About JM Top Optical - Carrefour Cibinong
JM Top Optical - Carrefour Cibinong is a store, located at Carrefour Cibinong, Ground Floor No. 4, JL. Raya Bogor, Kilometer 41, Cibinong, Bogor, Ciriung, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java 16918, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 87915567, visit their website www.jmtopoptical.com for more detailed information.
Raysa Kay
" This place oftenly place the wrong price tag and didnt open more cashier although the queue is so long like 5 ppl with bunchload of stuff, and the open cashier are only 2-3. "
08 June 2019Eve Komala
" I've just wanna buy this swallow sandal in UG.As I put it on cashier desk,she asked me how it cost.And then she asked me to go to Ground floor coz she cannot scan the barcode.Heyyy..I'm the one who wanna buy here.Not your employee!Don't sell if you don't know the price! "
20 March 2019Yoanes Fredy
" Little bit expensive than others "
26 February 2019Maximillian Alexander
" the store's inside feels cheap, but the prices aren't "
17 February 2019Ayung Sutrisno
" Need to focus on adding staff on cashier specially on weekend and holiday very long que. "
06 January 2019Ah Fatich
" It's ok and nice "
13 December 2018Agus Muhidin
" Ok "
12 December 2018Ernie Yosidaniar
" I always shopping here, complete and lots of places to eat "
09 October 2018Andri Setiadi
" just simple way to malling "
15 August 2018حليم أحمد
" Good, complete, one of the best hypermart in bekasi. "
14 August 2018Dxwa Misused
" Seandainya jumlah kasir yg aktif bisa disesuaikan dengan antrean customer.. "
11 June 2018Ragna Play
" Sejak selesai renovasi, tampilan produk2nya kurang begitu bagus.. produk2 fresh nya terlihat buruk dan tidak fresh.. "
10 June 2018Hana Yuliana
" Karna deket dr rumah boleh lah... Buat tempat belanja bulanan... Tp syng skrg aga diperkecil tmptnya aja.. "
10 June 2018PRIBADI, 'Ngkuk
" good position and prospect "
05 June 2018Yarin Ramadanti
" One of the best departemen store "
31 May 2018Akrim Aisyana
" Carrefour Transmart Artos Magelang "
29 May 2018Donny Bahar
" Carefour mmg top "
28 May 2018Daniel Saputra
" A very good supermarket. Its fruit section has the best price and quality compare to other supermarket. Give 10% discount for purchasing with Bank Mega credit card. Free frying and roasting for fish product "
26 May 2018Dede Natalino
" Serba ada "
26 May 2018Kiki Rizky Agustina
" Just another regular supermarket. However Carrefour Kramat Jati cater to a more humble market segment, that said the products they provide probably not as varied. Location wise, it is located right at the heart of Kramat Jati, traffic jam should be expected, and the surrounding area consist makeshift groceries stalls - hence the 24/7 fishy smells. Inside, not many people visit the place therefore not much line at the check out counters. "
26 May 2018Richard Sapta Bharata
" I like carrefour because it has mostly everything inside. Even they have stall serving hot food. But the best Tamini's carrefour that you dont have queing for along time. "
25 May 2018Geenanto_ ID
" Kurang lengkap "
24 May 2018Iwan Kurniawan
" Ok "
23 May 2018Lazwardi
" this place still on going project right now.. and it will be a great place to shopping and play with your families "
22 May 2018Meilinda Anis
" Medium tier kind of mall.. "
21 May 2018Ensa Zundawan
" a great place to shop for all your household needs at affordable prices, great discounts and attractive promotions "
20 May 2018Eri Cahyono
" Located inside Solo Paragon Lifestyle Mall. Providing many kind of daily needs and some fashion stuffs. Like other Carrefour store in other place . "
19 May 2018Brian Sharp
" average Carrefore store. Good range of groceries "
18 May 2018Reza Marselli
" nice place to shopping and bring our kids "
16 May 2018Aditya Noor
" It is a big shopping center located in the ITC depok. The place near bus station and train station. The place is on the 2nd and 3rd floor. It also has a big parking lot. It is a good place for family with children. Outside the shopping center, there are a lot of tenant. "
15 May 2018Renaldi Firmansyah
" Ok "
15 May 2018Nasser Aldahmani
" Nice and cheap, also you will find everything under one roof "
15 May 2018Quidie Nylam
" Ok "
15 May 2018Bondan Wiratmoko B.s.
" One of the complete mart inside soloparagon lifestyle mall. But overall nearly the same content with other hypermart around solo "
07 May 2018Abizar Algifary
" Good "
07 May 2018Shine Irvin
" You can buy every needs here. But it quite hot here. "
06 May 2018Novadi Mulyanto
" Not really fun to hang out here. "
06 May 2018Izudin Izzy
" Belanja kebutuhan harian disini....harga bersaing ....kadang suka ada diskon "
04 May 2018Dono Suckty
" Paling oke lah.. parkiran, tempat makan dan tempat bermain anak. Nyaman pula "
03 May 2018Christian L
" They sell rotten plum for idr 4000 each "
02 May 2018Andre Santoso
" Seperti halnya toko lainnya, Carrefour disini besar dan lengkap. Menyediakan segala kebutuhan rumah tangga, fashion, kosmetik, elektronik, kue dan roti, sayuran dan buah segar, serta daging dan ikan. Pelayanan staff baik dan ramah. Kebersihan area toko baik. "
02 May 2018R.M Isa
" A place for monthly shopping. Therefore, for relax and enjoyable shopping time should be avoided around pay day. "
02 May 2018Eddy Kristov
" Complete super market with local price "
02 May 2018Call/WA 0852 8888 8215 Make Up Wisuda Makassar
" expectacular "
01 May 2018Mohamad Rizal
" Kalau belanja disini, pakai kartu kredit Bank Mega saja. Lumayan diskon 10% all item ;) "
01 May 2018Ira Kuswira
" Ok "
01 May 2018Charles Andresen
" Poor layout for a department store. Jakarta stores are better and this one lacks products found in Jakarta. "
01 May 2018Johan Chen
" ok "
01 May 2018Dandun W
" Supermarket di tepi jalan Raya Pasar Minggu...
01 May 2018Gedungnya terdiri atas dua lantai. Lantai dasar untuk toko dan Food court. Lantai atas untuk supermarket Carrefour.
Kondisi saat ini (April 2018), di supermarket relatif sepi pengunjung. Sebagian minuman dingin, tidak dalam kondisi dingin walaupun di letakkan di lemari pendingin...
Di lantai dasar, banyak toko yang tutup.
Kondisinya, secara umum, hidup segan.. Mati tak mau....
Supermarket on jalan raya Pasar Minggu ...
The building consists of two floors. Ground floor for shop and Food court. Upstairs to Carrefour supermarket.
Current conditions (April 2018), in the relatively quiet supermarket visitors. Some drinks are cold, not in cold condition even though they are put in the refrigerator ...
On the ground floor, many shops are closed.
