About Excelso Kafe
Excelso Kafe is a cafe, located at Plaza Ekalokasari Lt. G, Jalan Siliwangi, Sukasari, Bogor Timur, Sukasari, Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16142, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 362980, visit their website excelso-coffee.com for more detailed information.
Chandra Soetanto
" I think it's understaffed here. Service is not as good as other Excelso. Indoor seating is fine, but outdoor seems dirty. "
08 June 2018Roswitha Muntiyarso
" Tempatnya enak, cozy, dan tenang untuk duduk-duduk minum kopi sambil bekerja. Makanannya juga enak. "
07 June 2018Musafir Amatir
" Enak buat nongkrong dan ngopi. Harga menengah ke atas / mahal "
03 June 2018Gandhi Ferdinand
" Quite spacious place with sea view to have a drink (coffee, tea, fruity, etc) and snacks. Main course like pasta and fish + chips are also available here. They also have salads. The drinks taste nice... the main course is just so-so, in my opinion... and the price is high here. Make use of promo/discount using certain credit cards, if you have any. "
02 June 2018FeLLiS Akbar
" Like any other excelso, it's cozy place and it's coffee choices brings good time for me, also for everyone I think. "
02 June 2018Setio Anggoro
" Come to the bar, ask for hot latte, sit on corner, wait for half hour... no nothing. The waiters ain't come and asked either :(
01 June 2018So I went to good ol' Starbucks :) "
Nurwachid Putrayana
" Very nice place to relax. It is usually silent in the morning and afternoon. "
28 May 2018Herlin Exc
" Hadir dgn suasana baru "
27 May 2018Fredy Irawan
" Memuaskan.. 😊 "
25 May 2018Febianus Tiryasa Lesmana
" Nice place to do some business.... "Dealing project not at your working table but at excelso' "
25 May 2018Sri Hartaty Susianto
" Nice place to chill up "
24 May 2018Deny Arifin
" A good place to hangout "
22 May 2018Wonder Women
" There is smoking room here "
22 May 2018Dafinah Hutagalung
" Strategic and comfort place to make an appoinment and dating 😍 "
21 May 2018Harry Susanto
" Nice "
19 May 2018Adi Riyadi
" Good place to hangout "
16 May 2018Aditya Krismaputra
" Expensive "
16 May 2018Fauzan Yusuf Basuki
" Nongskiii "
15 May 2018Daniel K
" The staff outside are very friendly as they try to lure you in. There's a Starbucks next to it, so the competition is on. Once you're inside, the staff are rude, though. They barely look at you while serving you. Coffee was okay; WiFi could be better. "
13 May 2018Gerald Pohan
" Tasty food, excellent coffee, cozy place. Nice for hanging out "
13 May 2018Gumilang Mohamad Yani
" I love this place... pelayannya ramah2 walau sudah jam 20.22 WIB.. Two thumbs up !! "
12 May 2018Michael Ismawan
" Good place, good coffee, atmospheric "
11 May 2018Emir Saleh
" Cozy place... 👍👍🏼👏 "
10 May 2018Airy Crux
" Overpriced, barely ever has stock for anything, VERY POOR SERVICE. "
09 May 2018Lahedi Geraldus
" Mmantap kopi @ "
08 May 2018M H Najib
" Good "
07 May 2018Yery Kristanto
" Menunya enak2,makanannya variatif
06 May 2018Waiternya ramah2,apalagi barnya,enak diajak ngobrol "
Togar Pakpahan
" Menunya ok khususnya kopinya mantap "
05 May 2018Dedi Sopandi Sofwan
" Tempat nongkrong yang nyaman buat minum kopi sambil nunggu jadwal keberangkatan dan kedatangan pesawat di Bandara Husein Sastranegara Bandung, tempat nyaman, ada pula smoking area bagi para perokok, dilayani dengan cepat dan ramah, banyak pilihan kopi. Harga terjangkau "
05 May 2018Untung Karnanto
" Tempat ngopi enak di lokasi Bandara, tanpa harus keluar bandara. Aneka kopi pilihan nusantara tersedia. Aneka sncak ada pilihan menarik yakni banana split dan friench fries. "
04 May 2018Poppy Ashya
" Nyaman, santai....thai tea nya enak "
03 May 2018Bayu Akbar
" one of the most place that I always looking for to get some break and rest while enjoy the coffee.... "
02 May 2018田中友大
" ここは、ルワックコーヒーが売ってます。
01 May 2018小さいところにはないです。 "
Eddy Setyawan
" Ngupi ganteng sambil tunggu boarding pesawat "
" Ok "
01 May 2018Ruslan Rasyid
" Tempat ngopi berkelas "
28 April 2018Irvvan Syah
" Bagus "
26 April 2018Maria Pattiasina
" Tempat yang nyaman buat duduk dan ngobrol. "
26 April 2018Andi Arsad
" Tempat Ngopi dengan Pilihan Kopi Speciality Toraja & Sambil Santai Nunggu Kedatangan Ataupun Keberangkatan Domestik .. "
26 April 2018Vivi Hendra
" Staff are so nice, a little bit expensive but rational enough. I recommend the avocado coffee you can almost not taste the coffee but there are also matcha and thai tea if you don’t like coffee. They also have some snacks. Smoking area are available. "
24 April 2018Maria Pattiasina
" Temoat yang nyaman buat duduk dan ngobrol. "
23 April 2018Siswo Widyo
" sekarang ada non smoking area, tambah oke "
23 April 2018Bang Polo
" With TT "
23 April 2018Ratih Kurnia
" Good food and coffee "
22 April 2018Daniel Aryanto
" Ya standartnya excelso lah... "
22 April 2018Shaifur Rohman
" Ok "
22 April 2018Utamy Yusuf
" Kopi mana kopiiii "
22 April 2018Hillman Himawan
" Tempat untuk berbagai macam aktivitas. Nongkrong, pertemuan bisnis, diskusi juga oke. "
21 April 2018Linda Hernawati
" Good "
21 April 2018Grace Kelly Hosea
" Selalu appreciate ketika mengunjungi tempat ini. Dari segi harga memang a bit pricey. Tp kualitas memang tidak pernah salah. Promo juga sayangnya hanya untuk hari biasa, kalau weekend jarang promo ya. Selalu jd pilihan utk kumpul dgn teman2. Wlpn pesan menu yg itu2 saya tp nyatanya kami senang2 saja dan tdk prnh bosan.
20 April 2018Saya rekomendasi kopinya. Baik biji maupun bubuk. Kualitas terpilih dan saya tdk segan sll membeli kopi utk dijadikan sbg oleh2 ketika bepergian ke luar. "
Mohammad Ayarni
" Ngopi bareng smbil ngobrolin bisnis "
20 April 2018Tukangopi Dotcom
" Good drink "
20 April 2018Sandy Setiadi
" It is a good place to have casual meeting with colleague. It is not too dim nor too loud. "
20 April 2018Bernadette Yarra
" Nice place to have a day out especially in the afternoon. Staffs are friendly, easy to find. "
17 April 2018Gerry Birch
" By far the worst food and service in Bali,I have never experienced such poor cooking and service in thirty years visiting the Island.give it a miss. "
16 April 2018Febey Arie
" Ok "
14 April 2018Dimas Ali Muchtar
" Nice place but when i come the menu didn't complete "
14 April 2018ARes Aishiteru
" Hazelnut kopi-nya enak.
