Departemen Biologi IPB - Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University
About Departemen Biologi IPB - Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University
Departemen Biologi IPB - Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University is a university, located at Gedung Biologi, Kampus IPB, Dramaga, Bogor, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor City, West Java 16680, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 8622833, visit their website for more detailed information.
Cica' Aconk
" Sedang ada penambahan gedung baru untuk jurusan biokimia. Jalan masuk dan parkir di alihkan ke FPIK. "
17 May 2018Medi Mustaqim
" Ok "
25 February 2018Sifa Awalul Fikriah
" Gedung Dept Biologi terletak diantara Auditorium FMIPA dan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB. Terdiri atas 4 lantai dan 2 wing. Kebersihannya dan fasilitas umumnya cukup terjaga. Terdapat jalan khusus untuk penyandang disabilitas. "
24 November 2017Jion Kant
" World class department with competent lecturer "
19 October 2017Ikbal Maulana
" Keren lah. Terbaik "
16 September 2017Muhammad Ikhsan
" Dekat fasilitas olahraga, masjid utama, dan perpustakaan LSI "
16 September 2017Nida
" Gedung baru departemen biologi IPB letaknya tidak jauh dengan auditorium FMIPA. Jika dari jalan raya gedung biologi ini berhadapan dengan masjid alhuriyyah. "
07 September 2017Argent
" Clean and comfortable, the students are also quite friendly. ALSO, the one thing that stands out is the administration. There you will meet Mr. Endan or "Mas Endan" as the students call him, is the hero of the Biology departmen. All students rely on his work, their life and death rests atop his shoulders. "
04 September 2017M Ezzeddin
" Superb service, Good Labs, Competent Lecturer. "
16 June 2017