About Dokter Hewan drh. Amir Candra
Dokter Hewan drh. Amir Candra is a veterinary care, located at Istana Regency C2 No. 6A, RT 04/RW 01, Kec. Cicendo, Kel. Padjajaran., Pajajaran, Cicendo, Bandung City, West Java 40173, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 6020611, visit their website dokterhewanbandung.com for more detailed information.
Putra Pratama
" 2 times i went there for my 2 cats. Both of them died. No further diagnosis, just an injection each saying they have a fever. They got worse afterwards, both went through paralysis before dying. To other pet-lovers, please don't bring your pets here. RIP Kiwi & Alu. "
29 November 2020Rina Andrina
" I've been visited Drh.Amir since years ago until this time "
21 October 2020Erwin D
" Friendly staff and doctors. In my experience drh Amir is one of the best vets in Bandung, especially when it comes to surgery. "
27 January 2020Novelia Sutji
" helpful n friendly vet. thx "
18 January 2020Ishak Ishwara
" Thank you Doctors for helping my dog c-section went smooth and dog post surgery is very healthy. Clinic has a couple of doctors, drh Amir himself and his children to help. Called here on sunday and dr happen to be available willing to help. "
29 December 2019ईमानदारी ओलिविया
" Experienced and professional... no need test to diagnose "
25 December 2019Hendrawan Barli
" A comfy place for a veterinarian place. My dog got a surgery there to take out a bladder stone. Everything went well. "
06 November 2019Mia Hendriani Rahayu
" Very helpful doctor and staff. Clean and comfortable place here. Thank you, Doc for treating my Cimit well. She thanked you purrrry much ? "
10 September 2019Lmk Lmk
" Took my cat here about 1 year ago, I was really satisfied with service and the doctor's handling. He checked my cat thoroughly and cafefully, and the capsules he gave actually made my cat better. Its like I've took her to other vet before and she wasn't getting any better. So in desperation I scoured google to find some recommended vet. dr. Amir got quite nice review, and when I contacted the number it actually went through (tho ofcourse the more effective reason was really the distance from my place and pactice hour 😁). I was quite surprised too that his relatively small clinic is well equipped. Til today, even tho my cat is now with my parents in my hometown, I stil feel grateful to dr. Amir.
04 May 2019Ah also, before I took my cat there, I initially tought that private practice vets will be really expensive. I've already forgotten how much it costed me back then. But his practice is actually affordable (as it was the time when I don't have a job and money was really tight so yeah, I counted every penny). "
Lmk Lmk
" Took my cat here about 1 year ago, I was really satisfied with service and the doctor's handling. He checked my cat thoroughly and cafefully, and the capsules he gave actually made my cat better. Its like I've took her to other vet before and she wasn't getting any better. So in desperation I scoured google to find some recommended vet. dr. Amir got quite nice review, and when I contacted the number it actually went through (tho ofcourse the more effective reason was really the distance from my place and pactice hour 😁). I was quite surprised too that his relatively small clinic is well equipped. Til today, even tho my cat is now with my parents in my hometown, I stil feel grateful to dr. Amir.