13 April 2018Sekarang jadi excelso satu2nya yang ada di Samarinda "
Regalia Reali
" nice place "
09 April 2018Rio Dermawan
" Dari awal yang sederhana untuk memperkenalkan Excelso Coffee kepada masyarakat indonesia, Excelso cafe kini menjadi trendsetter bagi semua pecinta kopi di seluruh Indonesia.
08 April 2018Dirancang untuk menjadi cafe resto, elegan dalam desainnya yang unik untuk setiap outlet. Menawarkan layanan eksklusif dengan personalisasi dan pilihan makanan dan minuman terluas
Dengan persiapan yang cepat dalam setup kios yang kreatif minimalis, Excelso Express sempurna bagi mereka yang membutuhkan kopi saat bepergian. "
Abdulmujib Alhaddad
" Excelso cafe, cafe di dalam mall berada di lantai dua , dekat toko buku Gramedia dan bersebelahan dengan toko sepatu...berseberangan dengan toko pakaian olahraga.
07 April 2018menu lengkap standar cafe, dan bisa merokok....
cukup asyik karena tidak penuh, suasana santai bisa didapat.
pelayanan cepat dan ramah. "
Ali Zaenal Abidin
" Cozy place to play PES along with your mates, but not so gooed coffee, too much unavailable menus, "
07 April 2018Item Kedel
" Tempat yang nyaman, menu minuman dan makanan yang lengkap, sayang pelayanan nya tidak begitu ramah, harga juga terlalu mahal untuk kelas kota kecil "
07 April 2018Ardyanto Auwandy
" Coffe lover n good view "
05 April 2018Kharda Ahfa
" Nyaman sih tempatnya. "
01 April 2018Effendi Maguire
" Always nice to have a cup of coffee here. And the food choices, western style dishes. Must try!! "
30 March 2018Benny Herlambang
" Snack was good .. really love their nachos .. sandwich also good.. other snacks (fries, etc) was so so.. coffee as usual as other coffee store.. civet coffee / kopi luwak is available here .. located inside Mall Puri Indah .. Good place for hangout and dine or meet up while enjoy some coffee .. "
22 March 2018Listiani Himawan
" lumayan lah tempatnya untuk nongkrong.. "
22 March 2018Boyke Mekel
" Tempatnya asyik ,hanya kurang luas saja....seandainya lbh luas pasti lebih rame lagi "
22 March 2018Febri Ayudea
" Diskon member Excelso hingga 30%
22 March 2018Kopinya memang oks banget hahaha
Rekomendasi selain kopi : mango tango dan peppermint tea (tersedia hanya di weekday)
Buka sampai malam mengikuti jam tutup Sutos.
Area : depan lobby, semua bebas merokok (indoor ada AC, buat yg ga kuat angin malam) karena rata-rata yang pake vapor duduk di outdoor. "
Taufiq Soleh
" Not bad at all, good concept place, but the taste coffe need more quality "
19 March 2018Oppo Hiew
" shop office "
19 March 2018Syahrani Saleh
" A good place for killing time with friends socializing or just enjoying premium coffee alone. "
17 March 20183AS Syafril
" Favorite "
17 March 2018Kak Ros
" Harga oke, cemilannya enak2. "
15 March 2018Abubakar Siddiq
" As expected from the Excelso family.
15 March 2018I had the famous Lemon Butter Dory as well as Choco Chips Frappio.
The Dory is text book. Showing a well executed procedure.
Also, it's obvious that the fish was in good quality.
The reason I give 4 stars is the upholstery of their sofa. It's obvious that they need to change them.
Another reason which is minor, the aircon is not actually conditioning the air.
All in all, 4 stars for the Excelso at the Park, Solo. Thumbs up! "
" Enak kopinya sepadan dengan harganya 👌tempat kongko-kongko yang asik dan nyaman sampe bisa lupa waktu "
14 March 2018Kurniadi Seta Sanjaya
" Best Fish and Chips... "
14 March 2018Suryo Prasetyo
" Found quiet and relaxing coffee place in Magelang... had avocado coffee with ice cream... too bad they run out of banana wrap.... good music.. good service... "
13 March 2018Dion Indra Mustofa
" Not bad but true coffeeshop "
13 March 2018Gori Chan
" Kantor Pusat excelso di surabaya "
13 March 2018Indah R
" So happy with sandwich "
11 March 2018Felix Joni
" Enak "
09 March 2018Aditya Wedhatama
" Too expensive "
09 March 2018Chandra Soetanto
" I think it's understaffed here. Service is not as good as other Excelso. "
08 March 2018Septian Eka Putra
" Good service and good place to drink a coffee . "
07 March 2018Hasan Imam Mukut
" Coffee and food. "
05 March 2018Arya Rizki
" High class "
02 March 2018Is Naeni
" Nice place buat nongkrong. Minumannya enak, sandwichnya porsinya banyak "
01 March 2018Garuda Surya
" one of many...my favourit place.. 4 hang out.... enjoy nice coffee taste.. "
24 February 2018Bordir Kaliwungu
" Kopi yg Sepadan dengan apa yg kita keluarkan, mantap.. "
22 February 2018Indah
" good coffee, ok food & relaxing place "
22 February 2018Ferry Muliana
" love t food "
21 February 2018Muh. Iswar
" Suasananya tenang, pelayanannya bagus, kopinya jg enak. Cocok buat nongkrong dan dapat discon bagi pengguna kartu member👍👍 "
16 February 2018Nita Wawa
" Tempat nongkrong "
16 February 2018Enggal Pratama
" Salah satu pilihan ketika anda berada di Bandara Syamsuddin Noor. Letak di depan pintu ruang tunggu kedatangan membuat pengunjung bandara yang ingin menunggu kedatangan keluarga, sanak, famili sambil menikmati segelas kopi ataupul signature drink lainnya. Seperti Kedai Excelso lainnya, kedai ini juga menyajikan biji kopi ataupun bubuk kopi pilihan seperti Robusta Gold, Sumatera Madhaeling, Kalosi Toraja, Java Arabica dan Excelso House Blend. Untuk range harga berasa di Rp 30.000 sd Rp 110.000 "
15 February 2018Yanti Twinners
" Cocok buat nongkrong dan kumpul2. Tempatnya santai "
11 February 2018Felix Juliadi
" Saya ga tahu kenapa long black disini benar2 ga ada aromanya, taste tipis dan hambar. Agak kecewa dgn excelso "
11 February 2018Ronald Michael
" Tempat bagus manjamu teman dan kolega, sayang di tempat merokok terlalu ribut suara kendaraan "
10 February 2018Rizki Kurniawan
" The name of this place "Opulent Gardin" which there is Excelso, Bebek Tepi Sawah dan Paxi Barber Shop "
08 February 2018Indrawan Saputra
" Gerai Kopi Excelso hadir di Grand Mall Bekasi
08 February 2018Lokasinya ada di Lantai dasar Mall bersebelahan dengan Kedai Kopi J CO.
Selain J CO ada Starbucks yang bisa jadi alternatif "
Haryo Jati
" Your other pit stop in this rest area..
