilo
" Greatttt "
11 April 2018Anie Suhaimi
" Sesuai untuk pesanan bawa pulang (take-away). Jika mahu makan di sini, ada meja disediakan tetapi sangat terhad. Aircond agak kurang sejuk pada waktu siang. "
11 April 2018Auliya Fadla
" Need more improvement on time of services "
11 April 2018Nadia Dini
" Nice food and great service "
" Ok "
10 April 2018Ignatius Syofian
" Great "
10 April 2018RIA MUSADDAD
" Solusi laper mendadak 😁 "
10 April 2018Idham Taufik Maulana
" Tempat nya nyaman bgt. Cepet. Luar biasa. Jaya terus PHD sukabumi "
10 April 2018Irbanabila 99
" Sangat membantu bagi yang tidak ingin repot untuk keluar rumah hanya karena membeli pizza. Respon cepat dan sangat praktis. Juga terdapat banyak promo dan harga terjangkau "
10 April 2018Dinar Firda Rosa
" Rasanya sih sama ky di PHD lain. Tapi chefnya krg handal kyknya, rotinya semacam kurang matang. Nunggunya juga lumayan lama "
10 April 2018Raymond Kusnadi
" Cepat pelayanannya "
09 April 2018Hasbar Baharuddin
" Tiap hari saya beli dan makan disini. "
09 April 2018Kusnedi Nedi
" Ok "
09 April 2018Handoko Immanuel
" Good services ... delicious "
09 April 2018Rere Heryani
" Great place to visit when we are hungry. "
09 April 2018Dian Afrianty
" Fresh from the open😲 "
09 April 2018Arisa Ardhaneysa
" Favorite place "
08 April 2018FX. Gatot Suryanto
" Ok "
08 April 2018Muhammad Ilham
" Wanjeon jinja daebak real heol !!!👍👍 "
08 April 2018Su Hartono
" Good taste "
07 April 2018Andy Wijaya
" Pelayanan bagus,, sayang parkir motornya lumayan mahal, klo di tempat lain masih 2000 disini 3000... "
07 April 2018Pauline Diana
" Delicious n fast delivery "
07 April 2018Vicky Novel
" Good "
07 April 2018Samuel Julio Caesar Gulo
" Good place "
07 April 2018Carissa Amanda
" Fast delivery. Only takes around 15minutes (maybe because my house near phd jemursari). "
07 April 2018Ajeng Illastria Rosalina
" They deliver fast "
06 April 2018Ertami Erning
" Pelayanannya baik. Sempat kecewa karena sudah lewat 30 menit dan pizza nya belum datang. Tapi kecewanya terobati~~dapat voucher soal na 😁😁 "
06 April 2018Mr Ashvka Black Card
" Ok "
06 April 2018AL Rayhan
" Tempatnya strategis "
06 April 2018Sumarwan Agus
" Tempat yang bagus, pelayanan jg ramah "
06 April 2018Armika Jaya
" Less staff but fast service "
06 April 2018Yudhistira Pratama
" excellent service, Worth it to Wait! "
06 April 2018Dwi Argo
" Good "
05 April 2018Ryan Sutanto
" The reason why I rated it so low.
05 April 2018They will not prioritize you when you got free reguler pizza coupon and planned to make use of the coupon. Had to wait for my pizza more than 35 minutes.
Well done! "
Agus Aaa
" Pelayanan baik di phd ini dan sangat cepat dibandingkan yg lain "
05 April 2018Alif Mahendra
" Cozy place "
05 April 2018Santoso Dwi Putranto
" Nyaman, Ramah, good service "
05 April 2018Kevin Febrianto
" Good place but need more space i think.. "
04 April 2018Kevin Mauri
" Staffs are nice and pizzas never fail! "
04 April 2018Azril Sultan
" nice boyah.. "
04 April 2018Lintang Panjerina
" Tempat nongkrong asik, banyak promo lagi. Tempatnya cozy banget, buat kongkow juga bisa, harus kunjungi tempat ini. "
04 April 2018Yanwar Iswahyudi
" Pizza resto khusus kirim/delivery dan take away dari Pizza Hut. Menu baru black pizza. Harga dan menu lihat photo. Mar 2018. "
04 April 2018Khairul Umam
" Like the place they literally fast on respond their customers order. Their pizza is delicious and their big box are the best. "
03 April 2018Yuni Kartika
" Nice place and drink. Super delicious pizza "
03 April 2018Muzadmiko Prasasti
" Biar bintang yg berbicara "
03 April 2018Fani Monica
" Kadang pelayanannya bagus kadang tidak. "
03 April 2018Kadek Juniarta
" Good pizza great place "
03 April 2018Wahyu Widyastuti
" PHD TLogosari munkin dapat dijadikn aLternatif kuLiner baru di tLogosari area, khususny bgi kamu-kamu penggemar makanan aLa modern western yg cukup pas dgn Lidah dan KanTong kamu .. 😜 Tempatny bersih, peLayanany ramah n cepat, dan pastiny, tempat tungguny cukup nyaman meskipun tdak terLaLu Luas. Sayangny kurangny entertainment sperti musik ato TV mmbuat saat saat antre panjang (terutama tgL. Muda n weekEnd) jdi sdikit mmbosankan. "
03 April 2018Ahmad Nurdiin
" Calm "
02 April 2018Pieter Yanuar Tanosady
" great pizza as always! "
02 April 2018Amridho Sinaga
" Nice place "
02 April 2018Asep Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Ok nyaman "
01 April 2018Merza Budianto
" Easy to order pizza "
01 April 2018M Subur
" Mantap pelayanannya cepat sip "
01 April 2018Rezacks1
" Lumayan "
01 April 2018Charel Junior
" Good "
01 April 2018Enggie Angga Kusumah
" Good service, quite fast. But can improve better than :) "
31 March 2018Iwo Muluk
" Similar like the others PHD, but they have some table for dine-in.. Interesting.. "
31 March 2018Claudy Hanhart
" No complaint from me. "
31 March 2018Opicz 02
" Ok "
31 March 2018Maulana Muhammad Zakiyuddin
" Always a good place to hangout. "
31 March 2018Am Heru
" Ok "
31 March 2018Saenfry Aniko
" phd mantab "
31 March 2018Wisnu Andrajaya
" Fast service "
31 March 2018Abdul Jabbar
" I dont know "
31 March 2018Surakhmat Yulianto
" Parkiran untuk mobil sempit "
31 March 2018Andy Id
" Murah dan cepat... "
30 March 2018Edisun Chen
" Lagi ada promo beli 1 gratis 1.
30 March 2018Pizza baru yang hitam unik, tapi cukup enak "
Jefry Girsang
" Tooopppppp "
30 March 2018Anggani Angga
" mantap "
30 March 2018Miftakhul Huda
" Comfortable "
30 March 2018Sherly Siagian Surentu
" Ok "
30 March 2018Angler Meletz
" Standard "
30 March 2018Gian Halomoan
" Kinda good "
30 March 2018Abu Ashif
" Order grabbike "
30 March 2018Izzatun Nidaa
" As its name, Pizza Hut Delivery, this place is only good to take away the pizza, but not for dine in.
30 March 2018It's usually wait for several minutes here. "
Wira Tamma
" Mantap "
30 March 2018Iqbaale Blue
" good place "
30 March 2018Nova Indriani
" Sometimes late but they have delicious pizza! "
30 March 2018Great Fernando
" pelayanan ramah "
29 March 2018Nununk Nanung
" Very Well Pizza "
29 March 2018Andrie Augustinus
" Goodbfor breakfast "
29 March 2018Denisa Apriliawati
" Pelayanan cepat dan ramah. Ada tempat parkir tapi sempit. Saat ramai pun pesanan bisa cepat selesai. Hanya saja untuk layanan delivery, akan lebih baik kalau sebelum delivery konfirmasi alamat dulu. Supaya tidak terjadi kebingungan dan meminimalisir insiden pengiriman lebih dari 30 menit. "
28 March 2018Fanny Octafauzia
" Kenyang ! "
28 March 2018Fanny Octafauzia
" Okay ! "
28 March 2018Patoni Toni
" Ok "
28 March 2018Roely Falah
" nice place "
28 March 2018Usman Fanani
" Not comfortable for dine in "
28 March 2018Toto
" Good meal "
28 March 2018Fanny Octafauzia
" Good Job PHD Kotwis !! "
27 March 2018Fanny Octafauzia
" good "
27 March 2018Fanny Octafauzia
" good "
27 March 2018Rizki Pranatya
" Good serve and well dleivery food "
27 March 2018Dewi . Langit
" Tempatnya nyaman.. Banyak paket dan juga skrng sedang promo buy one get one free loh.buruan deh warga taman siswa yang belum berkunjung ke phd taman siswa. Ada black pizza monzta juga loh. Pizza hitam.. Penasaran kan. Yu ramai rami kita kesana sebelum promonya habis "
27 March 2018Chairunnisa Prasetyawan
" Good 👍 "
26 March 2018Christnanda Bellard
" Best pizza delivery service ! "
26 March 2018Eko Prasetyo
" Beli pizza bisa take away dan delivery... Tdk di sarankan utk makan di toko "
26 March 2018Agustama Yasa S
" 👍👍👍 "
26 March 2018Enjella Melissa Nababan
" 3 times calling just to make sure the address. Stupid! "
26 March 2018Felina Sutanto
" The service was awful. I got a free regular pizza voucher from the previous order because they delivered my order late (more than 30 minutes). I came to redeem the voucher and at first they accept my voucher and said i need to wait 15 minutes. But i wait almost an hour to get my pizza ready and i was really upset when 2 person who was ordering after me got their order earlier than mine. I ask them about my pizza but they just said i need to wait a minute more. I dont get it why they underestimate my order because it is free, if it is the case then why you give me the free voucher at the first place to make up my previous late order. Then dont give it at all if you will make the customer more dissappointed! "
25 March 2018Eddy Wibowo
" Nice pizza. Small place. "
25 March 2018Mizz Ettaq
" Loves your mozarella "
24 March 2018Pawiro Dirjan
" Fast serve "
24 March 2018Firman Syah
" good place to find pizza to bring home "
24 March 2018De Krisna
" Cozy place for hang out "
24 March 2018Jantohonan Girsang
" Nice "
24 March 2018Muhammad Khalid
" Ok "
24 March 2018Okie Pranacitra
" Good food "
23 March 2018Septasari Handayani
" Pelayanan baik dan ramah, termasuk cepat dalam pembuatan. Rasa enak. Tapi memang tempat agak sempit karena hanya sesuai untuk delivery order atau dibawa pulang. Lokasi mudah ditemukan dari jalan raya. Suka banget sama pepperoni cheese fusili nya. "
23 March 2018Wicaksana Pratama
" good place great price "
22 March 2018Yordal Rangga
" Outlet makanan cepat saji dengan ciri khas pizza ala Amerika "
21 March 2018Margi Fitriawan
" Big parking area, and comfortable place. "
21 March 2018Syahrudy Pn
" Oks "
21 March 2018Binjai Phdsb
" Ok "
21 March 2018Irfan Raka
" Ayoo lebih cepat lagi nganter ya biar bener panasnya pas "
21 March 2018Vasu Grover
" They give you an option for vegetarian pizza aa well (for Indians) "
21 March 2018Nathan Afandy
" Ok "
20 March 2018Aini Aini
" All of kind of pizza's menu , i love ot "
20 March 2018Arietta Olivya Ohmar
" Great and fast service. And somehow the pizza taste better than other pizza hut place. "
20 March 2018Margareta Koes Surya Handariyah
" My kids love pizza much then i ever expected "
20 March 2018Dadang Tri
" rung tau "
20 March 2018MJT Phdbk
" Good service "
19 March 2018Hardiwanto Yongkong
" Delicious pizza deliver fast to your home in 30minutes :) "
19 March 2018Risma Afrianti
" Good "
18 March 2018Farrel Ferris
" For taste so so... nothing great. Better order delivery, for take out they seem to priorituze delivery first. Have to wait queit a while eventhough in the monitor my pizza is already done because they give my pizza to the delivery first. Overall nothing great "
18 March 2018Dena Marsella
" Tempat nya nyaman sekali cocok buat nongkrong "
18 March 2018Bali Intaran
" Nice and cozy, best place for hanging out "
18 March 2018Josephine Angelica
" Great service and delicious food. Drinks are a bit too sweet for me and my family. But overall great 👍 "
18 March 2018Sally Dwi
" Have big parking area "
17 March 2018Verra Veronica
" Fast service, yummy food. Easy parking. Open till nite, saviour when you're hungry. "
17 March 2018Stephanus Destiyadi
" Pizza lezat dekat rumah, sehat dan cepat "
17 March 2018Rizky Ocee
" Good "
16 March 2018Christopher Erick
" It's a nice place to eat "
16 March 2018Iwan Aliando
" Cheap n delicious "
16 March 2018Mario Bratama
" Easy way to eat "
16 March 2018Dedi Setiadi
" Ok "
16 March 2018Tanya Fendi
" Disaat hujan dan banjir dimana2, pastinya males bgt buat jln beli makanan. Pizza hut delivery to the rescue! Gue sm temen2 pesen meat lover sm cheese tuna. Duh yg tuna sih enak bgt, kesukaan gue nih. Klo yg meat lover, buat gue biasa aja ah.
16 March 2018Pas Nangkring dirumah temen mesen requestan temen gw yang Cheese Tuna, gw baru pertama kali nyobain dan ternyata enak hahahaha! "
Asep Saefudien
" Ok "
15 March 2018Rangga Kusumah Wardhana
" Seperti namanya, tempat ini lebih cocok untuk take away atau delivery saja .. karna hanya disediakan sedikit space untuk bisa makan di tempat .. Tempatnya bersih dan pelayannya ramah .. untuk menu yang disediakan juga dangat lengkap sehingga cukup bingung untuk memesan .. Seperti biasa, varian pizza ini selalu mengharuskan anda merogoh kocek cukup dalam .. Sukses terus PHD "
15 March 2018Ismiyati Michan
" Its strategic, in the mid town. The menus are like in other outlets. "
15 March 2018Danang Kurniawan
" A nice place to grab a pizza, enjoy the food "
15 March 2018Dningsih Feri
" This place make feel i am on a big city.. Hehe "
15 March 2018Afis Herman Reza Devara
" Standard PHD outlet. Serves Pomad area including Villa Bogor Indah. "
15 March 2018Winda Maharani
" Good food and quick service. They guarantee the food will arrive at your home max 30 minutes from ordering. Failed in delivering the food on time they will compensate you with coupon that can be used on next purchase. They specialized on delivery services and take out.
14 March 2018The pizzas are a little bit different than regular pizza hut. Pizza Hut Delivery pizzas dough are thinner, not as thick as regular pizza hut resto. But the side dish is pretty much the same. For ordering you can either call or via web/apps which is easier as you can track the progress of your order. We always order from this place if we need a quick bite since they seldom late to achieve the 30 minute guarantee "
Winda Maharani
" Good food and quick service. They guarantee the food will arrive at your home max 30 minutes from ordering. Failed in delivering the food on time they will compensate you with coupon that can be used on next purchase.
14 March 2018The pizzas are a little bit different than regular pizza hut. Pizza Hut Delivery pizzas dough are thinner, not as thick as regular pizza hut resto. But the side dish is pretty much the same. For ordering you can either call or via web/apps which is easier as you can track the progress of your order. We always order from this place if we need a quick bite since they seldom late to achieve the 30 minute guarantee "
Moh Yanto
" Pasion N nice. "
14 March 2018Agit Julian
" Enak enak "
14 March 2018Hasman H
" Good places for hungried "
14 March 2018Wahyu Agus
" Good like "
14 March 2018Joko Agung Priyanto
" Good placr "
13 March 2018Zaenal Abidin
" Tempat nya enak "
13 March 2018SR GUIDE
" Very tasty and spicy pizza all kind verity pizza get here and hear also Can do door delivery to home and soft drinks are available and menu card and prize also anclude texes then car parking places are ok. "
12 March 2018Elvian Mitsuhide
" Good place but there no seat for baby "
12 March 2018Aloysius Erwin
" wrong place "
12 March 2018Dennis Suryawijaya
" Fast, delicious and clean food stall "
12 March 2018Yoga Wisnu
" The one and Only Pizza Hut di Magelang "
12 March 2018Amalia Ks
" Simple and fast. Delicious as always "
12 March 2018Dwi Novianto
" i prefer pizza hut, more pizza menu "
12 March 2018Asriadi Surya Garetta
" Top "
11 March 2018Jus Antique
" 👍👍 "
11 March 2018Dedi Sobirin
" Small place but nice "
11 March 2018Brevin Surbakti
" Easy to access "
11 March 2018Arinah Fransori
" Pelayanannya sih oke
10 March 2018Mbanya ramah, cuma hati-hati yang beli pizza langsung di sni. Cek kembali struk, soalnya suka ditambahi delivery cost. Pdahal kita beli langsung di sana kan.
Tempatnya lumayan, terdapat 4 set kursi di dalam untuk bersantai. 2 kursi diluar untuk menikmati jalanan diluar.
Pengen nyoba black pizza tapi kehabisan. Jdi beli yang meat monsta original "
Simon Ferris
" Its a QRF for hungry tummy . Besides the rich flavor and tasty pizza, it's always on time and American pizza style; Thin crust & thick cheese. 👌 "
10 March 2018Nanang Sudiana
" Good place "
10 March 2018Yessi Affri
" Excellent place even though the double box price wasn't explained in detail. "
10 March 2018Ruth Cathy Anastasia
" Super quick serving, the staff super friendly tough. They recognize me so well, I'm the royal customer 😍💋 "
09 March 2018Deri Tadarus
" Mantapp "
09 March 2018Natalia Dwi
" Cozy place to hangout.. "
08 March 2018Andy Wu
" Yummy "
08 March 2018Isnaa Ina
" Kalo mau take away, tempat parkirnya cukup luas, pelayanannya cepat, dan rasa pizzanya lebih lezat daripada yang di restoran (in my opinion sih). Cocok banget untuk snack nemenin meeting atau lembur kerja di kantor :) "
08 March 2018Zaenal Abidin
" Tempat nya santai "
08 March 2018Azam Mukhtar
" Very good pizza place "
07 March 2018Unggul Buntoro
" Goode "
07 March 2018Ikhwan Siregar
" good "
07 March 2018Irwan Simorangkir
" Good food and fast "
07 March 2018Muchlis Drive
" Nice "
07 March 2018Dura Wijaya
" Pelayanan'a ramah dan engga butuh waktu lama dari mulai order sampe jadi'acih "
07 March 2018Doel NgArIEf
" good choise "
06 March 2018Dian Orvi
" Good meal prepared in minuted, good price, friendly staff "
06 March 2018Rohmat Sulistyo
" Menyenangkan "
05 March 2018GONDEZ 2
" Ok "
05 March 2018Sunani Nani
" Good luck "
05 March 2018Phd Ccg
" Good service "
05 March 2018Desy Erika Permatasari
" Disini juga bisa pesan pizza utk makan di tempat, tapi memang tdk disediakan piring dan sendoknya, jadi mkn lsg dr kotaknya "
05 March 2018Purnomosidi Zanuar Ali
" Fast response, very warm waitress, and of course the amazing menu tasted "
04 March 2018Agung Pramudianto
" Small but cozy place. Long lines almost any time of day "
04 March 2018First Name
" Imo dine In is better "
03 March 2018Santoso San
" Fast and good service from your staff "
03 March 2018Theodorus Dewa
" Fast serve "
03 March 2018Frans Kojongian
" Fast and pro service "
03 March 2018Namouri Kyoto
" I would rather take it home because the place is too small if it's eaten in the restaurant. fast service not up to 30 minutes "
02 March 2018Alif Atan
" Fast service, nice place to eat "
01 March 2018Vicky Susenio
" Ok "
01 March 2018Moch Reyza
" Ok "
01 March 2018Arya Bimo
" Ter the best "
01 March 2018CLock Oh
" The fastest pizza i ever seen "
28 February 2018Arnold Hulk
" Good food "
28 February 2018Bornok Bastian
" Ok "
28 February 2018Ian Kabes
" Good "
28 February 2018Brehita Mustika Wijaya
" Baru pertama buka. Ada promo beli 1 gratis 1, Splitza signature free tuna melt. "
27 February 2018Hermansyah Ajah
" Tempat nyaman,,parkir luas pelayanan cepat "
27 February 2018Mutia Nurani
" Pelayanan cepat, gak usah nunggu lama.. Tempat nunggunya juga nyaman.. Dan Suka ada promo menarik 👍 "
27 February 2018NANDANG RAMDANI
" Pelayanan Terbaiks sekali menurut pengalaman sendiri, Penyajian cepat, tempatnya simple dan nyaman lah buat yang suka nongki nongki "
27 February 2018Abu Musalim
" Ok mantap "
27 February 2018Sandi Cahyadi
" Ok "
27 February 2018Firmansyah Khate
" Yummi "
26 February 2018Gana Pratama
" Ferry good food delivery "
25 February 2018Ephys Whewners
" Fast management , patient and doesnt made angry costumers "
25 February 2018Santo Lim
" Fast service "
24 February 2018Agith Muchtar
" phd "
24 February 2018Indah Kumala
" Pelayanan cepat "
24 February 2018Aditya Rizki
" A Good Place for Pizza Meal "
23 February 2018Aditya Rizki
" A Good Place for Pizza Meal "
23 February 2018Iwan Heriyanto
" Good "
23 February 2018Unggul Buntoro
" Good "
23 February 2018Iwan Heriyanto
" Good "
23 February 2018Wahid Rachmadi
" Ayo mampir ke phd "
23 February 2018Iwan Heriyanto
" Nice place "
23 February 2018Ghina Maryana
" Cozy place with good service "
23 February 2018Ardika Dwi
" Good services and food. But limited motor cycle parking zone is the minus "
23 February 2018Abdul Wahab
" Disiplin pekerjaan ny "
22 February 2018Novan Fadhil
" Its good place and recomended "
22 February 2018Toni Vanhein
" can be faster?! "
22 February 2018F You
" loved the pizzas l "
22 February 2018Fatur Riski
" Ok "
22 February 2018Kiran Ran
" Mak nyos rasay "
21 February 2018Hari Kuang
" They are, as the name suggests, a pizzeria that focuses on delivery service.