Conditions, in general, life shrink .. Dead do not want .... "
Nokhy Haliman
" ok "
30 April 2018Elfiandy Djambak
" Location in ITC Depok and sorrounding many hand phone shop. Carrefore sale fashion and household necessicities. "
30 April 2018Erna Pradipta
" Dirty place, not fresh vegetables and fruits even some is rotten, many products near the expired date. Not crowded place to shop "
28 April 2018Erni Ningrat
" Here we can find fresh fruits and vegetables "
28 April 2018Repost Video
" Good place to buy daily used "
28 April 2018Retno Tripalupi
" If i compare groceries in Giant with Carrefour, i prefer in Giant. Why? Becoz they give more good deal with their goods. In here the space are way to large and their goods not so much. Me personal a bit not comfort to shop here "
27 April 2018Arya Prihartian
" Supermarket carefur pucuk palembang square "
27 April 2018Sarjono Bregas
" Find your basic needs "
27 April 2018Sarjono Bregas
" Find your basic needs "
27 April 2018Amalia Shabrina
" Nice place to find good stuff "
26 April 2018Sandy Setiadi
" They need more cashier at weekdays after office hour "
25 April 2018Ridzky Ferrarian Wibisono
" Sudah tidak seramai, selengkap dan sebaik dulu. Kualitas air di toilet dan untuk wudhu tidak bening. "
23 April 2018Lukas Hendra Gunadi
" You can find a lot of thing here "
23 April 2018Aulia Ali
" Easy to reach, convenient and complete "
23 April 2018Kwon 18
" Kalo pengalaman saya yang kurang enak adalah kamar mandinya kurang bersih
22 April 2018Pelayanannya sudah baik, ramah"
Tempat gamenya lumayan besar.. Anak" pasti suka kalo di ajak kesini
Parkirnya luas banget
Yang mau cari perlengkapan dapur disini bisa di bilang lengkap
Apalagi kalo mau cari dengan harga yang sedikit miring "
Endy Shendhy
" Ramee muluu "
21 April 2018Bayu Agung Prasetio
" Ok "
21 April 2018Susanti Puji Astuti
" The price bit higher if you dont have mega card "
20 April 2018Sigit Dwihartono
" Comfy place to shop "
20 April 2018E. Adiweno
" Quiet place not soo crowd "
19 April 2018Dian Pratiwi
" Tempat belanja lengkap..sayuran dan buahnya segar..barang import sama lokalnya jg banyak "
18 April 2018Wenny Laksamana
" Good "
16 April 2018Abdul Karim
" Best place for shoping "
14 April 2018Arasticha Elnadyah
" good place to shopping "
14 April 2018Bagus Abdee Negara
" Top "
14 April 2018Sun Cahyadi
" Buy groceris "
12 April 2018Saut Sembiring
" Ok "
11 April 2018Ari Wibowo
" #just
08 April 2018#lookingfor
👌👌👌 "
Eleanor Ariff
" Pretty convinient grocery store and most of all the items here are pretty cheap. They renovated the shopping area and had made it more spacious "
08 April 2018Yona Ramadhana
" Harganya standar sama seperti Carrefour lainnya. Carrefour dibedakan setiap lantainya tergantunh kategorinya. Banyak diskon-diskon juga. Selain itu, ada foodcourt di dalem sini. Tapi saya ga bisa sebutin ada makanan apa aja di foodcourt itu "
08 April 2018Shanti Dewi
" Panas tempatnya..ga recommended buat belanja lama2..kalo sebentar oklah "
08 April 2018Hardiansyah
" Belanja diskon 10% dgn mega card "
08 April 2018Bambang Iswahyudi
" Belanja dadakan, lagi ada cari barang pas lewat sini, yah isinya sama saja dengan carrefour yg lain hanya disini lebih sepi mungkin ramai kalau sabtu minggu atau pas tanggal muda "
06 April 2018Ibed Eror
" Standar lahhh "
06 April 2018Asri Jaya
" Raining but it's fine "
06 April 2018Zaenal Abidin
" Good Place for shopping groceries & Fresh products.. "
05 April 2018Gushie P. Hutapea
" lumayan lah "
04 April 2018Mirza Rio
" Not too crowded... All you can find...include furniture, shoes, electronic... Anything... "
30 March 2018Nuri Arsyanti
" Good for Shopping "
28 March 2018Yuliana Emayda1
" Good place "
26 March 2018Ilham Nugraha
" This place is good for those who want to buy daily neccessary and products. "
23 March 2018Inti Krisnawati
" Nice place for shopping. On weekends, usually there is discount program here. We could buy some product cheaper. So, make sure to check the catalog first before going shopping. "
23 March 2018Peter De Jager
" Difficult to reach cause traffic jams. Good fish department. "
23 March 2018Patoni Toni
" Good "
18 March 2018Egidiaegidia 123
" Not too crowded... i like to shop here. "
15 March 2018Aries Tito
" Not very crowded. Many food stalls and restaurants. Have discounts shoes store. Lots of parking lots. This is head quarters of Carefour Indonesia and should be the most complete store that Carefour ever had in Indonesia. "
12 March 2018Buddy Antara
" Medium supermarket category. Free park. Atm center. 2 floor. No famous restaurant, only small booth of hoka hoka bento. Good for quick shopping "
09 March 2018Farry Aprianto
" It used to be better before managed by Trans, pure French retail. "
07 March 2018Memek Soeroto
" Vast Department Store modern and pleasant to have leiseruly stroll "
07 March 2018Justraedi
" It is a market for your daily needs, but it is not a fancy one,and they like almost "die" "
07 March 2018Ole Gubole
" Nice place "
03 March 2018Mia Del Rosario
" ✔️Carrefour's main branch so you will find almost anything here. Lots of restaurants on the first floor, also an ATM gallery and a mosque. Very big open parking space. What a lot of people don't know is that there is an indoor parking behind the building.
01 March 2018❌A very big maze to go through so it takes a long time to find things. Quite busy on the weekends. There is never enough cashiers open. The indoor parking is only open from 10 am, not good for early shoppers. "
Nikodemus Gunawan
" this France-based store chain is stocked with nearly everything, whether it is the furniture, electronics, appliances, clothing, footwear, and grocery items here you can get whatever you want, and with its large, air conditioned room this hypermarket has become a shopper's paradise "
20 February 2018Dewi Kusnadi
" ok "
17 February 2018Reza Firmansyah, S.Si.
" A cozy place to shop, and lots of good place to dine.
16 February 2018Can't wait to see how well it will be if the place can be transformed to Transmart, like most other Carrefours. "
Vincent Wijaya
" Transmart "
15 February 2018Rina Rn
" A great place for monthly shopping. From grocery to furniture, you can buy them here. You can get 10% off if you have a certain credit card. It's really useful for me if I want to buy some electronics. "
15 February 2018Surya Pujoyono
" Located near hotel & food store "
14 February 2018Bobby Mizutani
" Nice and big hypermarket. Sell a lot of groceries product for everyday needs. Sometimes there is a special price or promotion price. Also you will get extra discount if using credit card or debit card from their bank. "
11 February 2018Hasanuddin Djamil
" This place is ordinary and not too crowded. Maybe, because this place is not too visible from the street. "
07 February 2018Mas Dinnu
" Huge and complete. If you want to find any stuff for your home stuff they have it. Even the electrical like tv, rice cooker, chair, table, book and any other stuff. Located at the basement very convenient if you want to go there. From lobby you can directly go downstairs to found this place or just using elevator and press b2 "
05 February 2018Asrita-Chan 170899
" Lumayan aja gitu "
05 February 2018Clair
" Quiet on Sunday.
