" Belom lengkap rasanya kalo ke ciamis belum ke sini.. Gak cukup 1 mangkok.. Mie golosornya mantaap.. "
05 April 2018
Okky Rizkie
" Not too cozy but it is tasty enough and the important thing is well quickly served "
27 February 2018
Choyrum Novianti
" I like one of the original food from Ciamis. That is Baso Golosor with Tahu and Hot Chocolate. It is delicious and not too expensive. "
07 February 2018
Rachmat Januar
" clean place. delicious meatballs. "
29 December 2017
Uga Nugraha
" Meat ball in here it's very nice, noodle more variatif "
04 December 2017
St. Annisa Destiany
" Bakso nya enak sayang tempat kurang luas kadang suka tidak kebagian tempat "
08 November 2017
Rina Herlina
" Rasa ok,mie krg "
02 October 2017
Elsa Nanda
" Untuk warga ciamis dan sekitarnya pasti uda tau nih sama nih tempat, yg belum coba wajib dtgggg "
26 August 2017
Rizal Basyir
" Bakso legendaris, berusia lebih dari setengah abad. Favorit keluarga semenjak orangtua masih muda. "
26 August 2017
Winar Andini
" Baksonya legendaris, enak gak ketinggalan jaman walau bakso sdah lama ada "
02 August 2017
Sarah Faita Rizkiaputeri
" Food tastes good, but the place was small and feels a bit cramped. I visited late at night and some of the menu are already unavailable. They have a toilet but you have to go through their kitchen and it's a bit troublesome to get there. Really like the food though. "
02 July 2017
Candra Utama
" Rasa dan aroma yg khas mie golosor "
30 May 2017
Mank Jhon
" Bakso nya halal dan rasa nya mantabbbssss "
27 May 2017
Yeni Deliani
" Basonya mantap dr waktu zaman smp sampe sekarang rasanya emang gak pernah berubah "
13 May 2017
Ratna Juwita
" Kayaknya ini baso paling enak di ciamis....dari dulu rasanya gak berubah "
Hendri Hadisi
" Enak bangetttss "
29 April 2018Alif Ulfa Afifah
" Belom lengkap rasanya kalo ke ciamis belum ke sini.. Gak cukup 1 mangkok.. Mie golosornya mantaap.. "
05 April 2018Okky Rizkie
" Not too cozy but it is tasty enough and the important thing is well quickly served "
27 February 2018Choyrum Novianti
" I like one of the original food from Ciamis. That is Baso Golosor with Tahu and Hot Chocolate. It is delicious and not too expensive. "
07 February 2018Rachmat Januar
" clean place. delicious meatballs. "
29 December 2017Uga Nugraha
" Meat ball in here it's very nice, noodle more variatif "
04 December 2017St. Annisa Destiany
" Bakso nya enak sayang tempat kurang luas kadang suka tidak kebagian tempat "
08 November 2017Rina Herlina
" Rasa ok,mie krg "
02 October 2017Elsa Nanda
" Untuk warga ciamis dan sekitarnya pasti uda tau nih sama nih tempat, yg belum coba wajib dtgggg "
26 August 2017Rizal Basyir
" Bakso legendaris, berusia lebih dari setengah abad. Favorit keluarga semenjak orangtua masih muda. "
26 August 2017Winar Andini
" Baksonya legendaris, enak gak ketinggalan jaman walau bakso sdah lama ada "
02 August 2017Sarah Faita Rizkiaputeri
" Food tastes good, but the place was small and feels a bit cramped. I visited late at night and some of the menu are already unavailable. They have a toilet but you have to go through their kitchen and it's a bit troublesome to get there. Really like the food though. "
02 July 2017Candra Utama
" Rasa dan aroma yg khas mie golosor "
30 May 2017Mank Jhon
" Bakso nya halal dan rasa nya mantabbbssss "
27 May 2017Yeni Deliani
" Basonya mantap dr waktu zaman smp sampe sekarang rasanya emang gak pernah berubah "
13 May 2017Ratna Juwita
" Kayaknya ini baso paling enak di ciamis....dari dulu rasanya gak berubah "
01 April 2017Heri Herdiawan
" Bakso paling bikin ketagihan saCiamis 😋 "
26 March 2017Come Binx
" Nothing special "
13 January 2017Andri NOVANDI
" Enak "
08 January 2017Ahmad Syarif
" Mantap citarasa khas... "
07 December 2016Yuli Nurmalasari
" Enak, rame terus "
17 October 2016Mohammad Genta Mahardhika
" Salah satu favorit disini dari dulu ^^ "
11 July 2016Viester Dolles
" tempat favorit "
17 March 2016