About Fishing Valley Bogor
Fishing Valley Bogor is located at Jalan Raya Pemda No.107, Pasir Jambu, Sukaraja, Pasir Jambu, Sukaraja, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16913, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 877-8080-8222, visit their website www.fishingvalley.net for more detailed information.
Tridianto Subagio
" Nice place for family, you can swim, fishing riding horses or other... "
08 May 2018Tya Yuliana
" A family recreation park located in the area of Bogor. Here facilities are available fishing, outbound, waterpark and water cycling, cheap and cool.... "
03 March 2018Yuyun Yuningsih
" Good plzce for family time here with complete facilities. But need maitenance works for the place. "
31 January 2018Haicel Haris
" Main pokemon go spawn torchic cuy "
19 December 2017Arif Firman Syah
" Good place for hangouts with family, and had large place to have fun. They had swimming pool, fishing field and large parking lot. Price for every dish at fishing valley little bit high but with all facilities in, is fairy enough to spend money at here "
04 December 2017Wibisono Yusup
" Tempat mancing ikan mas, lele. Juga buat berkuda dan outbound buat anak2.. Buat acara kantor juga ok "
22 November 2017Ahmad Zarkasi
" its nice place to spending time with family, fishing, swimming,outbond, horse ridding avilable here. but the fishing pool litle bit derty. "
05 November 2017Octaviani Gin
" Fishing and ask the restaurant to cook it, kids love here, they can learn to fishing. but the food in restaurant does not taste good "
31 October 2017Wisnu Triaji
" The place dirty, the pool warm, and the offer good food "
28 October 2017Agung Coriandri
" If your hobby is fishing then you should go to this place "
17 August 2017Revi Nastiti
" Nature view with fishing ponds,swiming pools,outbonds "
20 July 2017Andre Budhyanto
" Good place for family vacation "
04 July 2017Budi Dermawan
" It was heavy rained and musholla too far from the cabin. "
28 June 2017Annisa Febrianti
" Good place with good foods, but the place looks little bit old, but the owner had taking care this place nicely "
27 June 2017Shinta Mclean
" not so bad.. "
13 June 2017Fajar Okto Martin
" Cool place, cool wind, and cool weather. "
01 March 2017Davina Chairunissa
" Nice place for family fishing "
16 December 2016Muhammad Robby Sanjaya
" hard to catch a fish here "
06 December 2016Domat Demets
" Nice place to relax a bit. We at the fish that we caught and it tasted very good. "
24 October 2016Cheppy Cepot
" Tempatnya msh fresh yaa for faily "
25 September 2016Achoels Irvanz
" pemancingan restorannya lumayan sempit buat mancing. Ikan bawal 30k per kg "
17 July 2016Syarif Hidayat
" Refreshing place "
11 July 2016Drakathvartix
" A
11 June 2016Snu "
Mega Puspita
" Average taste seafood with "Jakarta" price "
05 December 2015Bahtiar Rifai
" Masakan biasa saja. Tahu tempe stok lama "
24 July 2015Heri Rukmana
" food at fishing pool was terrible "
12 April 2015Edison Monoarfa
" Nice, worth enough for IDR 25,000 "
30 June 2012