04 February 2018Smaller outlet than MOI "
Neha Lalchandani
" My go-to supermarket located very close to where I live in Sunter. Quite large and is well-stocked as it has all the necessary items one needs on a day-to-day basis. Oh and you'll find Nutella with security tags to prevent shoplifters. Now you know which spread is more desirable ;) "
26 January 2018Daniel Evans
" The best place to buy rotten fruit and chicken in Jakarta. "
21 January 2018RIDWAN Fit
20 January 2018Nadiyah Nadiyah
" Not good enough. Bad smell are noticed on the front structure "
19 January 2018Admin Admin
" Bangus "
16 January 2018Asri Hartani
" Plenty of choice various goods food , vegetables and fruits, but for local product, if you find import product of food you can't find in this place, and milk, also vegetables I try find organic vegetables but cannot find it, they didn't sell. And now this place after renovation was smaller than before big supermarket. "
15 January 2018Altug Bayrak
" Quite large supermarket where you can find all groceries and Quick bites "
12 January 2018Dewi Puspitasari
" Sorry to say but the price way to high as they are some other place with competitive price "
02 January 2018M. Nasril R. Sonda
" Kekurangan mall ini adalah TDK adanya bioskop didalamnya!!! "
01 January 2018Fathimah Sulistyowati
" Generally affordable prices, but I personally think they makeup collections isn't complete and diverse enough, as they only have a few make-up brands' booth. "
30 December 2017Khairudin Midaryatno
" Nice place to shop, lil' bit pricey i think "
30 December 2017Randy Chandra
" Large hypermarket that is a bit creepy, probably because of the layout. Prices are fair, large parking space, easy to find. "
27 December 2017Bayu Pratama
" claimed to be the best price and It's guaranted. but the fact is different, the Best price is only for GIGA BANK card or credit card user, many 'fake' buy 1 get 1 program unless you confirm it at cashier. the cashier operational time also 'do as they please', eventhough the queue is long, but as long as It's still morning, they only open 1 cashier slot. "
24 December 2017Henry Wahyu
" This supermarket has a complete products. All of products are placed at 1 floor and 2 floor. We able to find it quickly.
24 December 2017This building just used by Carrefour. The parking area is very large. They an offer for free parking all of time. This offer is very seldom to find in Jakarta. It become the promote stategic for the customer to coming back. "
Putra Wibawana
" Great place, there a food court available "
20 December 2017Hastuty Sofyan
" Kaca matanya bagus-bagus "
16 December 2017Suganda Muji Saputro
" untuk belanja di kios kios, silahkan untuk pintar menawar, suasananya ramai, dengan space yang terkesan sempit, jadi untuk urusan kenyamanan tergantung masing-masing orang senangnya bagaimana "
14 December 2017Animbyo Putra
" Poor in respond to client's complains. Inconsistent promo. Slacking staff. even more when store nearly closed. "
08 December 2017Jido CABC
" Really nice place to having a shop in here.. There are alot of things that you need either for your house or for yourself! Hope it is getting bigger and bigger! Here also give u chance to have their credit card that will give you extra discount! "
01 December 2017George Inaldo
" I observed it's no longer as good as when it's just been opened years ago - displays, services, varieties of products, prices, etc...... any reason why?
30 November 2017Worse for vehicles, that the store is located at PVJ, which is widely-known for traffic, difficult/busy and expensive parking.
I observed the same scenario, as the former above, happens at the other branches as well.
But also had advantage being in PVJ, as no more other big supermarket in this place. "
Andrew Kwok
" Modern market for daily needs. Some branch have a free parking, price standart ( 10% discount using Bank Mega credit card, and plus 5% if you have Bank Mega debit card) "
24 November 2017Sugeng Lestarianto
" Big Place, lots of parking area but it appears there are very few customer here.
23 November 2017Kinda weird because Carrefour usually attract a lot of shoppers.
It is maybe because of the nearby tip top supermarket. "
Nursidi Yuanto
" Good supermarket, provide many choice of things, a lot of discount of meal. "
20 November 2017Ahmad Nurrofiq
" Nice place to shop "
17 November 2017Ronnie Gthree
" Great store great hypermarket. Right place to find things what you need "
15 November 2017Benediktus Galih Pradipta
" 2 story supermarket. Located inside paragon mall. Pricing : middle up. Ambience : 8/10. Many choices of groceries. "
14 November 2017Gunawan Wardhana
" A good and nice ace to do your groceries shopping, the staff is helpful. "
13 November 2017Fika Masruroh
" Great place to do grocery. Great place with cheap price.. "
10 November 2017Rifki Syahputra
" not too crowded, sometimes have good promo stuffs "
07 November 2017Syifa Nailufar
" More cheaper. A lot of discounts. Providing a lot of goods you need "
06 November 2017Muhammad Rusli
" I dont know perfect about this place "
03 November 2017Riyanto Derek
" good "
30 October 2017Muhammad Hari Cahyono
" Good place.. good price.. "
28 October 2017Bastian Calvin Derangga
" Just carefour and their tenants here, like wendys , phd, etc "
26 October 2017Bintang Septiarani
" not really different with other carrefour "
26 October 2017Abdul Aziz Dzaki Azhari
" Really good place. Nice and clean. "
19 October 2017Matius Gatot
" Big place, free and a lot of parking area, price is more expensive than other supermarket "
15 October 2017Kadek Wiryawan
" Nice Place For Shopping, Have Fun For Family & Kids, Complete Stuff, Good Service & Professional "
14 October 2017Paulus Kristian
" Complete and cheap "
09 October 2017Win Smallville
" For the quality of goods that are sold well according to local standards. but very disappointing stock items are often empty often when shopping for the sought-after item does not exist. for a quiet comfortable place! only this place is less complete goods on sale.
07 October 2017Agar lebih banyak yang belanja harusnya pihak manajement carrefour sunter Meningkat produck yang di jual "
Jalal Basyarahil
" Pedagang pakaian sama dengan di Pasar tradisional Depok Timur, Pusat HP baru dan bekas. "
05 October 2017Anna Susiana
" Very big and convenient place for groceries.
02 October 2017Many restaurant and foid stall at the ground floor.
Traffic is really bad going there because so many contractions going on the neighborhood. "
Jennyfer Christina .T
" Easiest access to find.anything I need "
01 October 2017Rita Pranawati
" Carefour lebak bulus is the complete supermarket, nice place to have dinner lunch together with friend and family "
29 September 2017Suroyo _Jr
" Tempat berbelanja yang cocok bagi anda yang menginginkan harga murah dan lengkap "
24 September 2017Cindhi Cintokowati
" Compared to other outlet, its product is not complete in variance. Tips: read carefully the T&C should they offer discounts. "
21 September 2017Jimmy Kosikin
" Good place.. has a lot of good restaurant. The hypermarket also complete "
20 September 2017Zulkifli Taher
" Luas dan bersih serta nyaman. Pelayananya cepat memuaskan "
19 September 2017Nova
" Gerah, gak pake ac pakenya kipas angin kayak di toko grosir 😥 "
19 September 2017Bosi Manurung
" Nice place for shopping. "
14 September 2017Winda Putri
" Belanja gak harus desak-desakan dan gak perlu antri lama. Kalo beli elektronik suka disini karna harganya sering lebih murah dibanding toko elektronik lain, free delivery untuk jarak max. 5 km, dapet diskon lagi buat pengguna credit card mega. "
14 September 2017Citramed Engineering
" Ok "
09 September 2017Steven Ramsey
" Underground parking is fowl smelling; like you are crawling through the sewer to get here. Saw a rat run across the floor in the produce section towards the coolers near the dry water bottle shelves. Prices are higher than Diamond by 10%. Service is pathetic. Takes 5 people to determine no stock in back and another two people to even determine the price of furniture for sale. Haven't gone back here for months. "
08 September 2017Aulia Azhari
" pretty good mart. not too small and pretty complete for your daily needs "
08 September 2017Elvina Situmorang
" Jualannya lengkap "
08 September 2017Heru Setiadi
" Narrow space for rack corridor and clashing when comes to crowded time. "
06 September 2017Erwin Ardiansyah
" Good place "
05 September 2017Tri Wibowo , ST
" Nice place to shoping "
04 September 2017Sutomo Juwono
" This outlet is always busy and line up at cashiers. Service is lousy. Sometimes 12 people line up at cashier and no effort to open a new cashier. I think a moron runs the cashier schedule at this place "
04 September 2017A A
" 1. The quality of food here is not as good as other locations.
