PT Ming Chia Ceramics Indonesia
About PT Ming Chia Ceramics Indonesia
PT Ming Chia Ceramics Indonesia is located at Jl. Raya Cirebon - Bandung, Sinarjati, Dawuan, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45453, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-7518-521, visit their website for more detailed information.
" It's bad, the place is hot, it took a long time to load because I asked for a palette, my driver and I entered PT at 9 load at 3pm just loaded :)
20 September 2020the feeling while taking it at another factory the load was really fast, entering pt at 9 o'clock 10 already came out
then my driver said that if the money to load here is expensive it & apos; s not like other places, when I was given a small tip, I was told to take care of it myself :)
When I asked for a travel letter I wanted to go home because we were far away from the jkt instead of being scolded, he said he was really impatient, just waiting for the travel letter, if you want to hurry, tell our office people to take care of it so it's fast :)
Just imagine arriving at 9 o'clock loading the goods at 3 pm how it feels :)
half a day on hold
even though it will load at most 15 minutes, selse :) "
Hamdan Miftahuddin
" Maaf bapa/ibu disini sedang membuka lowongan nggak yah buat laki'' lulusan smk teknik usia 20 th????????? "
07 April 2020Sahat Devi Joni Sembiring
" Pabrik keramik di Majalengka "
22 January 2020Rena Adia
" saya orang majalengka, tinggal di purwokerto. pernah kerja bagian kasir/piutang selama kurleb 4 thn di keramik KITA cjfi dan pernah kerja di distributor keramik 4 thn sebagai accounting. suami juga pernah kerja sebagai sales marketing 2thn dan supervisor di agen keramik skitar 3 thn. mohon info klu ada lowongan buat posisi di atas. terutama untuk posisi sales marketing / supervisor "
05 April 2019Rizki Rohmat
" Kalo ada lowongan cepet masukin lamaran .. persentase d terima cukup tinggi .. apalagi ada orng dalem yg berpengaruh "
27 December 2018Pulung Wijayanto
" My customer "
07 December 2018Yonna Azrina
" Kramik super glosi "
26 November 2018Heru Purwanto
" best decorative tile floor in Indonesia "
22 November 2018AlHurriyyah Channel
" Keramik "
18 September 2018Aprillin Crafts
" katanya kerja nya berat "
28 July 2018Puput Kristiyanto
" Bawa kecil aja sengsara... "
29 June 2017Abu Falah
" Good factory,very friendly all employee "
06 May 2017Abdul Rohim
" jalanke sini lancar jayaaaa "
14 November 2016Toha Hasim
" Adem "
29 October 2016