07 February 2018Not way too crowded and lot of space to having relax chat "
Deni Wijaya
" Nice .. but to expensive for small town "
05 February 2018Nurmala Dewi
" Comfort and quite "
02 February 2018Sofyan Adam
" Kopi coklatnya enak "
01 February 2018Sweeta Octavianti
" Great atmosphere, cozy place and have many variant of coffee drinks "
01 February 2018Suryadi Hertanto
" Alternate coffee shop. "
01 February 2018Fadjar Mulyawan
" Coffee shop franchise...brand excelso...quite nice in atmosphere and decoration, might need a bit renovation, still the food standard is ok "
31 January 2018Jenny Tjen
" If you mind about smoking people around you, you'd better forget this place. They provide smoking room but for the unclear excuses, they are unable to close the door. It's better to choose the coffee shop next door which is more convenient and free of cigarette smoke "
26 January 2018Andi Syafri
" Suasananya tenang "
24 January 2018Frans Manharka
" Nice place for coffe "
24 January 2018Rostiana Batam
" Menarik "
23 January 2018Angela Lin
" great coffee "
17 January 2018Ludy Madianto
" Nice Services "
14 January 2018Harry Makertia
" Tempatnya nyaman untuk menunggu, lokasinya tepat di sebelah pintu kedatangan domestik. "
13 January 2018Erick Christianto
" Its good...but too expensive "
09 January 2018Ita Maulidyah
" I like it "
06 January 2018Ahmad Yasin
" Quality of service should be better for the price... "
06 January 2018Nana Zhuang
" Nice place to get a great coffee "
04 January 2018Anzaranger
" Mahal 😂 "
02 January 2018Mahmud Nur14
" Roti bakarnya enak "
30 December 2017Duma Pakpahan
" Cozy place where you can find best coffee by yourself and groups "
29 December 2017Letizia Dyastari
" Kopi nya selalu enak.. Tapi sedikit kurang nyaman krn tdk ada ruangan khusus smoking area. "
28 December 2017Anja Anjani
" From more than 5 years excelso become my fav. But on lvl 21, they dont have pastry !!.. i cant eat my fav almond croissant. "
28 December 2017Tuti Bahri
" Tempat paling asik buat ngbrol lama2 breng temen😘 "
28 December 2017Wesly Situmeang
" My favorite coffee shop, i usually drink lanang toraja or kalosi. "
24 December 2017Kasra J. Munara
" Cozy and quiet place "
23 December 2017Novianita Ayu Sejati
" Nice ❤️ "
23 December 2017Bems Arsal
" Berada didalam mall palembang icon yg memiliki view yg indah, cocok buat foto2, selfie dan nongkrong bareng teman2. "
22 December 2017Opick Mataram Web
" Ada life musiknya.. untuk smoking area di luar.. cukup nyaman.. pilihan minimun sesuai enaknya sama harganya.. 😎👍 "
21 December 2017Edi Junaedi
" Tempatnya cukup rapi dan sepi. Karena harga kopinya lumayan mahal dan memang sesuai dgn rasa kopi yg beda dari yg lain "
21 December 2017Big Rizal
" Nice place "
20 December 2017Suherman Yacob
" nice place "
19 December 2017Suherman Yacob
" nice place to nongkrong hehe "
19 December 2017Budiman R.
" Nice place for hangout.. f&b are standard, nothing particular.. "
18 December 2017Nathanael Septadi
" Good Coffee shop You should try it. "
17 December 2017Rusdiansah Usni
" Kopi dan makanannya lumayan enak. Pembayaran menggunakan debit card hanya bisa bila ada logo visa atau master card "
16 December 2017Yadi Yaditriono
" Mecenangkan "
12 December 2017Dewa Prasada
" Standart exelco "
11 December 2017Efrizal Saja
" Good coffee variant "
10 December 2017Angie Ayu Mujahida
" I ordered ice coffee, taste was not so good, and overprice, internet connection was terrible. But the place is good "
09 December 2017Sinead Macauley
" Food and drink are both very generous, but the staff lack a little attentiveness "
07 December 2017Katherine Kilman
" Very good food and service "
07 December 2017Ahmad Ali Alatas
" My loyal customer.. "
05 December 2017Haisin Rusli
" Nice place to get some coffee... :) "
04 December 2017Cristo Wahyu
" Nyaman, americanonya pas "
01 December 2017FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Cozy, quiet.Luwak coffee recommeded. "
01 December 2017Rully Rachman
" Suasananya enak,makanan n minumannya jg enak. D kantong jg enak "
29 November 2017Andi Rizal
" Mantaaaaaab "
28 November 2017Arman Pramono
" Love their choco chip frapio, nutty frapio and espresso shake. Good service. Outdoor seating available. Crowded as usuall. Don't forget the promo with credit card "
23 November 2017Arief OpsVit
" Quit place "
22 November 2017Miko Kawibawa
" Less crowded than the one in Mantos... packed on weekends though "
21 November 2017Schwarz Dogg
" Food and beverage were standard. The service needs improvement. Forgetting an order during crowded rush hours could still be tolerated, but with only two tables to attend to??? Unforgivable!! My kids were hungry! "
16 November 2017Zuhda Mila
" Not so favourite but taste is still acceptable, though it is quite expensive for college students "
14 November 2017Raden Mas
" sip "
09 November 2017Dien Rachmad
" Tempat yang recomend untuk bersantai dan berkumpul dengan keluarga atau sahabat!
07 November 2017Menyediakan smoking room atau non smoking, terdapat dua area outdoor!
Menyediakan menu makanan yang variatif!
Beef n Cheese Salad dan Tuna Pasta salah satu yang paling paling saya suka!
Pelayanan yang memuaskan! "
Cun Ming
" Try club sandwich.....it's delicious "
05 November 2017Patyani Joedawinata
" Mahal "
03 November 2017ARes Aishiteru
" Hazelnut kopi-nya enak.
02 November 2017Sekarang jadi excelso satu2nya yang ada di Samarinda "
Adam Tamzil
" Pro : Cozy place to hang out, good surrounding, not very crowded, valet parking also available, lots of credit card promotion.
