Masjid Raya Unpad Jatinangor (Balé Aweuhan)
About Masjid Raya Unpad Jatinangor (Balé Aweuhan)
Masjid Raya Unpad Jatinangor (Balé Aweuhan) is a mosque, located at Km. 21, Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Hegarmanah, Sumedang, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45363, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Rabella Mufti
" Peaceful place :) "
31 May 2018Riz Fari
" This mosque is like a home for me, they give us free food sometimes. "
24 December 2017Muhammad Rizaldi Nuraulia
" One of big mosque in Jatinangor and also have a basement place to studying or discussing with friends. But don't forget to pray if you hear Adzan. "
10 December 2017Mo Azzam
" Good place for Muslim to doing prayer and this new unique mosque "
04 December 2017Fikri Erfizal
" Wonderful Masjid. Very nice place to pray,. Clean and big. A lot of parking space "
18 November 2017Cholid Alid
" Mosque with unique architecture, i hope Unpad will reinnovate it soon "
18 October 2017Dhifan H
" Nice Mosque "
07 September 2017Muhammad Takwani
" Good "
22 June 2017Aditya Diveranta
" One big mosque that intent to be a centre for islamic activity in Universitas Padjadjaran college students. It has unique yet modern architecture, but for some point idk why the facilities like toilet got really broken not really long from the date when it's builded. "
19 February 2017Furka Idfi Masanggom
" Peacefull, "
20 January 2017Nancahya Alam Guneanto
" one of the guard is annoying "
11 January 2017Riezal Ilham
" A mosque with unique architecture "
08 January 2017Fadil Sube
" Arsitekturnya unik dan suasananya sejuk, tempat wudhu luas dan terdapat tempat penyimpanan alas kaki. Mantaplah untuk beribadah "
26 November 2016Ahmad Syah
" Has a unique and modern architecture, a place that is very comfortable for praying, and an excelent place for using wifi. The basement is oftenly used by almost all college students for discussion and meeting. But, the basement ceiling is leaking during the rain. "
12 October 2016Benrizal Efendi
" Masjidnya megahh "
07 August 2016Cevi Taufik
" Tempatna lalega. "
08 July 2016Ridho James
" Luaaaassss! "
14 May 2016Mohamad Noor Rizal
" Bentuk bangunannya unik, namun tampak kurang kokoh "
21 March 2016Rani Valeris Inskazilla
" Cozy place... "
09 January 2016