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About Tebing Keraton

Tebing Keraton is located at Lembang, Ciburial, Cimenyan, Ciburial, Cimenyan, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40198, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-2256-7890, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 51

Nadira Syahidah

" This place is worth my money and energy. I spend my money three times in a row to enter this place. When I get there, I pay for the car parking. After that we have to reach some kilometers and climb the hill. Believe me it was too hard and I decided to take ojek (motorcylce transportation), and the last is the entrance ticket. The scenery was fantastic and the air was really fresh. What I don't like is, this place is a little bit crowded, so you can't expect to have great photos especially when you go there in a group. However, you're allowed to bring SLR and stuff. Still make me want to come back again. "

27 May 2018

Imanuel Arnold

" Honestly, I had such a high expectation for this place as for the atmosphere and I imagine there might be some cafe with a nice view. It turned out that this place is just a sightseeing spot with great view (also with such a long walk, around 1.7KM from my parking spot) "

20 May 2018

Zaki Fajar

" Tebing kraton is one of oustanding vacation place near city of bandung. It's accesable for visitor using car or motorcycle. At this place, they serve some insights of tebing kraton summit. Nearby, there is a waterfall that you can see from this palce. This place is recommended for taking a photo with bunch of friends or family. "

09 May 2018

Chirestine Elson

" Beautiful place where you can please your eyes. Good air and good view. Better to go there inaerly in the morning and see sunrise "

09 May 2018

Rina Adiastuti

" About 5 km distance from Bandung Technological Institute. You will find the best view in the morning. In a sunny day, looks like country above clouds. I recommend you to visit this place at 05.00-0700 am to see sunrise and 15.00-18.00 to see sunset.

To visit this place, you are better using motorcycle because car was not allowed here. If ypu are using car, you have to walk about 2,5 km far.

The admission price for local tourist is 12.000 rupiahs and for foreign tourist is 60.000 rupiahs "

06 May 2018

Jansen Chandra

" A must visit place in Bandung. It's very beautiful and mesmerizing during sunrise. You can enjoy a very beautiful scenery and landscape. You can see Bandung city from afar too. You can breath fresh air that are free from pollution. Your body need to be in a good condition because you have to do walk a little bit in a steep and rocky road "

02 May 2018

Renata Krisnanti

" The motor track is really dangerous, I prayed along the way. The view is beautiful but just have a small place to explore the view. The experience to goa jepang is wow but it's a lil bit far from the top of the mountain. "

02 May 2018

Achoe Riezal

" Amazing view, especially in sunrise moment. Has to use own vehicle, motorcycle will be better option. Cost for using local ojek is little bit expensive. "

28 April 2018

Nandang W

" Nice place, fresh air, natural viewing almost to all directions
# sun rise seen if you came early morning or build a tend camping here
# hiking or just walking is available to here
# for cyclist needed more power to climb here
# also could take some OJEG local to here "

21 April 2018

Ummu Sh

" Amazing scenery of course! An instagramable place! But I think the price is a little bit expensive. The road to get there is also terrible :( "

21 April 2018

Ferawan Susanto

" This place is so amazing. Although it is out of nowhere and hard to get to the top, but it worth the efforts. I would definitely love to come back! "

18 April 2018

Cyril Rafif Kusuma Darin

" Wow.. tambah bagus Dan tetap bersih.. "

17 April 2018

Danny Danny

" Amazing Trip, and we should walk around 30 minutes to the top of tebing keraton, we can see 360 degree of amazing view... "

07 April 2018

Octavia Rustandi

" Goooood "

06 April 2018

Fin 1507

" Go there early in the morning and you will have a great view. The way is not the easiest one. If you driving a scooter for the first time, the way is to hard to manage. "

30 March 2018


" Nice and great in the morning "

15 March 2018

Bilqis Ichsani

" it's a good place for sightseeing, have a clean air, but not recommended when rainy "

10 March 2018


" Suggestion. You are better use a motorcycle than a car. Because the access to the place is a little hard to be reached. Enjoy the view in Tebing Keraton! "

07 March 2018

Jusfar Rivai

" Just try to visit this place..., an awesome landscape view from the top is waiting for you. It's better go there in the morning until before mid day. "

24 February 2018

Alfiya Fikrayni

" So wonderfull "

18 February 2018

Bambang Dwi Agustiono

" Tebing keraton termasuk kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Ir Haji Djuanda. Arah masih sekitar 2 km keatas. Bagi pecinta olahraga jalan kaki sangat cocok sekali kalau pagi hari kearah ini. Disamping udaranya masih segar juga pemandangan sunrise cukup menarik. Tapi bagi penikmat pemandangan saja dengan membawa kendaraan motor untuk berhati-hati karena jalanan masih bebatuan dan sebagian tertutupi tanah liat agak sedikit licin. "

