About Honda Pasteur Sumedang
Honda Pasteur Sumedang is a car dealer, located at jl.Prabu Geusan Ulun no.50, Semedang, Kuala Behe, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 261 2401212 for more detailed information.
Samsudin Samsudin
" Oke tempat nya "
28 May 2018Raditya Prayata
" Good speed wifi "
02 May 2018Rony Kusumah
" Dealer mobil honda. Yang punya mobil honda di Sumedang boleh merapat kesini buat service atau beli sparepart! Cuma sayanh tempat relatif kecil. Enjoy! "
17 April 2018Fenny Nursita
" Pelayanan yang memuaskan disamping pengerjaan kendaraan yang tentu saja ok. Setelah itu diikuti follow up kondisi kendaraan kita. Great. "
04 April 2018Ian Cell
" Fasilitasnya sangat minim, tak ada cuci mobil, beres service mobil tetap kotor. "
21 March 2018Kevin Laurens
" The maintenance time is quite short despite the number of customer at that time. Nice service, wifi provided "
12 March 2018Rony Suleman
" Showroom of Vehicles on the 1st floor is quite spacious and many Vehicles are on display, but I get a very long queue during vehicle engine oil change in this place, probably because many customers and small workshop. the waiting room can be said narrow and the atmosphere is standard. in terms of price, can say expensive ... and does all the authorized service centers impose such an expensive price? "
17 February 2018Fery Irnawan
" Dealer resmi mobil honda cabang pasteur "
04 February 2018Heru Hidayat
" Service mbl honda di sumedang ga pake lama antriannya, kualitas pengerjaan standarisasi honda👍👍 "
30 January 2018Adie Mulyana
" Long que.. there is no significant impact on the car. The service charge was damn too high "
28 December 2017George Inaldo
" Located on a very traffic-congested area.
23 November 2017Suggests to open the counter and the service personnels have to come aerlier. Many vichicles are filling-up for routine services/checks during Saturday or Sunday morning. "
Aries Ghifari
" Excellent Services , recomended service for Your Car "
27 September 2017Hisguardianis Quran
" The people are friendly, but the waiting room is too small. Other than that it was good. "
12 September 2017Hubbi Nashrullah Muhammad
" The whole complex is very small, it felt so crowded especially at peak times. The waiting room is quite nice, but again, very cramped. "
02 September 2017Rizal Permadhi
" Good service "
09 August 2017Kozzy Handarming
" Good service "
14 May 2017Christian Tanadi
" I work here "
17 April 2017Arvin Wibowo
" Service station for Honda "
24 March 2017Han Win Yun
" Good Honda dealers near toll gate "
05 March 2017Cors Hery
" Ok "
02 February 2017Bagja Auliya Rahman
" Good dealer "
21 January 2017施亮州
" Good "
25 October 2016Andhi Mufti
" Queuing just too long. "
10 September 2016Anantia Prakasa
" Visiting for window shoping "
02 September 2016Linawaty Chivalry
" Ok "
23 August 2016Yugi Purba
" Showroom yang luas "
29 July 2016Nyoman Aditama
" Minggu tutup bro.. "
25 June 2016Mujanto Mujianto
" Mantap "
19 April 2016Rafael Damian Dharmaputra
" Bagus dan murah "
16 April 2016Wiranata Lukman
" Tempatnya nyaman showroom luas "
08 March 2016Viester Dolles
" bagus "
28 January 2016Adi Wahyu Nadiri
" Booking dulu lewat telpon kalo may servis... "
09 December 2015