" One of the most beautiful nature places here in Ciwidey South Bandung, affordable ticket price & have alot of traditional food stall "
12 May 2018
Muhamad Dahuru
" Tempat yang indah, pemandangan danau bersih yang luas. Airnya tenang dan menenangkan. Ada perahu yang ditawarkan untuk mengelilingi danau. Tempat terawat dengan baik. Ada tempat makan di pinggir danau yg berbentuk seperti kapal, untuk ke tempat makan ini anda bisa naik perahu atau naik kendaraan memutari danau. "
02 May 2018
Juni Salman
" Very beautiful place, I wish I could be here "
27 March 2018
Brend Lee
" Don't forget to enjoy the view of the lake and be sure to have fun, poor management and treatment as well as care for the poor bunnies at the the bunny hutch. "
18 March 2018
Yassar Aulia
" Soothing scenery and atmosphere, best enjoyed in early mornings "
09 March 2018
Ahmad Syaihon
" Cloudy in situ patnggang. "
09 March 2018
Jenny Jj
" Verry beautyfull place, unforget you "
15 February 2018
Mfajar Mauludi
" Great scenery, best for taking a sunrise photo, enjoy a lake with boat , great tourism spot . "
06 November 2017
Ikin Surikin
" View is great. Good for you to stay in glamping area. "
25 October 2017
Triyoga AP.
" Nice place for weekend escape. Must try to cross batu cinta with canoe. :) "
18 August 2017
M. Rizal Ridhal Malik
" Nice View her and relaxing. You can get boat or kayak to circle the lake. "
09 August 2017
Mochamad Taufik
" Nice view, a lot exotic area "
05 August 2017
Firman Juliansyah
" Nice view. Fresh Air. Boat Experience. Pinisi Restaurant "
19 March 2017
Testi Useri
" I think it's fair to say, that it's a place for groups. For single travellers there is not a lot to do. The scenery of the lake looks nice and one can relax, have picnic and take a boat. Apart from that that there are some shops.
The entrance fee for non-locals is steep with 135000 rp (weekday 2017) "
Romi Hermawan
" One of the most beautiful nature places here in Ciwidey South Bandung, affordable ticket price & have alot of traditional food stall "
12 May 2018Muhamad Dahuru
" Tempat yang indah, pemandangan danau bersih yang luas. Airnya tenang dan menenangkan. Ada perahu yang ditawarkan untuk mengelilingi danau. Tempat terawat dengan baik. Ada tempat makan di pinggir danau yg berbentuk seperti kapal, untuk ke tempat makan ini anda bisa naik perahu atau naik kendaraan memutari danau. "
02 May 2018Juni Salman
" Very beautiful place, I wish I could be here "
27 March 2018Brend Lee
" Don't forget to enjoy the view of the lake and be sure to have fun, poor management and treatment as well as care for the poor bunnies at the the bunny hutch. "
18 March 2018Yassar Aulia
" Soothing scenery and atmosphere, best enjoyed in early mornings "
09 March 2018Ahmad Syaihon
" Cloudy in situ patnggang. "
09 March 2018Jenny Jj
" Verry beautyfull place, unforget you "
15 February 2018Mfajar Mauludi
" Great scenery, best for taking a sunrise photo, enjoy a lake with boat , great tourism spot . "
06 November 2017Ikin Surikin
" View is great. Good for you to stay in glamping area. "
25 October 2017Triyoga AP.
" Nice place for weekend escape. Must try to cross batu cinta with canoe. :) "
18 August 2017M. Rizal Ridhal Malik
" Nice View her and relaxing. You can get boat or kayak to circle the lake. "
09 August 2017Mochamad Taufik
" Nice view, a lot exotic area "
05 August 2017Firman Juliansyah
" Nice view. Fresh Air. Boat Experience. Pinisi Restaurant "
19 March 2017Testi Useri
" I think it's fair to say, that it's a place for groups. For single travellers there is not a lot to do. The scenery of the lake looks nice and one can relax, have picnic and take a boat. Apart from that that there are some shops.
06 January 2017The entrance fee for non-locals is steep with 135000 rp (weekday 2017) "