About Nawilis Ban
Nawilis Ban is a car repair, located at Jl. Batutulis No.70, Batutulis, Bogor Sel., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16133, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 8338833, visit their website www.nawilis.com for more detailed information.
" Bengkel kepercayaan saya 👌 "
12 June 2018Cypri Wibowo
" Bengkel spesialis spooring ballancing ban mobil. Cocok untuk hi-speed ballancing (ballancing roda yang bergetar pada saat kendaraan melaju kecepatan tinggi di atas 120km/jam). Ballancing di bengkel ini ada dua tahap: saat roda dilepas dari kendaraan dan pada saat dipasang pada kendaraan. Bengkel ini punya alat untuk itu. "
05 June 2018Haris Pratama
" Recommended for if you have a trouble something in wheel car. Specialty wheel alignment... "
19 May 2018Indra Kamadi
" Nice services "
17 May 2018Mario Shane
" We'll served "
10 May 2018M A Huda
" Recommended "
07 May 2018Agung Dwi Gunawan
" 1 stop service "
05 May 2018Stefanus Arianto
" For standard / general repair and replacement for your tires and wheels. You can have your car washed too. Easy reach in south jakarta "
29 April 2018Eko Zuldiansyah
" Tempat service yg komplit utk kelas bengkel unum dan pelayanannya memuaskan "
28 April 2018Harry Elfitra
" One stop service for your car "
27 April 2018Acep Darwis
" Harga kompetitif ada garansi "
08 April 2018Andre Pane
" Its a place for balancing n spooring your car tyres. You can also have an oil change here. "
08 April 2018Mochamad Juli
" Sangat puas penangananya... "
07 April 2018Hedhy Hermawan
" Fasilitas lumayan lengkap, pelayanan ramah dan cepat. "
05 April 2018Nirman Dez
" good service "
03 April 2018Brams Bayu
" Terpercaya "
31 March 2018Indah Kurniawaty
" Datang ke sini buat ganti ban, tambal ban yg bocor, beberapa kali isi nitrogen. Pelayanan memuaskan "
13 March 2018Dede Setiawan
" Banyak Diskon hehehe "
13 March 2018Irfan Sudrajat
" Change tyres, change oil, auto repairement, shock breaker and suspension "
08 March 2018R Seno
" Best wheel aligning facility in Bogor "
01 March 2018Warsi Ana
" Karna membuat ku senang "
27 February 2018Sentulxtb
" Good job..but sometimes the wait is long due to many cars need it a service... "
27 February 2018Samuel Samosir
" Excellent services, great location, friendly staff. "
27 February 2018Sahroni Onie
" Bagus nyaman "
24 February 2018Pgz Zarwono
" Good service "
17 February 2018Hasan Basri
" Bagus pelayanan nya Dan baik baik karyawan nya "
14 February 2018Eric R. Hilman
" Buat finish balance rekomen "
10 February 2018Aditya Wahyu
" One of the oldest spooring balancing in south jakarta, "tambal tuck" available here "
03 February 2018Deden Kurniawan
" Good job ... "
31 January 2018Wahono Aji Saputra
" Good service "
22 January 2018Iwan Ridwan
" Bagus "
21 January 2018Mohamad Sopian
" Fast and smooth work but expensive "
17 January 2018Silvy Marissa Amril
" Tempat tunggu nyaman, ber ac walaupun kecil. Pelayanan sangat cepat dan rapi (sering ganti oli dan spooring) petugasnya ramah dan sigap "
15 January 2018Verri Budiyana
" Toko ban terlengkap di kota cilegon "
09 January 2018Handayana Dhonny
" free service charge for engine oil "
06 January 2018D. Deeje
" Good service "
05 January 2018Decka Achmad
" Specialized on tires, but now also general service for car, included nitrogen for tyre "
04 January 2018Bagus Karno Wibowo
" Nice car services "
03 January 2018Childa Sukma
" Fast services "
30 December 2017Armen Aldrin
" Nice spot for service your car, spooring and balancing, and other services "
28 December 2017Viki Umar Syarif
" Well-skill mechanics "
28 December 2017Arifiadi Devi
" Skr berubah menjadi PHD "
08 December 2017Taufan Irnandi
" Good and fast services. "