04 May 2019Ah also, before I took my cat there, I initially tought that private practice vets will be really expensive. I've already forgotten how much it costed me back then. But his practice is actually affordable (as it was the time when I don't have a job and money was really tight so yeah, I counted every penny). "
Reynard Yang
" My dog died 2 hours after injection and given the prescribed medication. Really dissapointed and terribly sad as my dog's illness was not a terminal one according to other clinics I had checked up her with! Excess of foamy blood plasm was found immediately came out from mouth during her last minutes, and continued till the next morning. Just wonder how a doctor without blood check-up, if not a malpractice, can deliver judiciously relevant drugs???They must have provided a lethal dose of medicine or injection fluid after all !!!! "
12 March 2019Reynard Yang
" My dog died 2 hours after injection and given the prescribed medication. Really dissapointed and terribly sad as my dog's illness was not a terminal one according to other clinics I had checked up her with! Excess of foamy blood plasm was found immediately came out from mouth during her last minutes, and continued till the next morning. Just wonder how a doctor without blood check-up, if not a malpractice, can deliver judiciously relevant drugs???They must have provided a lethal dose of medicine or injection fluid after all !!!! "
12 March 2019なかNaka
" Clean and cozy, the best petshop i’ve went in Bandung. It took 70k for the consultation. "
05 March 2019Ernest Warouw
" he is a good doctor for years, who always provided time even though it was off schedule at the urgent time
23 February 2019Kirim masukan
Komunitas "
Ernest Warouw
" he is a good doctor for years, who always provided time even though it was off schedule at the urgent time
23 February 2019Kirim masukan
Komunitas "
" Since I was a kid, my Dad always have drh Amir to take care of our dogs. "
18 February 2019Djony Gunawan
" Nice place "
06 September 2018Arsa Ramadhan Nugraha Aji
" Good service "
30 August 2018Marfen Djajakusumah
" He is a talented Vet... "
04 August 2018Mhd Shulhan
" As far as I know, to know whether something got I virus or not, you must take and check their blood. Somehow, the vetenarian in here can detect if your pet get a virus just using a stethoscope. Amazing. "
13 June 2018Yoenita Prasetyasari
" Salah satu Dokter Hewan yg cukup senior menurut saya..cepat dan tanggap dalam memberikan tanggapan, humble dan yang penting hati kita nyaman membawa check up atau berobat hewan peliharaan kita..disamping itu dari segi biaya berobat cukup terjangkau dibanding klinik hewan lain..sebagai contoh pernah bawa kucing mainecoone saya scalling di salah satu klinik hewan didaerah soetta bandung harganya relatif mahal di kisaran diatas 1 jt..tapi waktu saya bawa ke drh Amir harga dibawah itu..selain itu karena sudah senior dokter nya jg profesional dan baik banget.saya lihat juga banyak pasien nya dari kalangan menengah keatas juga mempercayakan kesehatan hewan nya pada drhm Amir ini...jadi walau harga terjangkau tetap pelayanan pasien tetap profesional...Trimakasih Dokter Amir..kucing saya sekarang gigi nya sudah sehat kembali..😄😄👌👍 "
08 June 2018Andrie Setio
" Recommended Vet.. "
01 May 2018Daniel Paskalis
" Waktu dipanggil ke rumah, cek dogy saya.. bagi saya kurang memuaskan.. karna setelah datang cuma dilihat2 tanpa di sentuh, padahal dogy nyasakit kaki kemungkinan terkilir dan cuma dikasi resep dan biayanya mahal bgt, walaupun sudah berpengalaman bagi saya kurang etis seorang dokter tidak sungguh2 mengecek keadaan pasyen
23 April 2018Dan untuk biaya lumayan mahal hanya lihat-lihat dan kasi resep bisa kena 150k.. karna pengalaman ke dokter yang lain, di suntik cek fisik dan langsung dapat asupan vitamin dengan biaya jauh dibawah 150k "
Devy Nurmayanti
" Kecewa pelayanan nya lambat tadi saya bawa kucing saya ke dokter amir pas udah masuk ke dalem kucing saya di impus da di kasi obat masa pas udah di impus pulangnya langsung mati saya kecewa banget padahal itu kucing kesayangan saya