21 February 2018If you are dining in, be noticed that it is a self-service restaurant.
You order the food on the counter, get them by yourself and go upstairs to the dining area.
It is smartly located next to a gas station. It can be quite convenient for travelers to dine in (as long as you got the budget, it ain't cheap by local spending standard okurrr)
Every products/ items are packed in a way to be conveniently carried. Do not expect services you find at most Pizza Hut restaurants.
The stairs to 2nd floor is very steep and narrow. Do be careful if you are wearing heels, with kids/ elderly folks or simply afraid of height. "
Daniel Wilson
" The taste was good and the service was nice.. "
21 February 2018Kandika Bagaskara
" Their pizza is ok but a little bit too oily. "
21 February 2018Kandika Bagaskara
" Really nice pizza dough. "
21 February 2018Dwitiya Nandini
" Good enough. The services arent really good. "
21 February 2018Ayu Dewi Tejo Ningtiyas
" Fast service "
21 February 2018Kezia Princezz
" Great commited service and taste in food products "
20 February 2018Rido Adimas
" The only proper pizza place in town, at least when this review is published. "
20 February 2018Hiren Mehta
" Taste Is Quite Good And Also The Service "
20 February 2018Itoenx Cc
" Ok "
20 February 2018Penjual S
" Cozy place.. Cool "
20 February 2018Andre Santoso
" Outlet Pizza Hut ini terletak pada deretan ruko di dekat Indomaret. Menyediakan berbagai menu khas PHD dengan layanan delivery, pick up in store dan take away.
19 February 2018Pelayanan cepat, staff ramah dan komunikatif, tersedia seating area. "
Aaagc Jain
" Good option if you want to enjoy quick pizza. Standard PHD pizza.
18 February 2018Service is good. "
Wahyu Dewabrata
" Ok "
18 February 2018Martin Manurung
" Fast delivery "
18 February 2018Elkana Kuswanto
" Pas istirahat makan siang klo gak sempat keluar, ya udah pesan aja PHD....
18 February 2018Menunya lengkap dari Pizza...Pasta...Nasi juga ada... "
Amar 87
" The best pizza restaurant "
18 February 2018Heny Theny
" near home. and have enough space for car parking "
17 February 2018Andrias Chandra
" Cepat dan enak. Parkir tidak susah untuk outlet ini. Cobaiin splitza nya...seru buat rame rame "
17 February 2018Piotr Woronowicz
" Tasty pizza, quick and nice service! "
17 February 2018Sandy 'Cheper' Riyandy
" Cheaper than Pizza Hut restaurant "
16 February 2018Andrias Lionel
" Good place to order pizza..... "
16 February 2018Ahmad Hidayat
" Good "
16 February 2018Ikhsan Saputra
" Recomended "
16 February 2018Hengki Wisaputra
" Nice food "
15 February 2018Dimas Sanjaya
" Good service but.. just dissapointed of the delivery range, in this area which is below 2 km. "
14 February 2018Harry Chan
" Small but cozy "
14 February 2018Kresno Soetomo
" Nice pizza restaurant. Everything what you want, this is the places. "
14 February 2018Nadia Septianie
" Take away service, the taste is soso "
13 February 2018Krisnhaliani Wetarini
" Great food and service, but the place was a bit messy. "
12 February 2018Dendi Komarudin
" Pelayanan cepat "
12 February 2018Fajar Nugraha
" awesome! "
12 February 2018Kamaludin Enuh
" Delicius.. "
11 February 2018Lukas Lukas
" Delicious and fast "
11 February 2018Henry Tarandung
" Comfortable place to hang out, but product price rather expensive now "
11 February 2018Eliezer Kurnia
" If you buy it for take away, you will have to wait pretty long as they prioritise delivery. They suppose to offer voucher when your order exceeded 12 minutes (it's the company policy), but it will never happen. "
10 February 2018Astrid Wira Yudha
" Love service "
10 February 2018Satya Adi
" Ok "
09 February 2018Sam Song
" Friendly waitress, nice place "
09 February 2018Hendra Kurnia
" Nice n good "
09 February 2018Sri Untari
" Simple and fast to order pizza from pizza hut "
07 February 2018Ratu Dini Citra Utami
" Nice "
07 February 2018Muhammad Noor Ikhsan
" Very good services "
07 February 2018Ilham Umar
" Pizza hut delivery pelayanannya cepat dan pegawainya ramah dan tempatnya bersih👍 "
07 February 2018Mochammad Noor Fajar
" nice place "
06 February 2018Johnny Chaiyadi
" Cheap, Best Promo, Take Away, Delivery, and Eat Here..!! All Best..!! "
06 February 2018M Junaedy
" Good "
06 February 2018Mboy 1958
" Nice "
06 February 2018Elke Kalangie
" cepat sampai ke tujuan.. tapi mayonaise nya kurang fresh. "
06 February 2018Guntur Angga Reksa
" Ok "
06 February 2018Heni Yunar L
" Classy place, but it's to small for the only one pizza hut in tulungagung. "
05 February 2018Rio Revansyah
" Good experience for eat at phd "
05 February 2018Fajar Aditya Suryana
" Just one "
04 February 2018Rida Agustina
" Fast service, lots of menu "
04 February 2018Harshit Singh Beniwal
" I love pizza hut..! Options far better than India's menu "
04 February 2018Yessah Adam
" Fast cooking, but EDC machine not ready.. make me sad "
04 February 2018Syukara 77
" Ok "
04 February 2018Agus Ariyanto
" Not helping "
04 February 2018Nanin Nanin
" Kalau mau pesan dekat skrang mh 😊😊 "
04 February 2018Bagus Spectre
" I love pizza 🍕 "
03 February 2018Nur Hidayat
" This is place very nice for eat with big family or girlfriend and your friends etc "
03 February 2018Fransisca Tondoprasetyo
" Good service "
03 February 2018Luqman Fahd Muktiwibowo
" The pizza is as delicious as the regular Pizza Hut but with a slight difference in price range. Now the service is faster than it used to be. "
02 February 2018Gigih Y
" Delicious.. 👍👍👍 "
02 February 2018Dimas Jogja
" delicious pizza "
02 February 2018Otsuke Ueki
" A take away pizza 😂 "
01 February 2018Tobay Risset
" Best place for dinner "
31 January 2018Lisa Yenita
" Love It... "
30 January 2018Arjuna Pariangan
" Happy week day.. "
30 January 2018Aide C
" Just like another PHD store, it has second floor for customers to enjoy their pizza. Situated on the never sleep road, it quite challanging to be visited. "
30 January 2018Rahul Sharma
" Pizza hut delivery is very bad and even there the pizza is not even hot very bad experience from last 3 years "
29 January 2018Andi Mardianto
" Good place... nice pizza "
28 January 2018Nandhy Souw
" Pizzanya cukup enak, pelayanan super cepat, harga lumayan, ada tempat makannya juga walaupun konsepnya delivery! Tempat parkirnya kurang buat r4... "
28 January 2018Samuel Parlu
" Good "
28 January 2018Dhandy Yoghi
" Ok "
28 January 2018Novan Ardianto
" Good service, fast service, easy parking "
28 January 2018Hyunjung Kang
" It's better than domino pizza. "
28 January 2018Prasetyo Arifur R.
" Good food Good serve... "
28 January 2018Aan Helmy
" Fast delivery "
28 January 2018Aulia Lubis
" Take-away pizza specialists. Check their combo menu that you can't find on other PH. If you choose to eat here, pizza served on cardboard too 😁 "
27 January 2018Dhoni G. Daradjat
" If you want a good pizza, then you came to the right place.. "
27 January 2018Muhammad Abduh
" Nice "
27 January 2018A Google User
" Love it "
27 January 2018Ari Pambudi
" Fast services with various menu of desert and pizza, delivery only for Pekalongan City but still can order from GoFood also for other area "
27 January 2018Hadi Suroso
" I like the pizza "
27 January 2018Ardi Mardika
" Good service "
27 January 2018Aditiyo Saksono
" Cozzy place nice comfort "
27 January 2018Arvianza Sandy
" Tempatnya bersih dan nyaman. Pegawainya ramah simbaknya lucuk sipit sipit manis gimana gtu bikin betah rekomen banget pokonya cobain deh "
27 January 2018Rinaldo Lisman
" Fast Delivery , Fast Response "
27 January 2018Citra Rahman
" Ok "
27 January 2018Rachmat Hellyanto
" Nice place and cozy "
26 January 2018Zachary Boston
" Best place to hangout n dinner "
26 January 2018FAJAR NC
" Nice place to order some pizza "
25 January 2018Agusrianto Bangun AMF, SE
" Bad "
25 January 2018Rizqi Lutfia Chandra
" The place is cozy. You can eat well in there. U can go hangout with your friends... Nice place "
25 January 2018Dewi Diana
" The service is good and quick. The food taste good as well. "
24 January 2018Andrias Chandra
" Enak pizza dan pastanya. Posisi di depan borma. "
24 January 2018Iranto Prasetiadi
" Best place for order the best pizza on Bekasi "
23 January 2018Josh -
" serve quick and delicious "
21 January 2018Raisa Mutia M
" Promo buy one get one minuman dan salad diatas jam 9 malam 😊 "
21 January 2018Gojek Jakarta Driveri
" Ok lah tempatnya.. "
21 January 2018Elo Hagai Sembiring
" Why the hell is this on my review list? Oh well, was feeling hungry and craving for some junk food so i ordered pizza from the Internet and it came before 30 minutes, with expected taste.
21 January 2018So I guess nothing wrong, nothing exceptional, just regular Pizza Hut Delivery we all know and love delivered on time to my house.
I still dont know why is this here "
Pardiyanto Yanto
" Pizza Hut Delivery "
21 January 2018Jefri Chang
" Nice "
21 January 2018Fadli Ramadhan
" The best service. "
20 January 2018Pelixiano Saputranovic
" Fast, but sometimes forgot my dipping sauce "
20 January 2018Piramid Service
" rnjoy the pitzaa "
20 January 2018Melida Morimoto
" Good place "
20 January 2018Premanand Thirumal
" Good place to have pizza. Cheaper "
20 January 2018Asep Tanah Sereal
" Good "
20 January 2018Ali Pane Citorue
" Recommended "
19 January 2018Marwan Essam
" It's pizza hat what else I can say "
19 January 2018Ryndr Juliant
" phd > ph "
19 January 2018Siti Lestari
" Good "
19 January 2018Raynal Ramadhan
" Not too shabby. Extremely fast service. Special discount on some drinks after 9 p.m. "
18 January 2018Muhammad Fadli
" Nice "
18 January 2018Riza Pahlevi
" It's ok "
17 January 2018Shabrina Tamimi
" Poor management, maybe because they are just new pizza hut in town? I ordered by app (takeaway option) and planned to take in the next 1 hour because my place quite far from this PHD. No particular problem on first experience. The days after I tried the second order by the same method, and it didn't work well. When my order was supposed to be ready, the status seem not ready yet, minutes after it still in 'cooking mode'. I came to PHD just to hear that they haven't receive my order yet :(, so I need to reorder manually. When I asked for rechecked my order number the cashier seem didn't understand this online order thing. I heard other online-ordered-customer got the same trouble as well. "
16 January 2018Choirul Anam
" The worst Pizza Hut I've ever visited. Full of rubbish inside and no one staff make a clean. No smoking room just pretty hot and it's small place to eat. Take away just better option. "
15 January 2018Zuhriyani Ishak
" Lebih enak rasa pizza nya, lebih cepat pelayanannya krn khusus delivery, kemasan pengirimannya lebih save. Recomended pokoknya..👍👍👍👍👍 "
14 January 2018Fadlan Akbar
" Pelayanan cepat, tempatnya juga nyaman "
13 January 2018Adelia Geger
" Fast delivery...good service....... "
13 January 2018Febrianka Nanda
" pizza nya enak , tempatnya nyaman dan strategis semakin enak untuk dikunjungi cocok buat anakanak yg suka nongkrong "
13 January 2018Helly Yuli Yanti
" Nice place "
12 January 2018Tony Widyatmoko
" Nice place to order and delivery pizza "
12 January 2018Antariksa Wijaya
" Good service "
11 January 2018Mardi Hendra
" Late service for my pizza order more than 35 minutes , than if i dont ask them my pizza is not ready (umcomplete)
10 January 2018Thanks "
Rudy Syarif
" Cozy place "
10 January 2018Ajiee Jaya
" Meat lovera extra cheese .. hmm yummy ! "
10 January 2018Bang Amir
" Ok "
09 January 2018Fachrur Rozy
" Bu jd juru fiber j Ryu j Hb b bb bh yang d d vrdfb Cruyff Bing nik tv free udfdf "
09 January 2018Cashielle Fabiela
" Place was okay. Not for eat it. But more for "take out" or delivery. But the manager on duty at the time I bought they items were really helpful and gave excellent attitude. I appreciate more to this person. "
09 January 2018Brurii Ajii
" Best Baked Pizza in Town "
09 January 2018Nur Rahma
" Ok "
07 January 2018Rahayu Rianti
" I love their beef petucini and tuna pizza with cheese stuff "
07 January 2018Lanita Ardiane
" i dont like pizza "
07 January 2018Thonto Kentung
" Ok "
06 January 2018Dede Abdus Salam
" Grilled steak Pizza "
06 January 2018Bima Saputra
" Good "
06 January 2018Maulana Mahmud
" Mantap "
05 January 2018David Christianto
" Your trusted pizza, same taste same price wherever you go. You can dine in even though it meant for delivery or take away. "
05 January 2018Rahmat Tullah
" pinggir jalan. tempat yg dr dlu saya suka nongkrong.. jadi sering nongkrong ksini lg karna ada PHD.. PHD udah dmna2.. "
04 January 2018Sri Rahayu
" Good food with good service, nice small place on the crowded Sawojajar's intersection - but the beverages are a bit overpriced. We like the service is fast for both take away or enjoy your pizzas on the place. They have outdoor seating, normal table and high chairs as well. Our favorite is their original pizza rather than new kind of "creative" pizzas. "
04 January 2018Kacin
" Good pizza "
03 January 2018Rurien Damaz
" A Nice place to have pizza faster when you are hungry guys 😀🍕📲🚗👍 "
02 January 2018VILAMI TRAVEL
" Great "
02 January 2018Wahyu Paramma
" Cepat saji, tp tempat kurang nyaman tuk makan ditempat ataupun menunggu pesanan takeaway, dan rasa kalah jauh dengan pizza hut biasanya. "
02 January 2018Johan Huang
" Cheaper than common Pizza Hut, but the place is not too comfortable for dining in. "
01 January 2018Syafira Putri Ekayani
" Good food "
01 January 2018Afrani Syahid
" The food is good but they made wait more than an hour for my order. They skipped mine for 5 people and when i complained about it tgey told me to wait and started to process my order. I am so dissapointed. "
01 January 2018Friesca Arleine
" Drivernya banyak. Sering ramai. Baker-nya cuma 1 /2 aja. Soal rasa ya standard lah sm PHD yang lain. Harga jg standard. "
01 January 2018Baroto Setiyanto
" I love this thing "
01 January 2018Ariq Muammar
" Not bad "
31 December 2017Dhruv Dhruv
" I Love Pizza! :-D "
31 December 2017Steven Sutantro
" Tempat delivery pizza yang nyaman dengan lokasi strategis dan pelayanan yang cepat dan handal "
31 December 2017Naim Driver
" Pitsa nya biasa aja "
31 December 2017SYAH RONI
" Ok "
31 December 2017Figri Alfahrizi
" I like "
30 December 2017Lucas Burhan
" Very responsible place. It's really fast and if it's 30 minutes late, they will give a free pizza voucher "
30 December 2017Rie Bourdon
" Restoran PHD ini tampaknya memang ditujukan bagi pembeli yang berniat membeli makanan dengan jenis pesan antar, bukan makan di tempat. Di dalam restoran hanya ada 4 pasang meja dan satu meja panjang besar (dengan kursi duduk tinggi). Semua makanan dan minuman disajikan dengan kemasan siap untuk dibawa. Rasa makanan enak, tidak jauh berbeda dengan makanan yang ada di Pizza Hut, hanya saja sayangnya pergantian shift karyawan sepertinya dilakukan sering sekali dan cukup gaduh. Saat berkunjung, kami membawa anak kecil dan pergantian shift yang cukup gaduh membuat anak kecil menjadi tidak nyaman. Semoga bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk pengunjung yang berniat makan di tempat dengan membawa anak kecil. "
30 December 2017Bashor Jogja
" Mak yus yus "
29 December 2017Arrijal Dzurrahman
" Good service "
29 December 2017Charles Pierre Joe Hendrico
" Great Pizza Delivery Place "
29 December 2017Sudjianto Judah
" Not bad "
29 December 2017Ardian Laksono
" Hmmmm it's yummies good choice if your on the way this road nice serve and service good place, you can order pizza in this place may be good reference and recommended if your hungry.
27 December 2017Thank you "
Suyuti Syamsul
" Quick response, i had my order less than 30 minutes "
27 December 2017Nicko Yanuar
" Fast services, delicious pizzas "
27 December 2017Sopyan. R
" Resto excellent "
27 December 2017Ark Zieg
" Hungry at the night? U can find quickly bite on this place.. "
27 December 2017VikRie Vai Irama
" Nyaman "
25 December 2017Risda Meylina
" Waiting room, clean. Good enough. "
25 December 2017Arif Priyatna
" Ok "
25 December 2017Yura Bharata
" Fluktuatif pelayanannya..., kadang oke & cepat, tp kadangkala kurang oke...
