About Gokana Ramen & Teppan
Gokana Ramen & Teppan is a restaurant, located at CSB Mall 2nd Floor, Jalan Doktor Cipto Mangunkusumo, Pekiringan, Kesambi, Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 231 202020, visit their website www.champ-group.com for more detailed information.
Devi Suviyanti
" Tempatnya bersih, nyaman dan pelayanannya cepat...harganya. lumayan murah "
14 June 2018The Avoine
" Akhirnya hadir juga "
12 June 2018Amanda Rizkyah
" Saya makan saat berbuka puasa dan menurut saya ramesnya biasa saja karena rasa kuahnya seperti Mei instant. Harganya cukup terjangkau. Kisaran 30-60an "
30 May 2018Choirun Nisa
" Bagus enak makanan dan tempatnya, tapi pelayanannya agak lama. Nunggunya hampir sejam padahal ga rame2 bgt pas dtg hmm "
25 May 2018Vitri Wulandari
" Pesenan 3 menu datang 2 menu yg 1 yg Syg telat smpe 2 menu hbs pesanan yg 1 lg bru dtg pas sya mau plg "
23 May 2018Hendra Gunawan
" Comfortable place for eat and fun "
22 May 2018Ariyawan A.R
" Nice place to meet with clients "
17 May 2018Fachri Reza
" I had a weird experience eating ramen here because they add fried red onion. like, seriously gokana? it is not bakso you know! "
17 May 2018Yayat Renaldi
" Saya Pesan tlp ke Rider yg bernama Zakaria gokana atrium , saya nanya Bisa anter apa tidak tapi jawabannya Ga enakin , dia bilang tidak bisa padahal posisi dia lagi incash.
Iwan Abdurahman
" Bagi kalian pecinta ramen bisa coba beberapa ramen di restaurant ini..lokasinya ada di dalam Transmart cilandak lantai 2 jl. Cilandak KKO.
13 May 2018Di restaurant ini tidak melulu tentang ramen, Ada juga nasi nya koq..beef teriyaki dll. Untuk rasa menurut saya standard belum Ada yang maknyooz di lidah.
Tempat nya lumayan nyaman tidak terlalu berisik..
Kalau saya pribadi suka minum oca Panas.
For you ramen lovers can try some ramen in this restaurant .. the block is inside Transmart cilandak 2nd floor jl. Cilandak KKO.
In this restaurant is not always about ramen, There is also rice koq..beef teriyaki etc. To taste in my opinion there is no standard maknyooz on the tongue.
The place is pretty comfortable not too noisy ..
If I personally like to drink oca Heat. "
Aditya Anugerahputera
" Standard "
13 May 2018Teddy Setiadi
" Food is ok, with many selections. Not too crowded even during lunch time "
13 May 2018Rony Suleman
" One of the comfortable places to just relax and eat, because the atmosphere is Cozy and the room is Relieved, the lighting with warm white light makes the state more peaceful. The taste of Ramen is quite tasty, various choices but the price is quite high. it's a shame though it's located on a crowded Sukajadi road but the car park for the car is very narrow. "
03 May 2018Miss Olive
" Untuk harga mall terhitung murah dengan porsi yg besar..banyak jg paketan nya tp rasa makanan nya biasa saja.. sambil menunggu pesanan di antr kita bisa ambil kerupuk yg sdh disediakan... untuk mie ramen nya seperti mie bakmie... tp boleh di coba siapa tau rasa nya cocok dngn anda smw.... "
30 April 2018Rully
" Good waiters and handsome too "
30 April 2018Hanny N.R.A
" Nice bento but the ramen is soso "
17 April 2018Kersa Andika
" The ramen in here is 'meh' in my opinion. "
16 April 2018KIKI LAUMUDIN
" Pelayanan ramah -- coba berkunjung "
15 April 2018Riani Azzahra
" Tempatnya asik, makanannya recomended "
06 April 2018Masbagus Arian
" Cozzy and good food "
02 April 2018Nilam Wibawanti
" Murah meriah, enak, kenyang, tapi agak lama nunggu makanan dateng "
31 March 2018Hani Hanjati
" Di mall ini Tempatnnya panas,, utk menu nya masih sama kaya tempat lain "
30 March 2018Dewi Kusnadi
" Fave noodle aka ramen. Free snacks of crackers "
14 March 2018Robby Andre
