About KFC Buah Batu
KFC Buah Batu is a restaurant, located at Jalan Buah Batu No. 180AB, Turangga, Lengkong, Turangga, Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40265, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 7321891, visit their website www.kfcku.com for more detailed information.
Lidya Sudisman
" Strategic place in buah batu street "
18 May 2018Dena Annisa
" This place is not too crowded. It's not homey but comfortable enough. The price is friendly. "
15 May 2018Job Chandra
" Pokonya Nyaman deh "
02 May 2018Arief Iskandar
" Nice place and near to parking area, near to griya bubat "
18 April 2018Miftahur Rizqi
" Tempat ini berada di jalur macet. Parkiran yang tersedia cukup untuk motor sedangkan untuk mobil masih terbatas. Tempat ini terdiri atas dua lantai serta terbagi atas indoor dan outdoor di setiap lantainya. Menu makanan yang disajikan di sini tidak berbeda dengan menu yang disajikan di KFC lainnya.
05 April 2018Ketika berkunjung kesini, air keran westafel di lantai dua dalam kondisi bermasalah sehingga untuk mencuci tangan diharuskan untuk ke lantai satu.
Bisa dijadikan sebagai tempat beristirahat sejenak dari macetnya jalan buah batu meskipun tidak tersedia drive thru di tempat ini. "
Hafiz Anbarry
" Good crispy chicken, but the place is a bit small, too crowded sometimes. "
15 March 2018Salman Albar
" Boring, the place is never change like forever. But there always full with loyal fans "
01 March 2018Widy Widya Mulya
" No different with others KFC, but KFC buah batu has nice location. Easy access and near to others public location. "
22 January 2018Budirahardjo88 Winasis
" It's OK. The menus are standard fast food from KFC. The "plus" thing for this outlet is near with Yogya Buah Batu which always crowded and limited parking area even they have enlarging their parking space. So the parking space in front of the KFC could be an alternative for parking. "
04 January 2018Andrea Fadlie
" Just another fastfood restaurant, don't put your hopes up too high "
06 October 2017Saleh Cahyadi
" Pelayan tidak ramah dan tidak tahu cara pembayaran via mandiri e cash "
09 September 2017Melvira Sufjan
" Original chicken is the best and new garlic fries is soooo bad too much MSG.. makes me vomit and gives me headache..yuuckk!! "
22 July 2017Meiske Pratiwi
" Cool place for lunch..bring your children..they will love toys from chaki menu "
05 July 2017Ahmad Fauzi
" same as the others, but this place is quite spacious even tho sometimes its full and crowded but still remain "
18 June 2017Muhammad Izza
" Your safe picks for fast food "
17 June 2017Wes Hatadji
" My go to KFC place locally since it has front-facing outdoor seatings on the 2nd floor that one can enjoy eating while people watching. The food...well, it's KFC. However, the staff here is always nice & they keep the place clean & tidy. "
16 June 2017Witri Shafira
" Good place good food "
20 April 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Located in strategic place near Griya Buah Batu. Favourite place to eat after shopping. Not have many seating area, even for 1st floor and the 2nd. Many queue, but have enough parking area for car and motorcycle. "
12 April 2017Muhamad Alief Pratama
" The best fast food chicken! "
02 April 2017Hafidh Salviandy
" Good place to order some fast food, to bad the parking area is small "
17 March 2017Hedda Elfrida
" It's a good place to hangout and eat "
13 February 2017Razzaaqtegar
" Delicious fried chickeb ever and strategic place "
31 December 2016Widia Miharja
" Opened 24hr.. friendly service "
21 December 2016DJSyncVEVO
" Nice place for spent some money "
13 November 2016Mabril Hasni
" udah makan di sini bsk nya musuhan (noey) hahahaaha..... "
04 September 2016Achmad Daudy
" Cocok buat anak kampus nongkrong dan nyari makan "
17 July 2016Muhammad Reza Pratama
" My most favourite fast food franchise! "
14 July 2016Benly Hermawan
" Harga dan rasa standar KFC "
05 June 2016Gibran Toto
" Tempatnya cozy banget "
28 May 2016Sabar Wicaksana
" Dulu sering beli disini, tetapi sejak terjadi kasus penipuan paket wing bucket, jadi jrg beli lg. takut paketnya "sulapan" lagi "
26 June 2015Nuriyanto Ajjah
" Mantaps "
26 January 2013Rian Yulianto W
" Cocok buat yang darurat lapar nih "
17 February 2012