01 September 20172. How they shelf items is messy. They need to put labels on isles and group items by logical categories.
3. They sell non - halal meat in a Muslim country!!! "
Rika Febriani
" I enjoy to shop in Carrefour ITC Depok for groceries shopping. It's complete from food and electronics stuff. For the new students in Depok (UI and Gunadarma) consider this place for your boarding needs, it's quite cheap compare to traditional market. There are other Carrefour in jl. Dewi sartika depok, haven't go there. But I think this one is really cool and you can shop also for cheap clothes in ITC. "
01 September 2017Sutomo Juwono
" This is the most popular grocery store. Always busy, not the cheapest. Hate the long lines of cashier "
28 August 2017Assgaf Ali Ridho
" Ok "
27 August 2017Juwita D. Tyas
" Big supermarket, some fast food restos. Free parking "
27 August 2017Ira Mayasari
" This is whole sale ... everything you need is here in shaa allah "
26 August 2017Wintomo Tjandra
" Get 10% discount by paying with Mega credit card. "
25 August 2017Wawan Soegiono
" Good "
19 August 2017Muhadzib Mashur
" New mart still upgrading, not much come but crowd if weekend or salary time, get another mart like superindo or tiptop to more cheaper "
19 August 2017Bagus Susanto
" So far so good "
17 August 2017Aditya Hap
" very nice "
16 August 2017Andi Lesmana
" Retail yg luas "
13 August 2017Jessica Myrlinda
" Crews are nice. Variety available.
13 August 2017The food section not too good like other that's the bad side. Other than that everything it's quite good 😍😍😍😍 "
Amazing Klang
" A nice variety of goods for the locals with reasonable prices. "
12 August 2017Jamal Salem
" Same Carrefour.. alot of other shops around. Taxi available "
09 August 2017Poppy S
" You can get everything you need with a good price and easy to find "
09 August 2017Naomi Panjaitan
" It opens from 7 a.m, it has a small quick store on the ground floor, it has a mosque, and the best part for me that the bakery has reasonable price "
08 August 2017Faza Hazim
" old shopping ppace but still have reason price "
07 August 2017Max Fadil
" It is the good supermarket in good areas. "
03 August 2017Elif Ardianto
" What I love from this branch of Carrefour is its free largw parking lot. "
03 August 2017Juni Indira
" As the head of all Carrefour branch, this modern retail shop provided some products that you can't find it in others. Can be used to compare prices or having discount and cheaper cost because it offers one stop shopping including restaurant and cafe to go to. Free parking if you buy an amount of products that above the term and conditions. "
02 August 2017Gregorius Handaru
" The place is good. The prices are marked-up? "
02 August 2017Vctr Mnp
" I just don't like it, not recommended place. "
31 July 2017Mas Am
" Lots of goods for daily or just other things placed here. "
30 July 2017Jeff O.S
" The products aren't that cheap compared to other options and they turn off the air conditioner to save money, since you get free parking "
24 July 2017Seo Jason
" 일단 택시가 들어갈때 2천루피아를 지불해야한다.
21 July 2017그런데 막상 들어가면 살 게 없다.
발리만 오는 사람들은 모르겠지만~ 대부분 수입제품들이 있어서
그다지 싸지 않다.. 미니마트 같은데 말고.. 동네 마트좀 큰 곳이 훨씬싸니 가격을
잘 비교해보기 바란다.
나는 발리오면 한달 두달씩 머무르기 때문에 들리는 거지만..
1주 이하로 단기 여행오는 분들은 절대 올 필요가 없는 곳이다. "
Emil Simanungkalit
" Not too big & not too crowded. But everything you need, this dept store can provide it. "
20 July 2017Cindhi Cintokowati
" It's located inside of Blok M Square, 3rd floor. Pretty big retail store. Carrefour used to be family's favorite due to its low price, but it doesn't hold true anymore. "
20 July 2017Shinta Makarim
" I like to go shopping here. Wide place yet confortable. So many option for home and living. Food also good "
" Bagus luas tempatnya...seru..puas...top "
17 July 2017Salim Munajat
" Strategis, serba ada dan harga standar "
15 July 2017Luthfi Abd
" Complete super market. Main problem : parking space is often full "
14 July 2017Ricky Andhika Gumilang
" Widest area for a hypermarket. Complete product range for monthly household groceries. Parking area is quite wide.Strongly not recommend shopping in payday period. "
14 July 2017I Gusti Putu Ananta Wiratmaja
" Lots of products sold here with competitive prices. Enormous space! "
13 July 2017Ricky Caesar
" Good option for groceries. And they also provide ready to eat meals here. "
12 July 2017Agung Satrio
" Tempatnya nyaman parkiran luas, tiket parkir murah "
08 July 2017Rino Raines
" Good place for lunch "
08 July 2017Ramzul Zen
" This is a good place to buy things from food,clothes until house utensils..and even cars and houses when there is a housing fair "
07 July 2017Jehoo Rhmn
" It's quite hard to notice this grocery building. Located in the 2nd floor, the grocery sells a lot of things we need. They have quite wide parking area. "
05 July 2017Kikie Jochny
" This is our carrefour. I like the way they arrange all their items.
04 July 2017Very complete..
One thing I don't like how the conveyor belt never works! Please fix it - I don't like pushing my items to the cashier. "
Eko Anggoro
" Spacious parking lot combined with few people that shop here makes this place looks empty "
04 July 2017Happy Ferdian
" Before Transmart Carrefour Depok opened in Dewi Sartika Street, this supermarket is known as the biggest in the city. It takes two storey at ITC Depok and sells a lot of groceries, clothes, and electronic in good prices. "
03 July 2017Josephine Lestari
" Parking free, easy to enter. A lot of products, fairly priced. "
03 July 2017Euvine Winarni
" Dirty, difficult to find things (perhaps planogram strategy was not systematically correct?). Luckily some of the employees are quite helpfull. "
02 July 2017Muhammad Takdir Septyan
" This place was not so good. Unmaintained building. But it is worth to buy groceries here. "
01 July 2017Singgih Priyambodo
" Time to shoping "
28 June 2017Indra Gunawan
" Cukup komplit dan murah buat belanja kebutuhan dapur walaupun hanya satu lantai, tetapi parkiran cukup luas dan Gratis beda dengan mall lainnya. "
28 June 2017Risyad H
" It has variety of goods. Most of the time is crowded on the cashier so you have to wait about 10-15 minutes "
27 June 2017Andy Sunata
" Discount 10% with mega carrefour credit card "
27 June 2017Dimas Aninditya
" Large, provide everything you need for households. Lack of information signs, it took me more than 5 minutes to find automotive section. "
26 June 2017Endy Lius
" Not the best carrefour and the place is hot with. Many missing things here. Good thing it has free parking. "
25 June 2017Eko Feriyanto
" Besar, megah tapi tidak siap uang kecil untuk kembalian. Mau ditagih nanti katanya perhitungan betul.... 😐 "
23 June 2017Jempol Top
" Its a modern public hypermarket "
23 June 2017Fath Ade Surya
" Not much fun in this mall. The parking space is huge but the pavement is not good. The Matahari departement store here is the cheapest i think. And carefour is huge here. "
23 June 2017Safee Peters
" This carrefour has been neglected (hasn't been maintained) they don't sell a wide variety of breads (rolls / baguettes), they do have an A&W inside which was unexpected but counts in it's favour, but ultimately i won't be returning "
21 June 2017Kevin Reza
" Typical carrefour.. "
21 June 2017Citra Williams
" Nice people and good price! "
20 June 2017Dennise Aprianto
" Good "
19 June 2017Teguh Sukmo Prayitno
" Nice placed "
16 June 2017Lia Purnamasari
" Besides the fact that it sells household equipment and daily supplies, it also has in-store restaurants with various menus and bakery with many cakes collections! The baguette is very recommended. "
16 June 2017Julio Tan
" Perfect "
16 June 2017Cithius Harisax
" Clean... "
15 June 2017Achmad Kholif
" Love this plaza. It's not too crowded. Quite complete of entertainment, espesially for children bellow 7th year old. "
13 June 2017Agung Murdiyanto
" one among complete supermarkets in depok with highly top branded products sold "
13 June 2017Yessy Pertamisari
" One stop shopping "
13 June 2017Hap Hap
" Comforttable "
07 June 2017Nia Gusniati
" Good place to visit with family. We can do shopping at carefour supermarket and matahari dept store. There are also many nice restaurant "
06 June 2017Mia Fitriyanti
" ever since Carrefour has been taken over by trans, the products' prices are sure much higher. Nothing special from this supermarket except the food corner when you can sit a while and enjoy some cooked food such as otak2, nasi goreng, tahu gejrot, assorted gorengan, and salad. I quiet like their cincau ijo. "
26 May 2017Sutopo
" Agan semua mau tanya dong. Di carefure madiun ada jual produck eletronik Tv gak ya?? Dan disana bisa pakai kredit card cicilan 0% apa tidak ya?? Thanks "
25 May 2017Teddy Zugana
" Super favorite place commerce "
25 May 2017Parlin Pakpahan
" One of the best places in Depok city to shop for basic needs and others here.