" The location is easy to be reached, friendly customer service and the atmosphere is really nice. There various types of food that you can choose and they are all delicious. Whilst, the bevareges are also various where you can choose whether you would like to drink non-coffee or coffee based. On the other hand, the price is not quite expensive. "
10 March 2018Dinda Ayu
" Pelayanannya kurang ramah, nunggu makanannya lama. Tapi makanannya enak "
04 March 2018Daniel Kristianto
" The place is so-so... The food is so-so... Nothing great. If you've ever to eat at Marugame Udon, you shouldn't try this place "
10 February 2018Ya Widi
" Mkananya skarang ga kaya dlu pas pertama sma kaya pelayanannya "
27 January 2018Warlan Heryana
" GOKANA menyediakan berbagai macam masakan Jepang yang HALAL dengan citarasa Indonesia. Dengan banyak variasi menu serta tingkat kepedasan yang cocok untuk siapapun, kamu bisa menikmati makanan yang lezat dengan harga bersahabat!, suasana yang nyaman membuat makan lebih tenang, lebih menikmati cita rasa khas gokana "
18 January 2018Retno Muninggar
" Gokana ramen is a good taste and recommended menu.. 👍😊 "
06 January 2018Jati Anno
" Kayaknya porsinya lbh sedikit skrg,tapi ttp kenyang kok "
31 December 2017Frenda Fawzia
" Lumayan enak, porsi besar jadi cocok makan bersama keluarga "
27 December 2017Ahmad Zakiyatul
" Tempatnya kaga ada! "
25 December 2017Didit SK
" Nice ramen & tepanyaki "
25 December 2017Tantri Wulandari
" Rasanya beda dengan ramen yg lainnya.. 😊 "
23 December 2017Dedi Sopandi Sofwan
" Kedai Gokana ini Menyediakan aneka kuliner Jepang khususnya ramen, dilayani dengan ramah dan cepat, juru masak berpengalaman, ruangan bersih dan nyaman, harga terjangkau. "
22 December 2017Faiz Firdaus
" the ramen was just ok, but worth to try...
20 December 2017P.S : free welcome snack is available "
" Bagus sekali. Good taste and affordable price. "
16 December 2017Yusuf Oktaviano
" tempat makan favorite dengan harga terjangkau "
15 December 2017Crowl Back
" Good taste, fair price, I wish there are free flow drinks, at least the ocha.... "
14 December 2017Bob Van Velzen
" Good food for a good price, quick service and a clean place. And all the free chips/kroepoek you want. "
27 November 2017Dewi Kusnadi
" Ramen is one of my fave.. But without the too spicy hot chilli. If you're really hungry (& a fan of noodles), don't hesitate to order the jumbo portion. Other choices are bento & local food (fried rice). This branch offers good yummy crackers as free appetizer for us to much, while waiting for our order to arrive. Their ocha is not free refill, however it is a good accompaniment for the meals (hot/iced). "
21 November 2017Sinta Heriyanti
" The teppan and ramen for me, is too sweet "
09 November 2017Adrian Adhy Santoso
" Gokana ada dimana mana ok "
01 November 2017Seno Pamardiyanto
" Good location, very small parking spaces, wide range of food choices, good for vegetarians, a bit expensive prices "
28 October 2017Ratna Dian Suminar
" The place is nice...but the food is need to be improved compared with another gokana in bandung or jakarta "
27 October 2017Shiroi Kumo
" Check out eco package deals "
14 October 2017Andreas Elisafan
" I was tried Beef hot ramen, spicy level 4 as the highest level here. Not so spicy, price a little bit expensive for standard taste. "
01 October 2017Maria Ari
" This restaurant has always full booked in the weekend, but unfortunately the serving time takes longer time to serve the meal. "
30 September 2017Rohmad Hidayat
" Japanese nice and affordable restaurant, "
20 September 2017Philbertha Edgina
" hot beef ramen taste so good in here "
19 September 2017Muhammad Beni Nugroho
" The Best Place for Dinner "
15 September 2017Rizky Dwinanto
" Nice place, delicious food, and cheap "
31 August 2017Ilham Maulana
" good place to eat "
24 August 2017Mufdi 'ed' Firdaus
" pelayanan cepat. tempat tidak terlalu besar. bersih. "
