About Kemahasiswaan Telkom University
Kemahasiswaan Telkom University is a university, located at Telkom University Gedung L, Jalan Telekomunikasi No.1, Dayeuhkolot, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 7564108, visit their website studentsaffairs.telkomuniversity.ac.id for more detailed information.
Isnanda Tegar
" No air conditioner "
15 June 2019Janu Nirwana
" This is university hall, it used to be main hall but now the main hall is TUCH "
30 October 2018Mas Han
" Tempatnya open 24 jam, ada piano bisa di mainin bebas kapan aja (selain jam kerja), kalo mau boking harus jauh2 hari. "
22 August 2017Ivan Anatoni
" Good "
23 July 2017Wija Latemmamalaa
" Cocok untuk penampilan teater atau mini konser. "
25 April 2017Syaif Muhami Shidiq
" there is yamaha grand piano here, everyone can use it but not everyone know how to play it "
22 March 2017I Kadek Bayu Arys Wisnu Kencana
" It's a right place for Telkom University students to attend some event from campus. "
03 March 2017Ginanjar Widya
" Gedung untuk acara2 besar di Telkom University "
19 February 2017Video YouTube
" Gedungnya luas "
12 January 2017Prihandaru Luhur Pambudi
" The best thing in here is there is a Yamaha grand piano in the corner of the ballroom which everybody can play (especially for Telkom University Student). Talking about the building, it has two floors, wide ballroom, and a big stage that are used for ceremonial event. (🐦📷 @fihan_naru) "
22 May 2016Pristyan Chandra
" Duku tempat wisuda, sekarang cuma buat seminar, konser, dll. "
16 May 2016