25 December 2017tergantung petugas yg di front counter... "
Dickson Leonard
" Good place to get pizza around citraland area. The restaurant can only seat 6-8 people so takeout is recommended "
24 December 2017Velicia K. Halim
" Taste is fair enough "
24 December 2017Fiqi Ad Zikry
" Very clean and cool "
24 December 2017Indi Alderamin
" helloo mrs D
23 December 2017:) "
Clandestya Riema
" No car parking space. Best for take away or delivery "
23 December 2017Putra Siregar
" Up "
23 December 2017Cendy Oktavia
" Recomanded "
23 December
" Ok "
22 December 2017Bullshit Spitter
" Good, the place is just like any other phd store "
21 December 2017Hendi Wahyudi
" Excelent "
21 December 2017Dhila Ars
" Bagus "
21 December 2017Haslinda Amir
" Bagus sekali "
21 December 2017Cahyo Budi Utomo Utomo
" Phd "
21 December 2017M Habibullah
" Quick Response "
20 December 2017Ann Arkhan
" Nice, I just got my Hut Pizza and it's took fasten 2 minutes than quote time. Thanks to server "Dhea & Mr. Delivery Rider" "
20 December 2017Hasan Johanes 楊富翔
" Place not nice. "
20 December 2017Jati Anno
" Makasih mba jihan "
20 December 2017Kang Wiet69
" Ok "
20 December 2017Ershad Syawaldi
" fastes delivery phd 👍 "
20 December 2017Penjaga Sekolah
" Sangat ramah "
19 December 2017Lia Lathifa
" Good "
19 December 2017Rafan Mumtaaz
" Pelayanannya bagus "
18 December 2017Anton Susilo
" Good place for get fast "
18 December 2017Cindi Aprillianti
" Pelayanan yang ramah dan baik. Bisa delivery oke "
18 December 2017Lena Putri Ragil Andriati
" Good! "
17 December 2017Tri Abdisatrijo
" Waiting for too long "
17 December 2017Agus Budi Harto
" Makin dekat ke pelanggan "
17 December 2017Soepri Yanto
" Ok "
17 December 2017Antonius Sembiring
" I'm not coming, just call delivery...near my home "
17 December 2017Mksa 876
" Tdk melayani telfon.. Sayang... "
17 December 2017Noni Wulandari
" love this place. ❤ "
16 December 2017Adrian Hartomuljono
" great service "
16 December 2017Mochamad Soleh
" Quick and easy services "
16 December 2017Sablon Gelasplastik
" nyaman.cocok buat kongkow "
16 December 2017Yosidarina Parwitasari
" Good food and timely serve "
16 December 2017Wira Adnyana
" Quick pizza service "
16 December 2017Pian S
" That price... "
15 December 2017Regitalish International
" Just like other PHD. But smaller. "
15 December 2017Daeng Abi
" Service nya prima "
14 December 2017Hatmanto Sri Nugroho
" Good place for order delivery & take away pizza, can order by phone or using Go Food application "
14 December 2017Horace Wei
" good "
13 December 2017Citra Raja Wijaya Promosindo
" Kedoyanan anak anak "
13 December 2017Ilham Ilo
" Pizza Hut memang mantap rasanya.. "
12 December 2017Adi Putra
" Makanan agak lama. "
12 December 2017Ghifari Iksan
" Litt "
12 December 2017Faruq Basuki
" Cozy place "
11 December 2017Rita Suryani
" on time..good services..pertahankan ya.. "
10 December 2017Sudy Cheung
" Fast food "
10 December 2017Indriya Akhmadi Gunawan
" Jalur pemudik motor...pas kalo nyampe cikarang lapar tinggal pinggirin motor dan mampir. "
10 December 2017Aldin Rivar Anggie
" Nice experience at this place, good and fast service. "
08 December 2017Dessy Sinaga
" Love it coz I and my kids love pizza and other Italian Food and now their close to our neighbourhood. U don't have to far away or waiting too long to enjoy pizza with your family "
08 December 2017Aditya Rizki
" A Great Place for the Greatest Pizza "
08 December 2017Purwaning Retnowati
" Pilihan paling masuk akal saat tidak ingin masuk mall tapi pengen makan PH.😍 parkir luas tanpa ribet "
07 December 2017Yuda Kurniawan
" Sip menunya kurang lengkap "
07 December 2017Budi Susanto
" Awesome "
06 December 2017Boy Tampubolon
" Ok "
06 December 2017Andi Maskur
" kasirnya so beautifull "
05 December 2017Ari Afriansyah
" good "
05 December 2017Duaputri Berkah
" Bagus "
04 December 2017Siti Maharani
" Small place but remember its Delivery building so wont be as big as the restaurant. Staffs are friendly and place quite clean "
04 December 2017Dian Ariyantoam
" Cozy place even though for the delivery order. "
04 December 2017Ferry Sung
" Love it "
04 December 2017Daud 210
" Comfortable "
03 December 2017Pro Teteng
" Mantap "
03 December 2017Pardiyanto Yanto
" Pizza Hut Delivery Sukabumi "
02 December 2017Sarita Larassati
" cheesy bites nya emang gak dikasi saos dipping mayonya ya?
02 December 2017apa keinggalan? :"( "
Febrian Dien
" Great place for hang out with friends "
02 December 2017Sri Rahayu
" Good food, good service, nice small place on the crowded Sawojajar's intersection - but the beverages are a bit overpriced. "
02 December 2017Suwandi Liewandie
" Pesen Pizza Hut lebih mudah dan nyaman. Berbagai menu yg mantap. "
01 December 2017George Inaldo
" Reliable as a nearer point of origin for deliveries nearby, thus reduces the waiting-time for customers waiting for their orders to get delivered. "
01 December 2017Erik Febriarta
" Fantastik 4 pilihan favorite "
01 December 2017Erik Febriarta
" Love it "
30 November 2017Hemant Kumar
" Very bad service. Always late delivery. Sometimes more than one hour also "
29 November 2017Taufik Ramadhan
" Nice "
29 November 2017Moch Yamin
" Saya pesan pizza phd dijl kartini..saya atas nama faiz...pesan phd ukuran jumbo dan kecil..kesan pertama sangat mengecewakan...isi tdk lengkap saus nya tdk lengkap cuma ada saus cabe saja...sepertinya petugas disana tahu akan tdk lengkapnya tsb..mengapa begitu karena waktu selesai dia cuma memperlihatkan pesanya saya yg ukuran kecil tanpa membuka ukuran yg jumbonya....saya kecewa apalagi ininhari ultah anak saya....saya komplain langsung telp ke sana...dan katanya mau diantar kerumah tetap saya kecewa....mohon diperhatikan manager tokonya..anak buah anda tidak benar kerjanya....
29 November 2017Saya
Pesan atas nama faiz "
Agus Sutriono
" Nice N good pizza 🍕 "
29 November 2017Akah Rubi
" So far so good "
28 November 2017Fandholi Ali
" ok "
28 November 2017Nina Febriana
" The service is good & really fast "
27 November 2017Allen K
" Buka cabang di setiabudi tapi ke Sersan bajuri gk bisa kirim. Wah sayang banget ya. Padahal 30 menit juga bisa nyampe. Percuma dong iklannya sampai ke Setiabudi Regensi. Kalo menu sih ok. "
26 November 2017Iwa Sukmana
" Nice taste cozy place "
26 November 2017Indra Zulfikar
" Good service good taste "
25 November 2017Uke Sofyan
" Nice.. "
25 November 2017My FRESH STORE
" Ok "
24 November 2017Suwandi Suwandi
" Biasa tapi lumayan "
24 November 2017Al Layl
" Sama2 bisa makan di tempat cm bedanya klo d pizza hut biasanya dilayani pelayan trus makanan disajikan di piring dan tempatnya pun cukup luas. Nah klo di PHD kita pesen d kasir habis itu nunggu sekitar 15 menit, makanan di packing jd bisa dimakan di tempat (tempat tidak terlalu luas) atau dibawa pulang..
23 November 2017Pelayanan ok, pesanan cepet.. 👍😀 "
Orsal Laudia
" Nice place and Good Service "
22 November 2017RirisFitriyani NurA
" nicee "
22 November 2017Muhammad Mustangin
" Sudah buka sejak tgl 19 Nopember 2017 "
21 November 2017Pongky Andriyan
" Express delivery (under 30min), overall good services "
21 November 2017Nats Khls
" Yeay akhirnya buka.. emang beli nya harus delivery ya ?? Beli ksana langsung bisa ngga ??.. aku tadi tanya tetanggaku yg kerja delivery dsana, tpi ktanya ngga bisa klo ke bungur karangrejo.. kira2 knp ya ?? Bisa jelaskan ?? "
21 November 2017Mohamed Ismail
" tuna fish pizza very tasty "
21 November 2017Gunadi Kr
" Delivery speed = 5 stars. Taste = 3 stars. Overall = 4 stars "
20 November 2017Herubudiutomo Utomo
" Good "
20 November 2017Joe Marselo
" Like any other PHD. Good pizza. "
19 November 2017Reza Firmansyah, S.Si.
" A nice place to order good pizzas which strategically placed at an important main street.
18 November 2017Provides standard deliveries through PHD's own team or via online ojeks.
Will be even more important when Cinere Resort Apartment is fully established.
A good thing for them before Domino's come and compete with them. 😄 "
Adhi Irawan
" Ok.30menit "
17 November 2017Iklima Fauziyah
" Fast respond.. Good service.. "
17 November 2017Agustino Mulyono
" the service is good, i will buy the pizza anymore "
16 November 2017Ririn Darmawan
" Dine in and delivery..cozy place, clean "
15 November 2017Saepudin Gituaja Mungkin Lah
" Good service!
13 November 2017Salam buat mba miranda yang mirip peri cantik ranty maria he... "
Adit Zahran
" Mantap "
13 November 2017Rian Putera
" Best pizza you can get in indonesia "
13 November 2017Muhammad Arif Rofiudin
" Lokasi cukup dekat dengan rumah,
13 November 2017Pelayananya sangat cepat,
Terdapat meja dan kursi bagi pelanggan yang pengen menikmati pizza do tempat atau tidak takaway.
Outley ini biasa melayani delivery untuk wilayah pamulang reni dan sekitarnya.
Terpaksa dateng kesini karena aplikask phd lagi error dan gagal telfon ke 1500600.
Bagus juga outletnya dan bersih.
Delivery nya juga sangat cepat, thanks phd penyelamat lapar. "
Acep Rohimah
" Good job "
12 November 2017Cindy Lao
" Cindy lao tambuwun divi lukmansyah shinta puspita sari "
12 November 2017Sylvia Njotomihardjo
" Pizza place for take out and delivery service "
11 November 2017Ade Sutrisno
" Makan makan sama temen2 pesen disini ya "
11 November 2017Yodi Eraldo
" Small place, cozy, busy, and tasty 😁
11 November 2017Waitress served us good. "
Ryan Kurniawan
" Cozy place "
09 November 2017Robet Cappucino
" Pizza Hut Delivery cabang Kota Tulungagung "
09 November 2017Ogit Xavalera
" Moe pesan ada no tlp / wa tidak ďicantumkan. "
09 November 2017Tono Toni
" Good "
08 November 2017SOPRI SUPRIADI
" Ok "
08 November 2017QQ Mei
" Mau pizza yg kering n maknyus disini tempatnya
08 November 2017Kalo mau beli paketan banyak sekali macamnya dimakan pasti puas
Kadang juga banyak promo "
Rora Veronica
" Good service, fast and ada happy hour nya. "
07 November 2017Seandy Handriyanto
" Get your pizza here, always dependable when you hungry but watch out the flies , hope the management give solutions on it. "
07 November 2017Arif Budiman
" Great pizza, please add more variant.
07 November 2017Nice dine in area is plus point.
Parking kinda tricky because sharing with other shop and already crowded with delivery motorbike. "
Sigit Catur
" pesan online dengan penawaran yang menarik dari berbagai menu favorit, dengan jaminan delivery 30 menit. "
06 November 2017Wahyu H. Yuwono
" not bad "
06 November 2017Upload Kita
" Seni air laundry "
06 November 2017Ari Surya Nugraha
" Buat penikmat pizza area sumedang ga perlu jauh lagi kalo mau makan pizza hut ga perlu kejatinangor,kini PHD buka di sumedang mantep sekali guys!!! Tempat yang nyaman pelayanan yang sangat ramah dan kualitas produk nya yang higenis 😊👍👍👍 "
05 November 2017Fitri Afriliyani
" Tempat makan nu paling nyaman sareng pasti betah lami lami calik sareng mam pizza na dipizza hut delivery sumedang, sareng kasohor ku pelayanan sreng makananna nu enak tur ramah pelayananna, "
05 November 2017Jenny Anjani Putri
" Tempat terbaru, ternyaman dan tercocok buat nongkrong-nongkrong bareng keluarga, teman & sahabat. Pulang sekolah, pulang ngantor atau istirahat kerja lapar? Bingung mau mkn dmn? Nihh recommended bgt guyss, pelayanan cepat tapi tepat dengan kualitas produk terbaik👍🏻ada fasilitas free Wifi bisa nongkrong sambil nugas plus ngemil-ngemil pizza jg nihh😁 "
05 November 2017Adie Nugroho
" Good "
05 November 2017Jaelani Engineer
" Good "
04 November 2017Acep Herlan Malik
" Dengan pelayanan yang sangat baik dan ramah cepat pula, pokonya recomended untuk solusi lapar dan nongki buruan mampir teman teman ( anak zaman now nogngki cocoknya ya di phd 😊) "
04 November 2017Nova Dash
" nice place...with a large parking lot "
04 November 2017Roger Fatah
" Normal pizza hut place really helpfull when food restaurant kind of hard to get in this area "
02 November 2017Luthfiah Fathoni
" ga sampai 15 menit sudah siap pesanan, good service "
02 November 2017Andre Samuel
" Good Pizza home delivery "
31 October 2017Arys N.S
" Good food "
31 October 2017Ahmad Khoivin
" "Pizza Hut...?" Leonardo, Raphael, Donatelo.. "
31 October 2017Jirolupat Monem
" Nice place....and very delicious pizza ....and good service "
31 October 2017Agustina Arum
" This place have a parking area, comfort and small waiting room while you come for pizza order. "
31 October 2017Sevichka
" It's a small to-go pizza place. Order it up, and eat it good! "
29 October 2017Aqib Maimun
" Strategic place, near with another cafe, shopping place, soto, surabi, baby utensil shop "
29 October 2017Ricky Fernaldi
" Just for ur info.. this place just for delivery "
29 October 2017Awaludin Manhal
" Fresh from oven "
27 October 2017Dio Pradianggara
" Helpful for hungry stomach. "
27 October 2017Richardus Kurnianto
" In the flyer, pizza's topping is 100%, after delivered u just get 50% topping based on flyer. LOL "
27 October 2017R Didik
" Good "
26 October 2017Sella Septiyani Ap
" Goood "
26 October 2017Zubair Achmad
" Recommended places to dinning alone "
26 October 2017Hanny Perdani
" Great food... Italiano but has been adjusted for indonesian people.... "
25 October 2017Riza Yunan
" makanan dan minuman nya enak tapi tempat nya kurang nyaman buat nongkrong "
25 October 2017Panca Heru Setiawan
" Small but cozy "
25 October 2017Fika Masruroh
" Great place to eat pizza "
24 October 2017Afif Afandi
" My Fave EAT "
23 October 2017Mochammad Thoha
" when you hungry just call and pizza will arrive to your home soon "
23 October 2017Rudi Wibowo
" Ok "
23 October 2017Dedi Dewi
" Ok "
23 October 2017Dono Merdiko
" good job "
23 October 2017Setyono Yono
" Ok.. "
23 October 2017Afif Afandi
" still favor eat, , "
22 October 2017Dakim Kawel
" Cukup nyaman tapi parkir jangan divsebelah kiri nya t makan binatang .pasti di usir. "
22 October 2017Nanda Satya
" It's not spacious but well managed. The service is good with interactive waiters. "
22 October 2017Vera Saja
" Top "
22 October 2017Amandus Sh
" Good "
22 October 2017Iccank Azis
" A favorite food. Fast services. "
22 October 2017H. Eko Jw_harkop
" Delivery or take away its simple like that... "
22 October 2017Afif Afandi
" My Favor 🍕 eat "
21 October 2017Asri Tadda
" Pelayanan ramah dan express. Suka dgn yang beginian... "
21 October 2017Galeh Saputra
" Mantap "
20 October 2017Okky Dwi Rachmat
" Nice place, nice serve, and good taste also.... 😉 "
19 October 2017Daniel Salim Warsono
" A good place to order pizza "
17 October 2017Renard Fabian
" Waktu tunggu lumayan lama, kurang lebih 25menit untuk take away
15 October 2017Ditambah isi Big Box pesanan tidak lengkap karena tidak ada saus BBQ dan cheesy jalapeno
Sangat disayangkan untuk sekelas PHD "
Juan Richard
" Nice small place, you can only delivery or take out in all PHD restaurant
15 October 2017Big box is always a good choice for a group of 3-5 people "
Candra Aji Setiawan
" They're really fast at service.. and their pizzas are great.. "
14 October 2017Kusnedi Nedi
" Ok "
14 October 2017Susilo Widodo
" Pelayanan cepat, sebaiknya dibungkus untuk dibawa pulang. 1 meja 2 kursi, yg khusus untuk menunggu pesanan. "
14 October 2017Dyah Kusumawardhani
" Tempat nyaman, makanan enak. Tapi krn namanya aja pizza hut delivery, beda konsep dgn pizza hut yg resto, tdk ada piring, saus sambal sachet dan beli sendiri @1000 "
14 October 2017Antares Bugi
" Great for fast order "
14 October 2017Hafeez Rahmah
" Dont have same deals as pizza hut "
14 October 2017Rudika Fajar
" Very nice "
13 October 2017Yunus Marsetio
" Telp tidak aktif.. "
13 October 2017Immanuel Hutabarat
" Temat yang nyaman "
12 October 2017Delfi Adrian Syah
" Banyak menu variasi pizza yg enak "
12 October 2017Asri Ariningtyas
" Pizza dan snacknya enak banget, murah, pelayanan ramah, tapi tempat makannya sempit. Cuma ada satu set meja makan indoor dan 3 set lainnya di outdoor. "
12 October 2017Dwi Wibowo
" Buka sampai malam sampai jam 11 malam. Tempatnya cukup strategis di jalur cibitung cikarang. Jadi sampai malampun ramai selalu. Pelayanan cepat dan ramah. Para pelayannya sangat membantu. Satu hal yang agak mengganggu kalao parkir mobil agak susah mengingat slot parkir tidak terlalu banyak. Tapi ya dimalumi juduli phd ya sebenarnya spesialis delivery "
11 October 2017Maria Yosephine
" Cocok buat nongkrong anak muda
10 October 2017Sedikit merogoh kocek bagi warga sekitar
Nyaman "
Rita Setiawati
" My Favourite for ordering pizza: Cheesy Mayo Meat Lover Cheesy Bites "
10 October 2017Ah Mad
" Tempatnya nyaman "
09 October 2017Firdha Nurriza
" On time banget👍🏻👍🏻 tapi sudah 2x lupa bawa edc untuk bayar pakai card.. "
08 October 2017Hesti Dhianingtyaz
" Pizza siap antar jababeka, lokasi strategis dekat farmer market "
08 October 2017Riyanti Ampulembang
" The best service of quick bite in town "
08 October 2017Andi Idham
" PHD GBA Terbaik "
08 October 2017Azis Mutakin
" PHD area perumnas 1 Tangerang "
07 October 2017Adrian Wirahamedi
" Love "
07 October 2017Cecep Triana
" Tempat yg nyaman
07 October 2017Dan pizza yg enak "
Muhamad Jainurdin
" Buka sampai jam 2 pagi "
06 October 2017ERVIN HUDAYA
" Cepat dan enak "
06 October 2017Mar Tono
" fast "
06 October 2017Fathoni Muhammad
" Good place for eat / dinner with friend "
05 October 2017Hilman Taupik16
" like it "
05 October 2017Ebi Saepulloh
" Ok "
04 October 2017Lutfi Mbahe
" Fast food goodtaste "
04 October 2017Fitri Ory
" Yumy....deliferi order "
03 October 2017Jaya Permana
" Sipp delivery gojek "
03 October 2017Darius Onyl
" Staff here usually inpolite. "
03 October 2017Muhamad Zaky
" Do you want to take away or delivery pizza?😂 "
02 October 2017Muhamad Rifat
" lokasinya mudah dijangkau "
02 October 2017Irent Albar
" Pelayanan baik, ramah, tempat baguss "
02 October 2017Mohd Iskandar Md Sulaiman
" New restaurant. But dont have credit card terminal. "
01 October 2017Magel Haens
" Cepat pros3snya "
01 October 2017Habib Walidin
" How delicious pizza....
01 October 2017Pizza dengan berbagai macam toping dan pinggiran yang sangat lezat. Mozzarella, chesse cream, sausage, smokebeef.... Pokoknya yummy habis.
