Intermedia Book Store
About Intermedia Book Store
Intermedia Book Store is a book store, located at Jl. Pahlawan, Duren Jaya, Bekasi Tim., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 88351362 for more detailed information.
Ita Hudiono
" good place for stationery ???? "
07 March 2020Celi Lestari
" The price is cheap compared than other book store competitors "
05 February 2020Kusumo Seno Aji
" Great book store choice for your children "
30 November 2019Andika Pratama
" Good service, good quality, and have many variant of art thing. "
24 October 2019Ajeng Rijadi
" This the one place where I'm sure I can find arts and crafts materials at night, immediately. Thank you for saving my life "
15 October 2019Irawan Novianto
" Complete stationary store but lack of customee service especially in 2nd floor none "
04 September 2019Pierre Anderberg
" Good place to find school things "
01 September 2019Oggy Adikara
" Stationery store would be more precise, book store? Not so much, but for a stationery store it's ok lah "
09 August 2019Abimanyu Rarasati
" the location is in a residential area, the price is quite cheap, but the collection of reading books is incomplete "
24 July 2019Zita Anindya
" its really fun to go there okayyy "
20 July 2019Wilhelm Manusama
" I can find most of what I need with a reasonable price. Easy to access. "
07 July 2019Savitri Hanes
" Goods sold are quite complete at affordable prices even though i didn't get what i needed. "
13 April 2019Franky Leander
" Great "
08 June 2018Kevin Abdiwijoyo
" Good place for buying stationary "
05 June 2018Vespa Super79
" Minim petugas..nice place.. "
30 May 2018Stand Up Coding Indonesia
" Toko buku yang nyaman, sangat lengkap, dari peralatan olahraga, alat tulis, buku, sampai aksesoris HP & Komputer pun ada disini, sangat lengkap sekali.
29 May 2018Ruangannya sangat luas bahkan ada 3 lantai, harganya pun terjangkau dan lokasinya sangat strategis. "
Agus Kurniawan
" good "
22 May 2018Setia Watti
" Ok "
20 May 2018Hendra Sulaiman
" Keperluan anak sekolah dan kebutuhan alat2 kantor tersedia disini. "
13 May 2018Davy Lie
" It's a Bookstore "
06 May 2018Ngion Fut Men
" Good book store "
02 May 2018Hamonangan Siregar
" Anak gadisku senang sekali kemari. Dia katakan salah satu tempat favorit untuk melihat atau membeli keperluan sekolah. Katanya juga bisa mencari ide dan mengamati setiap item yang dipajangkan di rak. Harga setiap item terjangkau bagi pelajar dan stok barang lengkap untuk keperluan sekolah maupun tugas ketrampilan. "
01 May 2018Dhira Nipuna
" Good price and lot of items in this book store "
23 April 2018Febri Muhamad
" Pas tempatnya "
27 March 2018Ryan Nugroho
" Toko bukunya lumayan lengkap dan aksesoris lainnya juga sudah lengkap. Tempatnya nyaman untuk baca buku yang ingin dibeli, walaupun letaknya dekat jalan raya Pekayon yang ramai. Two thumbs up! "
18 March 2018Darto Helm
" Oke "
17 March 2018Gunadi GKJ
" Smua peralatan sekolah dan ATK sangat lengkap dengan harga yg terjangkau, suana aman nyaman dan parkilan luas dan amat, bersih dan cukup tenang. Sehabis belanja ATK pun kita bisa makan mie ayam dan siomay batagor yg memang gak jauh dari inter media bookstore. "
12 March 2018Lukita Jjt
" Enough for primary needs "
06 March 2018Siregar Irwansyah
" Kecil namun cukup lengkap. "
01 March 2018Subrata Royhadi
" Lengkap, tapi lumayan mahal "
24 February 2018Benedict Slamet Y. Utomo
21 February 2018LOCATION
******** "
Ling Kwa
" Great office supplies, stationary, and craft supplies store. Opens till 9.30pm daily. There are two stores in Bintaro, sektor 3A and 9, the one across Abuba steak is the largest and most complete. Parking is limited but more than likely you'll find one.
20 February 2018Prices of items varies, however, if you are willing to rummage around, very likely you will find items with great bargain. Staff is always available for help. Very recommended to visit. Great offers and deals sometimes is available, depending on school season. "
Widya Ismadi
" Good price for school and office supplies "
14 February 2018Dream Hysteri
" all about stationery you can find here "
12 February 2018Ivory Vhasie
" Complete stationery store. Great price range. A lot of fancy gift item to choose. Open early at 8 is a benefit. "
26 January 2018Jorr Levec
" The good part :
20 January 2018- Good price for every single item available on this store
- Helpful customer service inside Intermedia
- Good representation for an overall store in such a dense area
The bad part :
- The quality of the items available at this particular Intermedia is sometimes slightly low quality.