24 May 2017Any goods are available and the price is relatively cheap and the place is comfortable full ac. "
Panji Aria
" pro: there is big enough mosque in it...and it provides iftar every monday and thursday.
24 May 2017cons: restroom "
Eric Whereareyou
" As the name says it is a super market. Located on basement level -2. Ask to the security if you can not find it. Wine shop there. Bakery too "
22 May 2017Dhifan Kurnia
" Supermarket favorit se madiun "
10 May 2017Clara Azelia
" Nice groceries store. Provide a lot of brand for your daily needs "
10 May 2017Gandhi Ferdinand
" Not really comfortable when you have to move the things you wanna buy from upper floor to ground floor... Perhaps they should provide a travellator... "
08 May 2017Gas Engine
" Ok "
08 May 2017Vicky Christiaan
" hypermarket name carrefour, complete stuff nice staf good place to shopping daily needs "
03 May 2017Ragil Bagus Agung Budiyono
" Cozy place for hangout "
29 April 2017Fendy Endiarta
" Tempatnya bersih, pelayanan ramah, harga spesial jika menggunakan kartu kredit Bank Mega. "
29 April 2017Nazgul Nightmare
" Ini bukan carrefour "
27 April 2017Yadi Acho
" Selisih tidak bisa Di bayar. Mahal.. "
24 April 2017Tomy Sutiyoso
" Good price for daily food shopping and have a nice workshop for polish your car "
24 April 2017Chris Raharjo
" Ok "
24 April 2017Hana Naibaho
" Not too bad "
24 April 2017Romzy Djibran
" paling suka deh kalo belanja disini, mau nyari apa aja ada "
24 April 2017George Gilberd Salambauw
" S u k a s h o p i n g s g r k u n j u n g i l a h "
23 April 2017Sigit Budi Priyono
" Free parking for shopping basic needs and groceries. "
23 April 2017Denni Kurnia
" Offered variety of products to choose. Price was affordable. "
22 April 2017Errol Surjadjaja
" Quite easy to shop ang find parking space "
21 April 2017Witri Shafira
" Comfortable "
21 April 2017Wilbert
" Carrefour disini lengkap dan desainnya cukup baik meski kurang mantap. Carrefour PV ini mengisi lantai GF dan 1 Mal PV.
20 April 2017bagian carrefour di GF juga dekat dengan tenant makanan seperti Wendy's, Yie Thou, Baskin Robins, dll. "
Herry Santoso
" In the centre of solo city inside solo paragon mall. "
20 April 2017Miftachul Huda
" Nice shoping "
18 April 2017Andi Wijaya
" Tempat perbelanjaan komplit. Berada di dalam mall MTC dan Karebosi Link. "
18 April 2017Rusli Abdullah
" Not so crowded with huge parking area. "
16 April 2017Nabila Aigaara
" The price is cheaper compared to other supermarkets out there. The fruit n vegetables are fresh. "
14 April 2017Vegan Liu
" pilihan barang sangat banyak...
14 April 2017namun harga tdk cukup murah, kecuali pake kartu kredit bank yg melakukan promosi dgn carefour "
Yohana Aushani
" Enjoy weekend & shopp "
13 April 2017Ikanx Fadhli
" Nice place to buy everyday needs. Groceries, electronics, even furniture... unfortunately, there is no praying room. "
10 April 2017Happy Yudika
" It's the most complete supermarket in Surakarta. Selling beers and local snacks. "
07 April 2017Winda Maharani
" The biggest carrefour in Jakarta. Big parking space. Other than carrefour also have several shops and resto. "
06 April 2017Wawan Fabian
" A good place for shooping with family "
06 April 2017Mitha Adeo
" Easy to choose and buy some fruits and vegetables "
02 April 2017Giet Kusuma
" Alot of space car park, free first 2 hour park when the bill above IDR 300,000 "
31 March 2017Yung Gunawan
" Very strategic location. Big supermarket with lots of choices of daily need. Selling alcohol is a big plus for me. :-) Plenty of parking spots. Food court need some improvements as far as the tenant there. Traffic on the way here might be little bit congested because of the MRT development. "
31 March 2017A Google User
" Karena di sana adalah salah satu supermarket yg lengkap "
31 March 2017Ananto Hermawan
" enak sepi, drpd macet... mau belanja uyel uyelan???? 2017 belanja harus bebas macet, bebas keramaian kebisingan... "
28 March 2017Nanang Faisal
" Another choice for weekend, it's a good choice bring our kids to play around "
28 March 2017Prima Hastama
" Spacious supermarket in town, but over-crowded... cashline queue is nightmare... "
26 March 2017Ian Orri
" Nice place to hang out....enjoy a cup of coffee or sing a song in karaoke. "
20 March 2017Andi Ekasari
" Tempat dekat parkiran, jadinya bising, penuh asap kendaraan, tp suasana dlm swalayan sejuk serta lumayan lengkap "
20 March 2017James York
" Other than the large supermarket there is not much to do here. Come to get some final cheap souvenirs or to stock up on food and water during your holiday "
20 March 2017Bobby Suristian
" Mau di upgrade jadi Transmart "
19 March 2017Nina Putriana
" Tempatnya sangat enak,nyaman dan aman ... Apalagi pelayanan kasir nya sangat ramah2 dan yang paling penting lg adalah sangat2 dekat dari jalan raya sehingga tidak perlu jauh2 jalan pas dari turun angkot nya.. Dan disitu ada burger mini yg sangat enak dan lezat . "
18 March 2017Ardian Perdana Putra
" I visit this shopping center at least once a month. Quite good place for family hangout. "
17 March 2017Devy Ade Kusyanti
" It's need a strong effort if we want to buy something there, because the place quite crowded. "
16 March 2017Dimas Aninditya
" Most complete Carrefour in Jakarta. From household to furniture. From vegetables to poison rodent. Not to mention they also sells electric scooter. "
15 March 2017Daniel Purnomo
" Bright, friendly staff, plenty parking spaces, good promotion with Mega Card, and please keep up the number of SKUs and keep adding them. "
14 March 2017Aji Adinegoro
" Nice place for shoping "
08 March 2017Dunn Sanz
" Convenient and you can get almost all of the local products at a reasonable price. The best place to buy fresh fish and it is also a reliable source of meat and vegetables. You can dine before and after you shop for your groceries. "
07 March 2017Risky Setiawan
" it's always pleasure to shop any grocery in here. best price in OK quality. you can cook your meat and eat here, just like one stop shopping. the only problem is the toilet so dirty and smell bad, and there is so many sales promotion guys that offer their brochure, sometimes bother us to get through our way. parking space is spacious, but you'll find idiot driver who put their car in 2 space, just f**k you dude, i hate it. "
07 March 2017Hendri Cakok