02 November 2017Con : if not using promotion, price can be quite high
Pictures :
Blossom , yogurt blend with strawberry and orange freeze "
Tri Wibowo
" Cozy place "
01 November 2017Mohamed Alhashmi
" Good coffee shop. After arrived i took a coffee from here. Water is expensive "
30 October 2017Rusly Wijaya
" All smoking room "
28 October 2017Danny Sentosa
" Tempatnya kecil. Menu terbatas. Tp lumayan untuk tempat ngobrol atau menunggu "
27 October 2017Rizky Firmansyah
" The coffee used to be good but now the quality is a bit disappointing "
26 October 2017Indri Sasube
" tempat yang cocok untuk meeting, atau acara keluarga, teman, arisan,,pelayanan yg baik "
25 October 2017Yanuar Ishaq
" Cocok buat yg mau ngopi sebelum berangkat naik pesawat/nunggu check in buka. Tersedia smoking room. "
24 October 2017Rony Soerakoesoemah
" excellento "
21 October 2017Milo Montang
" Comfort.. Right in front of gate 9-12, close to rest area inside the airport and playground for children. It also has smoking area but why they don’t close the door? Since the smoke will be around the non-smoking area "
21 October 2017MARIO ADILSON
" Masih ad tim yg lupa orderan dr customer yg mana "
20 October 2017Reza Pradipta
" baru pesen trus udah dipanggil boarding..hhmmm "
20 October 2017Fariz Chamim
" Selayaknya franchise ... sudah sesuai SOP "
20 October 2017Silvia
" Very expensive cafe, taste good "
17 October 2017Tommy Wijaya
" Cafe for the real coffee lovers, limited selection of food and cakes. "
17 October 2017Fendy Endiarta
" Posisi strategis di dekat pintu masuk bandara. "
15 October 2017Rinja Bayu Wanda
" This coffee can't make me sleep.he "
12 October 2017Firman Tirtawidjaja
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk ngobrol "
09 October 2017Vini Nur Rachmawati
" good place to hangout when your phone is being repaired 😁😁 "
08 October 2017Alan Prasetiyo
" Nungguin sydney parera 😞 "
08 October 2017Ray Cahyo Ariono
" Nice place... "
02 October 2017Vincenzo Rahardjo
" Great Serving, great view "
01 October 2017Subastho Ridhono
" It's a good place to chill out with friends "
01 October 2017Indoturtle
" Nice sandwich in the morning "
01 October 2017Amib Parlina
" Kopi mantap tempat nyaman makanan juga enak "
29 September 2017Sandy Liga
" Saya pesan avocado coffee, nice blend. "
29 September 2017Indah Ratnawati
" Tempat yg asyik buat nongki sm keluarga,teman,rekan kerja "
29 September 2017Purwanto Kurniawan
" Saat butuh wifi ada, saya sebagai pengunjung jadi senang ... "
26 September 2017FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Suasananya mendukung untuk bekerja dengan laptop. "
26 September 2017Vini Indrawan
" Cozy place "
25 September 2017Agung EMHa
" Tempat nyaman... Posisi strategis dipinggir kedatangan domestik.
24 September 2017Harga disini lebih mahal dari Excelso diluar bandara. "
Faried Mohammad
" Ngopi dulu....
24 September 2017Harga bersaing dgn resto seberang tp rasa dan penyajian kopi lebih menjanjikan....
Space kecil tp lumayan buat nongkrong.... "
Aganto Seno
" Tempat ngopi yg jadi satu dengan ruang tunggu keberangkatan, jd gak bakal ketinggalan pesawat. Ada colokan juga. . Ha ha.. "
23 September 2017Taufik Hidayat
" The coffee was just okay, but the server was rubbish! It is a cozy place to hang out, but the service need a lot of improvement! "
21 September 2017Sandy Liga
" Avocado coffee hari ini mantap ! "
19 September 2017Beny Halfina
" A cozy place but Quite expensive and the internet speed is unstable "
17 September 2017Rakhmat Nopliardy
" Lumayan untuk menunggu kedatangan penerbangan "
16 September 2017Joe Butler
" Great service and very nice "
16 September 2017Ira Juwita.
" Comfy and nice place "
15 September 2017Anastasia Hartana
" Pelayanan nya buruk, saat hari minggu berkunjung kesana untuk memesan sangat sulit memanggil waiter nya. Memesan tambahan order, minuman tak kunjung datang dan ternyata belum di orderkan oleh waiter nya "
12 September 2017Ivan Soesilo
" Kopi enak "
12 September 2017Eros A
" Good food good place "
10 September 2017Steven Sen
" good store "
10 September 2017Susi Tok
" aku suka ini "
10 September 2017Riko Manambing
" Sangat bagus "
09 September 2017Bimo DS
" Menu is pricey but tasty.
04 September 2017Place is comfy with wifi.
Staffs are all nice with service likewise.
What more do you want? "
Bagus Rochadi
" Untuk mencari tempat yang tenang, disini tempat nya. Untuk mencari kopi yang enak bukan disini.
30 August 2017Pas kesini WiFi tidak bisa digunakan "
Asrul Lamarang
" Hampir tidak pulang rumah "
30 August 2017Rully Sinuhaji
" Nice place "
29 August 2017Andre Beng
" Its a good place to waiting my boarding time "
29 August 2017Teuku Ikhsan
" Mantap buat tempat nongkrongan "
29 August 2017Mindaryati Mindaryati
" Biasanya di sni sm tmn" garap kerjaan... bisa berlama" krn nyaman n tenang...pdhl kdg cm minum aja 😁😄😄 "
28 August 2017Ias Naibaho
" A great coffee shop with a new feel after the renovation! I love its frappio series. The service is good and the foods are great too! Add their LINE account for daily deals! "
27 August 2017Duwi Wahyuni
" Suasana nya enak "
25 August 2017Syawal Rga
" Family cafe terbaik "
24 August 2017Teguh Priyanto
" Enak tempatnya "
23 August 2017Isabelle Cecilia
" Really overpriced. Bad (not poor, BAD) service.
23 August 2017First waiter took our order midway and decided he was bored and had another one replace him without telling the new one what our orders had been.
SO many things are out of stock. Might as well not open a menu-based restaurant.
It's alright to recommend food/drinks but when you do it too many times it really gets extremely annoying LET ME DECIDE FOR MYSELF I DON'T CARE IF YOU TELL ME THAT THIS DRINK ISN'T TOO SWEET OR THAT FOOD ISN'T TOO SALTY.
Misinformation from the waiters, was told that they couldn't do fries (WHY..?) and so I'd get mashed potatoes instead but guess what came out, NEITHER.
And yes everything is ridiculously overpriced I mean Rp. 56k for some random matcha latte THERES A STARBUCKS AND A COFFEE BEAN RIGHT UPSTAIRS SO NO I DONT THINK IM INTERESTED.
No wonder there's noone here.
Never coming back. Not recommending my friends and family to come either.
Waste of my money and time. "
Ivan Soesilo
" Ok "
19 August 2017Marcelia Setiawan
" They have lots variety of drinks, meals and cake. Love the tea and cakes selections. "
18 August 2017Hutahaean Ray
" One cafe in arrival point of the airport.
