About Kedai Tuan Crab
Kedai Tuan Crab is a restaurant, located at Jl. DI.Panjaitan No.20 Kel, Soklat, Kec. Subang, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat 41215, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-9460-4420, visit their website pasundanekspres.com for more detailed information.
Luky Awaluddin
" Hot spicy delicious sea food "
18 February 2020Cups
" not bad "
25 December 2019Tanti Ligna Fitria
" Top "
08 December 2019Uli Adha
" 👍 "
07 December 2019Chung Pham
" Another special, interesting and memorable experience.
23 August 2019#happybirthday
#seafoods "
Zay Azhara
" Good "
19 June 2019Umar Rahmat
" Sedapppp!!! Worth to try "
23 March 2019Ariea Eka Putra
" Not bad "
11 January 2019Daniel Putra
" First, the place, kinda too small because its a house
22 December 2018I came at 4.50, this place open at 5pm, at 5.10 all the table was full, unbelievable..
The concept of this place is eat from direct from the table (covered with plastic actually)
I ordered a mix platter, forgot the name (i think super something), 150k/portion (for 3-4 people) with saus padang
And rice (4k), ice tea (5k)
The taste, not bad actually, either not so good
They seriously need a bigger place, it was too crowded
But for the price is okay compared to the food. "
Daniel Putra
" First, the place, kinda too small because its a house
22 December 2018I came at 4.50, this place open at 5pm, at 5.10 all the table was full, unbelievable..
The concept of this place is eat from direct from the table (covered with plastic actually)
I ordered a mix platter, forgot the name (i think super something), 150k/portion (for 3-4 people) with saus padang
And rice (4k), ice tea (5k)
The taste, not bad actually, either not so good
They seriously need a bigger place, it was too crowded
But for the price is okay compared to the food. "
Rosi Hotia
" Enak beuuuut "
24 October 2018Bayu Agustian
" Untuk makan seafood dengan harga terjangkau saya kasih rating 4 bintang. Kekurangannya:
21 October 20181. Tempatnya sempit, banyak tamu tidak kebagian meja. Saran saya datang dari sebelum jam buka.
2. Lokasinya di jalan kecil, dimana tempat parkir terbatas apalagi untuk pengguna mobil.
3. Memang unik cara makannya di atas meja dengan alas plastik, hanya saja mejanya datar dimana kuah makanan bisa tumbah ke baju pelanggan. Saran saya mejanya di buat seperti bak atau cekung.
4. Lokasi pada map kurang tepat, posisi yang tepat berada di depat Pet Shop D & F "
Andina Rahayu
" Cocok buat makan bareng teman teman. Pedasnya mantappp "
01 October 2018Nure Lizarifin
" Delicious but the place is too small, always full so need to wait aroud 30 minutes "
15 August 2018Aang Nasrullah
" Cocok untuk pecinta makanan seafod, banyak berbagai pilihan menu seafood, untuk menu yg special/mix 1 porsi/ember dapat dituang langsung di meja yang telah diberi alas plastik, menu tersebut cocok untuk makan bersama dan ramai ramai.
13 July 2018Suaana kedai cukup santai cocok untuk kumpul bareng keluarga tetapi kedainya cukup sempit karena ada di pelataran depan rumah, seharusnya menu nya tidak hanya seafood agar lebih bervariasi selain itu tepat parkir mobil yg kurang memadai untuk mobil parkir di bahu jalan "
Putri Setiawati
" Rasa enak, tempat strategis, pelayanannya ramah... Ukuran kepitingnya lebih mantap kalau ada yang besar... "
04 July 2018강기철
" Seafood subang nice food "
22 June 2018Linda Angel
" Mantap seafod nya.. endolll bgt.. 🖒🖒🖒🖒 "
11 May 2018Wulan Novitasari Suheri
" Oke n lagi hits banget..pelayanannya ramah, pengunjung selalu banyak, semoga tempatnya bisa lbh diperluas lagi.. "
24 April 2018