" Sangat membantu buat driver2 yng kurang paham jlan jkarta... "
27 February 2017Dimas Aninditya
" Be more conscientious when at the cashier. Double check the price you saw on the price tag before and what it shows on monitor display. It oftentimes different, the prices shows on cashier is far expensive than on the price tag you saw before. "
27 February 2017Ice Three
" Love this place "
26 February 2017Kelik Kristanto
" Kurang lengkap. Tempatnya kecil bukan seperti mall. Hanya sekedar tempat perbelanjaan Carrefour saja "
23 February 2017Tri Nugraha Sukanto
" the only reason for me to come to this mall (BluPlaza) is to go to Carrefour. Not so much option for restaurant, but, well, not bad.. It has D'Cost which is my son's favourite, and Carrefour where I sometimes do monthly groceries shopping. "
20 February 2017Novita Novita
" Bersih dan ada tempat duduk buat nunggu nya "
15 February 2017Delbert Tjemara
14 February 2017Mohon diperbaiki service pembayaran dikasir "
Gleen Tangkilisan
" A typical ITC mall, to crowded, to narrow. Smoking inside the mall. Specially 2nd and 3rd floor. "
14 February 2017Anwarija Subhanovic
" Easy to park your car "
13 February 2017Leonard Agustinus Sumawan
" I would prefer shopping at Carrefour Emporium Pluit. That's all "
12 February 2017Calvin Kuo
" Very convenient to by some food and drinks when traveling here. "
10 February 2017Adi Jayanto
" Large, but it's just another big box stores. Nothing interesting. "
10 February 2017Ryan Stephanus
" the best carrefour i've had experienced in indonesia "
09 February 2017Sentot Baskoro
" The parking space is limited. The aura is gloomy. The only advantage is that it's less customers in the cashier's line. "
03 February 2017Aris Budi Prasetyo
" Parkir mobil luas "
02 February 2017Hadid Alamsyah
" Things here will be cheap if you use the credit card from Bank Mega, otherwise it is just a normal price like giant and others. "
01 February 2017Zaki Sentanu
" Grocery with the lowest prices in Depok. Very big, but the products are not quite varied. "
01 February 2017Michael Suryo
" For basic needs shopping. Cheap and near home. Bonus : free parking "
31 January 2017Ivan Affandi
" Besides the grocery and department store, I usually stop by on my way back home (Bintaro) for a coffe or quick bites and praying break. Coffe Bean, J-Co and many other cafe are there . "
30 January 2017PAS
" But No complete "
30 January 2017Anggreini Wibowo
" Ok "
27 January 2017Raymond Lee
" Plenty of choice of various good, big and comfortable shopping "
26 January 2017Prima
" SPB bagian elektroniknya pd belagu. Kami udh niat kesini mau beli tv smart 55" dgn tipe tertentu krn di carrefour dkt rmh ga stock, mrk kayak ngeremehin seolah2 kami ga mampu beli. Akhirnya kami beli tvnya di toko elektonik yg ada di mall ini jg dan ternyata malah dpt harga lbh murah & pelayanan jauh lbh ok. "
25 January 2017Dodi Jatikusuma
" One of the biggest Carrefour store in Jakarta. Provide a good variety of goods from daily products to house holds, electronics, clothing, etc. Several options of restaurants also available in here which makes it a convenient place for shopping and simple dining with family or own self. "
24 January 2017Octaviwijaya Octaviwijaya
" The bigest carrefour in south jakarta "
23 January 2017Harry Wisnugroho
" Harga murah utk yg dipromokan. Tempat paRkir luas dan gratis "
22 January 2017Masesar Ramdhany
" Hard to find item, worker not polite "
21 January 2017Anak Manja
" Ini tempat shoping faforit . Q jauh"ke sana cuma mau beli madu. Lengkap juga. Kasirnya juga lumayan cantik" "
20 January 2017Djulio Laurenzo
" Great groceries "
19 January 2017Jeanne Yonne
" There are many variety of products. It's pretty comfortable to have grocery shopping in a bright & spacious place. "
18 January 2017Dodol Depok
" You can find almost everything here, but the crowded and bad looking building makes you uncomfort. "
17 January 2017Hatorangan Sitompul
" 😊super market underground👌👍 "
17 January 2017Riyan
" Semua barang kebutuhan sehari-hari tersedia komplit. Terdiri dari 2 lantai, lantai atas barang kebutuhan pokok sedangkan lantai bawah perkakas rumah tangga dan alat elektronik. "
15 January 2017Novisal Reza
" a place where you burn your money "
15 January 2017Hariyadi Machazzart
" Complete, big, wide and crowded. Especially on weekend. "
15 January 2017Stephanus Kevin Mamusung
" One of the biggest shopping arcade in the city "
14 January 2017Daru Prasusetio
" Go here on weekday nights and you'll find the whole supermarket only for you.. I find it so relaxing and my kids happily running around without have to worry they bump into someone else cart.. Nice! "
13 January 2017Pungki Alexander Widodo
" Old building but its okay,,still got the carrefour standart "
10 January 2017Indrawan Dwi Prasantyo
" Near my house & not crowded "
10 January 2017David Vandroid
" The hotest Carefour outlet, i don't know the aircon was broken or saving cost. "
07 January 2017NRW NRW
" Large, quite complete goods but a little bit quiet "
01 January 2017Dewi Wonder
" Lumayan menghibur,, meski gak komplit "
25 December 2016Fadjar Muhammad
" Ada promo hp xiomi ngk???? "
25 December 2016Pandu Poluan
" Limited indoor parking, price not always the lowest among the hypermarkets. But its in-store restaurant provides delicious food. And the selection -- outside home hardware -- is quite complete. "
15 December 2016Lilis Mariyani
" Kl untuk elektronik/gadget aku langganan disini,baik cash/kredit tp dibln" tertentu, sprt ahir thn/mo lebaran, krn slalu da brang disconan.+lg dpt discn dr krt mega, jd doble discnx.hampir smua elektronik & gadget yg kubli dsni hrgx discn. "
13 December 2016Ajie Wahyujati
" Ok, delicious prepared food "
10 December 2016Reza Ranzhani
" Seems nice "
05 December 2016Monopterus Albus
" Near from train station, depok baru station. The mosque also good enough, and has wide local store. "
04 December 2016CandraDwi Prasetyo
" Everything you can get "
01 December 2016Asri Nur Chiquita
" Big supermarket and mostly complete items "
30 November 2016Raymond Luhur
" Harganya kian mahal dibanding dengan supermarket lain "
26 November 2016Fin Android
" It quite large to provide daily grocery nees "
22 November 2016Achmad Darmakusuma
" good "
20 November 2016Vicco Alfarine
" as usual this one has it all for your groceries, not too cheap at all but fair "
