About Al Ihsan PTM-VJS Mosque
Al Ihsan PTM-VJS Mosque is a mosque, located at Perumahan Pondok Timur Mas, Jalan Pondok Jingga Mas IV Blok E2 No.24-25, RT.05 / RW.13, Jaka Setia, Bekasi Selatan, Jaka Setia, Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17147, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 82736655, visit their website masjid-alihsan.info for more detailed information.
Juwita Triana
" This mosque is neat and comfortable and feels peaceful in there. Before the pandemic, every Thursday night, there was a discussion on the solution of the Al Quran and Sunnah delivered by Ustadz Adi Hidayat, who was already known for his expertise in the knowledge of Al Quran and Sunnah. During a pandemic, these studies are conducted at virtually the same time. In the mosque area there are also elementary schools and kindergartens. "
" So clean n quite mosque "
15 January 2020K. Sudarlin
" i came here last sunday 22 Dec 2019 .. i thought there have a pesantren / tahfiz insutute for my son 9 years old.. but wrong date due to holiday / closed "
23 December 2019James B
" Well renovated and peaceful place so that we could pray with wholehearted "
15 November 2019Yongki Indra
" Place for heaven "
10 October 2019Gendisa Yuliasti
" This is a very growing mosque in Bekasi Selatan, it has a kindergarten and primary school that offers islamic education for children. The mosque is comfortable and equipped with AC. There is a routine islamic gathering every week on Thursday night hosted by a renowned Ustad Adi Hidayat. "
20 August 2019Rida Mardliyyati
" The best place ever ! "
15 May 2019Sunartriasih S
" A very convenient masjid with routine night friday (thursday night) Al-Qur'an & Sunnah Solution (AQS) lectures by al-Ustadz Buya Adi Hidayat, Lc, MA, free sweet tea and appetiser for those who fast on that day. The mosque gives rationally sufficient time gap between the adzan (call-to-prayer) and iqamah (like a praying announcement) which is around 8 minutes, not to lengthy but enough for 2 to 4 rakaahs of qabla prayers. "
03 May 2019Endro Wahyudi
" Amazing holy places... full of knowledge... "
03 April 2019Ahmad Triyunanda
" This is a mosque of ustadz adi lecturer "
14 March 2019Ahmad Triyunanda
" This is a mosque of ustadz adi lecturer "
14 March 2019Alif Wahyu
" Home base of Ust. Adi Hidayat. Place you can learn about Quran and Sunnah as solutions of life "
24 November 2018Yanuaji Agung Pamungkas
" Peaceful place for worshipping... Ust. Adi Hidayat is here "
26 May 2018Prinz Eugen Drei
" Great place even though its place quite far in its house area "
23 February 2018Augy Wilangkara
" The masjid has very calming ambience. Undercover extensions are currently installed to cater for people coming for education and teachings by Ustadz Adi Hidayat (May Allah bless him) "
08 February 2018Omar Khadaffi
" Might be the best mosque in bekasi. PTM-VJS Complex "
06 February 2018Waldi Suharyanto
" One of the best place if you want to be a good moslem... "
21 November 2017Sandi Aji
" Very comfortable mosque, full with kids activities, great people :) "
14 November 2017Zakky Hidayat
" Beautyfull masjid "
06 November 2017Jingga Optik
" Very good services thank' s alot jingga optik.. "
04 October 2017Fandi Ramadhan
" Good ambience and design, a lot of positive activities and seminar. One of great mosques to learn and study islam. It even have their own youtube channels and islamic schools with great concept!! "
03 October 2017Ferry Wahyu
" Ust Adi is the best "
31 August 2017Herry Y. Rachmawan
" Great masjid with many Islamic studies by competent preachers "
10 August 2017Bradhika Ayodya
" A great place to pray "
02 August 2017Aris Supriadi
" Alhamdulillah "
22 July 2017Arif Ramadhan
" love this place "
12 July 2017Balqies Rina
" Excellent hospitality...it make every one comfort "
23 June 2017Deni Hadian
" Nice mosque "
15 June 2017Reza Advertising
" Setiap hari kamis Adi Hidayat kajian disini hbs magrib "
07 April 2017Erwin Ahmadi
" Masjid yg nyaman bersih,rapi,dan indah. Dan sering ada kajian sunnah nya juga "
02 April 2017Barkah Nur
" Taman syurga "
16 February 2017Mutia Rafif
" Ust adi hidayat ,, my specialy teacher "
12 February 2017Yzoel Legra
" bismillah... ngangsu kaweruh "
19 January 2017Rohmat Tibin
" Salah satu tempat kami menimba ilmu bersama ust. Adi Hidayat,Lc,MA "
22 December 2016Irvan Tarigan
" Ustadz adi hidayat....kajian disini "
25 August 2016