07 December 2017Agus Saptana
" Good service... "
04 December 2017Shell Arjuna Utara
" Tempat tunggunya nyaman, rapi, bersih. "
02 December 2017Weki Sarkani
" Too expensive "
23 November 2017Erwin Winarko
" Tempat yang pas untuk solusi kendaraan anda "
21 November 2017M Tagor EB Sidjabat
" This Nawilis Tire & Oil Service at Shell provide with a good service here. Be there for engine oil or tire treatment. "
11 November 2017Syamsul Anwar Effendie
" Woow,, teknisi nya ramah dan sangat informatif ,saya sih waktu itu senang sekali, karena waktu mau ganti kampas rem dan ternyata nawilis nya tidak ada spare part nya, namun oleh si teknisi (maaf lupa namanya) di Cek dan dia bisa menghilangkan bunyi di rem nya tanpa biaya puka,, dan dia menyarankan untuk segera mengganti kampas rem nya,, trims mas teknisi untuk bantuan nya waktu itu "
02 November 2017M. Aulia Rachman
" Good service (y) "
11 October 2017Bayu Smaratio
" Great shop for your car. Has complete service and great equipment for maintaining your car. Open until 9pm which is very good. Friendly staff and fast service "
21 September 2017Ritzky Raditya
" Very great hospitality! Professional worker and reasonable price. "
12 September 2017Dimas Aryaditya
" Too Expensive & can't serve middle repair but the service is good "
11 September 2017Low Leverage
" Always the best for wheel alignment/spooring. Thoughtful wheel allignment crew. "
07 September 2017Eko Yudho A . Nst
" Lumayan berpengalaman, cukup informative tqpi tidak terlalu, spooring masih lari ke kiri. "
04 September 2017Phoenix RR
" Great service, excellent mechanics, very recommended if you want to check out your car if there's any problem "
30 August 2017Benny Herlambang
" Good service.. helpfull and friendly staff.. quick in handling your tyre.. "
30 August 2017Nurma Retno Ningtyas
" Ramah "
30 August 2017Andi Bakhtiar Fransiska
" tire suspension and brake maintenance "
28 August 2017Indra Purnama
" Tire workshop "
27 August 2017Jamur Kiriwil
" Ko tempatnya tidak sesuai peta? Mohon diperbaiki lokasinya saya mau service mobil sampe nyasar ke ci paku "
21 August 2017Valentino Reflection
" ban 205/50 aa apa aja boss? "
20 August 2017Dedikusnadi Asep
" Profesional "
12 August 2017Ismail Masri
" lokasi bagus parkir luas dan hasil kerja cukup memuaskan dan sdh sekian puluh tahun madih trtap eksis "
06 August 2017Ivan Taunica
" Nice "
28 July 2017Fatihah Sudewo
" I must say Nawilis offers a lot more than what I expected. The staffs are really helpful and friendly (my husband thought he left his cellphone at the autshop (no, he didn't) and everyone helped searching and were genuinely concerned), the mechanics know what they're doing and they work fast and professional -not to mention the affordable price. Nawilis is definitely gonna be our go to place for our car services. "
26 July 2017Ahmad Sofyan
" Ok "
25 July 2017Felix Goenarto
" Good Place. Great Service. Good Skilled technician. Best place for Spooring a car i ever known. "
18 July 2017Satya Rahadhian
" Great place for car services "
18 July 2017Rizky Sufi
" if you're looking for bridgestone or achilles you're in the right place "
17 July 2017Irsyad Damlis
" Ok "
03 July 2017Andhika Yusuf
" Good price and the queue is not so long "
28 June 2017Feby Widoyo
" Good service for spooring & balancing your car "
22 June 2017Wahyu Agung
" Selalu rame "
22 June 2017Haroen Roen
" Good service "
21 June 2017Ardya Ardya
" Ok "
18 June 2017Bayu Smaratio
" Great shop to maintain and service your car "
17 June 2017Adi Wiyarto
" nice place "
17 June 2017Dedy Deeje
" Klu bisa tambah mekanik biar pelayanannya lebih cepat.. "
" Oke Jack berada di pom bensin Shell "
13 June 2017Gojek Driver
" Ruang tunggunya kecil dan panas "
