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About Mutiara Super Kitchen cicaheum

Mutiara Super Kitchen cicaheum is a furniture store, located at Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani No.830 D-F, Cicaheum, Kec. Kiaracondong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40282, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 7200208, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 52

Eka Elsa Hutapea

" Not bad lahh "

17 January 2020

Daniel Darmawan

" Good place to buy kitchen stuff "

13 January 2020

99 Custom Choppers

" Household apliances murah2 ???? "

10 October 2019

Pramet JM

" Nice place to get your need like tool or else in the kitchen.. "

09 October 2019

Sylvia Thamrin

" Good but a little bit hot "

07 September 2019

Hans Pratomo

" The products quite complete, however the place is too crowded with products. The passage too narow even if not much people. "

01 June 2019

William Christian

" need kitchen stuffs? you can find it here. it's a store where u can buy kitchen stuffs. very complete and the price is very considerable "

11 May 2019

William Christian

" need kitchen stuffs? you can find it here. it's a store where u can buy kitchen stuffs. very complete and the price is very considerable "

11 May 2019


" Ok "

09 April 2019

Linda Tri Wulandari

" A complete store to find utensils 😊 "

01 March 2019

Rina Endah Puri

" U can shop all about kitchen here.. "

09 December 2018

Zakiyah Alhabsyi

" Lengkap, sayang areanya kurang luas "

12 June 2018

Leon Ginting

" Cheap price but quite hot during day time, because this store is not using AC "

11 June 2018

Arry Ashar

" The bigger kitchen and mealroom equipment right here "

20 May 2018

M Sena Luphdika

" Pusat beli barang2 rumah yg paling murah, josh "

19 May 2018


" Plang tidak terlalu jelas, jadi ketika jalan harus perlahan kalau mencari tempat ini. Terdapat tiga lantai, lantai pertama piring, gelas, kompor, dispenser, dll. Lantai dua penggorengan, botol, container, dll. Lantai tiga, alat untuk kue, tong sampah, ember dll (susunannya bisa berubah tergantung manajemen). Tidak super lengkap, tapi cukup memenuhi kebutuhan, yang spesial adalah harganya yang terjangkau dan cenderung murah. "

19 May 2018

Ketut Catur

" One of the best place in town if you're looking for some cheap kitchenware. "

13 April 2018

Astrid Destia Purwarani

" Nice place "

10 April 2018

Rahmat Fauzi

" nice place "

10 April 2018

Jana Tea

" Ok "

01 April 2018

Yushep Chanell

" Ok "

17 March 2018

Adi Darma Surya

" Nice "

17 March 2018

Dewi Andriyani

" It provides various kitchen utensils and stuff "

15 March 2018

Isyana G.

" many kind of stuffs from A to Z, neat, spacious, and almost all of them are a lot cheaper than the other stores "

11 March 2018

Rosiadi Dwiana Putra

" Cheap and has so many items in their store "

25 February 2018

Anna Kania Dewi

" Always love this place. I call it paradise. You can find many household here. I like plates and glasses the most "

17 February 2018

Iwan Kurniawan

" Ok "

07 February 2018

Ririn Dyani

" Good "

02 February 2018

Muhammad Eric

" You can shop for your kitchen ware here, they have so many product to over to you. Start from Oven, Gas, rice cooker, dining ware, self, etc. I think the price of this store is competitive with many of other store.
And about the cleanliness, the parking area is so messy. So many store material in the parking lot at basement. They may have to fix that as quick as possible. "

20 January 2018

Qiny Shonia

" Home goods store with many cute and cheap things sell here. Mostly kitchen supplies but you can find bed sheet and toiletries here. "

09 January 2018

Musa Sa'adi

" Affordable kitchen set and other home tools "

04 December 2017

Dinar Firmansyah

" Saya pelanggan, barang mah lengkap, ok. Maslahah pelayanan yang kurang, masalah kesatu suka greget kalau lihat pegawai dilantai 2 tiap kesana kerjaannya ngumpul ngobrol padahal masih jam kerja. Yang kedua pelayanan parkirnya sangat tidak memuaskan (buruk) mobil saya pernah nyerempet tembok waktu mundur soalnya ga keliatan, pas mau keluar saya lihat tukang parkirnya duduk sambil merokok, ga zaman sekarang lagi kerja merokok... "

03 December 2017

Andry Ansah

" low price, good market "

25 October 2017

Gitacahya Ekadarma

" Big place but so few to exhibit "

13 September 2017

Gita Darma

" Big place but so few to exhibit "

13 September 2017

Silviana Oemar

" They have complete sets of everything with cheap price "

09 September 2017

Antony Gunarian

" Good kitchen suplies store with a very reasonable price. "

04 September 2017

Nadiya Rahmah

" Affordable price. Spacious place. Wide range of choices for your kitchen. "

16 July 2017

Hilmy Gifari Aziz

" Produk lengkap "

16 July 2017

Arief Budiman

" A great place to shop home appliances and kitchen equipments with affordable price. "

20 June 2017

RuSky Walker

" Gazillions of kitchen and houseware choices from cheap to expensive.. "

13 May 2017

Fikri Erfizal

" Very goog place to start filling your kitchen needs. A lot of items including famous brand. Quite cheaper than other similar store "

08 May 2017

Budd Inverse

" Nice place & huge "

26 February 2017


" Good household "

21 February 2017

Rone Fahlevi

" It's a very complete store for all your stuff at house, especially for kitchen n also electronic devices... "

05 February 2017

Ray Alfarisi

" The staff seems careless to customers. Also, the prices are too expensive. But the products quality are good. "

12 October 2016

Ernas Moethar

" Toko perlengkapan rumah tangga yang lengkap "

13 September 2016


" Nice kitchen shop "

11 September 2016

Rizhky Azhary

" This branch of Mutiara Super Kitchen is new. Good price, excellent brand of kitchen's utensils but the electronic such as TV, home theater and air conditioning. 4 stars because the place is kinda boring environment, less employee and uncategorized stuff makes the costumer have to find the whole time. "

19 July 2016

Muhamad Fei

" Rekomended "

15 April 2016

Alam Sadikin

" Tempat belanja macem2 kebutuhan rumah tangga, alat masak, alat bersih2, pertamanan, elektronik sampe pompa air. Untuk alat masak sangat lengkapppp. "

21 February 2016

Irsyad Nashirul Haq

" Tah lumayan disini banyak buat belanja keperluan dapur, eta palastik mani banyak macemna. Heboh dah... Murah deuih dibandingkeun dimana-mana keperluan dapur mah. "

09 January 2016

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