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HUTAN KOTA BAKSIL BANDUNG is a park, located at Jl. Tamansari No.90, Lb. Siliwangi, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 16

Jessica Levi

" A really nice forest walk experience. Whether it is during the early morning or daytime. During the daytime, it's a sweet escape from such a hot day. Personally, I never get bored with this place. Good for your health inside and outside. Some ramps could be tricky to be passed due to in-appropriate slope, but still it's great. Nature never bores you, unless you are a boring person. Suitable for solo walker (?) or family or groups. Would love to experience it during the night time. "

03 May 2018

Nike Yulistia Angreni

" Nice place for family recreation in natural area, and it's free. Except for parking area, you need 3.000 rupiahs here. The location is near from public area "

23 April 2018

Charles Silalahi

" cozy place for have a jogging, sky tracking or just killing the time "

07 February 2018

Ahmad Shiddiq Fadhilah

" Great place, poor security. It's a long walk, probably 2KM or so If you want to go from end to end. The forest itself is messy and unkempt, but somehow it gives that "forest look". If you're not looking down, the view is calming. You can also see Sabuga running track and swimming pool from a distance. There's place to sit or lie down at the end/starting area, but no food vendor, maybe yet. So if you might get thirsty, better to bring your own bottled water. There's virtually no security (yet?), so be wary of people with unsavory character. Better to come in group, or when the place is a bit crowded. "

25 January 2018

Imam Fantowi

" Fresh and Free...the longest forest Walk in ASEAN "

21 January 2018

Giovanni Gunawan

" If you want to find peace, just come here. "

14 January 2018

Rini Pujiastuti

" 2 January 2018 : Will rate higher as soon as the canopy walk is completed! Will return! "

02 January 2018

Citruz Grandis

" Meskipun kecil, tapi sangat sejuk disini. Apalagi sekarang sudah di bangun jembatan2 untuk berjalan2 di atas nya "

21 September 2017

Wati Widawati

" Hutan Kota sebelum masuk ke area Lapangan Sabuga.. Adem karena dikelilingi pohon tinggi.. Sayang ngga disediakan tempat sampah di sekitarnya.. "

17 September 2017

Muhammad Nur Abdillah

" Sekarang ada skywalk nya, bisa buat poto2
Taman hutan kota paling rindang dan sejuk d Bdg "

30 May 2017

Sidiq Al-Rasyid

" Ruang terbuka hijau kota Bandung, tempat nongkrong anak muda kota Bandung juga. Sejuk, tapi kalau tengah hari nya cerah pasti panas. "

14 May 2017

Lukman Arifin

" Saya kira tempatnya bakal wah gimana. Ternyata kecil dan tidak luas. Belum lagi tidam ada spanduk atau plang mengenai tempat ini sehingga membuat bingung. Malah saya salah masuk menjadi jalan masuk ke babakan siliwangi itb. Sangat membingungkan belum lagi isinya ini tempat banyak anak kecil alay "

17 January 2017


" Hutan di tengah kota. Sumber oksigen "

01 November 2016

Ale Rose

" Jungle "

10 October 2016

Candra Irmawan

" Good place for take some photos "

19 August 2016

Tewi Yuliani

" 👍👍👍 "

21 June 2016

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