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KLINIK FARIS MEDIKA is located at No.,, Jl. Raya R.Dengklok No.184, Karyasari, Rengasdengklok, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41352, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 267 482761 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 23

Alfiana 1995

" It's just the first x, it's really comfortable .. Thank God it's friendly "not yet again the doctor (Doctor Farida) is really good because his relaxed talk doesn't make it tense .. There's a joke, it's not panic, it's really because it's just prtma on usg ???? pkok it doesn't regret the control and ultrasound at this medika faris ? "

12 October 2020

Lila Ulva

" Faris Medika, the nurses are friendly, the nurses seem clean..docterny is also very good .. doesn't panic, relax and want to be disturbed by using wa for the consul to always provide a solution (dr.farida m.spog) ... very good paporite ... very friendly, dr.nanang "

11 October 2020

Valeria Sonata

" Can't get over the title. If I don't meet Doctor Farida, I can't imagine what will happen. A super good doctor who always cares and is ready to help his patients. Want to find where else I'm going round and round, and all the doctors I met want to practically ask for a cesarean section. But Doctor Farida always prioritizes normal. Several times he met him in the middle of the night. O Allah .... protect this super kind Doctor Farida Doc. Allah will reward Doctor ???????????? "

11 October 2020

Dhinda Faradita

" My experience during uterine control in primary school gave birth to my first child in August 2016 and my second child in June 2020 .. with Doctor Farida Mansyur Spog was very kind, very good at educating me as a young mother, very comforting me and always I am sure of the actions that doctors do for good baby and mother. We are assisted in all matters of pregnancy consultations to childbirth and postpartum medical procedures. Hopefully Doctor Farida and Faris Medika will always be given healthy favors, blessings, keep going forward, Faris Medika in every way. For the mother and mother, hayukk, immediately consult your pregnancy with Doctor Farida M at Faris Medika / Rs Qadr. Don't look maybe from the physical facilities / services. See how the doctor provides directions and consultations that are always right for each patient .. I can't go to another heart. ?? doctor farida ???? Thank you "

11 October 2020

Suprotun Ilmiah

" The first time I came here, the goal was for ultrasound, registration service until the doctor was not friendly to the patient, more impressed with the mess, the tension was not told brp, when the ultrasound did not ask questions, just listened to what was said even though the price I paid included the consultation fee. Kapok "

08 October 2020

Arry Usedcar

" Datang tanpa daftar sehari sebelumnya, otomatis ditolak... walaupun saat itu pasien kosong
Buka jam 9
Jam 10.30 Dokter belum datang
Pasien sudah antri dgn kapasitas kursi sangat terbatas

03 June 2020

Kholisa Noviana

" Ibu dokter usg nya jutek bgt dan jwb seperlu nya pdhl kan ke stu kita bayar gak gratis masa nanya bisa lahiran normal or sc malah di jwb sya bukan dukun..kya gak da jwbn yg lebh enak di denger .klw bukan rujukan ke stu mau cari tepat usg yg lain ajah "

24 December 2019

Shakil Alsa

" Lucu sekali, baru pernah menemui seorang dokter yang marah2 karena pasiennya bertanya dalam istilah medis. Cukup sangat sangat membuat trauma untuk kesini lagi. "

03 December 2019

Nu Rokhman

" Pengalaman sy wkt usg sih hrz brgkt pagi2 soalnya antri byk bgt "

01 December 2019

Amier 1717

" Tempatnya mudah ditemukan,harga terjangkau dan pelayanan cukup baik...special thank for dokter umumnya yg baik dan ramah "

24 November 2019

Devy Alyah

" Dokter umumnya top markotop... Hallow dr Indry .. "

23 November 2019

Amran Channelku

" Pengalaman sy wkt usg sih hrz brgkt pagi2 soalnya antri byk bgt "

11 October 2019

Sakha Arman

" Orang mau daftar kaga di layani.. malah di tinggal tinggal pergi.. JUDES PAKAI BANGET. "

01 October 2019


" Sama sekali tidak ramah... Mau daftar usg , yang isi daftar pasien Judes bener , Sok Banget. Seolah olah mentang mentang kita yg butuh padahal bayar kaga enak bener pelayanan nya. "

01 October 2019

Tr Mini

" Baik dan ramah "

17 August 2019

MissdoLan Mauli

" Gak adil banget, bayar sama aja diprintnya beda, harusnya bagus ga bagus printnya tetep samakan. Buku KIA juga ga di catat apapa, kalau gitu riwayat kontrolnya gimana?
Bagus ga bagus harusnya dicatat.
Nunggu lama kirain bakal.dapet 3D taunya 2D tok, sedangkan teman saya 3D dapet 3 gambar. Saya 1 pun engga, padahal kelamin keliatan.
Pertama kecewa karna printnya miring, skrg malah ga dapet 3D sama sekali.
Nyesel nunggu lama" dari magrib sampe jam setengah 12 !!!!!! "

12 July 2019

Resi Dazia

" Masukan buat dokter nya.. Tolong lebih jaga perasaan pasien... Saya nyesel dateng ke klinik ini!! "

12 March 2019

Meilina Triwiyani

" Dokter nya judes "

04 March 2019

Vicky Delio

" Enak tempatnya pelayanan nya ramah dan sesuai prosedur yg diberlakukan jadi tidak ada sistem kenalan
Good Faris Medika "

26 January 2019

Lucyanna FL

" Info jadwal USG kapann yahh "

11 January 2019

Faisal Aziz

" Tempat nya cukup ramai dan mudah dijangkau oleh kendaraan.. "

04 September 2018

Yoel Kasi

" Dokter n perawatnya baik-baik "

25 July 2017

Indriyati Amir

" Tempat yang nyaman buat berobat.. dokter dan perawat yang baik dan ramah.. pelayanan full.. dan bagus.. "

07 September 2016

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