Other than that, it's a "perfect" store. "
Trie Asmaraningsih
" Tempat belanja ATK "
09 January 2018Rin Handayani
" Lengkap, harga standar, lokasi mudah dijangkau "
08 January 2018Gagah Saputra
" Bagus sekali, walaupun tidak seperti gramedia tapi udah bagus kok😍 "
03 January 2018Irwan Gunawan
" Moderate price ,love it "
28 December 2017Tanti Windiawati
" Nearest bookstore from my home "
25 December 2017Tyas Yayas
" Lengkap dan nyaman belanja disini. Harga bersahabat "
23 December 2017Jourdan Lesilolo
" This store has a quiet complete stationary. Also sell drafting tube, various kinds of rulers, glue and papers. "
02 December 2017Arum Prasasti
" Anything you need for stationeries, students' allround needs will be there! "
16 November 2017Ary Yanto
" Tempetnya ng aman & harganya terjangkau. "
11 November 2017Dewi Retnosari
" Supeer lengkap.. "
26 October 2017Hary Wardoyo
" dekat dengan rumah. cukup lengkap, suasana nyaman. Anak anak seneng kalo diajak ke toko ini. Terlebih buat keperluan sekolah, ATK, mainan, sama untuk keperluan prakarya anak anak. "
19 October 2017Hamaris Mudayat
" Good office supply shop "
29 September 2017Coanks Love
" book store selling school supplies "
05 September 2017Krisnandy Bagus
" tersedia alat tulis nya lengkap, tempat belanja nyaman. "
02 September 2017Estem Aton
" Deket jalan "
01 September 2017Hamaris Mudayat
" Good shop "
23 August 2017Muhammad Amin
" Lengkap lah menurutku... good. "
12 August 2017Alvin Leonardo
" They sell many stationery stuff.. "
28 July 2017Iis Namia
" Cheaper "
28 July 2017Boyzo Persada
" Lengkap.. "
26 May 2017Vivaldy Pramono
" Nice place to buy stuff for school "
13 May 2017Exsaudi Margaretha Simanjuntak
" So far this the only book store available in bekasi timur "
08 May 2017Fransis
" Complete but lil bit more expensive "
19 April 2017Dub 4 Done Up Brown
" 2 storey building, complete, sports, books and stationary. Buy the gift in here also recommended "
24 March 2017Herman Prastiya Fandiansyah
" Lengkap dan lokasinya juga mudah dicari "
07 March 2017Ana Takahashi
" Kasirnya kurang sopan, saya kecewa. "
24 February 2017Hary Wardoyo
" asiik, murah, lumyan lengkap, suasana nyaman, aku sama anak2 kalo ksana selain belanja, lumayan cari pernak pernik dan ATK.. plus rekreasi buat mata.. hehehe "
24 February 2017Ibnu Okan
" mantap... pas banget "
16 February 2017Chandra S
" gue bli tinta printer, kertas printer.. udaah itu aja "
04 February 2017Yogie Ariyadi Supriyatman
" Ok "
03 February 2017Ayu Dyah
" yes "
29 January 2017Marius Ferdinand Turambi
" Good quality stationary stuff with a bit higher price "
20 January 2017Trimulyanto 85
" Cukup lengkap... Nyaman... Okeyyy deh pokok nya "
26 November 2016Iskandar Nuhbatubara
" It is okay "
02 November 2016Iskandar Nuhbatubara
" Not complete. The crews have lack of knowledge of the products they sell "
17 October 2016Maz Hendro
" tempat belanja buku,, lokasinya yang dekat dengan sekolahan bikin toko buku ini ga pernah sepi dari pelangga tiap harinya "
15 September 2016Kasomantri Soma
" Ok "
10 September 2016Benrizal Efendi
" Toko buku lengkap dan parkir cukup luas.. "
05 September 2016Chadhira Ufiyani
" ATK lengkap. Berbagai jenis buku tulis dan map ada di sini, tapi novel / komiknya terbatas. "
26 August 2016Kander Harahap
" meet the needs and close to my home "
19 August 2016Tiffany T
" Fine place to find stationaries "
13 August 2016Elisa Samantha Tobing
" Terhitung lengkap utk outlet Intermedia. Mungkin pilihan bukunya aja yg kurang banyak krn emg cm satu lantai aja area utk buku lante 2. Sisanya stationary etc. But overall brg nya oke2 dan terjangkau. Lengkap bgt stationary nya. Mungkin yg perlu ditingkatkan adl jumlah karyawannya. Krn tempatnya luas, jd kalau mau minta bantuan mesti nyari2 org nya dulu. "
04 January 2016Bayu Hernanto
" Pusat belanja ATK, baik pelajar maupun kantor. Ini Gramedia bernama Intermedia. Semuanya ada. "
23 October 2015