About Office of the Mayor of Bogor
Office of the Mayor of Bogor is a city hall, located at Jl. Ir. Haji Juanda No.10, Pabaton, Bogor Tengah, Pabaton, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16121, Indonesia. Visit their website www.kotabogor.go.id for more detailed information.
Heru Maruza
" City Major office (Balai kota), one of tourist attraction as it is historical building, it is open for public for special event. "
24 January 2018Zaenudin Zae
" Nice "
21 November 2017Endih Herawandih
" Also known as Balaikota Bogor. The smallest office of the Metropolitan city Mayor in Indonesia "
27 July 2017Muhammad Wildan
" Historycal building, yet it still used by Bogor city government "
30 June 2017Rizky Maulana
" Ok "
14 January 2017Festiaji N. Irawanto
" Balai kota office is the historical goverment building in bogor city, the location is in front of istana bogor "
30 December 2016Tegartsaputra
" When Bogor held its anniversary, there are festivals and shows here. "
26 November 2016Iwan Gunawan
" Sip "
25 October 2016Yonas Yudistira
" Open place, friendly without security hassle and close to stasiun bogor "
27 July 2016Anneke Puspa Calliandra
" The centre of Bogor's activity "
25 July 2016Desty Hotifatruwosa
" Tempat pemerintahan Kota Bogor dijalankan. Di balaikota juga sering ada event diselenggarakan. "
16 July 2016Kaka Prakasa
" Tempatnya mudah dicari "
03 July 2016Rivaldi Ligia
" Beberapa kali mengikuti acara kantor disini. Sekarang lokasinya makin mudah dijangkau, masjidnya juga bagus. Hanya saja di balaikota agak sulit untuk mencari taksi di waktu waktu tertentu. "
22 May 2016Rizki Alisaptamarza
" Bangunan nya masih mempertahankan desain klasik. "
29 November 2015Devil Getup
" good "
03 November 2014