Delivery ordernya juga cepat "
Guntur Bali
" Good "
30 September 2017Rualim Tanjung
" Ok "
30 September 2017Imuh Ajah
" Good place. Normal waiting time. "
29 September 2017Randy Rusmana
" Simple, plain but memorable "
28 September 2017Andre Reynaldo
" Comfort, clean, and tidy. Service is good and fast too 👍 "
28 September 2017Mitchel Eby
" cozy place, more parking lot "
27 September 2017Sylviana Azizah
" good service "
25 September 2017Wisnu Umbaran I Wayan
" Good service. Thx PHD "
24 September 2017Alexander Fely
" Good service "
24 September 2017Farid Zakaria
" Terrible service. I called 1500600 and said I wanted to pick up my order at the store in 10 minutes. Arrived at the store and waited in the line (2 customers in front of me). After queuing around 30 minutes it turns out that they haven't made my order. What the ****??? "
24 September 2017Sarwenang Protalica
" Go food "
24 September 2017Emmanuel Arie Aditya
" Just like a pizza 😆 "
24 September 2017Robby Gunawan
24 September 2017Hardi S
" Good service "
23 September 2017Krisna Sandy Pribadi
" Nice and cozy, but dine in place little bit small. It's PHD after all. "
23 September 2017Halami Halami
" Hanya buat take away... Makan ditempat juga bisa cuma mejanya hanya 1 "
22 September 2017Sovia Dumiyanti
" Excellent service, I have ordered takeaways and the pizza always baked perfectly, the side dish were also done nicely. The waiting time is reasonable and they have enough chair as waiting spot. "
22 September 2017Zum Siti
" Nyaman buat kumpul2 "
22 September 2017Decky Hutadi
" Nyaman dlm toko,, tp kondisi AC ga idup jd panas dgn aroma panggangan Pizza "
21 September 2017Syihabuddin AR
" Saya tdk suka pizza "
21 September 2017Dedy Wijaya
" Hot and fresh "
21 September 2017Akhmad Hidayat
" PHD semakin dekat dengan tempat tinggal...jadi gak usah jauh2 lagi. "
20 September 2017Siti Fatimah
" cukup males sih sebenarnya mesen phd ke daerah kbn , kbn alasanya jauh ???? atau apa yah percuma bilang delivery tapi ke kbn gak mau, apa ini yang namain delevery ????? ini sistem delivery kaya gini bagus ? tolong ganti nama yah jangan pizza hut delivery kalau ada daerah yang gak mau di antar thx, sebenarnya gak enak juga sih kalau mesen PHD tipis banget udah gtuh beda banget sama pizza hut . "
20 September 2017Evy. I Siregar
" Nobody answer the phone!!!! "
20 September 2017Ari Muslim
" Just usual for pizza-ing "
20 September 2017Jaka Ramayana
" You can eat pizza in here but no serve on the box because its PHD "
19 September 2017Ajeng Sitoresmi
" Personal pan pizza with extra snack is my favorite menu here. "
19 September 2017Chabib Abdillah
" The fastes cooking "
19 September 2017Philbertha Edgina
" good place good food "
19 September 2017Utari Widiyastuti
" Lokasi strategis banget, tp emang lokasi pengataran terbatas karena PHD menjamin pesanan akan tiba sebelum 30 menit, jadi saya sih memaklumi kalau lokasi pengantaran terbatas, karena pasti nya PHD jg ga mau mengecewakan pelanggan kalau nanti saat pesanan nya tiba sudah dingin karena kelamaan di jalan, kualitas adalah yg utama "
18 September 2017S R
" nice one on Semarang "
18 September 2017Budi Utomo Tan Subekti
" Antrinya lama tapi.. hahaha... "
18 September 2017Rising Moon
" Quick and fast "
18 September 2017Bahri Syamsul
" Good location. "
18 September 2017Hetty Kusumo
" Easy to park. Servis was so excellent. "
17 September 2017Anggita Ayu Manurung
" Nice pizza and fast service "
17 September 2017Dwi Pawestri
" Best place to order pizza 👍😊 "
17 September 2017Noer Wahyudin
" Masukin ojek online dong "
17 September 2017John Philips
" yah sesuai lah untuk sistem take away.. tidak terlalu lama menunggu "
17 September 2017Putri Iffais
" Nice waiter "
17 September 2017Mercury Mars
" Friendly waitresses and fast service. "
16 September 2017Boyan Rakha
" Ok "
16 September 2017Wawan Astye
" Pelayanannya cepat "
16 September 2017Master Dugong
" Mengapa tidak 'berlabel' Pizza Hut saja? Tempat yang disediakan cukup luas untuk melayani makan di tempat. "
15 September 2017Duffle Bag
" Fast response "
15 September 2017Andy Angga
15 September 2017Eka Mawardani
" Sejuk tempatnya "
15 September 2017Daniel Rjo
" Ok "
15 September 2017Harash AlMadina
" Cpt dan nikmat "
14 September 2017Fachrul Putra
" Awesome pizza "
14 September 2017Mochamad Daud
" Mantap tempatnya bersih dan nyaman "
14 September 2017Andrias Setyawan
" Pelayanan cepat, bersih, ramah, pakir aja kurang pas tempatnya... "
13 September 2017Sie Ferry
" Pizza enak, layanan cepat. Cuma sayang kalau udah sore susah cari parkiran di sini. Terpaksa delivery. "
13 September 2017Rendi Maskara
" Krch "
11 September 2017Tio Minar Triyani Butar-butar
" Great food,cozy place "
11 September 2017Indri Walangitang
" Perfect serving.. not waited too long "
11 September 2017Ahmad Zulfikar
" Matap jiwaaa bosquuu😁😍 "
11 September 2017Oktri Kartika
" kalau kamu di Magelang dan bingung mau meet-up bareng teman-teman dimana, tempat ini bisa jadi solusinya. kamu bisa ambil paket yang tentunya hemat dikantong~ walaupun namanya delivery, disini juga bisa kok buat kamu nongkrong, karena tersedia tempat duduk yang bisa buat kamu makan pesanan :) "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good food and fast service. Try the meat lover, it is the best one "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good food and fast service. Try the meat lover, it is the best one "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good food and fast service. Try the meat lover, it is the best one "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good food and fast service. Try the tuna melt, it is the best one "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good food and fast service "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Best piza for delivery or take away "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Best for delivery or take away "
11 September 2017Handry Carlos
" Good piza, fast service altough inside climate are hot. better just take away or having delivery from here "
11 September 2017Izza Fitra
" Loved it "
10 September 2017Adams Yanuar
" Not bad "
10 September 2017Abdillah Mauludi
" Eventually Pizza Hut established in Ciomas, although their service only for delivery order. My kids love it! "
10 September 2017Abdillah Mauludi
" Eventually Pizza Hut established in Ciomas, although their service only for delivery order. My kids love it! "
10 September 2017Aryo Raihan
" Good place 😁😁😀 "
10 September 2017Ely Purwati
" mantap "
09 September 2017Fitri Fajriani
" A good service, good food, and a great place to eat. A cozy one with friendly atmosphere. "
09 September 2017Albion G. Ramadhan
" Di telf gapernah ngangkat, pas ke tkp beli double reguler cheese bite nyampe rumah gak ada mayonya...gak ada standarisasi apanih tempat buat ngecek ulang? "
09 September 2017Hez Luthor
" Delicious "
09 September 2017Listiani Artha
" small place to dine in. sometimes it difficults to find parking area, but really fast for delivery and take home services "
09 September 2017Pratomo Milicevic
" Good place "
08 September 2017Arnold Wisbowo
" Standard PHD outlet "
08 September 2017Nixson Kadtabal
" Ok "
08 September 2017Candra Aris
" Nice place nice food "
07 September 2017Akbar Robiyana
" Small area, great pizza "
07 September 2017Ikin Solikin
" love it "
06 September 2017Endra Saputra
" Ok "
06 September 2017Ain't Nobody Watzituya!
" Took you an hour to have a pizza delivered to the same tower? This building got elevators! Cmon! "
05 September 2017Dhea Restu Pradhana
" The best PHD in Ujungberung so far... "
05 September 2017Reza Rauf
" Pelayanannya baik dan pilihan pizza sudah cukup banyak. Pastikan untuk menanyakan promo yang berlangsung ya. "
05 September 2017Daniel Rjo
" Delivery order cepat "
04 September 2017Hendri Rustandi
" Titik di map ya kok ga sesuai ya jauh banget. Map ya ga tepat ga jadi dech makan di phd. Kelewatan soalnya tempatnya. Jadi harus muter lagi. "
04 September 2017Gentur Irfan
" Enak lg da promo beli 100rb dapat empat pizza... "
03 September 2017Malvin Juan
" Pelayanan cepat. "
03 September 2017Irwan Stiawan
" The staff is kind and the pizza taste good. All the menu moderately expensive but worth accordingly. "
03 September 2017Hafizd Aulia
" Small place but nice "
03 September 2017Alwi Ramadhan
" Hungry? This place is the best answer for that "
03 September 2017Riki Kiki
" Ok "
03 September 2017Nuel Zega
" Good service👍 "
02 September 2017INDAH WULANDARI
" Fast service "
02 September 2017Anggie Ardiansyah
" Ngantri "
02 September 2017Jimy Juanda
" its good.. the food is delicious and value for money and fast arrived "
01 September 2017Barudak Baong
" Tempatnya nyaman, makan paket ber 2 cukup banyak juga, pizza tunanya mantap "
01 September 2017Kevin Wijaya
" It's not actually a take away pizza, you can dine in too. But watch your step at the stairs because the stairs is so narrow. The place is clean but it's a little bit cramped. "
01 September 2017Chandra Mchg
" Bersih dan cepat "
31 August 2017Akbar Gemilang
" Good place "
31 August 2017Zulkifli Taher
" Lokasinya bersih dan nyaman serta pelayananya memuaskan "
31 August 2017Fitri Andriyani
" Nyussss "
31 August 2017Debriansyah Ismail
" Tempat ternyaman buat makan dan menikmati pizza "
31 August 2017Rico Napitupulu
" Karena batasan jarak delivery, saya tidak bisa pesan untuk diantar.
30 August 2017Tapi untuk pesan take-away, pelayanannya cepat walaupun banyak pesanan melalui ojek online. "
Gb Jkt
" Ok "
30 August 2017Supri Yanto05
" Ok "
30 August 2017Syarif Siregar
" Nice "
28 August 2017Mukhlis Ramadhan
" Very good services and fast working. "
28 August 2017Dede Supriatna
" Ramah n cepat saji "
27 August 2017Splash Clue
" Tempat yang sangat minimalis. Hanya muat untuk 6 orang pembeli yang menunggu diruangan dalam, tapi overall tempatnya nyaman, dan pegawainya ramah-ramah. Hanya untuk menunggu cukup lama, take awal membutuhkan waktu 15 sampai 20 menit. "
27 August 2017El Kasho
" A lot of different promo "
27 August 2017Istiq Kanieza
" Good "
27 August 2017Fajri Sya'Bani
" Good "
27 August 2017Hendra Tan
" Pizzanya lezat sayang tempatnya duduknya sedikit. Ada promo 50% untuk pembelian pannacota, salad dan minuman tertentu diatas jam 21.00 "
26 August 2017Faisal Aziz
" Fast service "
26 August 2017Andre
" Yummy... "
26 August 2017Joko Koasasi
" Pizza restaurant "
25 August 2017Sudrajat Ndep
" Good "
25 August 2017Impossible ID
" Enak "
25 August 2017Bahagia Karo Karo
" Strategis "
25 August 2017Aaagc Jain
" Good place for pizza lovers. Very limited options for vegetarians. "
24 August 2017Baskoro Kusumo
" Lumayan deket. Jd gk perlu jauh2 kalo mau pizza, kejangkau jg sama delivery nya "
24 August 2017Taufik Herdimas
" Good job 👌👍 ... Good lucky 👏👏👏👏👏👏 ..... "
24 August 2017Lucky Nurhidayat
" Simple delivery pizza... "
24 August 2017Dwi Puji
" Tempatnya kaya PHD pada umumnya tapi kalo disini parkirannya lumayan luas buat motor, nah kalo di PHD kita bisa kirim ke antar kota, misalnya kita order di PHD kota X, terus kita mau kirim lewat PHD di kota Y, kita tinggal bayar dan kasih alamat yg mau dituju "
24 August 2017A Glenn
" This is one of PHD that we can find on East Jakarta. The location is strategic and easily accessed, especially by people on North Utan Kayu. The service is good and taste of pizzas are really delicious. The service is good as the standard of PHD. "
24 August 2017Mary Lohan
" Strategis "
23 August 2017F.Priyo Suprobo
" Good service "
23 August 2017Galaxyace2 Arief
" For my wife in the middle of night. "
23 August 2017Amalia Herzegovina
" Nice "
22 August 2017Omjin Aje86
" Kariyawan ya ramah "
22 August 2017Ferdi Al-fathir
" Good "
21 August 2017Gb Jkt
" Ok "
21 August 2017Teguh Vidiyo
" Ga jauh ² kalau dikantor mau jajan "
21 August 2017Densky Skyevolution
" Good service "
21 August 2017Josephine Adelyne
" delivery only, can't eat at this place, delivered on time, if not you'll get free pizza as a reward "
20 August 2017Hanif Hafizhuddin
" Good food, quick takeaway "
19 August 2017Eggi Legiva
" Lumayan lah "
19 August 2017M. Haidar Helmi
" Quick service but not so friendly. "
18 August 2017Alan Prayogi
" good "
18 August 2017Endra Okom
" The place is cozy, the service did not disappoint. "
18 August 2017Priyo Hs
" No 'crust' here.. just original 😁, excellent fast service. "
17 August 2017Wahidin Pinang Ranti
" Baik banget mba nya nama nya erika ,aku di kasih minuman ini,dapet orderan Uber kesitu kirim dokumen.enak banget minumannya bikin pengen nambah,nambah dan nambaaah "
17 August 2017Light Man
" My favorite pizza "
16 August 2017{DB} DYNAMICBOMB
" Its a pizza place
16 August 2017It ussuallcomes out 15 minutes after you order
Its good its like a 4⛤ restaurant
It doesnt sell only pizza's "
Adi Santosa Budiman
" Fast service. Friendly officers. The food is great. "
16 August 2017Andri Mardiah
" The pizza taste is great. There is small portion menu for ladies and kids, and the drink's variant is also good. But, very small place for those who eat there "
16 August 2017Hadi Saputra
" mantep, pelayanannya cepet 👍 "
14 August 2017Marga Ratna
" Selain tuna melt, Choco puff favorite! 😍😍😍 Dan diantar cepat sampai rumah. Thanks "
13 August 2017Budiyanto Hidayat
" New outlet in CitraRaya "
13 August 2017Jon Kopi Jon
" Excellent service in express duration. The meals are great, good drinks. Love the all the box promos. "
13 August 2017Hasan Zuberi
" Pizza Hut 🍕 Delivery. Also serves takeaway
12 August 2017Have outside seating for 1 - 4 people. "
Arpan Doank
" Ok "
12 August 2017Iqbal Muhammad Iskandar
" Fast service. "
11 August 2017Ajoe Moe
" Don't forget to ask name her.. Because you may miss her.. So beautiful.. "
11 August 2017Aji Sulasono
" Gooddd "
10 August 2017Siti Maryam
" Strategic place, near education center, hospital, market, and mosque "
10 August 2017Heri Krisdiyanto
" Fill your hunger with fresh pizza selection "
10 August 2017Debby Christina
" So close, so quick ... "
10 August 2017Yadi Setiadi
" Much much better than phd buahbatu.. "
08 August 2017Ahmad Dk
" Ok "
08 August 2017Seko Pati
" good delivery service "
08 August 2017Ari Aditiya
" Masih jam setengah 2 sudah tutup apaan ga tepat waktu dan saya menanyakan baik baik karyawan nya pada ga sopan "
08 August 2017Putri Yona
" Mmmm... "
07 August 2017Gustyi Setiawan
" Menurt gw sie g ok,krn namnya PHD tp kog pengantaranya sgt minimal bget, bikin kecewa aj.kalah sm MCD,... "
07 August 2017Kamal Mahmud
" Just like every other phd
07 August 2017Beware of the preman parkir liar though "
Syafrizal Sale
" Delicious and prompt delivery "
07 August 2017Lay Okidharma
" For delivery only "
07 August 2017Ramz Gaming
" But good place "
06 August 2017Bennie Kaboel
" not bad for small place with big name "
06 August 2017Sales Rajin
" Oke juga "
06 August 2017Gojek Driver
" Pelayanan yg ramah "
06 August 2017Roman Bellic
" Small place and sometimes finding a parking space is hard here... Mostly do takeaways here... "
05 August 2017Zain Sholihan
" Good place "
05 August 2017Arry Prasetya
" nice, clean and easy to reach "
05 August 2017Aghnia Afa Kusuma
" The food was great "
05 August 2017Dian Novitasari
" Cs nya ramah n cekatan "
05 August 2017Hary Purn
" Easy come easy go "
04 August 2017Intan Mujihariyati
" Enak "
03 August 2017Lionardi Yulius
" The pizzas are amazing "
03 August 2017Kunjung Sri Herlambang
" Ok "
03 August 2017Eko Budi Santoso
" Nice place and service "
03 August 2017Agnesia Ulfa
" The tastes so delicious, available chair and table for dine-in, delivery for 30 minutes. If more than 30 minutes, you receive free pizza voucher "
03 August 2017Hanifa Nabilah
" Nyaman, strategis "
02 August 2017Indira Aviana
" There's only one table with 2 chair if you want dine in "
02 August 2017Randy Sitompul
" Bravo "
02 August 2017Aday Aday
" Ok "
02 August 2017Wisnu Hadi
" Mantap "
01 August 2017Budi Ray Harjanto
" Ok "
01 August 2017Dieter Qalba
" Good service... "
01 August 2017Ivan Christian
" Top.. Ramah dan Cepat. Keep it up.. Guys "
31 July 2017Rualim Tanjung
" Ok "
31 July 2017Tatinya Doni
" good "
31 July 2017Reynold Stars
" Fast food "
31 July 2017Gatot Sudaryanto
" Nice "
30 July 2017Edy Putra
" Layanan cepat "
30 July 2017Dedi Sopandi Sofwan
" Selain bisa langsung makan di tempat, bisa juga dengan layanan pesan dan antar via PHD (Pizza Hut Delivery), ruangan nyaman dan sejuk, ramah dan cepat, parkir cukup, "
29 July 2017Edy Putra
" Fast order "
29 July 2017Dimas Triadi
" Top "
29 July 2017Vinz Benedict
" Closed even though its not closing time. lazy staff "
29 July 2017Tomy Wongso
" Easy to recognize from street "
28 July 2017Fanny Hung
" fast and delicious but last time i bought the tuna pasta its very dry ..taste different like the first time we bought ... "
28 July 2017Samsir Sidabungke
" posko gojek "
28 July 2017Walada Prima
" Nomer hp nya tidak bisa ditelpon. sudah sampai 5x tidak diangkat. "
27 July 2017Michaell Zhang
" Good staf n Nice food "
27 July 2017Ahmad Dk
" Ok "
27 July 2017Vian Nanlohy Versteegh
" Train the staff well..when they take the order make sure they focus to customer not while doing other things or talk to other staff. Appreciate the customer in front of your face. "
26 July 2017Samuel Ekanata
" meat lovers mayo is my favourite "
26 July 2017Nadia C
" better to order by phone than order online, because of slow servvice "
25 July 2017Daniel Fajar
" Cozy place to eat fast "
24 July 2017Hariesdesign
" Nice place, gast respon and one of the best pizza taste "
23 July 2017FX Budi Widyatmoko
" The pizza is ok. You can take it out. Can dine in but not many seats or delivery. "
23 July 2017Fran Suwardi
" No taking much time to get the pizza. "
22 July 2017Charles Lesnussa
" Pesan antar, Lngsung ke tempat ini jg boleh, ada kursi utk menunggu "
22 July 2017Mohamad Farhan
" Bismilah saya penge. Ngelamar heheh "
22 July 2017Yogi Priyo Prayogo
" Small number of seating and cramped parking, as expected of delivery point place that is not intended as dining place. Overall the service is good. "
20 July 2017Azmi Makarima
" Comfy place. "
20 July 2017Neny Astria
" They take care the customer's complain nicely. "
20 July 2017Franciano Lengkong
" PHD as a.part from.Pizza just couple available, but many delivery to depok area...less parking space.. "
20 July 2017Supriyadi BKPM
" Fast "
20 July 2017Muhammad Adib R Firmansyah
" pesen pake tlpn 3x g diangkat. pake web/app pending dr pusat ke mgl nya. gjd takeaway langsung tapi "wait-away"... smg kedepannya makin ok dah phd mgl "
19 July 2017Aulia Azka Januartrika
" Easy to reach and fast service, good "
19 July 2017Alvin Arkansas
" Quick & Easy. I've got free pizza from Go-Jek points "
18 July 2017Yudi Somadinata
" Simple and cozy place "
17 July 2017Saparuddin 2014
" Ok "
17 July 2017Ervina Lukmanto
" Just another phd... so it has only few tables and chair.. there is alwes night sale for drinks and salad.. "
16 July 2017Dian Nagara
" Fast. Simple serves. Delicious. "
16 July 2017Ahmad M. Sidik
" Pelayanan Ok,, harga terjangkau,, Delivery Order* jg bisa (*jarak DO terbatas) "
16 July 2017Rualim Tanjung
" Ok "
16 July 2017Nyoman Santokho
" Comfortable place "
15 July 2017Libby Jamie
" Good pizza "
14 July 2017Noviandy Radhika Budi
" Pertama di Magelang.
