tempatnya nyaman, bersih, tertata rapih, menu nya tidak terlalu mahal, rasa makanannya pun sungguh enak.. tetapi sungguh sangat disayangkan saya tidak mendapatkan pelayanan yang bagus.. tidak ada staff yang tersenyum ataupun menyapa, dan juga akses parkir yang kecil.. "
05 May 2018
Risya Kanya
" Nice meals low price "
15 April 2018
Adelina Nurafiani
" Good food but pricey "
31 January 2018
Chris Gunawan
" Sajian makan nyaaa mantap,serba dadakan,pokoknya enak lah "
25 January 2018
Asa Ayazida Aunu Robby
" The price is a bit high for a standard taste food. I can found many cheaper place with delicious cuisine. Some people said our meals doesn't served fresh from the kitchen so we can't taste their best
The price is a bit high I think it was because RM Mergosari built in a strategic main road. It located near a mosque, mini market and ATM. 3 stars for nice facilities but not food-for-money "
23 January 2018
Benediktus Galih Pradipta
" Chicken Taste's good, the sambal is amazing. Rice presented with a big traditional bamboo riceplate 'boboko' on our table, so we can take how much we want.
We came to this restaurant in the middle of the night so they give not too warm chicken and rice. But its still delicious. Price's a bit high for me.
Restaurant ambience is moderate, there's no fancy chair, table & decoration. "
04 January 2018
Hengky Xt229
" Nice taste with inexpensive price.
Sundanese food with great taste and I'm loving it.
Don't forget with Sambal Dadak, it's nice and usually hot.
Good place for rest "
23 December 2017
Auky Masada
" Ayam Goreng Serundengnya enak & sambelnya juga mantap "
16 December 2017
Burhan Sidqi
" Taste is okay, price little bit expensive each dishes cost Rp 16000-Rp 20000, exclude rice, drinks, sambal,etc "
24 November 2017
Dewi Eka Setia Astuti
" Not expensive and taste good "
25 June 2017
Wibisono Handoko
" Famous for it's traditional fried chicken. Price is a bit expensive and sometimes need to choose seating position that not near smokers "
12 June 2017
Tedi Setiadi
" Inexpensive, great taste "
08 June 2017
Bast Net
" Sudanese Traditional food Was long time a go standing there, cooking style in strong character.... "
15 January 2017
Cucu Cahyana
" Dubbed as sundanese restaurant with real pasundan taste.. "
20 December 2016
Agus Barkah
" Breakfast with friends "
12 December 2016
Mochamad Nugroho
" Murah, enak juga "
06 November 2016
Cecep Hernawan
" Makananya kurang fresh "
31 October 2016
Fadjari Wibowo
" masakan tradisional "
03 October 2016
Billy Wirawan
" tradional menu "
19 August 2016
" ayam goreng dg sambel dadak yang ngangenin "
08 August 2016
Tuan Amos
" Makanan enak..service agak lamban "
25 August 2015
Ocvia Rachmawati
" kamar mandinya kotor.. "
15 August 2015
Handojo Karmano
" The original mergosari. Favourite lunch stop for bikers on the tour. Cheap amd tasty meal for the hungry "
Boy Aghnia
" it's ok
05 May 2018tempatnya nyaman, bersih, tertata rapih, menu nya tidak terlalu mahal, rasa makanannya pun sungguh enak.. tetapi sungguh sangat disayangkan saya tidak mendapatkan pelayanan yang bagus.. tidak ada staff yang tersenyum ataupun menyapa, dan juga akses parkir yang kecil.. "
Risya Kanya
" Nice meals low price "
15 April 2018Adelina Nurafiani
" Good food but pricey "
31 January 2018Chris Gunawan
" Sajian makan nyaaa mantap,serba dadakan,pokoknya enak lah "
25 January 2018Asa Ayazida Aunu Robby
" The price is a bit high for a standard taste food. I can found many cheaper place with delicious cuisine. Some people said our meals doesn't served fresh from the kitchen so we can't taste their best
23 January 2018The price is a bit high I think it was because RM Mergosari built in a strategic main road. It located near a mosque, mini market and ATM. 3 stars for nice facilities but not food-for-money "
Benediktus Galih Pradipta
" Chicken Taste's good, the sambal is amazing. Rice presented with a big traditional bamboo riceplate 'boboko' on our table, so we can take how much we want.
04 January 2018We came to this restaurant in the middle of the night so they give not too warm chicken and rice. But its still delicious. Price's a bit high for me.
Restaurant ambience is moderate, there's no fancy chair, table & decoration. "
Hengky Xt229
" Nice taste with inexpensive price.
23 December 2017Sundanese food with great taste and I'm loving it.
Don't forget with Sambal Dadak, it's nice and usually hot.
Good place for rest "
Auky Masada
" Ayam Goreng Serundengnya enak & sambelnya juga mantap "
16 December 2017Burhan Sidqi
" Taste is okay, price little bit expensive each dishes cost Rp 16000-Rp 20000, exclude rice, drinks, sambal,etc "
24 November 2017Dewi Eka Setia Astuti
" Not expensive and taste good "
25 June 2017Wibisono Handoko
" Famous for it's traditional fried chicken. Price is a bit expensive and sometimes need to choose seating position that not near smokers "
12 June 2017Tedi Setiadi
" Inexpensive, great taste "
08 June 2017Bast Net
" Sudanese Traditional food Was long time a go standing there, cooking style in strong character.... "
15 January 2017Cucu Cahyana
" Dubbed as sundanese restaurant with real pasundan taste.. "
20 December 2016Agus Barkah
" Breakfast with friends "
12 December 2016Mochamad Nugroho
" Murah, enak juga "
06 November 2016Cecep Hernawan
" Makananya kurang fresh "
31 October 2016Fadjari Wibowo
" masakan tradisional "
03 October 2016Billy Wirawan
" tradional menu "
" ayam goreng dg sambel dadak yang ngangenin "
08 August 2016Tuan Amos
" Makanan enak..service agak lamban "
25 August 2015Ocvia Rachmawati
" kamar mandinya kotor.. "
15 August 2015Handojo Karmano
" The original mergosari. Favourite lunch stop for bikers on the tour. Cheap amd tasty meal for the hungry "
28 April 2015