J.Co Donuts & Coffee Jatinangor Town Square
About J.Co Donuts & Coffee Jatinangor Town Square
J.Co Donuts & Coffee Jatinangor Town Square is a bakery, located at Jalan Jatinangor No 150, Jatinangor Town Square FF EXT Blok B No 01-08,, Cikeruh, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45363, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 87920018, visit their website www.jcodonuts.com for more detailed information.
Edisan Supriyadi
" Good coffee with good donuts, recommended! "
11 March 2020Deden Wahyu MUSTARI
" Good donuts good drinks good setting good ambience good hangout place will be back for sure... ???????????????? "
17 November 2019Mikha Claudia Layasina Tarigan
" separated area for enjoying your donut and coffee. Wifi, plugs, and tables are all nice. really love enjoying my time here "
21 July 2019Nasi Padang
" It's comfy and it's great. Love it. "
24 May 2019Nurul Fitriani
" So far ga jauh beda ya sama outlet-outlet Jco di mall lain "
22 January 2019Georgina Jeanette
" Love their choices of beverages. Their donuts are too sweet for me. Moderate price. "
06 December 2018Novie Nuridasari
" Jco dmn2 enak rasanya "
08 June 2018Romi Hermawan
" Great place for hanging out, great Donut & Coffee... "
04 May 2018M. Rizal Ridhal Malik
" Mall of Jatinangor, here many fodd and have Movie Theater too. "
03 April 2018Ingga Nurkholik
" Your usual jco with ridiculously expensive drink
26 March 2018Lots of student hang out here with low spec notebook to BRAG and show they can afford food here "
Yeni M
" Place was comfy. Flat white was good but too much form.. less form for flat white please..friendly customer service. "
29 July 2017Nia Kurniawati
" Smua kebutuhan ada disini. Shoping ada..nobar bisa food court juga ada. Harga pas buat anak kos.. "
02 June 2017Tini Suhartini
" Tempat'y menyenangkan sekaliiii , buat para pecinta kuliner coba dtg ksni, bnyak jajanan yg nge hits,enak,belanja dsni jg memuaskan , bioskop'y jg nyaman "
04 April 2017Andre Andrian Trisna Putra
" Happyfullnes place "
19 March 2017Restu Maulida
" Complete mall in suburban area. Now with gym, jco, watsons. "
26 February 2017Ombak Bono
" Mallnya lmyan luas tp sayang nya car park nya kurang banyak n gk ada baseman "
03 February 2017Andrians Andrians
" Rame sama mahasiwa tempatnya soalnya dekat kampus "
02 February 2017Muhamad Amin Ridwan
" Tempat makan yg aman nyaman dan murah, enak juga buat nongkrong. "
15 January 2017Hendra Soffi
" Satu satunya mall untuk kawasan bandung paling timur "
09 January 2017Rani Valeris Inskazilla
" Absolutely love their thai tea😋😋 "
05 January 2017Mega Mutiara
" The place is so comfortable and easy to find, the food is delicious, easy to find and the service is good enough. "
23 September 2016Arif Iskandar
" Finally a j.co branch in Jatinangor. "
28 July 2016Sidik Mahardika
" Bukan alamat asli! "
06 July 2016