Marcopolo Waterpark is an amusement park, located at Blok, Jl. Bukit Cimanggu Blok M6 No.5, Cibadak, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City, West Java 16166, Indonesia
" tempat renangnya bagus, murah, tapi pernah salah posisi petanya, semoga sudah diperbaiki "
06 June 2018
Angelique Valentine
airnya ijo, kotor, dan bau. Sepertinya jarang di bersihkan...
Saya dan teman saya benar-benar kecewa.... "
02 June 2018
Brian Rieza
" Well, I have not much to say about this waterpark.
The main thing is, this place is very lack of maintenance. Placed in the 5th level of a building, sun is blazing up there and the air is hot. Water condition are unclean, I managed to get in the water not more than an hour, and persuade family to move to other place.
Price is very cheap, no wonder.
I might as well not coming back here again, sorry. "
13 May 2018
Ridwan Nurdiansyah
" Ok "
01 May 2018
Juliana Andrianto
" ok "
14 April 2018
Endi Julianto
" Cheapest one tiket from travelloka not so bad for fun with the kids "
11 March 2018
Addin Pa
" Now only open from Tuesday - Thursday. "
19 February 2018
Didik Darmadi
" Serasa private swimming pool "
05 February 2018
Harrys Pratama
" Wow nice place and nice view "
19 December 2017
Dhanny Denno
" Nice but too far and few guest "
15 December 2017
Iwa Iswara
" Dirty pool "
24 September 2017
Harish Chandra
" Good swimming for kids "
26 August 2017
Trisantoso Batavia
" Nice place to play water... "
03 June 2017
Dharma Patti
" nice place "
07 May 2017
Fakhriy Dinansyah
" Disgusting "
11 February 2017
Earlita Aurelia Dewanti
" Tiiiiiidakkkkk baaaaagusssss ... baru sekelas menengah kebawah ajaa . Byk peraturan gak boleh bawa makanan ..
Ditempat waterpark lain ya masi bisa bawa makanan dari luar ..
Ini mah tempat rekreasi apaan ..? Org pengen rekreasi aj susah ..
Kelas teri .. "
11 December 2016
Samudra Hindia
" Swimming pool.. "
09 December 2016
Muhamad Deny
" Kotor, bagi keluarga yg mau tamasya bawa makanan dari rumah mending cari yg lain, disini dilarang bawa makanan sendiri.
Kamar bilas pria 90% rusak. "
06 November 2016
Ronald Abram
" Bad maintenance "
29 September 2016
Muhammad Arif Rofiudin
" Lumayan, tapi kurang banyak wahana permainanya. "
14 September 2016
Md Wahyudin
" Tempatnya kurang terawat, kamar mandi bilasnya jorok dan bayak yg tdk berfungsi.kamar lokernya banyak nyamuk dan gelap. Kolamnya kotor terutama kolam balita. "
05 September 2016
Vibe Wilson
" The place is not maintained well, like going out of business. It's a pity, it has the nice pools from infants to adults. The good thing is never worry about getting really cramped with people. "
03 September 2016
Agus Setiawan
" Sepi, kurang terawat, tapi tidak mahal. Wahana kurang. "
18 July 2016
Aziz Agus
" Tambahin wahana nya, pasti makin seru "
08 July 2016
Pipuh Mimuh
" air kotor dan bikin gatal2, harus sering di kuras airnya dan wahana harus di tambah "
18 June 2016
Gilbert Clay
" Tempat rekreasi yang menyenangkan dan sesuai untuk relaksasi. Jarang penuh tempatnya hingga sangat sesuai untuk istirahat dan bersantai. "
Aretha Pandya
" Recommend for Relax in there "
09 June 2018A Google User
" tempat renangnya bagus, murah, tapi pernah salah posisi petanya, semoga sudah diperbaiki "
06 June 2018Angelique Valentine
02 June 2018airnya ijo, kotor, dan bau. Sepertinya jarang di bersihkan...
Saya dan teman saya benar-benar kecewa.... "
Brian Rieza
" Well, I have not much to say about this waterpark.
13 May 2018The main thing is, this place is very lack of maintenance. Placed in the 5th level of a building, sun is blazing up there and the air is hot. Water condition are unclean, I managed to get in the water not more than an hour, and persuade family to move to other place.
Price is very cheap, no wonder.
I might as well not coming back here again, sorry. "
Ridwan Nurdiansyah
" Ok "
01 May 2018Juliana Andrianto
" ok "
14 April 2018Endi Julianto
" Cheapest one tiket from travelloka not so bad for fun with the kids "
11 March 2018Addin Pa
" Now only open from Tuesday - Thursday. "
19 February 2018Didik Darmadi
" Serasa private swimming pool "
05 February 2018Harrys Pratama
" Wow nice place and nice view "
19 December 2017Dhanny Denno
" Nice but too far and few guest "
15 December 2017Iwa Iswara
" Dirty pool "
24 September 2017Harish Chandra
" Good swimming for kids "
26 August 2017Trisantoso Batavia
" Nice place to play water... "
03 June 2017Dharma Patti
" nice place "
07 May 2017Fakhriy Dinansyah
" Disgusting "
11 February 2017Earlita Aurelia Dewanti
" Tiiiiiidakkkkk baaaaagusssss ... baru sekelas menengah kebawah ajaa . Byk peraturan gak boleh bawa makanan ..
11 December 2016Ditempat waterpark lain ya masi bisa bawa makanan dari luar ..
Ini mah tempat rekreasi apaan ..? Org pengen rekreasi aj susah ..
Kelas teri .. "
Samudra Hindia
" Swimming pool.. "
09 December 2016Muhamad Deny
" Kotor, bagi keluarga yg mau tamasya bawa makanan dari rumah mending cari yg lain, disini dilarang bawa makanan sendiri.
06 November 2016Kamar bilas pria 90% rusak. "
Ronald Abram
" Bad maintenance "
29 September 2016Muhammad Arif Rofiudin
" Lumayan, tapi kurang banyak wahana permainanya. "
14 September 2016Md Wahyudin
" Tempatnya kurang terawat, kamar mandi bilasnya jorok dan bayak yg tdk berfungsi.kamar lokernya banyak nyamuk dan gelap. Kolamnya kotor terutama kolam balita. "
05 September 2016Vibe Wilson
" The place is not maintained well, like going out of business. It's a pity, it has the nice pools from infants to adults. The good thing is never worry about getting really cramped with people. "
03 September 2016Agus Setiawan
" Sepi, kurang terawat, tapi tidak mahal. Wahana kurang. "
18 July 2016Aziz Agus
" Tambahin wahana nya, pasti makin seru "
08 July 2016Pipuh Mimuh
" air kotor dan bikin gatal2, harus sering di kuras airnya dan wahana harus di tambah "
18 June 2016Gilbert Clay
" Tempat rekreasi yang menyenangkan dan sesuai untuk relaksasi. Jarang penuh tempatnya hingga sangat sesuai untuk istirahat dan bersantai. "
02 June 2016Cuci Mobil Motor BMJ
" Yoi lumayan komplit wahana airnya
16 May 2016Sikecil jadi seneng berenangnya "
Lucky Priambodo, SE
" Menghadiri aniversary TAC Chapter Bordep bersama keluarga beaar TAC Chapter Bekasi Raya... Tempatnya menyenangkan buat anak2, recomended lah... "
15 May 2016Simon FM
" Niceee.. "
01 January 2016