17 August 2017Clean and warm staff as normal excelco standard "
Davin Reginald Stariyono
" It's good for eating and drinking coffee "
16 August 2017Indoturtle
" Nice coffee, the wifi was so slow "
16 August 2017Ivan Soesilo
" Ngofee dulu "
16 August 2017Amirullah Yunus
" Tempat cukup nyaman...smoking area yg cukup luas...minuman cukup enak...pelayan ramah... "
13 August 2017Ananta Zachary
" Good place "
11 August 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Fantastic avocado coffee. But average on everything else. Foodwise is mostly fried or high in fat. "
10 August 2017Eugene Wong
" I like their coffee beans... "
10 August 2017Anggoro Suprapto
" Excelco Cafe, di Mall Ciputra lantai dua, sudah tidak asing lagi bagi warga Semarang. Tidak hanya kalangan muda saja, kaum tua pun banyak yang nongkrong di sini. Tempatnya di hook, pojok, bisa ngopi dan ngemil, sambil melihat-lihat para gadis cantik yang melintas. Ideal untuk ngobrol, diskusi kecil, rendevouz, personal meeting bisnis, dan lain-lain. Harga cukup terjangkau, bisa bayar tunai, debet, atau pakai kartu kredit.. "
08 August 2017Ahmad Luthfi
" Nongkrong sambil ngopi di sini mantab "
08 August 2017Rizal R
" Trendi "
06 August 2017Andi Arsad
" Very Cozy place if you need coffee choice "
04 August 2017Asepnurdiansyah Asep
" juara "
01 August 2017Matius Cahyadi
" Excelso coffee shop, kapal api group, national brand, high style coffee. "
31 July 2017Ngurah Mantara
" coffee shop yg legendaris. tersedia juga makanan "
" Great coffee here. "
30 July 2017Rizan Habibi
" Good food and coffe "
30 July 2017Haisin Rusli
" Nice place to get coffee... :) "
28 July 2017Daud Elnitiarta
" extra charge for credit card payment? don't be ridiculous "
26 July 2017ROCKY ITO
" ジャコウネコのコーヒーが美味しい "
25 July 2017Andre Azali
" Quite cozy and the food is ok also plenty of beverages choices "
25 July 2017Gb Jkt
" Lumayan nyaman saat nunggu takeoff "
23 July 2017Luky Wijaya
" Cukup nyaman utk santai sejenak sambil ngopi. Sy tadi pagi datang dari Jkt ke Palangka Raya ini dan saya singgah di Excelso. 22 Juli 2017. Tks. "
22 July 2017Zwingly Otniel Poluan
" Tempat yg sangat membantu untuk yg suka fastfood,, makanannya enak.. "
21 July 2017Baso Marannu Mappaselleng
" Cocok untuk deal business "
20 July 2017Afdhol Choir
" iced espresso shakes juara "
20 July 2017Irfan Yourdani
" Yang pencinta kopi,,,,disini oky "
19 July 2017Agil Saputro
" Quite place to make your time with great coffee "
19 July 2017Rosybilly Zhou
" Cafe lumayan bersih, tapi sayang smoking room dan non-smoking room dijadikan satu. Karyawan kurang memahami produk yang dijual, meskipun demikian, mereka sangat ramah. "
19 July 2017Farrel Naufal Alauddin
" Ok 😎 "
19 July 2017Marcelius Patria Prabaniswara
" Tidak terlalu suka kopi disini. Terlalu mild. "
18 July 2017Tita Chamberlin
" Franchise coffeeshop with so-so taste comes with pricy tag.. "
16 July 2017Zwingly Otniel Poluan
" Tempat yg sangat membantu untuk yg suka fastfood dan AYAM,, hehehe "
16 July 2017Elizabeth Muljate
" Good food "
14 July 2017Moritz Taslim
" No smoking area "
11 July 2017Tesalonika Lalamentik
" Deliciouss 👌👌👌 "
10 July 2017Jesikam 09
" Roomnya asyik,namun lumayan menguras kantong. "
09 July 2017Imam Al Ghozaly
" Enjoy "
06 July 2017Ade Irwan
" Tempat yg nyaman serta pelayanan yg bagus "
05 July 2017I Putu Dyatmika
" kalosi torajanya mantap "
04 July 2017Cahyana Wiyana
" Lokasi ok .. mas bro .. "
02 July 2017Rajawali Robert
" Its a good place to hanging out with friends and have a coffee. "
01 July 2017Erna Gufran
" Tempatnya bagus kuex up to date semua...bru beli blm coba si rasanya "
30 June 2017Ian Orri
" Avocado coffee "
29 June 2017Sindhu Wismantoro
" Good place for ngupi "
29 June 2017Frida Marina
" Perfect place to get some rest on the way home "
26 June 2017Rasyidi Rayan
" Menu kopinya sangat inovatif. Saya suka avocado coffe. Dan yg terbaru kopi dengan taste sweet potato. Hmmm. So delicious. "
25 June 2017Oom Yossi
" Rasa Ok untuk kopi. Makanan standar. Harga untuk level Mataram, masih MAHAL "
24 June 2017Satria Nugraha
" Tempat asik untuk nongkrong bersama teman atau rekan bisnis. Menu kopi yang enak dan banyak pilihan jus. "
23 June 2017Ari Palilu
" Good place to hang out :) "
21 June 2017Giok Sien
" Great coffee with great taste "
20 June 2017Roni Kristiawan
" Oke pelayanannya...menu juga oke "
20 June 2017David Webb
" Good coffee and snacks. Great to have Excelso in Magalang. "
20 June 2017Rakhmat Nopliardy
" Menunggu dan menikmati secangkir kopi "
20 June 2017Hakim Lao
" Mantap.. "
20 June 2017Yudhi Wiyono
" Waiters are not well coordinated, communication breakdown between them. One says there is a discount on the item, whereas the other says its not, in the end they simply said sorry, and no discounts were given.
18 June 2017Food and beverage are standard since they're franchise chains. "
Carmen Hyang
" Great services than other branches "
18 June 2017Reymond Kukus
" NIce place, nice view, a good place to do some of your paperwork. Nachos is my favourite. "
17 June 2017Arditama Putra
" Basicly a good place for hanging out, but they let the customer to smoke inside the coffeeshop which is closed-airconditioned-room. It was really an inconvenience. The owner should provide the smoking room. "
16 June 2017Arief Arya
" Nyaman buat ngobrol "
15 June 2017Junu Kapoor
" Excellent staff and service "
15 June 2017Mura Coffee
" malam...kita ingin menawarkan produk kopi dari murung raya dengan brand Mura coffee...utk grade produk kami sendiri kami memilliki grade 83. 08 yang sudah diuji di LP PUSLITKOKA jember dan tertinggi se INDONESIA utk jenis Robusta, berminat menambahkan menu silahkan hub CP : 0821 49424749 atau email muracoffee@gmail.com
14 June 2017Terima kasih "
Januar Pribadi
" Ok "
13 June 2017Lindsay Yonatan
" Good coffee "
08 June 2017Mokhamad Abrar
" Nicely "
07 June 2017Silvi Zennita
" Good "
05 June 2017Kaisu Maulidinur