14 July 2017Bisa pesan take away maupun delivery.
Bisa pesan melalui telpon, web maupun datang sendiri.
Target delivery: 30 menit sampai tujuan di dalam kota Magelang "
Yodi Hanidi
" Akhirnya ada juga di Makassar.
13 July 2017Letaknya di seberang SPBU Pengayoman.
Pilihan menunya cukup beragam dan berbeda jika dibandingkan induknya Pizza Hut.
Pelayannya ramah dan informatif.
Dengan paket bisa dapat banyak menu dalam 1 box.
Porsi yang disajikan tidak besar, jauh dr gambaran di leaflet. Untung rasanya tetap enak. "
Gojek Driver
" Good "
13 July 2017Alpian Septi Pradana
13 July 2017Cherly Bertine1788
" This place was great "
12 July 2017Gung Pram
" Varied menu cheaper than regular ph, quick and friendly service, there is promo 50% discount after 9pm on some drinks and salad "
11 July 2017Yosep Gunawan
11 July 2017Mitha Khoirunisa
" Pelayananya cepat dan ramah.....tempatnya sangat nyaman buat menunggu...banyak tempat duduknya.. "
11 July 2017Gojek Scoopy Merah
" Martabak amerika... Pesen jeung sangu na ngadon disengseurikeun geura, untung geulis mun goreng patut dicabok da... "
10 July 2017Muritama Kazuto
" nice place "
10 July 2017Tonny Ferdiansyah
" Pizza standard yg sering penuh jd klo mesen agak riweuh "
10 July 2017Ainal Iqram
" The service time is fast and the waitress are friendly "
09 July 2017Risna Rivai
" The Art of Pizza...😆😍😍😍 "
09 July 2017Capricornita K
" Good n great !!! "
09 July 2017Mohamad Akbar
" Karyawan yg ada kewalahan dalam melayani konsumen. Karyawan bagian kasir tidak tanggap untuk segera melayani dan menerima pesanan dari saya karena sibuk melakukan packing. Setelah akhirnya orderan saya dicatat, saya menerima pizza yg saya pesan melebihi waktu yg seharusnya tertera di layar monitor. "
09 July 2017Usman Arifin
" Gak cuma delivery, bisa juga makan ditempat. disediakan kursi yg nyaman didalam maupun di teras luar. "
09 July 2017TPRP S&P
" PHD is ok "
09 July 2017Choirul Anam R
" Yang jelas, makanan yg disajikan pastinya enak, sehat, higienis dan yg terpenting adalah HALAL...
09 July 2017Meskipun tempatnya terbatas, outdoor view-nya cukup menarik...
Sambil makan pizza di teras, bisa melihat ke jalan raya yg sekarang mulai sering macet...
Sayangnya, karena letaknya di ruko yg tidak begitu luas, maka bisa diduga kalau area parkir nya pasti kurang memadai, khususnya untuk roda 4...
By the way, asyik dan seru...! "
Bhima Chandra
" Yummy, good service too "
09 July 2017Whyou Setyawan
" bintang dua aja dulu, emang sih baru buka dicibitung tp saya pesan gak bisa kata nya belum tercover pdhl masih di cibitung juga dan menurut saya sih jarak nya dekat, mungkin driver delivery nya msh blm tau jalan x ya.. masih kalah sm driver ojek online yg bisa gunakan google map hehehe "
08 July 2017Lukman Effendi Driver
" titik gpsnya salah.. harusnya di kp utan bkn di gintung "
08 July 2017Mardiansyah Hidayat
" Delivery flash... "
08 July 2017Sinta Heriyanti
" Close to home, quick service "
08 July 2017Herry Priyanto
" Nice service... "
07 July 2017Kesya Salma
" tingkat kan kenyamanan ny untuk pelangan yang menunggu pesanan "
07 July 2017Gidion Kurniawan
07 July 2017Farhan Adon
06 July 2017Urip Tri Hasanah
" Aneh, dapat konfirmasi kalau delivery ke Jalan Damai tidak bisa, katanya cuma melayani sepanjang Jalan Kaliurang. Padahal jaraknya tidak jauh dari lokasi PHD. "
06 July 2017Warfarzir Wfz
" 👍👍👍👍 "
05 July 2017Gb Jkt
" Ramah.bersih.dan cepat tepat waktu "
05 July 2017Anggun Wigati
" Quick service "
05 July 2017Ayom Rahwana
" They have a very small area of delivery an my home is not included hiks "
04 July 2017Dian Andrias
" To long "
04 July 2017Celland G
" Enak rasanya yummmy "
04 July 2017Trias Nur Rahman
" Lama ngantrinya "
04 July 2017Roby Robot
" BC UPA "
04 July 2017Rayner Manuel
" Its great "
03 July 2017Mas Windarta
" Good in service "
03 July 2017Febry Ristanti
" Mau coba aja "
03 July 2017Setiadjit Santosa
" Fast "
03 July 2017Khus Nul
" Lokasinya strategis di tengah kota gresik deket Rs semen gresik lapangan parkirnya luas tempat nya bersih "
03 July 2017Sri Wahyuningsih
" Near and good service "
02 July 2017Handoyo Keren
" Good "
02 July 2017Ervie Nur Afifa Mukhlis
" Parkir luar. Tersedia indoor and outdoor area "
02 July 2017Arief59673
" Cepat dan enak "
01 July 2017Eko Anggoro
" Limited space but very strategic, no outdoor seating "
30 June 2017Avraham Tov
" Good delivery service "
30 June 2017Nanemo 700
" Esay "
30 June 2017Muhammad Faisal Zakaria
" Dekat, Cepat! "
30 June 2017SAFARAZ KJ
" Dekat dengan hotel majesty dan kampus maranatha jadi pemesanan sangat mudah dan sangat cepat "
30 June 2017Agung Nugroho
" Great pizza "
28 June 2017Supri Yanto
" Ok "
28 June 2017Hanip Fatkurrahman
" Tempatnya nyaman, pelayanannya cepat "
28 June 2017Utomo Riadi
" Tempat makan cepat saji yang nyaman, agak kecil ruangannya "
28 June 2017Eko Maryanto
" Good serve "
27 June 2017Arief Wiwaha
" It was Ok. Fast service "
27 June 2017Markus Anakottapary
" Pelayanan na cukup cepat meski tempat na kecil... "
27 June 2017Rinaldo Lisman
" Fast response "
26 June 2017Arif Mursito
" Cepat dalam penyajian tapi parkirnya mahal.Roda 2 masak 2rb, padahal tempat lain seribu... buat gojek hanya dapat 6rb saja... "
25 June 2017Yuma Yumachi
" baru pertama coba pesan online tapi isi nya ada yg kurang, :(
24 June 2017padahal di struknya ada "
Indra Moraless
" Fast response for delivery "
24 June 2017Joe Marselo
" Ya kaya PHD lainya gitu lah ... Good "
24 June 2017R Asdwinarno
" Pelayananya baik, ramah dan cepat. Apa lagi sdh kerja sama dengan pihak gojek lebih abdol bisa bagi2 rejeki dgn driver gjk "
24 June 2017Candy Man
" Mantap deket rumah "
24 June 2017Iwan Fransisca
" Cepat pelayanannya "
23 June 2017Justin P
" Pizza is like normal phd pizza.... No issues there but the boneless chicken pieces were nearly raw yet covered in BBQ sauce to hide the fact. I won't go near them again!!! "
23 June 2017Kodok Goreng
" Fast services "
22 June 2017Arif Tunjungseto
" Standard but with frequent promos "
22 June 2017Andjar Radite
" Quick n easy "
22 June 2017PUTRA YUDA LESMANA Lesmana
" pizza hut delivery, pizza nya lembut dan pengiriman dijamin sampai tepat waktu atau gratis 1 pizza. luar biasa delivery mannya. "
22 June 2017William Jeremiah
" Cepat "
21 June 2017Handito Septiadi
" Friendly staffs, clean indoors, lack of parking space. "
21 June 2017Yoseph Gratika
" Nice place, clean, quiet, good place to order, and good place to eat. Enjoyed being here "
20 June 2017Priambodo Rokhmat Pratama
" Simply and fast "
20 June 2017Ahmad Haris
" Enployee not good service "
20 June 2017Rurry Wisnugraha
" Fast response "
20 June 2017HaGe Tujuhenam
" Nice, so international "
19 June 2017Reyhan Rahadi
" Lumayan lah . Tapi sayangnya lahan parkir kurang dan manunya gak selengkap yg di surabaya "
19 June 2017Azis Destian
" ngasaan pitsa #kataorangsunda "
19 June 2017Ferri Firmansyah
" Pelayanannya cukup cepat "
19 June 2017Christopher Angelo
" Small sized Pizza Hut that mainly serves Delivery to door. Takeaway is also available.
18 June 2017Inside is clean and neatly served. They cook all kinds of pizza in near 6 minutes. Overall, it's pretty decent! "
Yoyo Dsign
" Place is small, just for take out only. Pizza is great. "
18 June 2017Alden Valentino
" wkwkwk bagus nian "
18 June 2017DIALIRA
" Large parking slot but heavy traffic road acces to get in that place "
18 June 2017Bowo
" Great for quick bite. "
17 June 2017Muh. Fiqhi Triansha
" Whoa, it's near my house. Never thought this before. I don't have to takeaway from their first outlet. "
17 June 2017Junaidy Junaidy
" Cepat enak lezat "
17 June 2017Lina Lis
" A Recommened Pizza To Are Delivery.Good Pizza. "
17 June 2017Halak Batak
" Pesen pizza? Langsung aja ke nomor pizza hut nya "
17 June 2017Ryan Sugianto
" Pelayanan cepat untuk pesan antar "
17 June 2017Agung Guntoro
" Pelayanan biasa. Kalo ordee jam 9 malem harus cash. Kassa onlinenya di tutup duluan "
17 June 2017Rai Bagja
" Strategis , lebih deket kalo mau pesen pizza ataupun makan langsung "
17 June 2017Lukas Dwi
" quick service "
16 June 2017Kenneth He
" Pizza hut delivery. "
16 June 2017Reni Handuweni
" Small place but it sufficient for only take away . They also provide table and chair for customers to wait or dine in . But mostly only for rake away "
16 June 2017I Made Krisna Satria
" Quite fast service for Pizza delivery services "
16 June 2017Onefc 13
" Di mana lagi kalo gak di pizza hut :-) :-) :-) "
15 June 2017Freddy Hutama Ekaputra
" Lokasi strategis, pilihan bagus untuk delivery pizza. "
15 June 2017Raymond Natio
" Best place to have pizza. Dine in is available here. The pizza taste is somewhat better than others. "
15 June 2017For Trial
" It's simple whether you decide to take in or out the menu "
14 June 2017Alam Sadikin
" Akhirnya PHD di Ujung Berung. Bina Harapan tercover layanan pesan antarnya. "
14 June 2017Herry Zai
" Cepet jd pesenanny "
14 June 2017Amhar Ma
" Fast response,quick service, delicious pizza "
13 June 2017Isaac Nangin
" Fave pizza in town "
13 June 2017Nurul Rahmawati
" Harga relatif murah jika dibandingkan dgn Pizza Hut "
11 June 2017Natalia Dwi
" Tasty food "
10 June 2017Den_ Ridwands
" I like its in pleace "
10 June 2017Irwin Simanjuntak
" Pizza Hit disini sangat bersih , juga pelayannya sangat ramah. Pernah makan disini dan pasti akan kesini lagi. "
10 June 2017Ash B
" Was so poor direction and silent all way around made me check and change the setting several time but didn't help "
09 June 2017Myshop Martin
" Little pizza in little town.. "
09 June 2017Agnesya Idha
" Phd gajah mada memiliki pelayanan yg ramah, banyak paket menarik dengan harga yg pas! Apalagi menu my box ukuran personal seharga 35rb, love it💞 "
09 June 2017Sunarto Sby
" enak bro "
08 June 2017Dimas Grab
" Good "
08 June 2017Riana Agustini
" Have a good services "
07 June 2017Ryo Kotchalocca
" No need much time to have your order "
06 June 2017Nandaa Adriyanii
" They over 30 minutes come for delivery it's so amazing time for Semarang now "
06 June 2017Farieds Alkadzi
" ok "
06 June 2017Kristin Natalia
" Food is good. Often do promos. Although the place is quite small "
06 June 2017Budi Jaya Las Jabodetabek
" Like "
06 June 2017Lilies Pcs
" Nice "
06 June 2017Bambang Supartono S.Pd.
" Yummy "
05 June 2017Apps And Games
" good "
04 June 2017Farah Afnany
" fast food "
04 June 2017Alfons Ferari
" Good "
03 June 2017Ian Van Khaidir Ahmad
" Enak dan dekat "
03 June 2017Muhammad Zakie
" Pizza is love. Pizza is life. "
03 June 2017M. Lukmanul Khakim
" Yah "
02 June 2017Iruel Bahri
" Buat gojek selalu tersedia kalo orderan tlfon "
02 June 2017Wenny Wahyuni
" Enak murah sering promo "
01 June 2017Yu Da
" enak "
30 May 2017Ginta Silvester
" Food ok. But small place. Normal for delivery/takeout resto. "
29 May 2017Ilham Ariyanda
" Makan ditempat atau delivery sama lezatnya "
29 May 2017Ezra Saputra
" Good tenants. Great service also. Recommed this place. "
28 May 2017Hollandia 07
" Nice "
27 May 2017Johanes Djuwana
" Nearby homes "
27 May 2017Karina Gustiyani
" Bersih, nyaman. Pelayan di restoran atau pun delivery nya memuaskan "
23 May 2017Anatta Sannai
" Pelayanan antarnya cepat...nice "
22 May 2017Arnixx Gogouki
" Your local delivery service. Could get take out at the store but you couln't eat there. "
22 May 2017Fendy Winardi
" Service are fast but taste is not better compared to Pizza Hut "
20 May 2017Ochim 6281804900018
" Actually i dont like this place, just because i am a good person thats why i give them 5 "
18 May 2017Ridwan Dai-Ichi
" Ditelponin susahnya setengah mati. Cape dech. Bikin emosi "
18 May 2017Inung Dwi Nurhadi
" Praktis. "
17 May 2017Agil Saputro
" PHD servicenya bagus "
17 May 201788 Fight & Ride
" Too slow service "
16 May 2017Paksi Suryo
" Nice place, nice serve "
16 May 2017Teabo Sigarantang
" Good services "
16 May 2017Toni Hendrawan
" cepat dan nyaman "
16 May 2017Mr F
" Pizza hut delivery ini lebih murah drpd pizza yang biasa "
15 May 2017Red Kurawa
" Ok "
15 May 2017M.zuhri Maulana
" Mantab "
14 May 2017Muh. Fiqhi Triansha
" Delivering pizza to your door step. This concept is already come to Makassar. You can order pizza here and wait it on your door step or come when it ready. "
14 May 2017Davin Liuz
" Fast pizza delivery "
14 May 2017Widyatmoko Gondo
" Bix Bog 138.000 "
14 May 2017Retno Damayanti
" Good taste "
13 May 2017Andy Feb
" kepepet lapar... "
13 May 2017Cathy Ginting
" nice place, fast repsonse, great meal "
12 May 2017Senda Irawan Pratono
" Good and fast "
10 May 2017Yami NoSagiri
" Fast delivery services!! Reasonable compesations for lateness "
10 May 2017Resi Asmoro Putra
" Yah belom jam 11 PM udah gak bisa order.. 😭😭 "
09 May 2017Riska Hariyani
" Kalau lagi pengen makan Pizza gak harus ke mall lagi,dekat rumah sudah ad PHD jadi lebih mudah dan terjangkau.pelayanan nya juga oke ceoat dan tepat waktu. "
09 May 2017Anindya Chiiezaraassyifa
" Bagus pelayanan lumayan deket jg "
09 May 2017Agung Priyamanto
" Easy to access and nice service "
08 May 2017Inge Intania
" Pernah dine in disini, dan rekomendasi banget! Soalnya pizzanya fresh💞 "
07 May 2017Maulana Weesans
" Cepat "
06 May 2017Abdul Rakan
" Yummy.. "
06 May 2017H Y
" Location near Giant supermarket and quite crowded. Difficult to parking your car. "
06 May 2017Gb Jkt
" Ok "
05 May 2017Vita Kalalo
" Murah dan bagus "
05 May 2017Rosie Setiawan
" Good "
05 May 2017Anita Vineyard
" Kini Pizza Hut Deliery hadir di Purwakarta, bagi penggila pizza bisa makan di tempat juga, dengan suasana yang catchy serta promo dari PHD yang tidak menguras dompet "
05 May 2017Nugroho Yudho Olivianto
" Only for calls, not for dinner there.. "
05 May 2017Yosh Supandrio
" Pesan pizza kamis 4 mei 2017 di phd sawojajar ini dtg lama sekali dan ada kompensasi gratis pizza karena lebih dr 30 menit sebenrnyaa gak masalah sih mgkin ada sedikit trobel dan it's ok.. namun saat pizza dtg sudah dingin dan keras..very dispointed. "
04 May 2017Lenny Suryani
" Nice... Percaya lah sama rasa pizza nya phd. Pinggiran double cheesy bites top abiiis "
03 May 2017Jajat Grab
" top "
03 May 2017Rahmi Shafwani
" the staffs are very friendly, rasa (roti) pizzanya lebih light dibanding dgn pizza yg restaurant, snacks are complete, harga lebih reachable (apalagi klo ada promo 😂)
02 May 2017dan buat pengendara motor yg mau take away, staffnya nyediain tali dan mau bantuin kita buat ngikatin pizzanya dimotor (jok belakang) supaya pizzanya tetap utuh (ga 😁
btw PHD spesialisasinya di delivery dan take away ya, ga buat makan ditempat, ada sih spacenya tapi ga luas. "
Dynoviar N. M.
" Not really visible from the fast lane, paid parking lot "
02 May 2017Riza Abdul Aziz GrafiKomputer
" Pizza boss "
02 May 2017Retno Widyastuti
" Lumayan nggak usah jauh2,deket sama rumah soalnya.Mau nyobain pizza topping baru double cheesy bites 😋 "
01 May 2017Evan Wiguna
" Nice service "
01 May 2017Yan Dirga
" Diatas rata rata untuk tempat kumpul... Hanya mungkin exhouse nya perlu ditambah bila mayoritas perokok tamunya. Good luck. "
01 May 2017Calemite
" Great food, fast service, not for you you want a healthy diet, good if you want a quick meal "
01 May 2017Muhammad Said Harisuddin
" Better than pizza hut "
30 April 2017Ghigha Sibghatoullah Alhamid
" Nice and friendly service "
30 April 2017Vascal Sapta Hadi
" the best pizza "
30 April 2017Hary Adi Budiono
" Nice but small place "
30 April 2017Aristha Suryanii
" Kenapa kalo mau go food susah bgt yaa ketemunya di aplikasi, aplikasi go.foodnya yg kurang bagus apa googleMAP nya neh..
