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About PT. Motive Mulia - Merah Putih Beton

PT. Motive Mulia - Merah Putih Beton is located at Jl. Baru Cipendawa, RT 04 RW 04, Kp. Bojong Menteng, Kel. Bojong, Kec. Rawa Lumbu, Jatiasih, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 17117. They can be contacted via phone at +622129613333, visit their website for more detailed information.

PT. Motive Mulia - Merah Putih Beton
Ready Mix Concrete, Quarry Products, Precast Product



Merah Putih Beton is an Indonesian brand for ready mix concrete under PT. Motive Mulia. Our Product is commonly used for constructional activities that includes industrial, commercial and also infra-structure that includes high rise building, factory, housing, highways and many others.


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