" Lokasi cukup strategis..Tempat nyaman dan staff nya ramah..Punya jaringan Wi Fi untuk mengisi waktu Hang out..View nya bagus "
05 June 2017Imelda M M Simanungkalit
" Nothing special "
03 June 2017Adyvictura Tinambunan
" Cozy place. Good coffee. Recommended to addict coffee. Located on Ciputra Mall. "
02 June 2017Fajarpas
" Good "
31 May 2017Irsan Sugiarto
" Good coffee, good food and good interior "
31 May 2017Harald Bold
" Totally overrated! Average coffee. "
25 May 2017Febriansyah Rio Mahfudi
" Ngopi dengan pemandangan laut di sini tempatnya "
25 May 2017Aline Suheri
" Nongkrong sendirian aja nyaman, apalagi sama temen/pacar. Promo vouchernya banyak pula, bikin pengen sering-sering nongkrong di sini. "
18 May 2017Yadi Fakhruzein TJ
" Tidak ada tempat yang nyaman untuk tamu yg tidak merokok... "
14 May 2017Isidorus Agles
" Good coffee. Good view. Good service. "
14 May 2017Mukharam Pria Bakti
" Cozy place "
12 May 2017Indri Sadewo
" Lumayan dan sempit "
12 May 2017Heriati Khoe
" Avocado coffee is my favorite here "
11 May 2017Solihin M
" Excelso baru dibuka baru-baru ini di Menara Bidakara. Tempatnya lumayan oke, buka sampai jam 22.00 "
08 May 2017Veeyaa Calvin
" Enak kopi sama makanan nya, pemandangannya juga bagus "
08 May 2017Arifin Blakrakmania
" De excelso Tunjungan plaza, pelayanannya oke, staffnya tanggap dan sangat membantu, maju terus kopi indonesia "
08 May 2017YUS SUDARSO
" ok "
07 May 2017Niken Rusdaliah
" Pulang les.... "
06 May 2017Chaidir Baharuddin
" Avocado coffee juara "
04 May 2017Nurul Rahmawati
" Segerrr kopinya juara "
30 April 2017Ade Tanjung
" Nice place for discus with team "
29 April 2017Estiyo Sumoko
" Tempat nyaman menikmati kopi sambil nongkrong "
27 April 2017Choirul Anwar
" Coffee berkualitas rasanya di sini "
27 April 2017Mozaky Yus
" Quite and nice service "
22 April 2017Albert Kristian
" Hot cappuccino..doesn't even look appealing..taste wise, pure milk with a small hint of coffee. "
21 April 2017Budhi Prasetyo
" Nice Place for meeting point. Great taste. Cozy place. "
19 April 2017Malinda Silvya
" Minuman nya enak. "
14 April 2017Ekasatria Utama
" Have a nice day with Excelso coffee, just try menu of the month. Nice coffee shop. "
12 April 2017Tomu Juliana Sitanggang
" The place is cozy but the f&b are quite expensive "
12 April 2017Rudy Hilkya
" Romantic view "
09 April 2017Sagar Photography
" ngopi dulu "
06 April 2017Oka Giling
" One of the best coffee shops with wide selection of local and imported coffee beans. Try the civet coffee (luwak) or any good coffee brewed with syphon. Light meals also available. "
06 April 2017Ryan Lee
" Good service, nice environment ! Good for gathering and chat ! "
05 April 2017Stefano Savi
" Very poor quality ingredients and overpriced. Design interior is nicely renovated but dirty. "
01 April 2017Eric Sugiharto
" Excellent place like it name "
31 March 2017Selamet Hariadi
" Bagus lokasi di dalam mall. Akan tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan menunya sedikit karena ini Excelso Express. Buku menu juga kurang bagus, jilidannya lepas sebagian.
31 March 2017Jika pake voucher disuruh dicheck dulu di kasir valid apa tidak, BEDA BANGET dengan yang di Malang tak harus validasi. "
Hendri Setiono
" Addicted to avocado coffee "
30 March 2017Mister Surjadinata
" Cozy place.... "
30 March 2017Irwan Fahroji
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk ngopi bersama sahabat atau keluarga.. "
29 March 2017Hilda Octavia
" Dori nya enak ...
29 March 2017Spaghetti carbonaranya juga enak....
Sepadan ama harganya "
Monika Arvia
" Excelso so delicous "
25 March 2017Achmad Shobari
" Temoat nongkrong yang asik "
24 March 2017Aswita Wulandari Saragih
" BEST AVOCADO COFFEE !!! No comparison! The best. But most of the menu is pricy. "
22 March 2017Wira321
" Nice place to have coffee or tea.. "
21 March 2017Chandra Gunawan
" A place to chill out "
21 March 2017Ikhwan Aziz
" best place for improve productivity when you needed some new working condition. nice place for meeting your best friends "
21 March 2017Natanael Joshua
" Minta colokan T, langsung dikasih, minumannya juga uenak "
19 March 2017Ayu Maria
" Best coffee "
19 March 2017Ithe Monoarfa
" Cozy place for hangout "
18 March 2017Ithe Monoarfa
" Cozy place for hangout "
18 March 2017Safrina TAAJ
" tempat nongkrong santai "
17 March 2017Ithe Monoarfa
" Cool for hangout "
17 March 2017Hendri Setiawan
" best coffee here "
17 March 2017Iman Firmansyah
" Very cozy place for hangout "
16 March 2017Vida Rosmelda
" Excelso best,aku suka kopi dn pelayanan ny juga ramah,tempat lumayan ok buat nongkrong. "
16 March 2017Hengky Yap
" Good coffee "
16 March 2017Dwi Priyanta
" Good place to hang out yet to work "
14 March 2017Jaka Prajakarya
" Comfortable hangout places "
13 March 2017Achmad Muhardi
" Expensive "
10 March 2017Adi Tagor
" Mahal "
10 March 2017GALIH AKSA
" asik biat ngobrol "
08 March 2017Welli Karunia
" di sebelah pintu kedatangan domestik "
06 March 2017Daniel Ekaputra
" New design interior make cozy place "
06 March 2017Pilartimoer Nusantara
" Bagus "
28 February 2017Aulia Hakim
" Hakim was here "
23 February 2017Kokoh Pudjiono Muljo
" Nyaman buat kerja, ketemuan ma org atau klien atau sekedar kumpul ma teman "
23 February 2017Jacky Linton
" 👍👌 "
22 February 2017Tommy Mulyo
" lokasi didlm area mall the park, tempat ga bgtu luas, tp ada kursi meja dluarnya, bisa nongkrong sbl nikmati live music pas ada... "
18 February 2017Fitrah Hidayat
" Excellent but expensive "
17 February 2017Shafiq R
" Good coffee. Cozy area with good wifi. "
17 February 2017Agung Arifin
" Ok "
15 February 2017Catur Ismi Wahyuni
" Coffee.... nice place "
14 February 2017甘明忠
" Cappuccino wasn't bad, and the staff was polite enough. Would like to give this place a higher rating, but the 10% service charge is not reasonable. I was given a small cappuccino in a paper cup that was not brought out to me. I don't mind getting it myself, but then don't add a big service charge.