20 August 2017Juniolucano Ang
" Good & affordable "
16 August 2017Arifianto Arifianto
" Good place and service, but the taste is standard.. "
04 August 2017Hesty Kartikasari
" Good place..😉 "
03 August 2017Mega Mardita
" Very so so ramen. There are several options better than thin. "
31 July 2017Lutfi Arifqi
" Rasanya Lumayan, tempatnya nyaman "
20 July 2017Afy Syahidan
" Untuk yg butuh makan cepat dan enak cocok ke resto ini, masakan jepang jenis hotplate2an, tempat ada dalam mall dan luar mall, lantai basement "
01 July 2017Elba Damhuri
" Ramen is good much... "
30 June 2017Winda Illiana
" Nyaman "
29 June 2017Hilman Hidayat
" Pelayanan kurang memuaskan, minuman nya nggu lama bahkan sampe makanan habis, ditanyain ke pelayan jawaban nya ditunggu aja sambil muka jutek.. "
28 June 2017M Agung Satrio
" Terbaik di Jatinangor menurutku. "
19 June 2017Dya Anugrah
" Tempatnya sangat nyaman, yg diteras luar langsung menghadap taman "
11 May 2017Ahmad Afif
" Tempatnya mewah dan nikmat "
27 April 2017Harry
" Delicious. "
28 March 2017Sanusi Aji
" Rasanya enak pas buat lidah org kita. Pelayannya ramah n lumayan cepet. Tempatnya bersih n nyaman. Sy sering bgt mkn d sini. "
17 March 2017Pary Ati
" Nice "
17 February 2017Rajawali Robert
" Gokana Special 2 is my favorite menu. Its delicious. You can have japanese food here. "
13 February 2017Lucas Nasution
" I tried the hot ramen, level 2. Great! Some menu looks different to the photo in the menu. "
04 January 2017Bagus Zakaria
" Makanan gokana memang enak. Harga juga masih terjangkau. Sayang, pelayanan staff kurang memuaskan. Berebda dengan pelayanan yang ada di cabang lain. "
03 January 2017Kirana Ririh
" Middle level price.. not really crowded before 2pm.and of course no space to sit at peak hours (1-2 and 7-8).free crackers and nice service "
19 December 2016Ardhianto Nugroho
" I like to eat here "
29 November 2016Hendy Sugiarto
" food is very standard, place a lot of fly, especially outside, price is ok "
17 October 2016Yohan Gunawan
" Enak2 makanannya. Harganya ga mahal "
15 October 2016Akhmad Hidayat
" Mie ramennya..mantapp "
09 October 2016Andrian Pratama
" salah 1 restoran favorit.. murah, meriah, enak, puas "
21 September 2016Hadi Fahmi Fauzi
" Lebih murah ketimbang hokben, asik lah "
13 September 2016Rahma Lailinda
" aku suka ramen gokana "
10 September 2016Ade Marsudi
" Enaknya pas malam hari pilih meja di luar "
04 September 2016091 BASECAMP
" Ok "
03 September 2016Anggyta Putra
" Ok "
23 August 2016Ody Free
" Tempatnya mantap... "
12 August 2016Dhi Dollin
" Ramennya nyempil di hati 😋 "
05 August 2016Arif Iskandar
" One of the best ramen place in town "
27 July 2016Felix Andrian
" Enak banget "
19 July 2016Gábor Varga
" Nice cheap restaurant. Friendly waiters, free chips as appetizer "
14 July 2016Gábor Varga
" Nice cheap restaurant with nice employees. The size of the plates are not that big. "
14 July 2016Aroell Thea
" Lumayan lamaya pesen makanannya!!
09 July 2016Tpi kebayar lah ama rasanya!! Lezat!!! "
Cevi Taufik
" Harganya terjangkau. "
09 July 2016Keegan Bryan
" Japanese set priced top at 40 K Rupiah, with complimentary snacks. The restaurant does not have ocha refill and quite small food portition for its price maybe reasonable for try but not suitable for some. "
06 May 2016Theodore Pringgo
" Average "
15 April 2016Andrew Andree
" Pelayanannya cukup memakan waktu tapi pelayan pelayan disini ramah.. makanannya juga enak, cocok untuk di santap bersama keluarga atau rekan kerja "
16 March 2016James Adhitthana
" The only Gokana in the area and the place is nice and comfortable! The service is not bad with nice patient employees. "
08 February 2016Cewe Manis
" Suka bngetzz "
25 January 2016De Soleh
" Delicious "
16 January 2016Supriadi Hadi Mulyono
" Indo-Japan taste "
13 December 2015