24 November 2017


" Awesome nature. A bit difficult way to get there,using car,then bike and walking through the hills. but once you're on a cliff. It's worth to watch. So beautiful view. People who live near the cliff,hills so kind and friendly. Make it better please. And stay clean. "

22 November 2017


" An easy to reach viewpoint with a gorgeous overview in mid of beautiful hills and above green trees. I combined a hike to the waterfalls 'Curug Omas' which is very nearby. It was a very nice day with a great view. Look into my Profile to see a 360° Picture or join me on Insta/FB for more pics. See ya. "

18 October 2017


" Nice place to see Bandung from the top. This place is very nature so the air is so fresh there. "

15 October 2017

Afifah Amani

" It's a good place to take some pics. All are green. If u really love high places, this one of the best. Oh ya, better take some pics on a daylight coz u gotta need lights to make your photo great. Trust me 😊 "

07 October 2017

Theodora Sarah Abigail

" An awesome place to visit. The entrance fee per person is 12.000, and you can ride a car up to the hill until you get about 2 km away from the cliff. After that you can ride an ojek (for one person usually about 30rb round trip). The car ride is pretty bumpy and dangerous, so do be careful.

If you aren't bringing heavy bags or children, I would personally walk. Just be aware that the incline is pretty steep. I brought my baby and my husband and I rode on foot. If you do decide to ride on foot the ojek will constantly harass you until about 1 kilometer of the way in, that was very annoying and unpleasant.

Bring an umbrella, as sometimes it does rain. It's best to go in the morning or when it's shady outside. The view is beautiful, and most people like to sneak out of the fence to take photos. It is generally safe, just be careful. "

05 October 2017

Cahaya Wirawan

" The view here is very nice the sun rises from behind the mountain but you must choose the transportation wisely because the road isnt so good. It does able to damage your vehicle and if you choose car as a transport, the park lot is below tebing keraton so you must walk or rent ojek to the top and its kind a long way up there so i think motorbike or scooters is the best transport because the parking lot is beside tebing keraton but you must be more careful because the road is not so good "

03 September 2017

Senna Kim

" Location in North of Bandung, the place had an amazing view, especially when the sunsets, they're adds the fence for it's safety, the ticket fee is not too cheap, but affordable, really recommend when you're in Bandung, but you need an extra stamina, some road are on terrible condition "

28 August 2017

Sandy Adhitama

" Wonderful scenery n really fresh air.
What else you looking for?

Note: best view when u come at morning! "

21 August 2017

Ray Antonius

" An amazing view. The entrance fee is 12000 Rupiah per person. But the transportation beats the entrance fee, which could go up to 100k Rupiah per person. The roads are not taken care of, resulting of a really rocky road. If you are planning to go, please bring warm clothing, as it is very windy up there. "

09 August 2017

Fatihah Sudewo

" Granted, I haven't been to many places to see the sun rises, but I must say this place is so pretty even if you miss the golden hour. The scenery is breathtaking and is the perfect spot for you to wind down a bit -if a mélange of people with their cameras and selfie sticks don't disturb you, that is.

To get to the cliff is quite a struggle in the sense that the locals can see who's an outsider and who's not so they can virtually 'harass' you to no end until you succumb to their whims. They 'block' the road so private cars or buses cannot pass, thus the only option you have is either you go on your merry way by foot (unfortunately I don't remember the distance, but the slope is somewhat steep), or use the taxi bikes provided by the locals at a price that fluctuates even worse than the price of a barrell of oil -even if you have agreed at a certain price they will come up with something to extort more from you.

Alas, I absolutely recommend you to pay a visit to this place, and if you have any objection regarding the extortion just remind yourself that what you're paying is to help them. I just wish they weren't that greedy tho. "

12 July 2017

Benedict Rafael Iskandar

" Good view, fresh air, and the best background for a photo. Altough if you are a foreigner, the entry fee is a bit expensive. "

29 June 2017

Yusep Riyadi

" Great view but i see to many scenery like this. And still be grateful for having many locations like this. "

17 June 2017

Meilinda Kamal

" The scenery is very good but unfortunately for the transport that carries the car should be parked below, with it proceeded to the top with an ojek at a very cheap price for a distance not too far "

08 June 2017

Tan Kah Wang

" Reached the car park area at 5am. Walked all the way up about 3km for 30mins. Walk was filled with slopes but it was on concrete ground. No directions along the way though, just keep going up and you will see an entrance at the TOP where you will need to pay the entrance fee of 52000 for tourist. View was good but the sunrise was blocked by trees. Consider climbing over the fences to get some decent shots but please be careful and be in proper non slippery footwear. Avoid the motors that offer to bring you up the walk as it was abit too expensive. "