09 February 2017At another coffee shop I won't name, I got friendly service and more coffee in a nice mug for about 48,000. At this coffee shop with the service charge the price went up to 52,000.:/ "
Dwi Setyadi
" Nyaman buat kumpul-2 bersama teman n keluarga "
08 February 2017Yuli Utomo
" Greatest place for coffee and food with good service, good foods, staff is superb 👍👍👍👍
04 February 2017Recommend for anyone 😍😍 "
Nur Hepsanti Hassanah
" Nice place to hangout and have a long chit chat. The price is arguable "
03 February 2017Mully Endah
" Y gt deh "
29 January 2017Yossie Yoshua
" Mantap "
26 January 2017Firdaus Sugiarto
" Nice coffe "
25 January 2017Saulia Solehan
" Good "
25 January 2017Roy Ps
" New place with outdoor smoking area... "
24 January 2017Fajar Dwi Riyanto
" Harganya agak mahal "
22 January 2017Hendra Panguntaun
" Bagus banget buat nongkrong.. "
10 January 2017Faisal Sir
" Sangat strategis di pintu kedatangan domestik. "
10 January 2017Fup9chan Fup9chan
" 豆を買いにいいね👍 "
08 January 2017Weilldans Bmz
" Great place "
06 January 2017Henry Erik Estrada
" Good coffee, good food. The dory and seafood platter are our favorite "
06 January 2017Leonard Agustinus Sumawan
" Good place to hang out or having a meeting. The outdoor part is good where you can see Tribeca Park as your view. "
03 January 2017Taufan Ferdiansyah
" Pelayanan cepat, dan nyaman... Tersedia smoking area "
02 January 2017Beta Subakti N
" Good coffee "
30 December 2016Roy Toyota Surabaya
" Kopi paling enak berbagai varian "
29 December 2016Johanes Puguh
" Kopi luwaknya silakan dicoba "
29 December 2016Hasan Johanes
" This place is closed. "
28 December 2016Gresik Me
" Cozy banget. Sip. "
27 December 2016Sinarta Gunawan
" Nice and cozy place to hang out while looking for newest gadget @ plasa marina. "
25 December 2016Iwan Simehate
" Kren bangetz "
24 December 2016Adece Mananeke
" Luar biasa "
23 December 2016Nikko Abraham
" Di mna sih pusat kedai kopi nya di menteng kh menteng berapa "
23 December 2016Syahmin Sukhairi
" Kopinya mantap "
22 December 2016Melvin GANJA
" Bagus "
21 December 2016FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Cozy, quiet.Luwak coffee recommeded. "
19 December 2016Naufal Akbar T J
" Mantab jos makanannya💗💗💗 "
16 December 2016Arthanda Ilmi
" Ngopi disini enaknya malem. Duduk di luar outlet sambil ditemani lilin. Tapi untuk ruangan indoornya ndak kalah seru karena menghadap ke luar. Kalau masalah pelayanan dan rasa ndak perlu diragukan lagi. Kita mulai pesan hingga membayar tak perlu beranjak dari kursi, semua sudah terlayani dengan baik "
15 December 2016Sri Sedono
" Cakep enak buat nongkrong ada smoking area pula "
13 December 2016Your Mom
" terakhir sa makan ada rambutnya dan tidak enak
12 December 2016sa minta ganti pelayannya dia bilang tidak bisa
baru mahalnya sa bayar nabule "
Azis Prasetio
" 👍👍👍👍👍 "
10 December 2016Andi Faizal Fachlevy
" Decent services, too crowd, expensive, and decent taste "
09 December 2016Ariq Atillahariq
" Love it "
08 December 2016Tikkhavedo Tunky
" Enak kopinya 👍 "
06 December 2016GOOUNDES Furniture GOOUNDES
" Sipp "
05 December 2016Evan Chandra Kusuma
" good coffee "
05 December 2016Leonard Agustinus Sumawan
" One recommended drink, avocado coffee. Always order that as per usual. Recently tried their cookies and cream, pretty nice. Now they have two separated place, close to each other. The place is nice to hangout, but the downside, no waitress stand by, a pain in the ass just to call them. Really not comfortable. "
28 November 2016Arthanda Ilmi
" Kenapa lokasinya harus dipojokan yang jarang orang lewat. Selain itu, outletnya juga terkesan kurang pencahayaan "
23 November 2016Herry Suhim
" Cozy place and goid coffees "
19 November 2016Andri Noviandri
" nice place and we're can smoke in here "
17 November 2016Michael Yoga Setiawan
" Recommended. "
16 November 2016THE GOVLOG BPN
" Cozy place "
07 November 2016Marlon Ngantung
" They swear by their service excellence. Friendly and helpful staffs. Foods and drinks are alright. Try their chef salads or club sandwich. "
06 November 2016Yus Ran
" Good "
26 October 2016Didik Prasetyo
" Hari gini bayar pakai card kena additional charge.. "
26 October 2016Gunawan Hadi Santoso
" nice "
25 October 2016Fredy Go
" Suasananya nyaman "
18 October 2016Tena I Wayan
" Cozy for waiting flaight "
18 October 2016Natalia Pondaag
" tempat nongkrong anak gaul "
17 October 2016Ajisan Saufan
" Pernah bawa tamu kesini berdekatan dengan diva karaoke "
16 October 2016Ami Mustafa
" Kopinya mantap
11 October 2016Roomnya asyik
Ada atm dari beberapa bank "
Sudhar Kkj
" Jos "
08 October 2016Jupar Kdi
" Menghibur "
05 October 2016Ecky Agassi
" Decent excelso "
26 September 2016Dody Panggilanku
" Lumayan sih tempatnya, mbaknya murahin senyumnya lagi "
15 September 2016Harry
" Nice place with good interior design.
11 September 2016Good tasty for food n beverage,
especially for meat roast salad & hot cappuccino of course.
Has a nice beach view from the terrace at behind.
Recommended! "
Ummah Afifa
" Nyaman banget tempatnya. Menu sama seperti excelso lainnya...banyak pilihan. Pelayanan bagus. Ada live music "
06 September 2016Dela Erawati
" Cozy and excellent view. But maybe got too many ice in your frappe, eh? "
03 September 2016Vitorio Santosa
" Good coffee place alternative beside Starbucks at Central Park. The place is pretty small and don't sit outside when rain. The big umbrellas won't help. "
01 September 2016Pinz Yolando
" Good and tasty "
27 August 2016Alvin Halim
" Great coffee!