29 April 2017Hmmm... "
Angga Alfriandy
" Good 👍 "
29 April 2017Andie Okta
" Kami Dari LKP KARYA PRIMA KURSUS Les Komputer. Akuntansi. Bahasa Inggris, TOEFL TEST and IELTS. memberikan Aplaus Untuk PHD H.M Joni..pelayanan yg Ramah dan Responsive..God Jobs... Tq PHD.. nice ... "
29 April 2017Nimatus S
" Toilet nya jorok badaaaiiii.....👎 "
26 April 2017Gojek Driver
" good "
25 April 2017Lenny Suryani
" Love their new crust.. double cheesy bites "
25 April 2017Siska Henni Yunita
" Tempat yang bagus dan layanan yang baik "
25 April 2017Ucok @RepublikFoto
" Standar PHD lah.... "
24 April 2017Lukman Arfian
" Pizza Hut always gives different atmosphere to enjoy pizza... "
24 April 2017Rya Putri
" Good "
23 April 2017Ardyan Riyadi
" Just near to my workplace. Taste overall its the same like the others PHD hehe "
23 April 2017Nur Husen
" Cobain PHD baru "
22 April 2017Dedy Van Hauten
" PHD pada umumnya "
22 April 2017Guntur Wigandi
" Tempatnya nyaman dan harga nya pun ekonomis dan bisa dijangkau oleh kalangan menengah kebawah "
22 April 2017Olien MCI
" Delicious food "
22 April 2017Prince Palandi
" Need more space, but okay "
19 April 2017Ariany Erna
" Nice taste "
19 April 2017Great Fill
" Cukup memuaskan. Namun, pelayanannya agak kurang. Kurir lupa memberikan voucher keterlambatan. Pizza datang lebih dari 1 jam. Untuk follow up juga harus telepon ke PHD customer service. Respon untuk pengantaran voucher diantar lebih dari 1 jam. Total mengurus untuk pizza jadi 2 jam. Setelah 2 jam tersebut voucher gratis pizza sudah di antar oleh kurir yang berbeda. Alasan yang disampaikan kurir adalah ramai pemesan dan voucher habis.
19 April 2017Ternyata saat baca review google (scroll ke bawah) terdapat komplain yang mirip.
Semoga pelayanannya menjadi lebih baik lagi. :) "
Ptikhat Entertainment
" Harus hati hati terhadap permainan 'kecil' oleh pengantar. Jika anda menunggu lebih dari 30 menit pastikan kupon anda sudah di tangan anda. "
19 April 2017Shodiq Balya
" Good food... "
19 April 2017Sri WS
" Cuaca cukup panas yaa "
18 April 2017Steven Sutantro
" Nice & Fast Pizza Delivery! "
18 April 2017Asep Saefudin
" Pelayanan memuaskan "
18 April 2017Andry Apriawan
" Lumayan praktis jika hanya ingin makan pizza tanpa harus jalan2 ke mall atau antri di counter PH biasa, tapi memang menu nya beda dgn PH biasanya "
17 April 2017Teguh Budi
" Good pizza "
17 April 2017Razali Indra Gunawan Hasibuan
" They teach my kids how to make pizza "
17 April 2017Hilda Octavia
" Standar pelayanannya...
16 April 2017Ongkirnya mahal min. 16rb... lbh murah pesen via gojek 😁 "
Sofi Siti Shofiyah
" Fast service but the place for dine in is too small "
16 April 2017Banega MTB
" Bangku x cuman ada 2 .1 diluar 1 didalam.klu lagi nunggu pesanan kdang harus berdiri. "
15 April 2017Yoyo Dsign
" Fast pizza for delivery only "
14 April 2017Yoyo Dsign
" Like other pizza hut place "
14 April 2017Shabrina Ayu Margirizki
" Better do delivery service rather than dine in "
13 April 2017Ridwan Adisurya
" Typical phd, not as tasty as pizza hut when eating in the place, but good for deliveries. "
12 April 2017Rury Perdana Manafe
" Closed to our house and good serve "
11 April 2017Arli Lampard
" ada low kerja gak "
11 April 2017Rico Nasri Y
" wooow aada "
10 April 2017Ludwi Yusuf
" Phd purwakarta "
10 April 2017Wawan Sitty
" Phd andalanku "
10 April 2017Aris Sandy
" terlihat waktu saat pemesanan sampai siap saji , cepat "
09 April 2017Rifky Herviana
" Pesen pizzanya gak ada dan langsung terputus "
09 April 2017Alfandi Rahmad
" nice place ever "
09 April 2017ADE LITA
" Telpon ga aktif. Diupdate dong no tlp yg bisa dihubungi. Lewat aplikasi juga gak bisa. Delivery apanya 👎👎👎👎 "
09 April 2017Titis Partisiwi
" Lumayan. Tp ga bisa anter sampe grand wisata. "
09 April 2017Budi Melati
" Dejavu "
09 April 2017Januar W Wibowo
" The fastest pizza delivery in jakarta "
08 April 2017Fauzi Akbar
" Tempatnya kecil memang tapi pengantarannya good lah😂 "
08 April 2017Toni Kiswandi
" Hand made,,hot and hmmmmm yummii... "
08 April 2017Reza Irawan
" Friendly staff, terutama mbak astrid, :D dan pizza yang bersahabat dengan kantung, who doesn't like pizza? "
07 April 2017Angelline Esther Mongula
" I recommended to delivery order double box package for group 6-8 persons. It good choice for evening snack. "
06 April 2017Julianto Khadziq
" Open order delivery guys "
05 April 2017Aljon Ali Sagara
" Order nyampe sini "
04 April 2017Iwan Haniyoto
" Pelayanan memuaskan, untuk pesanan regular dalam 12 menit sudah jadi. "
04 April 2017Danny Jubel
" Tempatnya nyaman "
04 April 2017Yudhistira Dwi Putra
" Ok "
03 April 2017Aiken Kurniawan
" Lying about area service delivery, afraid of traffic and has many reason to not deliver pizza to Lidah Kulon area. "
03 April 2017Agung Widodo
" Very good area "
03 April 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" New store, good service, and nice place. "
01 April 2017Ade Murti Susepto MS
" Pas kesini sistem eror jadi nunggu lama "
31 March 2017Ratna Permatasari
" Seminggu sekali pasti mampir. Kesukaan anak saya : cheezy galore tanpa pinggiran. Harusny dikasih kartu loyal customer nih hahaha "
31 March 2017Satria Zemba
" Area antar sangat terbatas "
30 March 2017Jeffrey Hanafie
" On time, good service "
28 March 2017Satya Priya Utama Muthi' Al-karim
" Great Pizza "
28 March 2017Mahendro Panji
" Mantap jiwa "
28 March 2017Zumala Fitriany
" Fast delivery "
27 March 2017Aryo Bayu
" Pelayanannya cepat "
26 March 2017Defri Widiyanto
" Dari dulu PHD pusat dan Pasar Minggu jadi andalan delivery keluarga,tapi mulai sekarang, JANGAN BERHARAP JADI ANDALAN LAGI.. Sangat mengecewakan, nunggu 1 jam setengah dengan konfirmasi sampe 5 kali ke center, akhirnya sy batalkan pesanannya. Karena waktu sudah di Jam 21.10 WIB SANGAT MENGECEWAKAN!!! "
25 March 2017Soyo Heart
" Good place for order, delivery order.. "
25 March 2017Sarwono Soetoro
" Bagi yang suka karaoke keluarga boleh juga ke tempat ini "
25 March 2017Nunik Wahyuni
" Good services "
25 March 2017DigilinesdotNet
" Layanan Cepat.... harga pizza terjangkau "
25 March 2017Gina Arshita
" Nganterin anak buat acara pizza maker jr ...skalian nongki cantik....pelayanannya ramah.... "
25 March 2017Tony Laisina
" Pelayanan bagus.. "
25 March 2017Muhammad Yulianto
" The only PHD near kotabumi "
23 March 2017Adirangga Sasmita
" pelayanan cukup ramah dan far blm ada yg miss dr estimasi waktu yg ditentukan "
23 March 2017Vinieta Meidy
" Untuk pesan ditempat pelayanannya cepat, serta tempat tunggunya juga nyaman "
22 March 2017Aspo Boy
" Makan diawal memang enak....tapi lama lama mblenger #edisiwongndeso 😁 "
22 March 2017Aida Khafid84
" Strategis "
21 March 2017A Google User
" Karena dekat dgn rumah "
20 March 2017Aboth Leonardo
" Good please.... "
20 March 2017Herry Pra
" Lapar...Delivery saja "
20 March 2017Aditya Diveranta
" Good enough, though the place is small because they only focus on delivery service. "
18 March 2017Pratama Wijaya
" tempat yang bagus,baru buka pelayanan cepat ! "
18 March 2017Izzy Fierza
" The taste is 7/10 "
18 March 2017Willy Hadiyono
" Respon cepat dan enak sayangnya tidak temoat yang cukup buat rombongan "
18 March 2017Chasin Jauhari
" Kemarin pesan jam 11 siang, minta diantar jam 2 siang. Dan ternyata tepat waktu. Mantab. "
18 March 2017Matrialkoja
" Nice for a quick bite "
18 March 2017Erni Fatmawati
" Kalau mau nyarik tempat karaoke disini tempatnya, sounds nya Bagus, volume micnya pas banget and nggak bakal bikin dompet kritis "
17 March 2017Andi Faisal Rahman
" 108k dapet 2..lumayan "
17 March 2017Anta Karize
" Double box lebih hemat,,pegawai ramah "
17 March 2017Septian Rizki
" Its a delivery service here "
16 March 2017Hablina Arifianti
" Fast. Good service. "
16 March 2017Cendana Oktiladha
" Dekat denganbrumah, pelayanan ramah dan cepat "
16 March 2017Heru Widiyanto
" Friendly and fast serving, recomended "
15 March 2017Danu Djojosoemarto
" Ngambil bonus setelah isi survey "
15 March 2017Rahadyan Wishnu Byantoro
" Enak, pelayanan bagus dan cepet "
15 March 2017Bons Bon
" Tempat semrawut penataan kurang rapi karyawan banyak yang duduk" tdk menghargai customer yg datang "
15 March 2017Rika Eridani
" I love PHD than Pizza Hut. The pizza bread is very good. You only wait about 12 minutes for take away, and 30 minutes for delivery. "
13 March 2017Jepri Agesi
" Hai "
12 March 2017Budi Muryanto
" One of the best option for lunch or dinner when you are in Jababeka 😅 they do delivery. "
12 March 2017Zainal Abidin
" no dining in "
12 March 2017Kiki Andrian
" bagus untuk untuk anak anak "
11 March 2017Mahisa Agung
" Nyaman utk ngobrol dengan teman-teman maupun utk keluarga "
11 March 2017Deny Setia
" Pelayanan cepat "
10 March 2017Peri Kecil
" Pizza is near here "
09 March 2017Tony Wang
" Tempat ini sangat cocok buat santai bersama keluarga/teman bisnis anda sambil menikmati kuliner malam "
07 March 2017Aulia Ikhsanti
" It's kinda hot and they got no tomato sauce :( Other than that, they provide a fast and good service. "
07 March 2017Albert GOEN
" Convenience place to buy a fast-food when confused what to eat! "
07 March 2017Muhammad Irham Ramadhan
" Various food choices, not-too-long waiting time, usually 2 mins. Comfortable seats for waiting, has outdoor seating, good place if you want quick bites with friends. "
07 March 2017Femy Yunita
" Customer Service tdk jelas merespon... Pesanan dikonformasi dibilang sdh jln, ga taunya salah... "
06 March 2017Dwi SoLo Tea
" Mau beli PHD jangan lupa minimal sediakan uang 100k
06 March 2017Kurang lebihnya itulah harga PHD yang palin murah
Masalah rasa tergantung selera anda.
Ramah bersih dan recomended. "
Angela Palupi
" Murmer, sgt cepat saji "
06 March 2017Anak Boeccah
" Good. "
05 March 2017Don2
" Have your Pizza here. Good. "
04 March 2017Olyvia Hulda
" Simple and easy-to-get "
04 March 2017Fajar Arianto
" Good service nice "
03 March 2017Rpratiwi Dwidjowasito
" Cepat "
02 March 2017Alfonsus Indra
" Pizza Hut Delivery "
02 March 2017Abbu Sofyan
" phd indonesia is the best restaurant to hang out and cheer with friends. the menu is delicious, the waiters are kind. everything feels perfect. "
02 March 2017Gb Jkt
" Top "
01 March 2017Ismail Zakaria
" Alternative for eating "
28 February 2017Artha Ageng23
" Kurang pelayanan nya agk lama "
28 February 2017Bayu Amus
" My favorite fast food to go when we're craving for some pizza and pasta. I wish they have cooler aircon in the waiting room though. "
27 February 2017Oscar Guo
" okay food for okay price. typical indonesian pizza chain restaurant "
26 February 2017Hari Sultan
" Good place "
25 February 2017Toni Way
" Untuk yang mau nyobain menu baru atau pun promo yang menarik, bisa langsung datang ke phd gajah mada atau delivery "
25 February 2017Hendra Anggriawan
" double pan pizza with mozarella cheese mas... "
23 February 2017Ibnu Prayogo
" Yummy. I love pizzahut "
21 February 2017Arieka Werawati
" Its my favorites "
19 February 2017Jumadi Madek
" Gud lah "
19 February 2017Agha Adafi
" nyam nyam "
19 February 2017PUTRA YUDA LESMANA Lesmana
" tempat makan pizza yang simpel dan nyaman. 30menit dijamin tiba atau bisa juga datang ketempat. "
18 February 2017Iwan Man
" Sangat direkomendasikan sekali...Selain harganya murah juga mempunyai rasa yg enak "
18 February 2017Mirza Prasetyareal
" Mantaapp lahh... 😘 "
18 February 2017Tri Maryanto
" Good pizza hut delivery branch in an unexpected neighborhood. "
17 February 2017Davantheran Shunmugam
" Call pizza hotline and book if you are taking it away... Not recommended having it there itself... Hard to find parking as well... "
17 February 2017Mitha Khoirunisa
" Jl ir h juanda no 27 ciputat tangsel "
17 February 2017Irma Yuniar
" Tidak bisa di telpon.
16 February 2017Dan klo diluar jangkauan tidak mau mengirimkan pesanan, walau customer sudah bersedia lebih dari 30menit "
Try Andy
" Ada mwnu baru lohhh "
16 February 2017Benedict Bryan
" 👍👍 "
15 February 2017Agung Arifin
" Ok "
15 February 2017Sandi Juandi
" Great service... 👍 "
15 February 2017Syafei Plumbers
" Tidak bisa delivery ke area tambun utara
15 February 2017Padahal jarak PHD kelokasi saya ditempuh dengan motor hanya 30 menit "
Syahroni Raja
" Good freind great pizza "
14 February 2017Gusti Marthin
" Top pizza.. nice... sejak 1958 "
13 February 2017Bad Habit
" ikan qntl "
12 February 2017Bapak Prayitno
" Akses mudah "
12 February 2017Fakhriy Dinansyah
" Great for emergency hungry "
11 February 2017GG WRS
" Enak "
11 February 2017Fery Wahid
" Love the cleanliness but nothing special "
11 February 2017Dwi Oktavianto
" Best pizza in a town "
11 February 2017Widyo Andrya Zarwin
" Pelayanan payah, percuma ada no telpon tp tidak pernah diangkat. Delivery ko ga mau angkat telp, aneh 👎👎👎 "
10 February 2017Robby Gunawan
10 February 2017Bermandt Bermandt
" Love the food "
09 February 2017Andrew Satria
" Selalu susah ditelepon langsung ke phd ini utk menanyakan stok menu "
09 February 2017Natalisa Krisvina
" Good food good service "
09 February 2017Fhariz Handika Hadi
" On time delivery. "
09 February 2017Agus Wibowo
" untuk rasa, menurut saya masih lebih enak Pizza Hut resto "
08 February 2017Priant Delonge
" Strategic place "
08 February 2017Astarika Laily
" Cepat, hanya 30 menit saja namun tidak bisa makan ditempat hanya bisa dibungkus "
08 February 2017Rony Naibaho
" Just 20 mins waiting "
08 February 2017Erick Fernandus
" Fast serving and open until 2am (last order 1.30am) "
07 February 2017Rudi Permana
" Fast delivery "
06 February 2017Kamalludin Walker
" Nice service "
06 February 2017Aurelia Olih
" Mantap pizzanya "
04 February 2017Ayu Dyah
" ok "
04 February 2017Foe Toni
" Buat laper bisa pesen dalam 30 menit oke "
04 February 2017Lukman Syarifuddin
" Gpp lah telat, yg penting fair gratis 1 "
02 February 2017Arjuna Rasyiid
" Best pizza "
01 February 2017Darwan Bangun
" Beli pizza "
01 February 2017Dwi Jayanto
" Enak banget "
30 January 2017Mauza Verdana
" Lokasi mudah dijangkau, Serta servis yang cukup baik. Untuk yang berencana makan ditempat, PHD berbeda dengan Pizza Hut dimana tidak ada piring, Jadi kita akan disajikan Pizza dengan Kotak dan tempat duduk hanya sedikit "
30 January 2017Santo Halim
" Simple shop, you can get pizza here "
30 January 2017Irsyad Muhammad
" Terletak di pusat keramaian wilayah Surabaya Barat menjadi keuntungan bagi PHD. Berbagai pilihan menu ditawarkan bagi pengunjung untuk dinikmati. Menawarkan layanan antar dengan komitmen jika pesanan tidak sampai dalam waktu 30 menit, pesanan akan dibebaskan untuk membayar alias gratis. "
28 January 2017Muhammad Iqbal
" Happy Puppy nya dah pindah... kena proyek jalan "
28 January 2017Agung Nurseha
" Renyah harga terjangkau Dan cepat ,bila delivery terlambat dapat voucher free 1 original clasic "
28 January 2017RentalMotorMalang
" Love it! "
28 January 2017AbuRafiRusdi Priyasdanto
" My family love pizza. Place to buy to take away "
" Enak dan lezat "
27 January 2017Ahmad Khomaeni
" Great pizza. They give you free pizza voucher for every late delivery which is most of the time "
27 January 2017Jadmiko Wijayadi
" Baru buka Januari 2017 "
26 January 2017Yohanna Adhilaksmita
" The best "
26 January 2017Mohammad Jaenudin
" Pick up order Go-Kilat "
26 January 2017Dream Dubai House Of AutoDetailing
" slow in delivery "
25 January 2017Asa Fairuz Dinar
" Pelayanannya sangat tidak baik. Tidak ada komunikasi prosedur yang benar tentang kupon gratis. Dan secara sepihak memutuskan tanpa keadilan, seolah keterlambatan memang itu adanya, bukan masalah mereka. Sehingga merugikan customer yang sebetulnya amat sangat dirugikan "
24 January 2017Rowney Achmad
" Ok "
23 January 2017Josaphat Soekahar
" Not for dine in obviously. "
22 January 2017Ncie Emel
" Pizza always good, right? Hehehe "
22 January 2017Prasetyanto Wibowo
" Fast and good service "
19 January 2017Choirur Roziqin
" pelayanan cepat "
19 January 2017Dewo Ardianto
" Ok "
19 January 2017Wiwin Spot
" Lumayan cepat dibanding nunggu "
18 January 2017Tribudi Anto
" Fast and Fresh "
17 January 2017Eristanio Putri
" kalo abis kopdar, kadang mampir kesini, top pokonya "
17 January 2017Nuri Ariyani
" Saat ingin pizza. Phd villa mutiara gading ini sangat membantu... "
16 January 2017Martin Lee
" Fast delivery and good quality "
16 January 2017Selamat Lai
" fast delivery "
15 January 2017Ahmad Alfian
" lumayan..
15 January 2017like this "
Cuk Heru Supadmo
" fast service kemarin sore kita makan siang agak terlambat langsung mampir dan pesan lalu nikmati ditempat di phd depan sma don bosco sultan agung. "
15 January 2017Fara Agatha
" Pesanan cepat, semua menu tersedia (tdk ada yg habis/kosong), ada meja utk menunggu/makan di tempat "
14 January 2017Meiliana Mustikasari
" Good "
14 January 2017Armand Jonathans
" To all Pizza lovers, this is one of the many places to order your Pizza Hut "
14 January 2017Kristian Meitasari
" Petugasnya ramah.. "
13 January 2017Risella Hikmah
" Very good "
13 January 2017Nisa Bima
" Tempat'ny sempi "
12 January 2017Candra Gunawan
" Top "
11 January 2017Anastasia Wijayanti
" Lokasi dekat rumah "
11 January 2017Pandu Bagus Baskoro
" Good & fast services "
11 January 2017ꦯꦸꦕꦶ ꦏꦸꦂꦤꦶꦲꦮꦤ꧀
" quick delivery "
09 January 2017Ferdy MAD
" Datang 1,5 jam kemudian..!! :(
08 January 2017Itu pun setelah ber-kali2 telpon ke call center.. Standar.., call center hanya menjawab akan konfirmasi, nanti akan dihubungi.. Boro2 ada yg mau menghubungi, walau pun ber-kali kami telpon..
