Irian Motor- HINO Parts Shop
About Irian Motor- HINO Parts Shop
Irian Motor- HINO Parts Shop is a car repair, located at Jl. Suniaraja, Braga, Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 4201855, visit their website for more detailed information.
Fathony Arief
" Separepart toyot "
30 August 2020Alenia Autowork
" My favorite shop "
14 August 2020Taufiq Hidayat
" Ramee "
27 April 2020Andreas Nugraha
" Sell spare part for motors with a good price. It was an old shop in town, very trustworthy and always give a good service "
11 January 2020Lesmana Channel
" Old style shop, reliable and competitive price "
12 October 2019Jaja Nurzaman
" I like to buy here becoz they will give price for seller "
21 August 2019Wisnumurti Rahardjo
" Nice shop for cars "
25 May 2019Dodi Abdurahman
" im a member granmaxluxioclubindonesia for a sparepart i like this place "
20 May 2019Rikki Onno
" Good toyota sparepart shop "
21 March 2019Rikki Onno
" Good toyota sparepart shop "
21 March 2019Jaka Aulia Pratama
" Dont afraid to negotiate with the sales "
07 March 2019Andhika K
" The star service of this shop is they accept Cards for payments, so we don't have to bring chunk of cash when buying pricey parts. The stock also checked using computer, so no wandering shop clerk looking for stuff on back of warehouse. They have most fast moving parts, but if they don't have on stock, we can put PO. "
17 January 2019Andhika K
" The star service of this shop is they accept Cards for payments, so we don't have to bring chunk of cash when buying pricey parts. The stock also checked using computer, so no wandering shop clerk looking for stuff on back of warehouse. They have most fast moving parts, but if they don't have on stock, we can put PO. "
17 January 2019Johan Des
" Give me a good advise "
07 August 2018Nugraha Priatna
" Vw car equitment "
20 July 2018Tommy Blurum
" Best part shop "
17 July 2018Hendra Subagja
" Also sells aircooled volkswagens spare parts "
22 June 2018DWI III SAKTI
" Top "
14 April 2018Dani Dado
" Saran kalau mau ke irian motor pake motor aja karna kalau pake mobil susah buat parkir nya "
29 March 2018Muhamad Ramdan
" Spare partnya lengkap dan harganya lebih murah dibanding yg lain "
21 February 2018I. Hendrasto,Ir
" I'm an air-cooled VW classic enthusiasts. Irian Motor provide me with all the parts needed to keep my old Bug and Bus running.. "
08 November 2017Jasaprima Rental
" Langanan saya "
26 October 2017Boughil-and Friends
" Tempat favorit belanja spare part gerobak langitan.. "
18 October 2017Boy Piracy
" Lengkap dan murah "
01 October 2017Abdul Dolah
" Good... "
06 September 2017Via Shifa
" Ok lah "
26 August 2017Ganjar Nugraha
" Toko sparepart mobil yg kumplit dan harganya lumayan bersaing "
13 July 2017Ruland Pattiwael
" Cari sparepart kend ori smp kw pun ada. Ada uang ada barang. "
27 June 2017Salmin Lee
" Murah meriah Harga bersaing, kalau tempat lain lbh murah, ganti 10 lipat. "
26 June 2017Rian Andri Kusumah
" Lengkap bos "
16 April 2017Agus Mulyadin
" lengkap,murah, ramah cuman susah parkir "
19 February 2017Idris Barokah
" harga sangat bersaing mirah2 di bandingkeun sreng nu sanes, mantap recomended weh lah pokonamah. "
14 February 2017Yohanes Tjahjadi Djayasaputra
" the best auto-parts in town "
20 January 2017Indika Taufik
" Disini tempat belanja sparepart yg tepat 👍👍 "
02 January 2017Deni Setiawan
" Terima kasih kpd pemilik toko irian motor telah menjelaskan secara detail mengenai part kendaraan yg saya beli sehingga saya menjadi tahu dan mengerti yg mana part yg aslinya. Ini benar2 toko part mobil yg tepat dan tdk akan memberi part yg salah. Terima kasih "
13 December 2016Akhmad Hidayat
" Spare part mobil paling lengkap disini... "
14 October 2016Wahyu Nugraha
" Lengkap, harga bersaing "
24 August 2016Rivana Paridi
" Harga sahabat "
10 May 2014Henzz Lim
" The best sparepart shop in the world "
05 May 2014