31 March 2018Dan harusnya kalau sudah parah di rawat ini kalau di rawat sudah hampir selamat ini malah di cabut di suruh pulang "
Karina Gunawan
" Dinilai dari pengalamannya, saya yakin bahwa drh.amir adalah salah satu dokter hewan yang paling berpengalaman di bandung, dan saya juga yakin that he knows what he's doing, his skill is i'm sure pasti baik. Sayangnya penilaian saya jatuh karena pelayanan yg diberikan menurut saya sangat tidak maksimal. Dari awal ketika saya datang (yg mana sblmnya sidah telfon dan saya dari luar kota) kami harus menunggu kira2 40menit, tanpa kejelasan apa yang ditunggu (dokternya lg keluar, tp kan apa salahnya ngomong tunggu ya dokternya lg house call or gmna). Lalu stlh dokter datang tindakan dilakukan (anjing saya ceasar), nah lagi2 kita 'disuruh' tunggu (saya kasih kutip karena sebetulnya tidak ada kata2 "mohon tunggu" dari pihak mereka). Tdk lama anakan lahir, indukan masih operasi, kami tunggu lagi kurang lebih 1 jam, lagi2 tanpa ada pembicaraan apa2, malah kami diminta untuk perhatikan puppiesnya. Setelah operasi, anjing langsung disuruh bawa pulang, lalu kami pulang dengan keadaan si indukan masih setengah sadar, anakan di dalam dus dialas koran. Sampai rumah indukan blm bisa bangun, dan sampai malam masih keadaannya blm sepenuhnya sadar, tdk bisa makan, dan menggigil. Kami sempat panik, karena indukan ini sudah 3x melahirkan sebelumnya semua ceasar, dulu karena kami di tangerang maka kami ke dokter di tangerang, dan tidak pernah seperti ini. Biasanya pulang ke rumah, 3-4jam kemudian indukan sudah bisa jalan, tidak menggigil dan malamnya bisa makan. Saya mmg tidak mempersalahkan dokter dan team utk keadaan ini, tp yg membuat saya kecewa adalah malamnya ketika kami panik kami coba hubungi dokter dan tdk ada respon (via wa dan tlp). Padahal kan kami ingin menanyakan apa kondisi ini normal atau tidak dll. Puji Tuhan keesokan harinya indukan sudah mulai membaik.
22 February 2018Satu hal lagi, ini saya share karena saya membandingkan dengan pengalaman yang sudah2 sebelumnya waktu indukan saya lahiran. Di klinik habis ceasar biasanya anakan mulai dicoba disusui, kalau indukan blm keluar susu maka akan dilakukan prosedur2 tertentu. Ketika akan dibawa plg juga selalu dikasih tau nanti bagaimana2nya, apakah anaknya harus dikasih sufor, apa induknya harus dikasih obat untuk susu atau bagaimana. Di dokter ini tidak ada sama sekali hal2 tersebut. Anakan baru kami coba susui setelah sampai rumah. Well, karena kami sudah pernah punya 2x anakan sebelumnya sih jadi kami tidak terlalu buta masalah seperti ini. Tapi bayangkan yang baru pertama kali anjingnya lahiran, pasti bingung kan bagaimana2nya.
Memang harga untuk prosedur yang sama di dokter hewan di serpong lebih mahal, tapi menurut saya servicenya jauh lebih baik. Kami biasanya di briefing dl ttg prosedurnya secara singkat, lalu dipersilahkan untuk tunggu, atau mau ditinggal dan nanti di telfon kalau sudah selesai. Biasanya saya tinggal, 2-3 jam kemudian dijemput keadaan anakan sudah mulai disusui, indukan sudah sadar dan memang masih recover, lalu anakan akan ditempatkan dus dialas perlak, indukan digendongkan sampai ke mobil. Kita akan dikasih tau apa2 saja yang harus dilakukan di rumah, dan kalau ada apa2 dokter bisa dihubungi walaupun malam (24jam).
Jadi ya, begitulah pengalaman saya. Syukurnya indukan dan anakan skrg sehat, semoga sehat terus, dan mudah2an review saya bisa jadi sesuatu yg positif buat semua pihak, tanpa maksud menjatuhkan, hanya sekedar sharing pengalaman dan mudah2an bisa jdi perhatian juga buat pihak penyedia jasa, karena sekarang ini saya yakin bila bisnis tidak disertai service yang baik maka bisa berubah jadi negatif.
Terima kasih.. "
Pania Meow
" Very trusted vet, informative and surprisingly affordable! He doesn't give you unnecessary medicine or vitamins like any other vet that I met. Recommended. "
16 December 2017Phebe Limarga
" Fast response "
03 June 2017