19 November 2016Chandra Tuvia Agasi
" oke "
17 November 2016Yusrizal Setiawan
" Ok "
15 November 2016Adhyatma Sunu
" The only carrefour in madiun "
15 November 2016Suci Nupliana
" Carrefour lumayan buat belanja bulanan apalagi kalo punya Kartu kredit dan Debit Mega karena dapat tambahan discount, selain itu jika belanja di carrefour ditanggung biaya parkir maks 6000 untuk mobil atau gratis parkir untuk 2 jam pertama.. "
14 November 2016Khilmi Yumni Cumiichanolshop
" Tempat yang apik dan pas untuk berkumpulnya berbagai kebutuhan dan.perlengkapan lainnya. "
14 November 2016Musdalin Katon
" Bolehlah! "
12 November 2016Mulya Afra
" Lumayan,untuk pengguna motor helm biasakan kunci dibagasi... "
03 November 2016Ivan Tanuwijaya
" Their Air Conditioner is broken which cause the Supermarket feel warm.. And it is not comfortable.. "
31 October 2016Lord Byaku
" Big and cozy place to shopping "
29 October 2016Achmad Choirul
" Okr lah "
26 October 2016Stevanus Parlindungan
" Good place for shoping "
18 October 2016Desmond Sukotjo
" Not very big comparing to their other store. Crowded during the weekend. Free parking. "
18 October 2016Wahyudi D. Hartanto
" nyarinya selalu disini... "
10 October 2016Nyoman Sandi
" A supermarket in blok m area. Located in 3rd floor of the building. Open until 10PM. "
09 October 2016Sudhar Kkj
" Jos "
08 October 2016Aari Kusuma
" Shooping place "
05 October 2016Dhonny Prihantoro
" sagala aya "
04 October 2016Lovina
" This Carrefour still give you free parking. No T&C Applied. For your household, it has almost all what your needs "
04 October 2016Kautsar Poerbo Herdianto
" I just passing thruu. And google always ask me for review 100 times with this place. What a hack? "
27 September 2016Waluyo Ibn Dischman
" Fasilitas lengkap dengan koleksi yang lengkap. "
27 September 2016Lia Dewi
" Parkir gratis hehe "
27 September 2016Howard Kang
" Discount "
26 September 2016Rilo Rizki Waiza
" Best carrefour market I've ever visited, very well maintained, and good quality products "
21 September 2016Rhian SQu
" jual heineken! (y) "
18 September 2016Agen Villabatu
" Lengkap "
18 September 2016Melisa Hamdayani
" Tempatnya tidak terlalu besar. Kurang lengkap produk2nya. Parkirnya gratis "
17 September 2016Susi Malinda
" For obtaining daily needs carefour is convinient ... "
13 September 2016Prihastu Nur Zaky Dwi Satyo
" Numpang ke 1-Stop "
12 September 2016Rachel Gurning
" Comfort place "
12 September 2016Erlian Zakia Ayu Anggarani
" Sepi sih, padahal belanja lebih enak di carrefour kalo menurut saya. "
06 September 2016Javier S
" It has what you're looking for, like it's supposed to. The first floor has many restaurants. "
06 September 2016Stephanus Iqbal
" Deket kantor "
05 September 2016Servicecell Network
" Carrefour Terbesar yang ada dipalembang melayani segala kebutuhan masyarakat palembang dari makanan barang jadi dan elektonik semua serba ada, dengan harga diskon menjadikan Carrefour dipenuhi pengunjung setiap hari "
02 September 2016Muhamad Iqbal Fadilah
" Tempatnya cukup besar dan lengkap. Parkirannya luas, Hanya saja lokasinya di lippo kramat jati daerah yabg sering macet. "
02 September 2016Arivin Justice
" Sip "
29 August 2016Aldio Fahrezi
" Lumayan murah harganya lokasinya cukup strategis "
27 August 2016Tsulusun Ar Royan
" Cheap and easy parking not to crowded "
27 August 2016Cutut Id
" Parkir mobil ribet "
24 August 2016Berjebrow Bukan Jebraw
" Lengkap banget disini. Cuma kemaren pas kesini jam 8 malam kasirnya yang buka dikit jadi antri agak banyak. Solusinya turun ke lantai bawah deket handuk kasirnya sepi hehe "
23 August 2016Kusumo Bambang Nugroho
" Less crowded carrefour "
22 August 2016Mur Sahid
" komplit plit plit "
19 August 2016Wahyu Bintang Syuhada
" lumayan komplit, enaknya pakai kartu kredit bank Mega "
19 August 2016Asa Sudarma
" A lot of parking space "
19 August 2016Ade Amin Firmansyah
" Complete and good for shopping "
19 August 2016Audi Kasbara
" It's a unique grocery shopping experience. .. you get to choose all things you need while enjoying humid warm air inside the store. The outlet seems to support energy efficient electricity bill as it reluctantly turns on air conditioner enough. "
13 August 2016Jual Rak Minimarket
" carrefour "
" Bagus tapi sepi banget "
09 August 2016Kurni Kado
" sip "
05 August 2016Ornos Marenos
" Salah satu Pusat perbelanjaan yang ada di kota Palembang, CarreFour ini berada di kawasan Palembang Square Jl. angkatan 45 Palembang, belanja disini cukup lengkap dan parkirnya lumayan luas "
02 August 2016Christ Sadewa Manurung
" Nice place for shoping "
02 August 2016Uta Kandila
" Disini ada foot court nya juga "
31 July 2016Wahyu Munajat
" Barang-barang yg dijual cukup lengkap. "
28 July 2016Ahmad Fauzi
" Belanja bulanan dulu "
28 July 2016Asprilla Rhaka
" Good for shopping "
21 July 2016Firdaus Ali Imran
" Excellent, Happy shopping!!! "
21 July 2016Wijoyo Ng
" Shopping centre for groceries. Not bad "
19 July 2016Yusuf Rahmat
" Good "
18 July 2016Supanggung Agung
" Lumayan enak.. Akses kurang... "
14 July 2016Moritz Taslim
" barang lengkap, harga OK "
12 July 2016Roy Saripandang
" Shopping "
12 July 2016Pipuh Mimuh
" murah kalau lagi promo "
10 July 2016Yudi Wibisono
" Lengkap, jarang antri. Parkir relatif luas (kalau weekend, datang pagi), ada banyak lift untuk ke tempat parkir. Kelemahannya ada di basement jadi udaranya terasa kurang segar. "
09 July 2016M. Agus Perdana
" Banyak tempat makan "
08 July 2016Karinta Kar
" goods are not good. "
07 July 2016Erwin Wijaya
" Great spot for shopping. But, consider about giving limits to every person who want to whole-buying things there. "
" 😄😄😄😄😄 "
06 July 2016Emir Ahmad
" Barang2 lengkap mulai dari kebutuhan sehari2, pakaian sampai elektronik namun harga lebih mahal dari tempat lain "
21 June 2016A Google User
" Nice place for my kid "
19 June 2016Muhammad Syauqi
" Gak reccomended belanja disini, kita lagi pilih2 barang diekorin mulu kaya maling. Kayanya di carrefour/tm lain mungkin diliatin tapi ga seannoying dan ganyaman disini. "
16 June 2016Gusti Adjie
" Cozy place for shoping "
13 June 2016Jawad Rafiq Haider
" for your monthly shopping needs. 10% discount if you have a Bank MEGA credit card "
12 June 2016Hairul Abdullah
" A few days ago i bought 2 packed of frozen Wan Tan and only realize that the expiry day have lapsed months ago.