23 August 2016Kopinya enak. "
Uut Minhudan
" Tempatnya cozy, asyik buat hangout sama teman2. Yg paling suka sering kasi promo2 CC :) "
22 August 2016Rinard Kusnadi
" Tempat asik buat rehat sejenak setelah berkendara dan berpanas-panas ria "
20 August 2016Robi Suria
" A very nice place to meet up with clients, and friends. The foods and drinks are just so-so, but the location is great & can be easily seen from the main road. "
19 August 2016Larantuka Pratama
" Bisa menikmati kopi nikmat sembari menyaksikan konser musik classic Rock/event lainnya setiap malam... "
16 August 2016Yadin Mateng
" Elite bangeet "
15 August 2016Rita Suhartia Local Guide Borneo & Transport
" Mantap "
13 August 2016Muhamad Abdu
" Open air "
09 August 2016Diana Sari
" This cafe served standard various beverages and also some food. They also offer cocktails, although some are not availabe. The place is good for spending long chat with friends, colleagues, or families. The server very friendly, but its annoying when they offer tumbler -- it's like an pop-up advertising coming out of nowhere, when it can easily be displayed for customer who actually have interest in it. "
08 August 2016Gunadi Akiong
" Kopinya mantap "
01 August 2016Zenran
" Nice coffee, but a little too expensive "
19 July 2016Ferry Sutanto
" Coffee and other snacks. Look out for promotions. "
17 July 2016Haryo JK
" Cozy place to have coffee and chitchat "
17 July 2016Yuzzie Maharto
" Ok "
14 July 2016Ari
" Good coffee "
13 July 2016Laode Asfahyadin Aliddin
" Asyik "
12 July 2016Arie Kusuma Atmaja
" good coffee "
11 July 2016Han Lin
" tempatnya bersih, menu nya ok, harganya agak premium "
10 July 2016Dendy ASTIKA
" Toooo many mosquito "
10 July 2016Yupi Ipuy
" Im very interisting to this place "
09 July 2016Hadi Sukirman
" Quick service and nice snacks. Can be noisy at times. "
09 July 2016Orest Bilous
" They have wrong idea about what a real coffee should be like "
06 July 2016B D
" The food (especially its beverages) is average compare to its price. I won't dine-in here if there's no discount. The Wifi also sucks. Not recommended! "
26 June 2016Edi NT
" Normally ordered chocolate chips frappio tapi belakangan order avocado coffee. Gula biasanya dipisah. Agak pahit tapi memang itu yang dicari. Sebenarnya ada juga yang bukan coffee, tapi tetap avocado. Recommended. Ada 2 excelso di MKG, satu di MKG 3 satu lagi di MKG 2. "
26 June 2016Roedy Rustam
" Ngopi "
22 June 2016Facts About World
" Excelso Coffee has a good coffee. Excelso coffee was absolutely smell delicious. This place is good for talking. "
22 June 2016Yuli Imam Ma'arif
" Kopinya enak. Lumayan ngopi sambil nunggu pesawat "
22 June 2016Qurrota Ayunin Diananda
" Kafe di DP mall "
16 June 2016Lynda Daslam
" Oke aja "
14 June 2016Eko Yulianto
" Favorite place, it's quite and a good place to work with laptop "
05 June 2016JO GUNAWAN Tedja
" Gw Kecanduan COFFEE FRAPIO. "
20 May 2016Justin Yogatama
" Nice place. I like their salads. "
10 May 2016Edy Wijaya - ICS
" Tempat keren buat hang out
08 May 2016Kopi dan Makanannya ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "
Kanu Canoe
" Delicious coffee and desserts "
08 May 2016хафид заини
" double espresso is my fav in here "
06 May 2016Johanes Kaizen
" Tempat nongkrong dan ketemu orang di bgm pik "
06 May 2016AT Architect Arstk
" Meeting point in PIK
12 April 2016Not much food just for coffee lover "
Yinka Adeyeye
" Had my first Kopi Luwak here, I chose the 'syphon brew' method. Loved it. 😆☕️
26 March 2016Make sure to top it with a Batang beer, very yummy indeed 🍻 "
Bayu Fauzi
" Always love coffee in here, they're good! "
24 March 2016Linger Ricie
" Mahal kali harga kopi nya "
22 March 2016Deny Thio
" Good taste coffee. Cozy place "
20 March 2016Kiki Christian
" makanan dan minuman di excesepertinya kurang.
15 March 2016lso sangat berkualitas.. tapi, promosi di cafe itu "
Angga Sapta Aji
" Tempatnya keren "
11 March 2016Carlos M ツ
" Great coffee "
04 March 2016Irma Lucia
" Pretty good food and coffee for a really decent price! Plus the staff are really friendly and the place is nice. "
26 February 2016Viryan
" Good coffee... "
19 February 2016Gracey Wakary
" Tempat asik, pilihan kopi dan cokelat hangatnya yang superduper asik plus menu ringannya yang menggoyang lidah. Membuat tempat ini pas jadi tempat kumpul-kumpul dengan keluarga dan teman. Ada wifi, tempat duduk di luar untuk yang masih suka merokok alias smoking area. "
10 February 2016Rudy Erdiansyah
" Nice place. Had a clean toilet & praying corner "
10 February 2016Andy Joe
" Bagus..cocok buat ketemu relasi "
26 January 2016Kurnia W.
" Tempat yang nyaman untuk makan atau sekedar ngopi saat menunggu boarding/transit.
16 January 2016Pilihan beragam menu dan juga minuman.
tersedia Smoking Room dan anda masih dapat mendengar pengumuman saat panggilan boarding. "
" 好喝的咖啡 "
03 January 2016林忠賢
" Trakir buat promo tapi sistemnya rusak :( "
25 December 2015NengBiker Dwi Ariyani
" Cocok buat meeting di daerah araya "
22 December 2015Craig Hansen
" Great coffee, good fudge cake. "
10 December 2015R Fahsa
" Best spot to chill in blok m plaza "
18 November 2015Irsani Haryanto
" Dia yang tak kalah pentingnya pendidikan di luar biasa yang dapat kita gunakan dalam hal apapun itu tidak baik dan buruk dan yang tidak dapat melihat dan merasakan sakit hati itu bukan untuk disakiti itu juga ada di hati aku lah nak jadi orang lain untuk apa kita bisa ketemu kamu bisa menjadi seorang ibu yg lain juga akan melakukan hal itu terjadi di masa mendatang dan yang tidak dapat "
15 September 2015Hendrik Kian Seng
" Sip "
25 July 2015Suwarno Suwarno
" Good "
22 July 2015Adolf Tobing
" Nice "
08 July 2015Darren Ezra
" awsome , I lOved it "
08 November 2014Sri Riski
" It's very good "
02 November 2014Winston Muliku
" Hot cappucino creme brulee...the best of cappucino "
07 October 2014Elin Carter
" With Daddy & Mommy "
27 September 2014Wiratama Akbariawan
" Cooreet "
23 August 2014Indra Purmawanto Prahara
" Data ngawur...... Araya kok ditaruh di jl,.emas????????????? Asli nyasarin orang "
14 August 2014Glady Pakasi
" Hidup dengan penuh kebahagiaan sejatra dan suka cita "
11 July 2014Dedy Waskito Kurniawan
" Adil Ka Talino Bacuramin Ka Saruga Basengat Ka Jubata...Pontianak is a coffe city..Excelso is a nice place to get ur best coffe..Recommended place "
07 May 2014Arif Iwan
" Tuku iki "
16 April 2014Arnold Saputra
" Excelso is a coffe cafe like Starbucks. It has a sofa , little coffe table, free wi-fi and of course coffe beverages plus cookies. You should try the Double-Espresso in Excelso. "
20 January 2014Medwin Geraldi B
" Nice one "
14 September 2013Dina Rianny
" Nice sleep dear,, "
18 August 2013Jossi Rossi
" I like the cofffe "
25 July 2013Onnie Kurnia
" sukak!! hangout and curcol with my best friends, open till 12.00 pm "
22 July 2013Yulies Puspita
" I love its house blend coffee and the foods I have tried are all yummy! Excelso has moved to Jayapura mall now which is even much better. It's cozier now. "
20 July 2013Hendi Yuhendi
" Nice~pit stop!!! "
14 July 2013Muliati Buduhama
" Lepasin booring kesini coba aja... "
12 July 2013Andi Kiul
" Mantepp "
29 June 2013Eunice Carravario
" Habis berbatang batang tuan belum datang
28 May 2013Dalam hati..resah menjerit bimbang "
Muha JiRin
" DimNa???? "
21 May 2013Dudun Gunawan
" Baskin robbins "
16 May 2013Rachmat Mufli
" Good for eat and enjoy with friends "
10 March 2013Iyan Firmansyah
" Sepiiiii sangattt..... "
11 January 2013Max Van Diest
" Service en lokatie in orde.Kwalieit ivm prijs iets te hoog. "
09 January 2013Abdillah Cool
" pengen kesana penasaran selama 8 tahun "
25 October 2012LecChen DeathbreathlLess
" i like it's "
19 July 2012Ibnu Nawila
" One of the best place to get coffee. This place also offers civet (luwak) coffee "
16 July 2012Alexander Raditio
" hangout with my prend "
26 June 2012