Kemudian, ada telpon msk, menginformasikan bahwa pesanan sdh diterima.. Boro2 diterima, sy tunggu di dpn pagar selama sejam, nggak ada motor PHD yg datang.. PHD Bintaro mulai bohong ...!!
Kemudian sy telpon PHD Bintaro, bicara dgn staf, tidak ada kejelasan dan solusi.. Kemudian minta bicara dgn Supervisor, ada yg bernama Putra mengaku sbg Supervisor.., tp tetap saja tidak ada kejelasan juga..
Setelah 1,5 jam, akhirnya ada motor datang, namanya Dori.. Ketika sy tanya kenapa lama, dia jawab ada masalah di internal lah.., ditulis manual lah.., bla bla bla.., bisa aja ngelesnya PHD Bintaro..
Dari mas Dori ini sy tahu bahwa mas Putra itu bukan Supervisor, tapi crew biasa...!! Bohong ke2..!!! :(
PAYAH BANGET PHD Bintaro..!!! "
Efi Wulandari
" So amazing "
08 January 2017Retno Wulandari
" Nomor tidak bisa dihubungi "
08 January 2017Frendy Wihono
" Phd Medan terlalu kecil jangkauannya. Tertulis 30 menit tp utk jarak 10 menit pakai gojek. Not best service. "
07 January 2017Riva Alifia
" tempat parkir luas. "
07 January 2017Riezal Ilham
" Need better publication "
07 January 2017Markus Yuwono Herbayu
" Take away center "
06 January 2017Haryanto Bhq
" Nice place... "
06 January 2017Alex MediaGroup
" Good service "
04 January 2017Erwin Sukri
" Sip "
04 January 2017Agung Praja Hudaya
" Cepat, kurang dari 30 menit sudah sampai. "
03 January 2017Rizky Bayu Antarikso
" Fast delivery "
03 January 2017Eny Puspitasari
" murah meriah dan dket ama tmpat tinggal aku "
03 January 2017Juwita Triana
" Good and quick service. You can order pizza here, by phone or coming to PHD. No dine in. Plenty choices of food and drink. "
03 January 2017Mull Tazam
" Spot orderran grabbike "
03 January 2017Eka Widyaningtias
" Kalau pesan pizza prefer disini. 😊 "
02 January 2017Veronica Phing
" The pizza is slightly different from the ordinary Pizza Hut restaurants. The crust is slightly thinner. The service is really nice, and really quick. It charges for delivery service tho, at 16K. But it guarantees the pizza will arrive in 30 mins, or else you get a free pizza voucher. Definitely a must try! "
02 January 2017Ramadhan Anto
" Rasa lain phd yg pas.parkir nyaman beut "
01 January 2017Yoseano Aldira
" Pesan tunggu 30menit langsung jadi "
01 January 2017Ungky Suryo
" Bagus, pelayan nya cantik 😁😁😁 "
30 December 2016Yan Prastyan
" Tempatnya asik "
30 December 2016Nanda Rhespathi
" Soo good "
30 December 2016Muhamad Faldi
" Cocok buat yg males pergi keluar rumah tinggal delivery 😂 "
29 December 2016Nabila Pindya
" Love the pizza, but it came a lil bit late "
29 December 2016Henki Kurniawan Bachtiar
" This place offering delivery service nearby my resident "
29 December 2016Lelioni Tiwayati
" Untuk pesan pizza cepat "
29 December 2016Moci 0
" Cukup memuaskan "
26 December 2016FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Delivery order pizza. "
26 December 2016Wiwid Widjanarko
" Pesan di tempat atau pesan dari rumah datang sampai rumah jrg dari 30 menit. Mak nyos "
26 December 2016Octavianus Yohan
" Untuk Takeaway proses 1 pizza reguler +/- 15 menit, kapasitas ruangan1 sofa tunggu untuk 3 orang Dan 1 meja Dan 3 Kursi "
25 December 2016Deny Zafa
" Walaupun banyak pizza baru, tapi jika ingin makan pizza yg teringat pizza hut.. apalagi selalu berinovasi dengan menu, membuat ingin mencoba yg baru... "
25 December 2016Ruvi Mohammad
" Great selection of tasty pizza "
25 December 2016Dwimarschelyno Marschelyno
" Tempat buat song bareng,tempat nya aman,bersih dan nyaman. "
24 December 2016Barona Sedotwc
" Pizza... "
23 December 2016By Nikholas
" I love the salad more. "
21 December 2016Andri Setiawan
" Buat delivery fast resppon "
20 December 2016Andi Krisna Wahyudin
" Delicious food, nice crew servant, good service "
20 December 2016Joko Suryantoro
" Ok "
20 December 2016FX Budi Widyatmoko
" The pizza is ok. You can take it out. "
19 December 2016Arya Abyantara
" Bagus. Tapi sayangnya sudah tidak ada karena telah terjadi insiden ledakan gas elpiji. "
18 December 2016Gb Jkt
" Ok "
18 December 2016Hey Tarra
" Good services "
17 December 2016Devajay Chou
" promo double box free bbq chicken skewers sampai 18 Desember 2016 "
15 December 2016Din's
" Available delivery order 👍 "
14 December 2016Aditya Mutahari
" Quick respons "
14 December 2016Sagita Ip
" Asik aja gitu, ya. Pesen fast food carbo sambil nunggu di teras liat mobil lalu lalang. "
13 December 2016Seno Pathie
" Tempat nongkrong yg asik "
13 December 2016Ade Mawardi
" Ramai, tertolong klo gak sempet masak atau malas keluar rumah. Menu andalan adalah! Paket doublle pizzaaaaaaa yg 150ribuan.😁 paling enak pasta cheesssssnya👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 "
12 December 2016Ade Mawardi
" Oke cepat . Buat yg gak sempet keluar rumah tertolong banget👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 "
12 December 2016Ade Mawardi
" Cepat! Nganternya! "
12 December 2016Indra Prasetya
" Ok "
12 December 2016Agus Rianto
" Tempat yg strategis "
12 December 2016Abdul Aziz
" kenyaaaaang "
12 December 2016Ecko619
" Fast.... "
11 December 2016Theodore Suseno
" Best service and ordering time "
10 December 2016Suno Kubayakawa
" Pelayanan yang cepat dan dekat dengan tempat kerja saya jadi kalau lapar gk sulit cari tempat... dan pesen mkanan "
10 December 2016Randy Tanu
" best pizza for delivery..
10 December 2016try chessy mayo "
" Buat yang mau ksini ga bisa parkir sembarangan, harus masuk ke parkir gedung, tanya aja ke petugasnya, orangnya baik2 kok yang penting kitanya sopan. "
09 December 2016Azim Shaidi
" No they're not open 24 hours. "
08 December 2016Vincent Valerian
" always on time delivery "
08 December 2016Dicky Dickysaputra
" Pelayanan cepat dan ramah "
08 December 2016Taranggo Dhani
" Good food selection, fast service, affordable price "
06 December 2016Akhmad Hidayat
" Asyiknya paket big box...puassss "
03 December 2016Marvel Leonardo Abdi Negoro
" Delicious pizza,delivered warm. Late delivery almost almost everytime i ordered,but they give free pizza coupon for late delivs,so no complaint there.just be sure to ask for it to the guy "
" Suka ini "
03 December 2016Rizaldy Muchlis
" Diatas jam 20.30 suka ada discount "
02 December 2016Sitichoke Achawakunthep
" Not too clean "
02 December 2016Putri Bilqis
" Good bersih sekali "
01 December 2016Ferdi Prabowo Kaeyadebi
01 December 2016Alma Sofa
01 December 2016Tlp.082219191671,WhatsApp.08977518585.
Pin 53942004/
Alamat : Jln.cingised Cisaranten kulon Arcamanik Bandung
Pusat jasa service sofa/reparasi kursi kantor,spring bed dan jenis kursi/sofa lainya.
Mulai dari Bandung timur,Bandung barat,Bandung utara sampai Bandung selatan bahkan bagi anda yang berada di Bandung kota sekalian.
Apakah kursi/sofa anda rusak? Ingin merubah model kursi/sofa nya? Buat kursi baru? Warna kain kursi anda telah pudar dan kusam? Jebol bahkan hampir sudah tidak layak lagi dipakai sehingga ingin kembali seperti baru lagi? Atau bantal sofa anda butuh di reparasi??
Jangan hawatir,ALMA SOFA solusinya.
Diantara layanan yang kami buka antara lain :
> Service/Reparasi kursi kantor Bandung
> Service/Reparasi kursi tamu Bandung
> Service/Reparasi kursi makan Bandung
> Service/Reparasi kursi sudut Bandung
> Service/Reparasi kursi santai Bandung
> Service/Reparasi kursi sofa rumahan biasa
> Service/Reparasi Sofa Minimalis Bandung
> Service/Reparasi Sofa kantor Bandung
> Service/Reparasi Sofa import Bandung
> Service/Reparasi Sofa bed dan Cover bed Bandung
> Service spring bed
> Service bantal Sofa dan semua jenis sofa/kursi lainya.
Dengan sistem antar jemput,BERGARANSI dan dikerjakan oleh tenaga ahli yang terampil dan berpengalaman dibidangnya, Kami menawarkan jasa service sofa,reparasi kursi dan bantal sofa anda.
Mulai dari Rumahan,Kantor,Kedai/Kafe,Restaurant,Hotel,Ruko,
Apartement dan Instansi Pemerintah lainya.
Adapun penawaran yang kami kerjakan ialah:
> Ganti kain kursi/sofa
> Tambah busa
> Rubah model kursi/sofa
> Pembuatan kursi/sofa baru
> Cuci kasur spring bed
> Ganti kain spring bed
> Tambah busa spring bed
> Jasa cuci sofa
> Buat bantal sofa/service bantal sofa dll.
Selain itu,Demi kenyamanan dan kepuasan pesanan anda,Kami menyediakan sample kain yang terdiri dari bahan lokal dan import.Diantaranya:
》 OSCAR (imitasi dan semi kulit).
Kami juga melayani Jasa pelitur,Duko dan Melamine untuk kursi, lemari dan purniture mebeul anda lainya.
Karena itu,Apabila anda punya keluhan dan merasa tidak nyaman dengan kursi,sofa/springbed dan bantal sofa anda?
Jangan kwatir,hanya di ALMA SOFA Solusinya.
Kalau yang lama masih bisa disulap menjadi seperti baru lagi,ngapain beli yang baru????!
Pin 53942004.
Alamat : Jln.cingised Cisaranten kulon Arcamanik Bandung
service sofa/kursi bandung
service kursi/sofa bandung "
Mr. M
" Pizza hut delivery "
30 November 2016Fransiska Tambunan
" Nice melting tuna cheese :D super prima! "
29 November 2016Muhammad Rahmada
" Like another pizza but i like order from here "
27 November 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Sering bgt beli..tapi seringnya beliin buat orang "
27 November 2016Muchamad Husyein
" 👍👍 "
27 November 2016Titan Rahadian
" Anak saya ikut jadi junior chef pizza disini, bisa makan di tempat atau di take away "
24 November 2016Muhammad Budi
" Memuaskan sekali "
22 November 2016Nuhan Herling
" Satu satunya pizza hut di gresik "
22 November 2016Hadi Sumantri
" sip "
22 November 2016Lontong Sayur
" Ok "
20 November 2016Sol Amrida
" fast delivery "
19 November 2016Saiful Anwar
" tempat karaoke murah meriah,sound bagus,pelayanan memuaskan "
17 November 2016ROMMY IMANSYAH
" Pesanan lewat dari 30menit , tapi di kasih voucher gratis, jadi ilang deh kesel nya, Terima Kasih ... "
16 November 2016Devry Prawitra
" I just taking away order in this place, spacious parking lot "
16 November 2016Rizal Ramadani
" Pesan antarnya ok "
15 November 2016Yusach C
" Mudah di Jangkau dan tempat Favorit karena disebelahnya Gereja ECCLESIA tempat saya beribadah "
15 November 2016Fair Play
" Ok "
14 November 2016Mizan Alfathan
" mencakup delivery order daerah sekitar pamulang dengan estimasi waktu antar 30 menit "
14 November 2016Ginta Silvester
" Enaknya sesuai standar PHD... tp sambal doang disuru bayar... kayaknya gimanaaa gtu... "
11 November 2016Husni Ramadhon Pasaribu
" Hari ini kamis 10/11/2016 pukul 21:17 wib saya datang ke PHD Mustika jaya dan langsung memesan menu big box seharga 138 rb seperti yang terpampang pada banner , dan si kasir menawarkan pinggirannya pakai keju apa sosis..dan saya menjawab pakai keju saja, namun ketika saya membayar dengan Debit mandiri, saya sedikit bingung kenapa harganya berubah menjadi Rp 154.544.- , daripada penasaran saya bertanya kepada kasir perempuan berhijab, dengan wajah tidak ramah dia berkata kalau pakai pinggiran keju atau sosis dikenakan tambahan biaya Rp 20rb an, dan saya tertegun sejenak, dalam pikiran saya, seandainya si kasir tadi mau menerangkan diawal pemesanan mungkin saya akan mengerti dan bisa memilih tanpa tambahan menu...Sebagai pecinta kuliner pizza ( PHD ), saya mengharapkan kejujuran dalam berbisnis ...semoga ini menjadi pembelajaran bagi pencinta kuliner pizza ( PHD ), Agar lebih teliti sebelum memesan... "
10 November 2016Ceria Kur
" nice "
10 November 2016Ardyan Riyadi
" Had been here to bought pasta n taste great coz hungry 😆 "
09 November 2016Peter Leo
" Delivery always less than 30 minutes. "
06 November 2016Ferdhiansyah Ansyah
" Phd buaran sdh 2 x saya take away...yg pertama tdk begitu antri hanya 2-3 cust yg take away pelayanan cepat..take away kedua hari ini cust ada 4-5 cust tp kasir agak kerepotan krn ada telp msk jg menelp cust yg komplain..jd sepertinya untuk dibagian kasir/cs diharapkan ada 2 org agar take away tdk menunggu lama untk mesan "
06 November 2016Erland Redo
" New place.. "
05 November 2016Fariz Chamim
" Lumayan buat PHD "
05 November 2016Kaenova Mahendra
" love the place. comfy to hangout in that place but really near the road "
02 November 2016Yadi Haryadi
" Nice Place "
02 November 2016Silvie Permatasari
" Pelayanan yg cepat,
31 October 2016Bisanya PHD hanya menyediakan tempat duduk untuk menunggu pesanan,
Disini tp ada tempat duduk untuk dine in, meskipun menunya gak pake buffet...
dan lumayan nyaman untuk duduk diluar "
Henny Nissan
" Good place "
29 October 2016SATRIO W
" Good food restaurant "
28 October 2016Rachmat Waluyo
" Best Pizza in the town "
27 October 2016Rus Wanto
" mantap dan enak "
27 October 2016Dwi Atmoko
" Ok "
25 October 2016Rayhan Tyas
" Just OK. "
24 October 2016Kierch Kierch
" The only decent food that they sell here is rice roast chicken. It is actually rice with chicken meat, which is rare in Indonesia.
23 October 2016All the other foods that I tried, from pizza's to lasagna's, to salads were not only disgusting but the quality of the food was so low, that you could almost smell it.
The sauces used for different pasta's are awful, especially the cheese sauce.
2 starts for the rice roast chicken because I love it, but other than that, avoid this restaurant at all costs. "
Yehezkiel Ferdinand
" Pantesan aja gw mau pesen pizza hpnya mati gara gara insiden ledakan gas elpiji 50kg. Btw R.I.P PHD Kranggan "
23 October 2016Med Dya
" tingkatkan lagi pelayanannya. prnh sekali order pizza disini tp bentuk & rasa pizzanya memprihatinkan. klo delivery nya emng cepet "
23 October 2016Rendra Prasetiawan
" Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar, parkirnya cukup luas namun berbagi dengan toko sebelahnya dan cukup banyak motor karyawan dan motor deliverynya yang memakan tempat.
19 October 2016Untuk makan di tempat dan ruang tunggu kapasitas sekitar 20 orang di ruang dalam dan 30 orang di teras luar.
Makan ditempat berdua atau bersama kelompok kecil cukup nyaman sesuai namanya yang fokus pada penjualan delivery. "
M Gunadi Henoch
" Satu dari sedikit outlet di mana kami tetap setia melakukan pesanan sejak 4-5 tahun lalu. Meski ada ribut-ribut soal bahan kedaluwarsa di majalah Tempo, kami tetap tidak berpaling dari PHD. Menu favorit, yang hampir selalu kami pesan adalah Pepperoni Cheese Fusili, Tuna Melt, Meat Lovers, beberapa kali Big Box. Sebenarnya ada satu menu lagi favorit anak saya yaitu Salad Bar, tapi saya hentikan karena terasa buah-buahan di dalamnya sudah mendekati busuk, semisal melon. Terasa bahwa ini sudah 1-2 minggu di lemari es. Jadi hindari saja Salad Bar-nya, tapi yang lain oke-oke saja. "
18 October 2016Tyo Churuz
" Akhirnyaa ada jugaa pizza hut terdekat "
17 October 2016Ari Radhitya
" Tempat baru, di dpn lampu merah arundina "
17 October 2016Si Gibran
" Nomer telponnya selalu tidak aktif..susah dihubungi..gimana sih mau pesen delevery nya ? "
15 October 2016Aditya Damara
" Ok "
13 October 2016Erland Redo
" Tempat baru.. berada di samping Arundina Mart. "
12 October 2016Didik Wahyono
" Nice Pizza. Very delicious. "
08 October 2016Wendy Chandra
" Buat yg lapar berat.. "
07 October 2016Kris Adrianto
" Ada beberapa meja di dalam yang bisa digunakan untuk dine-in. Untuk parkir mobiil harus di Alfa sebelahnya, karena parkir di depan PHD penuh untuk parkir motor "
04 October 2016Hemas Resty
" 💕💕💕 "
04 October 2016Rangga Kusuma
" 😑😑😑 "
02 October 2016Franky Junior Simamora
" Ok "
26 September 2016Robi Aryanto
" pizza hut chainstore pertama di purwakarta "
19 September 2016Firman Akbar
" mantap "
18 September 2016Dzaky Imani Wahono
" American favorite "
18 September 2016Bona Sipahutar
" Lumayan , perlu ditingkatkan lagi lama deliverynya "
17 September 2016Vinod - Jkt
" Ok "
16 September 2016Reva Andhika
" Cpt antarnya "
14 September 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" The delivery service owned by Pizza Hut. It's located in front of Marganda Residence, with direct access to the main street. Mostly they cater delivery and take away, but they also provide 2 small tables for dine in (though not recommended as they don't have proper utensils). "
12 September 2016Sastradirja Leonar
" another pizza hut delivery spot "
12 September 2016David Pan
" Phd outlet. They only provided take out delivery around taman semanan indah area. "
12 September 2016Fachri Akmal
" Delivery "
11 September 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Go food "
11 September 2016Fanny Firdaus
" Rasa lumayan tapi harga sedikit mahal "
10 September 2016EKO Mulyono
" large parking space "
10 September 2016Bambang Isdiarto
" Tempat terbatas "
10 September 2016Marjan Hadiyan
" Big box nya itu lohhh hohoho "
10 September 2016Albert Winadi
" Decent service, too bad they charge service even though the destination is "
09 September 2016Noval Saputra
" kecil tapi ok "
08 September 2016Yales Warae
" Ok "
05 September 2016Yales Warae
" Ok "
05 September 2016Todo Sibuea
" Good place for take-away pizza but not for dining. Hey, it's Pizza Hut Delivery. So get in, place and order, pay, and get out.
