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About KIA Motors (Aman Abadi Motor)

KIA Motors (Aman Abadi Motor) is a car dealer, located at Jl. KH. Ahmad Sanusi No.13, Karang Tengah, Gn. Puyuh, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43135, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 37


" Mantap "

06 May 2018

Uzhank I

" Pelayanan bengkelnya jelek bisa estimasi kerusakan dgn pasti dan waktu perbaikannya bisa berbulan-bulan. "

03 May 2018

Rizwan Arwin

" Good service "

16 April 2018

Iskandar Shah

" They don't accept trade-ins and refer me to a used car dealer. Troublesome with used car dealer (back to back meet up to close deal) and hassle at-tamwil just to get early settlement value (went there a few times with packed people and long que number). Smooth loan approval with Kia BUT problem with my floormat. Been using Generic floormat from day one. The mat keeps moving about when the seat needs to slide front and rear adjustment or the mat will slip out of the way when my children walks on them. Kia service centre spare part in Lambak Kanan or his name is Adi or something, says that it's original because it had the Kia logo on the mat. Some other guys also pointed out the Kia logo and said my floormat is originally for my car but maybe for the recent model in which is still original. I said if it's original, what's with the hook on the floor? Volkswagen floormat comes with holes on the mat due to the floor hooks. And same with other car brand on the market with floor hooks. The floormats are made with holes and good quality finishing. The finishing of the mat itself is of low quality and with no holes for the floor hook. I follow up for the replacement with them together with my salesman for the last 8 months; especially during routine general service, just to get the floormat changed. It is simple. Just change the floormat to make your customer happy but instead Grand Motors ask me to buy the floormat with the price of $85 instead of changing them for free under warranty. My salesman has done its best to negotiate and gets into arguments with the boss;yet no good news. With the bad experience in dealing with used car, hassle with at-tamwil and now this dumb issue with floormat, thank you for your KINDNESS. If I have the chance to retract one option from the recent survey, I would have put 1 on the scale to 10 to recommend Kia to other people. To new customer, if you found your floormat that were suppose with holes, please complaint and follow-up. Thanks Kia Brunei. "

13 April 2018

Surya Mp42

" Liat2 dulu "

13 April 2018

Ardhika Wisnu W

" Need a vehicle? "

23 March 2018

Madu Irawan

" Dulu dealer mocin gelly..depan nya kalo malam ada nasgor recommended "

05 March 2018

Syamsuddin Hamma

" Dealer "

22 February 2018

Kwin 0607qq

" Good "

19 February 2018

Sujanto Tedja V-Channel

" Ada diskon untuk service mobil di periode tertentu "

02 February 2018

Yus Ruslan Ruslan

" Lokasinya strategis, depan akses jalan antar kota. "

18 January 2018

Lili Rochili

" Sudah berganti nama, WULING Motors "

17 January 2018

Singgih Wijaya

" Pelayanan okay ... Harga suku cadang relativ mahal.... "

11 January 2018

Andy Budiman

" Marurah euy "

15 November 2017


" Showroom KIA BOGOR TOP "

13 November 2017

Elok Sarikartiningtyas

" Selain sevice motor, disini jg rentcar/rent mobil "

06 November 2017

Indra Satria

" Saat ini hanya melayani servis untuk produk kia motor, showroom sudah tidak ada "

23 October 2017

Rifyan Firdaus

" Belum sempet beli jadi main aja dulu "

10 September 2017

Zulfikar Rizki

" ruang tunggunya tidak nyaman "

18 August 2017

Budi Priana

" Buat yg butuh jasa service "

15 August 2017

Mohamad Syaroni

" Mau beli filter oli kia carnival diesel di mana gan..maklum baru dapet "

26 July 2017

Hamzah Zaelani

" Pelayanan cepat tapi sayang tempatnya kurang besar "

25 July 2017

Adhie Pramono

" Dealer mobil KIA dengan pelayanan yg ramah dan tempat yg nyaman "

21 July 2017

David TheLaw

" Pelayanan bagus "

04 July 2017

Uzhank I

" Tempat parkirnya Luas "

19 June 2017

Hidayatulloh Dokay

" Sangat mudah aplikasi y "

18 April 2017

Mochammad Kautsar

" dealer resmi kia motors malang raya "

17 January 2017

Singgih Wijaya

" Satu-satunya tempat untuk menservis kendaraan KiA Anda di kota Malang... Spare Part nya lengkap... "

03 January 2017

Barona Sedotwc

" siep "

01 January 2017

My Nara

" 한국 자동차 "

06 December 2016

Suyitno 129

" Siiip "

08 November 2016

Witara Ketut

" Mobil korea.. "

06 November 2016

Gordon M.

" Scooter was alright but check ur deposit. They changed 100.000 to 10.000 with me! "

29 August 2016

Jimmy Husain

" KIA Motors. The place to be for your KIA goodness. "

01 July 2016

Reza Agung Maulana

" Good price kia "

30 March 2016

Chronos Shadow

" disain nya kia morning mantap "

19 April 2015

Kia Motors

" kami melayani pembelian baik cash atau kredit
dapatkan pelayana terbaik dari kami

pengurus tour and travel monggo..
KIA pregio dan travello siap menghantar customer anda ke pelosok negeri "

24 November 2014

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