About Jandela Kopi
Jandela Kopi is a cafe, located at Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan No.43, Ciamis, Kec. Ciamis, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat 46211, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-2366-6624, visit their website instagram.com for more detailed information.
" Nice "
10 October 2020Dyudhanugraha
" Cozy place. Try their longblack and espresso. Snack and meal also taste good. "
03 August 2020Trisno Sutrisno
" A cozy place and nice coffee, you must try to visit this place with your enjoyable friends! "
15 March 2020Reyzalmysterio
" Cukupan aja tempatnya..
24 February 2020Harga moderate to high..
The place where we met after a short break up and realized that I was horribly deceived.. "
Agung Muharam
" Recommended ???? "
18 January 2020Ashril Siduck
" This is so cool. Awesome! "
14 July 2019Kei Bara
" Mantull boss... "
20 June 2019Kei Bara
" Mantull boss... "
20 June 2019Reyzalmysterio
" Cukupan aja tempatnya..
07 March 2019Harga moderate to high..
The place where I broke up and got to know that I was horribly deceived "
" Cukupan aja tempatnya..
07 March 2019Harga moderate to high..
The place where I broke up and got to know that I was horribly deceived "
Hilman Rabbani
" good coffe "
05 January 2019Hilman Rabbani
" good coffe "
05 January 2019STUDIO BEBAS
" retro and cozy place "
15 November 2018Firras Tsubagja
" Makanan enak, harga terjangkau hanya lahan parkir yang terbatas "
06 June 2018Johan Ferry
" Nice place,great coffee "
27 May 2018Nia Acih
" Tempat nya gampang dicari, menu nya enak. Harga ga bikin saku kosong. Rekomen.... "
05 May 2018Reza Aditya
" Suka sekali dengan espreso nya wajib coba "
26 March 2018Ikbar Syaiful Amam
" Juara nya kopi "
18 February 2018Tsabit Fuad
" Enak buat nongkrong, coffe nya enak juga. Recommended buat kalian yg lagi di ciamis "
16 February 2018Firman Ahmad Fauzi
" good place to enjoy coffee while stargazing on the rooftop "
29 September 2017Gin Hikmat
" Disini tersedia berbagai jenis kopi dan tempatnya nyaman,cocok bagi penghobi kopi "
09 September 2017Nova Novia
" Setelah kurang lebih satu tahun ga pulang ke Ciamis, pas kesini lagi taraaaaa banyak banget tempat nongkrong seperti cafe salah satunya jendela kopi .. Tempatnya kekinian banget cocok untuk kumpul bareng temen "
10 July 2017Indri Tri Lestari
" Enak buat nongkrong "
22 June 2017Yula Denita
" Afogato sama matcha green tea paling recomnd "
12 June 2017Fazar J Zakaria
" Selamat pagi pak guru besar yang akan datang ke Indonesia "
30 May 2017Gilang G
" Nyaman untuk menikmati secangkir coffee "
29 May 2017Oky Nurprasetyo
" Mantap kopinya. Enak tempatnya "
19 April 2017Riko Chandra
" Tangga nya lumayan ekstrim untuk ibu hamil "
11 April 2017