06 June 2017Etrisno TRs
" Just like any other shell station "
05 June 2017Aris Widodo
" Sip "
05 June 2017Annie Sutrisno
" Convenience place, okey price "
01 June 2017Tedy Johanes
" Great service, karyawan ramah dan banyak pengetahuan. "
09 May 2017Denny Sukmawijaya
" Mau Tanya untuk hari minggu tanggal 07/05/2017 buka ga? "
03 May 2017Muchamad Taufan
" Ok "
23 April 2017Papah_merak@gmail.com Sherlyvirosa1976
" Untuk spuring,balancing ban mobil sangat memuaskan,pelayanan bagus, hasil pekerjaan garansi. Ini kenyataan. "
22 April 2017Rini Seta
" Service and promo is good "
18 April 2017Rahman Fauzi
" Tempat yg sangat bagus lokasi strategis terlihat dari jalan raya.dan samping perumahan "
29 March 2017Chafid Sugianto
" Disini cuman cek rem dan tambah angin.. Tapi karena rem nya gakpapa jadi gratis. "
24 March 2017Akhmad Tarmuzi
" bengkel mobil di jakpus, keren dan menyenangkan "
16 March 2017Solusipenerjemah Resmi
" Bengkel terbesar di Jl. Tanah Abang I Gambir Jakarta Pusat dekat dengan kantor kami CV Solusindo Karya Nusa alamat kami di Jl. Tanah Abang I No.11F lantai 3 "
11 March 2017Didik Kustanto
" Gak bisa sporing karena alatnya lg rusak, padahal nawilis terkenal jago sporing "
02 March 2017Didik Kustanto
" Walau mahal nyaris 2x lipat dari harga sporing di bengkel biasa.tapi hasilnya memuaskan, semua profesional "
02 March 2017Muhamad Yusuf
" Tempat yg tepat untuk spooring and balancing. Staffnya ramah, fasilitas lengkap dan harga yg ditawarkan cukup murah "
26 February 2017Amir Hamzah
" Toko ban di tengah kota. Area gambir "
18 February 2017Ari Z
" kaget banget pas mau bayar, mahal biayanya dua kali lipat dari bengkel spooring langgananku. tapi qualitas ok. geter2 di Stir ilang. saranku sebelum kesana tanya dulu biayanya biar ga kaget kek saya. hehehe "
10 February 2017Slamet Riyadi
" God "
06 February 2017Yuni Anggraeni
" Best services "
11 January 2017Azis Hbl
" Bogor jawa barat adalah kota yang di kenal dunia dan terbaik dengan koleksi hidup botani nya plus ribuan tempat wisata olah raga alam asli fantastis. Semua penduduk dunia wajib menikmati keindhannya. Sehatkan kendaraan anda di NAWILIS Istana terbaik kendaraan "
10 January 2017Ilham Maulana
" I do not like it "
09 January 2017Setiabudi Atmanagara
" Bisa balanced velg racing motor gk ya??? "
07 January 2017Muslih I
" Urusan spooring n balancing nawilis ahlinya "
28 December 2016Sandy Renaldo
" numpang tanya biaya bubut velg motor perlubang berapa ya ? makasih "
27 December 2016Hendri Budi Saputro
" Ok "
26 December 2016Pandu Patria Utomo
" Comolete equipment but lack of capable technicians "
18 December 2016Reza Rajasa
" Good Quality and Good Services with affordable price "
07 December 2016Aziz Agus
" Pelayanan nya bagus cepat "
29 November 2016Rizky Baskara
" Professional mechanic, friendly services, they get the things done properly, better and cheaper than most authorized workshop "
20 November 2016Septiandi Karim
" Playanannya baik. "
12 November 2016Bonard Tito Saragih
" Pelayanannya bagus dan tingkatkan lagi ya "
28 October 2016Yogi Perdana
" Ruang tunggu kurang nyaman,tetapi terbantu circle k "
16 September 2016Dwi Ismail
" Pelayanan ramah walau tidak jadi beli karena stok tidak ada. Bahkan dicariin di cabang Nawilis yang lain. "
24 August 2016Jp Utomo
" Good, fast service, usually slow on the weekdays, reasonable quoted price "
16 August 2016Arif JMSH
" Tempat nongkrong sebelum masuk kerja. Seberang nawilis. :D "
23 July 2016A Sukadis
" Highly recommended. Great value for money. All types of service, not just alignment. Complete, comfortable, and competent. "
01 July 2016Alex Jack
" My bengkel "
25 June 2016Dharma Marhen
" Lengkap Dan nyaman "
28 November 2015Fusarigar Arigar
" Halo "
10 August 2015