18 April 2017

Budi Santoso

" This place has a great view and you can see Tangkuban Perahu mountain if the weather is clear. But the road to get here still not good. If you go here with car, you can direct go up because there is parking area for car and motorbike near the entrance so you don't have to park your car down. I suggest you directly go up without ask the ojek. If you ask them, you will stop by them and have to park your car there and you have to go up by ojek and pay for Rp. 50.000,-/person. There are some waroong and public toilet near the entrance. "

06 April 2017


" It has wonderful view and fresh air. There are ojeks in the parking area and Rp50,000 for two way from the parking lot to the top. But if you like to walk, do not need to use that ojek.. only 2km one way. "

20 March 2017

Hira Lesmi

" I love the view and the misty fog. Totally awesome. You can watch the beautiful sunrise on the hills ❤ "

09 March 2017

Naru Naru

" Jalan menuju kesana jelek bgt, lebih Baik Naik motor daripada Mobil.. kalau bawa mobil bisa simpan dibawah Banyak Tukang ojeg Tapi harus pinter nawar karena mahal bgt. Kalau sewa motornya aja juga bisa ketukang ojek.. Saran kalau Mau kesini lebih Baik pagi-pagi sekali Jadi bisa lihat matahari terbit Dan awan diatas gunung. Kalau siang Cuman lihat pegunungan saja "

26 February 2017

Yosoa Putra Raharja

" Jalanan kesini sangat jelek, apalagi musim hujan seperti ini jalanan akan sangan licin. Sampe saya lihat ada beberapa pengendara motor yang selip dan terjatuh. Dari parkiran mobil ke tebing sebenernya bisa jalan kaki, saya pun jalan kaki sampai tebing. Jaraknya hanya sekitar 1.9 KM dan saya jalan kaki naik turun. Buat yang mau jalan kaki, siap2 aja bakal ada tukang ojek yang ngejar2 dan ga berhenti untuk menawarkan jasa ojek. Di tebing keratonnya pun kurang penjagaan, di bagian menara pengawas banyak sekali coret2n tidak bertanggung jawab, bahkan ada bekas botol miras disana. "

26 February 2017

GLenk Lz

" Nothing special. Just a mediocre view of the jungle below. Unfortunately, it's Indonesia, so the place is dirty as people litter like there's no tomorrow. This place used to be free to visit. Now, the greedy locals charge for parking and entry fee. The most annoying part is the ojeks (motorcycle taxi) driving up and down almost forcing visitors to use their service. You can refuse their service, but they will slowly ride next to you and force you to inhale the carbon monoxide from their bike. There are much better places than this one. It's not worth the trouble, annoyance, and your health visiting this place. I'm Indonesian and I don't recommend this place, sadly. "

17 February 2017

Julius Pandu

" Getting up here is annoying. Not because of the roads or anything but because of those relentless ojek mafia trying to get you to ride instead of walk a short distance. They will chase you and annoy you for the rest of your journey and there's something that has to be done. The cliff itself is nice for photos, the fences are restrictive but you could climb over them, it's not that dangerous to do so, but please do it at your own discretion. "

09 February 2017

Benly Hermawan

" Nice place, nice view. The "Local Ojek" is really a bad touch, they always ask for a high price for the service, and if you dont pay, they wont allow you to climb to the site.. too bad .. "

31 January 2017

Patrisius Leonardo Budi

" Gotta catch the sunset! Good view, won't be dissapointed! Come here before 5.30 AM. Horrible access road by the way "

02 October 2016

Neo360 Photography

" Wonderfuĺl view.... almost like bromo view "

19 September 2016

Tommy Pratomo

" Alamnya sih ok. Cuma jalan kesana nanjak, sempit dan rusak. Apalagi kalo pagi2 rame sekali bikin macet. Parkiran mobil sangat jauh dan tarifnya mahal, jadi kita mesti kesana nyambung naik ojek Rp 50 rb per org. Kalo jalan kaki bisa gempor banyak tanjakan hahaha.. . "

24 June 2016

Rico Chandra

" Definitely really beautiful. You can see Bandung when you go to the top. But you have to make an effort to go there. It's about 5 KM from Taman Hutan Raya Juanda. I suggest to take an ojek and go to this place. "

20 June 2016

Daniel Prabowo

" Bagus buat foto2... "

16 June 2016

Idris Saputra

" ojek nya kemahalan gan "

16 June 2016

Kardi Sugianto

" please use casual and sport shoes because you must riding a motorcycle over there "

04 June 2016

Fachrie Agustin

" Luaaarrrr biasaaaaaaa "

31 May 2016

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