04 September 2016Service is quick and efficient. "
Fransisca Pratama
" ok "
04 September 2016Alvin Yul
" Great place "
03 September 2016Zakaria Tajuddien
" Kasirnya baik "
03 September 2016Ardi Rico
" ajib "
02 September 2016Zane Aamer
" me lev shezy bets "
30 August 2016Yuli Herliyanti
" Respon cepat atasi lapar 😄😄😄 "
28 August 2016Jimmy Sallan
" I just love to roaming around BEC coz it's gadgets' paradise n it has theatre, lotte mart (my fave grocerry store), n eateries "
26 August 2016Tyaz Aqila
" Tempatnya indah "
26 August 2016Norman Tara
" Akupuntur. Bagus. Antrian lama "
26 August 2016Theresia Caroline
" Pesanan tuna melt mengecewakannn sangat mengecewakan!!!! Tidak sesuai dengan yg biasa di pesan. Dan bentuknya hancurrrrrr "
25 August 2016Akhmad Hidayat
" Favorit pizza "
25 August 2016Vinod - Jkt
" ok "
25 August 2016Surya Ahmad
" Tempat yg menyajikan makanan delivery/take away berupa pizza. "
24 August 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Harusnya masuk dimenu gofood gojek nih. Banyak cust yg saya bawa nanyain koq ga ada di menu gofood? "
24 August 2016Chandra Gunawan
" Pizza !!!! "
23 August 2016Alvin Halim
" Nearby my house, but usually late more than 30 minutes due to more than one delivery in apartment area. Make sure you get a free pizza voucher if get delivered more than 30 minutes.
23 August 2016Dekat rumah, tapi kadang lebih lama dari 30 menit karena lebih dari satu delivery di area apartemen. Pastikan anda dapat voucher pizza gratis jika lebih dari 30 menit. "
M. Assaad Tahir
" Saya tudak begity suka Makan Pizza "
23 August 2016Willy Anggoro
" Very helpfull for hungry people.... "
23 August 2016Bobee Gunawan
" Bagus "
23 August 2016Vlog Sing Ana
" Lumayan enak pizzanya "
22 August 2016Manoj Prasanna Handapangoda
" Fast service, they rice option with localized taste. Quite cheap compared to pizza hut in other countries. "
21 August 2016Syarif Al Ghifary
" Ini ada "
20 August 2016Putri Dahlima
" Phd ini udah ada di gojek blm si? Pen pesen lewat gojek tp tkt ga ada "
20 August 2016VR Kris
" Good service. FYI extra chilli + 1000 get 2 "
19 August 2016Pauline Ang
" Faster way to get pizza at home "
19 August 2016Yogi Haryanto
" Tempatnya mudah ditemukan berada di jl raya pondok kelapa "
19 August 2016Almar Mh.
" tempatnya kecil, mungkin karena fokus untuk layanan delivery. "
19 August 2016Yuda Kusuma Sumadi
" Pesan pizza di cimahi ga perlu repot.
19 August 2016Delivery langsung diantar "
Habibi Falasif
" Makan-makan 😁😀 "
19 August 2016Ahmad Maulana
" Mantap makanannya "
18 August 2016Rizon Aldos
" emmm enak "
18 August 2016Lian Wibowo
" Nearby there have some pokestop "
18 August 2016Fatiha Etnanta
" Pizza nya bikin ketagihan "
17 August 2016Eka Yuda
" baik dan cukup cepat, "
16 August 2016Firas Muhtadi
" Kadang error saat pesan online "
16 August 2016Ademaulana Fitroh
" Ok "
14 August 2016Kiki Ariawan
" HappyPuppy is the best "
14 August 2016Mony Ong
" It's easy to find and located near the other dishes and next to a convenient store. There's a table and chair for waiting your order. "
14 August 2016Andre Chandra
" Express... "
14 August 2016Rony Sarif
" Tlp ke 500600 lagi error. Di tlp langsung ke restaurant nggak masuk area.jarak cuma 1.7km, aneh. "
13 August 2016Acen Lie
" Nice "
13 August 2016Alam Kojay
" Radius delivery sangat kecil, cuman 5 km doank. "
12 August 2016Ojek Online
" Ok "
11 August 2016Rizky Kurniawan
" Pelayannya dijamin ramah2... "
11 August 2016Astri Muhammad Reza
" Sempit tapi bagus "
10 August 2016Audi Kasbara
" It's a Pizza Hut outlet that focuses on takeaway and delivery services. Located right at the epicentrum of dense traffic Tebet Barat. The outlet for size is small and limited, only few seats to serve visitors. Menu consists various dishes. "
10 August 2016Franky Junior Simamora
" Ok "
09 August 2016Ratno Wijaya
" Murah dan nyaman "
09 August 2016Andi Sekti R
" Khusus pesan antar "
08 August 2016Bonar Simanjuntak
" Quite a fast service for little manpower "
08 August 2016Mahdesi Iskandar
" Praktis untuk pesan pizza "
07 August 2016Reza Andhika
" Cepet, tapi parkirnya bikin bete "
06 August 2016Beny Budi
" The food was exceptional compared to other Pizza Hut stall in Surabaya-Sidoarjo area "
04 August 2016Elriska Putri
" Pelayanannya cepet banget 😊 "
03 August 2016Mario Bennov De Fretes
" It is near from my place "
03 August 2016Aryo Danudoro
" Delivery order "
01 August 2016Diaz Diaz
" Simply the greatest electronic store of them all. You can easily find whatever kind of gadgets you want here, whether you wanna buy a new or old one, even the costumer services. And there's a food court too! it's a perfect place for a student like me. "
31 July 2016Rio Satris
" Delycious "
29 July 2016Gn Jk
" Lokasi benar "
28 July 2016Imam Fauzi
" Good "
28 July 2016Yanti Suryani
" Phd "
27 July 2016Yosep Toyota
" Temp karaoke nih "
26 July 2016Agus Purwanto
" Pizanya agak tipis "
25 July 2016Hadi Jaya
" Mantap phd "
25 July 2016Evi Natalia
" good food with fast service "
25 July 2016Yosep Toyota
" Parkir mobilnya susah "
24 July 2016Muhammad Sabiq
" Syukuran bareng keluarga makan Pizza "
23 July 2016Danny Harjono
" So far layanan OK "
23 July 2016Stephanie Putri Diasti
" Jangan beli di sini. Pesen dua dikirimnya satu. Bikin rugi! "
23 July 2016Dewi Meriah
" pesan pasti dikirim,orang cari duit emang gitu sihhh. "
23 July 2016Agus Setiawan
" Layanan cepat. "
22 July 2016Fauzi Omar
" Ok buat diet "
22 July 2016Ian Liu
" Rasa so-so. Enakan di Pizza hut langsung walau 1 group. "
22 July 2016Rezha Julio
" Pizza nya enak, tempatnya kecil "
20 July 2016Dewa Anggara
" Cuma untuk delivery aja, gak rekomen untuk makan di tempat "
20 July 2016Birama Robby Indraprasta
" Good "
20 July 2016Abdu Alwahid
" lumayan lah "
19 July 2016Ega Hartanu
" Pelayanannya cukup cepat... "
19 July 2016Erlangga Nugraha
" You can find every electronic things here. with cheap price, but best quality.
18 July 2016Cinemas also included here.
Foodcourt, Kidszone, Market "
Agus Sihotang
" Do not mixed up this place with the original Pizza Hut, as it only caters Take Away and Delivery. "
15 July 2016Yugi Purba
" Favorite restaurant "
15 July 2016Denny Nugraha
" Rame... "
14 July 2016Ferry Sutanto
" Pizza Hut delivery only for take out. "
12 July 2016Rinjani Nursafitri
" Akhirnya ada Phd terdekat. Keren pelayanannya. Cepat. "
12 July 2016Kasomantri Soma
" Oke "
08 July 2016Lukman Chen
" Fast preparing "
08 July 2016Susy Rizky Wiyantini
" Tempat strategis untuk jadi meeting point buat daerah Jatibening dsk "
07 July 2016AMDVLOG PB036
" Konsumennya banyak, tapi ruangannya agak terbatas dalam hal melayani konsumen dan makan ditempat. "
07 July 2016Hengki Gunawan
" Ada teras na "
04 July 2016Irfan Zulkarnain
" mahal "
02 July 2016Yudhi Nugroho
" Tempat strategis "
01 July 2016Dedy Setyawan
" Nice place to eat "
01 July 2016Soft Drink
" Pelayanan baik "
28 June 2016Moh. Nasikin
" Kalau lapar, delivery order aja "
27 June 2016Emma Permatasari
" Good "
24 June 2016Teofilus 谢天佑
" Good service. Price is relatively cheaper then in Pizza Hut(Especially for the double Pizza Packet). "
23 June 2016Little Acan
" Suka banget sama PhD ini. Menu fav cheesy galore! "
23 June 2016Recky Mugama
" Enak dan ramah "
23 June 2016Agung Lesmana
" Happy Puppy Is The Best "
22 June 2016PaSXPascal
" Proses order cepat dan pelayannya ramah. Pizza dibuat sesuai dengan waktu yang ditampilkan pada monitor. Bisa langsung makan di tempat maupun take away, atau minta di antarkan, walaupun sudah bayar ditempat. "
21 June 2016Moch. Ilham Afdol
" I "
20 June 2016Dee Wibowo
" Love taste is good "
19 June 2016Anton Toni Agung
" Ada free Wifi "
18 June 2016Marzato Arzati
" Good food "
15 June 2016And Roid
" The electronics part is stretching the extent of the place: it's mostly mobile phones at lower prices, phone accessories and some cheap/dated laptops at the higher levels. You won't find truly high end equipment here. "
11 June 2016Bona Sipahutar
" Lumayan , perlu ditingkatkan lagi lama deliverynya "
09 June 2016Mulyadi Subali
" The ugly duckling has turned into a beautiful swan. The renovation brought about a welcome change, from a decrepit IT square into a family hangout. "
09 June 2016Yadi Tri
" tempat nya nyaman "
06 June 2016Michael Kho
" Special Pizza delivery "
05 June 2016Helon Sitepu
" Tinggal tlp langsung datang "
02 June 2016Nuel Lubis
" Take away food for pizza chain. Good and ramah service :) "
01 June 2016Steven Ng
" Salah satu outler PHD di daerah centra park ! Mudah ditemukan, pelayanannya cepat "
30 May 2016Tita Rosita
" Cepet ga yaa..? "
29 May 2016Fedora Fei
" The biggest electronic center in Bandung. You can find various electronic devices, accessories, and service centers in this place. After the expansion, it now has a Blitz CGV cinema, Lotte Mart, and many more food stalls. I think it has become one of one-stop-shopping centers in this city. "
29 May 2016Ardiansyah Iskandar
" Aneh "
26 May 2016Muhammad Qois
" Well service "
26 May 2016Mansur Setiawan
" Mahal tapi istimewa "
25 May 2016Gijie Emka
" Nice place...cozy., "
22 May 2016Indra Setiawan
" Layanan cepat, sesuai janji PHD "
22 May 2016Qkeey Septy
" Tepat waktu "
21 May 2016Indra Ramadhan
" Cepat "
20 May 2016Mardiyah Mu'min
" Deket rumah "
19 May 2016Naufal Haswi
" Pelayanan cepat, tempat bersih "
19 May 2016Andi Winata
" They take 45 minute for delivery while it should take only 15 minute to my place. "
19 May 2016Yusuf Permana
" Makanan pengganjal perut "
13 May 2016Abi Dhafin
" Penghuni kost Rumah Kost Dhafina bisa pesan pizza di tempat ini .. paling2 ga sampe 10 menit sudah diantar. "
13 May 2016Noel Filemon
" after the expansion, this place become really big, and it has a cinema too, makes it worth to visit. the cinema (CGV Blitz) ticket is the most cheaper among its branches and even competitors (for Bandung area). "
11 May 2016Adam Arap
" Mari order phd via gojek "
10 May 2016Dwi Wibowo
" Enak posisinya pinggir jalan. Dan parkir juga gak susah. Rame juga "
10 May 2016Mohamad Sani
" Pesan online siang ini, sudah 1 jam ga datang + tanpa kabar. Ditelpon ga ngangkat. Jadi kelaparan nunggu :-( "
09 May 2016Johanes Kaizen
" Pizzanya beda "
08 May 2016Saenfry Aniko
" cabang PHD terfavorit "
07 May 2016Muhammad Nuraga Lazuardy Ramadhan
" Big Box was great, get 10% discount for BNI credit cards only "
02 May 2016Rio Indralaksono
" Tempat pesen Pizza Hut Delivery "
27 April 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Kasirnya judes... "
25 April 2016Riki Harun Riki
" ok "
25 April 2016Hare Wild
" Friendly customer services, fast cooking. But the place is to narrow n alittle hard to find a parking space. "
23 April 2016Ali Masrokan
" Good information "
14 April 2016Rieswin R
" Fast process and delivery. Can't ask more for express american pizza. "
12 April 2016The Bodhi Tree Store
" Standard PHD pada umumnya, - parkir agak sulit. "
11 April 2016Dewi Fina
" Aku belom tau nama jalan itu "
11 April 2016Vero Siburian
" Ok deh pokok nya, nyampe tepat waktu masih hangat 😊😊😊 "
04 April 2016Ririn Indah Permata Sari
" Sudah beberapa kali pesan di PHD Ciputat, dan 3 kali berturut-turut selalu lewat dari 30 menit. Bahkan sekarang pemesanan saya terlambat lebih dari 1 jam dan bahkan belum ada konfirmasi dari pihak PHD "
02 April 2016A Google User
" Karaoke keluarga "
29 March 2016Udi Siswantoro
" Pizza nya masih yang paling enak "
26 March 2016Muhy Mean
" great service! "
20 March 2016Eka Susanti
" Pesen pizza 🍕 "
19 March 2016Febri Asmara
" Menunya bisa jadi kompetitor Pizza Hut "
19 March 2016PaSXPascal
" Pizza tuna dan pasta tuna meltnya sangat enak. Pasta tuna melt hanya ada di phd. "
12 March 2016Ardhi Yanto
" Sto dtm "
11 March 2016Radik Setagalih
" Pilihan lagu lumayan banyak, tempat cozzy n harga terjangkau "
06 March 2016Zurpriandi
" The Samsung service center is totally awsome.. Just need 40 minutes to fix your devices.. Love it! "
05 March 2016Eka Bangkalan
" Aq pgn cb ksna bsok.untuk pesan pizza ke sukaanq.hmm..smga bnran ada dsna. "
04 March 2016Mukti Muhamad Irvan
" Saya pernah dapat pizza gratis karena delivery dalam 30 menit belum sampai. Sungguh bertanggung jawab atas kelaparan pelanggan :) "
22 February 2016I Putu E D
" Sekarang dekat dengan toko penjualan HP Samsung, setelah beli HP langsung makan pizza sambil mainan HP. "
19 February 2016Auditya Bisma
" Cozy place "
17 February 2016F Alfr
" Kualitas menurun drastis. 4 kali mendapatkan sup jamur dalam keadaan gosong. Boleh cepat tp perhatikan kualitas. "
14 February 2016Andy Priyantoko
" Rasanya jauh lebih enak dibanding restonya. Delivery cepat "
28 January 2016Martin Honda
" Layanan antar cukup baik dan cepat "
25 January 2016P' Ugeng
" Mantab...buka 24 jam dan siap antar dan cepat sampai alamat "
19 January 2016Yudhi Satrio
" Karena cuman ada ini di gresik "
16 January 2016Sudaryanto Driver
" Saat mager tapi laper??? Gojek ajahh "
12 January 2016Adjie Surjadji
" PHD Buaran adalah tempat khusus pesan antar untuk Pizza Hut. Karena ini hanya khusus untuk pesan antar maka disini tidak ada tempat untuk makan "
10 January 2016Yudith Ananda
" Pelayanannya cukup cepat "
10 January 2016Roy Ferdy
" Good delivery service, but expect some limitations when dine in. "
04 January 2016Kasmiran Ibrahim
" Parkirnya nyaman "
04 January 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Sukses buat PHD "
02 January 2016SYARIF HIDAYAT
" Dekat rumah..!!😆 "
01 January 2016Fitri Hanifa
" Susah bgt ditlpnnya "
30 December 2015Michael Edrian
" nice pizza "
29 December 2015Michael Edrian
" enak deh pokoknya "
26 December 2015Evan Ericssen
" It has a small place, but nice interior design. Sadly, the seller in this place does not serve customers well. Taste of the food is not much different from the food sold at Pizza Hut. However the food is sold at a price that is a little expensive. Better next time. "
21 December 2015Steven Sutantro
" Order pizza and get it delivered to your house. Fast and great service. "
20 December 2015Wasita Bagus
" Pelayanannya lumayan cepat. Terutama untuk Villa Melati Mas & sekitarnya. "
14 December 2015Nyonya' Rizqi
" Deket rumah "
14 December 2015Judith Puspita Dewi
" Pelayanannya bagus dan pengiriman tdk pernah terlambat... "
07 December 2015Irawan Prayoga
" PHD jadi penolong di saat lapar. Pelayanannya cepat dan bisa order melalui website. Jika pesanan tiba tidak sesuai waktu (lebih dari 30 menit), dapat voucher pizza untuk pemesanan berikutnya. 😂 "
03 December 2015Andrew Andree
" Pelayanannya oke, rasanya cukup memuaskan "
30 November 2015Dony Layardi
" Good "
29 November 2015Yayi P S
" Memori with nda "
29 November 2015Jadmiko Wijayadi
" Harusnya lebih tepat kalo namanya PHD Jatiwarna, bukan Kranggan. Kranggan terlalu jauh dari sini.... Delivery gak ada minimal order, cuma nambah ongkos 16 ribu (as per Nov 2015). "
27 November 2015Wahyu Parwitayasa
" nice and fast service "
25 November 2015David Pan
" Tempatnya kecil, lebih ok kalo delivery aja "
20 November 2015Dony Layardi
" Bagus ada PHD di Citra Garden, lebih bagus lagi kalau jangkauan delivery diperluas lagi. "
19 November 2015Rio Ramadhana
" Fast services, thin pizza, bunch of options "
17 November 2015Eka Rudito
" Jam tutupnya bener apa ngga nih ? kok di tlp jam 10 malem sudah tidak bisa ? atau ada nomer tlp baru mungkin ? "
11 November 2015Deby Kasenda
" After waiting for 2 hrs for my pizza, the store leader, Egi, was nice and responsible enough to replace them. It was the gesture that I appreciate. Well done Egi and pizza hut kemang (not so much for phd universal number though, when I complained they just straight away told me to call phd kemang without even cared to know what my dissapointment, spoke to Sukon) "
08 November 2015Ma' Ruf
" Kurang lengkap "
02 November 2015Taufan Hadiansyah
" Wtf no pizza hut on there "
18 October 2015Unkn0wn Bi0s
" Fast delivery, although personal size pizza is not available unless buying it with combo set. "
27 September 2015Rachman Aji Timomor
" mantep "
12 September 2015Ozie Prince
" Wajib kesini dah dan coba rasakan bedanya "
25 August 2015Ragil C. Larasati
" The staffs here are experienced on delivering pizza to campuses and they're not that confused when the orders are being made to several faculties. The service is fast and helpful, the pizza is still warm when delivered to the place. It can be made by order via online. "
24 August 2015Mahdiar Naufal
" Suka lupa kembalian, jd harus nyari uang pas "
01 July 2015Erwan Agung
" Good "
13 June 2015Lorraine Siregar
" Cepat sampai "
15 March 2015Andre Andre Andre
" Sip pas mantab "
11 March 2015Miad Budeng
" sipp tempat karaoke nya. "
11 November 2014Aktif Suhartini
" Fastfood "
16 July 2014Ferdy Nakal
" Nice "
14 July 2014Marliya Utami
" extremely delicious "
16 June 2014Wanto Suwanto
" pesan satu di antar. alamat jalan pndok asri raya no. 31 "
10 June 2014Sugiarto Bayu
" sarapan sebelum jalan "
26 January 2014Ade Boas Wahyudi
" Yuk mari kita makan "
13 September 2013Karim Bolang
" Rebahan smbil novi "
04 August 2013Ronhugo Leo
" Not recomended "
18 June 2013Dina Khristina
" Luv it "
14 March 2013Rifqi Nolvan
" Makan disini ah... "
19 February 2013Nawawi Hasyim
" Maksi.. "
15 January 2013Dolly Indra
" Ini tempat gw biasa delivery "
02 January 2013Saepul Ade
" Nunggu "
12 October 2012Hendro Arifin
" Monggo.... "
11 August 2012