09 June 2016Please advise what should i do with it ,i still have the original purchase receipt and the frozen wan tan package with me. "
Wirya Tjen
" In Indonesia, carrefour is always huge and bright. But this one, is like a warehouse. "
09 June 2016Helmy Lee
" Very convenience store "
05 June 2016Michael Kho
" Nice place for shopping "
05 June 2016Mas Tiur
" Aku sangat bahagia karena tempatnya .indah.nyaman.bagus.kren "
05 June 2016Taufik Hidayat
" Antrian kasirnya masih panjang aja.... Tidak ada perbaikan. "
28 May 2016Abdul Adjis
" Barang lumayan lengkap. Pastinya murah, apalagi kalau pakai M**acard "
20 May 2016Habibie Arifianto
" Carrefour gives place for traditional food vendor to sell their foods "
17 May 2016Muhammad Qois
" Nice "
13 May 2016Isdianto Tanu Setijadjie
" Tempat yg lengkap utk berbelanja "
08 May 2016Musa Ibraahim Sim
" Great selection of groceries with fresh meat and fish. Highly recommended. "
07 May 2016Kefas Ponggawa
" The most complete carrefour in the country "
05 May 2016Muhammad Arif Rofiudin
" Jam 8 pagi udah bukaa.... Mantab "
30 April 2016Muhammad Mustangin
" Sepi sekali "
25 April 2016Hari Hars
" salah satu cabang jaringan hypermarket di indonesia "
16 April 2016Arwin
" Ya standarlah "
14 April 2016Deny Thio
" Good price if use Bank Mega credit card. Good place. Good service. "
13 April 2016Heru Sulistiadhi
" Good place for monthly shopping and they have 10% discount with Bank Mega credit card all year long "
11 April 2016Yogi Prayoga Nugraha
" Supermarket terlengkap di mangga dua "
09 April 2016Yogi Prayoga Nugraha
" Pusat perbelanjaan "
07 April 2016Bima Adi
" My favorite place to shopping "
03 April 2016Anzhari Purnomo
" Okay place, bad parking lot. "
30 March 2016Dhery Tri M
" Tempatnya terpencil dan paling bawah "
30 March 2016Afrida Lestari
" Karena nanti ke sana "
25 March 2016Witi Ponti
" One of the rarest free parking supermarket in town "
24 March 2016Chris Cunnington
" Its one of the more expensive supermarkets around town. It is probably the best supermarket to get a fresh loaf of bread, called a Batard! "
06 March 2016Muhammad Sidik
" Nice place "
29 February 2016Ferdi Lau
" Payah nomor telfon carrefour pluit village ga ada yg bisa di telfon, sampe yg di web resmi salah nomor ke season city. Beli ac dibilang gratis 5meter pipa, yg dateng bilang 3meter "
21 February 2016Lita Lin
" Carrefour paling jelek yg prnh saya kunjungi utk pelayanan kasirnya. very poor "
18 February 2016Mei Dewi
" Tmp aku belanja duluuuu 10th yg laluuu... udah tua banget ya nih mall "
14 February 2016M. Boyke Gunawan Permana
" Deket dari apt "
12 February 2016Iswanto Driver
" Ribet. Kalo beli telur sama susu kasirnya beda. "
09 February 2016PaSX Pascal
" Cukup baik namun kurang lengkap apalagi khususnya produk-produk import/bahan masakan kurang lengkap. Sudah berapa kali sususan dalamnya berubah. "
08 February 2016Aldi Aldi
" AKU sngat sk kemri mengajak keluarga ku,...krna tmptnya sngat nyaman "
03 February 2016Gabriel Imung
" Tempat luas, nyaman dan lengkap. Cocok buat belanja bulanan. "
31 January 2016Andi Nugraha
" Deket sama rumah "
20 January 2016Rezqy Firmansyah
" Sometimes visiting this market. Spacy and complete. "
10 January 2016Suzana Widiastuti
" Visited this place on 1st January and disappointed. Air-con not worked. Hot. Placement of stuffs confusing. Price on the shelf not updated too. Not good place to do groceries. "
03 January 2016胡志鋒
" 方便購物的地方 "
03 January 2016Ghany Nurul Fajri
" Karena tempatnya bersih dan sehat "
31 December 2015Yan Stevan
" Tempatnya bagus.. "
31 December 2015Fido Fido
" Good "
27 December 2015Tiar Prayoga
" Mall tapi berterbangan lalat didalamnya. "
25 December 2015Siswanto Agus
" Ok "
20 December 2015Imas Niti
" Enak ya dapet voucher gratis "
18 December 2015Heru Sulistiadhi
" Very good hypermarket. Especially when using Bank Mega credit card with 10% discount all time "
18 December 2015AbuAlwaleed AlSakran
" Buy your daily needs from there, "
15 December 2015Izwan Iqbal
" All you can buy. "
15 December 2015Dony Layardi
" Carrefour dalam gedung Mangga 2 Square, pilihan barang agak kurang dibanding carrefour lain yang ramai. "
12 December 2015Dony Layardi
" Lokasi Carrefour dalam Mall Taman Palem, lokasi mudah du akses. "
12 December 2015Dony Lay
" It's ok "
09 December 2015Haryanto Nagy Witjaksono
" One of the biggest supermarket around South Jakarta. There more than 14 restaurant on the ground floor too if you need to eat or take away some food (not counting the small food stalls). This supermarket is so big, it have a car service shop inside the parking lot. "
20 November 2015Hepi Yanta
" Enak utk ngadem smbil momong "
14 November 2015Guava Juice
" stuff coz wtvr "
01 October 2015Life Skull
" Tempatnya besar dan nyaman untuk kesana tapi belum ada food court "
03 September 2015Mirwan Bahrun
" Menyenangkan dan bagus banget "
29 August 2015Uk 18ss
" Asik aja. "
31 July 2015Lulus Subiyantoro
" Good.... "
25 July 2015Vivi Sofia
" Ba "
14 July 2015Adolf Juan
" Saya biso beli roko sepuluh pak ya and yes "
07 July 2015Rama Gaglo12
" giant jancokkkk "
27 June 2015Aditya Prasetyanto
" Ini lg "
20 June 2015Arif Rahman Fauzi
" Gag Begitu Lengkap "
14 June 2015Kama Jaya
" Pameran "
14 May 2015Daffa Allana
" Hebat "
10 May 2015Brandon Andreas
" The slowest workers you will ever meet in your entire life "
17 January 2015Hashaby Muhammad
" Sepi "
29 October 2014Rafi Aditya Candra
" Rafi "
11 September 2014Louis Timotius
" Parkiran sepeda motornya tidak berperikemanusiaan. Jauuh masuk ke dalam, harga 2000, hilang ga tanggung jawab, panas kepanasan, hujan kehujanan. Antrinya pun panjang saat jam sibuk krn hanya ada 2 loket. Males bgt kesini...boooo "
27 August 2014Sri Haryaningsi
" Murah murah "
06 April 2014Yunan Affandy
" My Dramatic workplace "
28 March 2014Henry Ngumbara
" Kue subuhnya enak2 "
21 March 2014Lulus Subiyantoro
" Sip... "
11 January 2014ROBin Zhu
" 可以买到好喝的啤酒 "
19 October 2013Sulistiyowati SW
" Pusing.... rame bener.... "
26 May 2013Piting Rebus
" Nice... "
02 February 2013Erny Febrian
" Film hari ini (cinema 21) "
21 November 2012